22283 publications

  1. Market Entry and Competition Law in Latin America
  2. Market Entry in China
  3. Market Entry in Japan
  4. Market Entry into the USA
  5. Market Evolution
  6. Market Expectations and Option Prices
  7. Market Failure in Training?
  8. Market Failure, Government Failure, Leadership and Public Policy
  9. Market Forces and World Development
  10. Market Forces in Planned Economies
  11. Market Imperfections and Macroeconomic Dynamics
  12. Market Integration Through Data Protection
  13. Market Integration in the European Community
  14. Market Integration: The EU Experience and Implications for Regulatory Reform in China
  15. Market Integrity
  16. Market Interrelationships and Applied Demand Analysis
  17. Market Liberalism and Economic Patriotism in the Capitalist World-System
  18. Market Liquidity Risk
  19. Market Mediations
  20. Market Microstructure and Nonlinear Dynamics
  21. Market Operation for Reactive Power Ancillary Service
  22. Market Orientation in Food and Agriculture
  23. Market Oriented Product Innovation
  24. Market Power
  25. Market Power and the Economy
  26. Market Research
  27. Market Research with Panels
  28. Market Response Models
  29. Market Response Models: Econometric and Time Series Analysis
  30. Market Risk and Financial Markets Modeling
  31. Market Segmentation
  32. Market Segmentation
  33. Market Segmentation Analysis
  34. Market Structure and Equilibrium
  35. Market Timing and Moving Averages
  36. Market Timing with Moving Averages
  37. Market Tremors
  38. Market Versus Society
  39. Market and Health
  40. Market and Institutional Regulation in Chinese Industrialization, 1978-94
  41. Market or Government Failures?
  42. Market, Ethics and Religion
  43. Market, Regulations and Finance
  44. Market-Based Fisheries Management
  45. Market-Based Public Policy
  46. Market-Conform Valuation of Options
  47. Market-Consistent Actuarial Valuation
  48. Market-Consistent Actuarial Valuation
  49. Market-Consistent Actuarial Valuation
  50. Market-Consistent Prices
  51. Market-Driven Plant Breeding for Practicing Breeders
  52. Market-Driven Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio
  53. Market-Driving Behavior in Emerging Firms
  54. Market-Maker als liquiditätsspendende Intermediäre in Börsenmärkten
  55. Market-Oriented Technology Management
  56. Market-Value Pricing
  57. Market-oriented Systemic Transformations in Eastern Europe
  58. Marketed and Marketable Surplus of Major Food Grains in India
  59. Marketing
  60. Marketing
  61. Marketing
  62. Marketing
  63. Marketing
  64. Marketing
  65. Marketing
  66. Marketing
  67. Marketing
  68. Marketing
  69. Marketing
  70. Marketing
  71. Marketing
  72. Marketing
  73. Marketing
  74. Marketing
  75. Marketing
  76. Marketing
  77. Marketing
  78. Marketing
  79. Marketing
  80. Marketing
  81. Marketing
  82. Marketing
  83. Marketing
  84. Marketing
  85. Marketing
  86. Marketing
  87. Marketing
  88. Marketing
  89. Marketing
  90. Marketing
  91. Marketing
  92. Marketing
  93. Marketing
  94. Marketing
  95. Marketing
  96. Marketing
  97. Marketing
  98. Marketing
  99. Marketing
  100. Marketing
  101. Marketing
  102. Marketing
  103. Marketing
  104. Marketing
  105. Marketing
  106. Marketing
  107. Marketing & Innovation 2021
  108. Marketing & Innovation 2023
  109. Marketing 1
  110. Marketing 1
  111. Marketing 2
  112. Marketing 2.0
  113. Marketing 2.0
  114. Marketing 2000
  115. Marketing 3
  116. Marketing 3
  117. Marketing Analytics
  118. Marketing Analytics Roadmap
  119. Marketing Arbeitsbuch
  120. Marketing Arbeitsbuch
  121. Marketing Arbeitsbuch
  122. Marketing Arbeitsbuch
  123. Marketing Arbeitsbuch
  124. Marketing Aspects of International Business
  125. Marketing Big Oil: Brand Lessons from the World’s Largest Companies
  126. Marketing Brands in Africa
  127. Marketing Case Studies in Emerging Markets
  128. Marketing Cases from Emerging Markets
  129. Marketing Challenges in a Turbulent Business Environment
  130. Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Networks in North America
  131. Marketing Communication Policies
  132. Marketing Communications and Brand Development in Emerging Economies Volume I
  133. Marketing Communications and Brand Development in Emerging Markets Volume II
  134. Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume I
  135. Marketing Communications in Emerging Economies, Volume II
  136. Marketing Competences and Strategic Flexibility in China
  137. Marketing Decisions Under Uncertainty
  138. Marketing Dynamism & Sustainability: Things Change, Things Stay the Same…
  139. Marketing Effectiveness and Accountability in SMEs
  140. Marketing Engineering
  141. Marketing Erneuerbarer Energien
  142. Marketing Excellence
  143. Marketing Fallstudien
  144. Marketing Financial Services
  145. Marketing Food Brands
  146. Marketing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
  147. Marketing Health Behavior
  148. Marketing Horizons: A 1980's Perspective
  149. Marketing Identities through Language
  150. Marketing Innovations in the Automotive Industry
  151. Marketing Intelligence
  152. Marketing Intelligence Analyse im deutschen Kochboxen-Markt
  153. Marketing Intelligent Systems Using Soft Computing
  154. Marketing Issues in Transitional Economies
  155. Marketing Leadership in Government
  156. Marketing Literature
  157. Marketing Luxury Services
  158. Marketing Management
  159. Marketing Management Support Systems
  160. Marketing Management: An International Perspective
  161. Marketing Metaphors and Metamorphosis
  162. Marketing New Industrial Products
  163. Marketing Opportunities and Challenges in a Changing Global Marketplace
  164. Marketing Performance
  165. Marketing Performance Management
  166. Marketing Psychology
  167. Marketing Renewable Energy
  168. Marketing Research
  169. Marketing Research and Modeling: Progress and Prospects
  170. Marketing Revealed
  171. Marketing Shares, Sharing Markets
  172. Marketing Solutions to the Challenges of a VUCA Environment
  173. Marketing Strategies for Design-Build Contracting
  174. Marketing Strategy and Management
  175. Marketing Theory and Practice
  176. Marketing Through Turbulent Times
  177. Marketing Tourism and Hospitality
  178. Marketing Tourist Destinations in Emerging Economies
  179. Marketing Transformation: Marketing Practice in an Ever Changing World
  180. Marketing US Foreign Policy in the MENA Region
  181. Marketing Weiterdenken
  182. Marketing Weiterdenken
  183. Marketing Wisdom
  184. Marketing ambulanter Pflegedienste
  185. Marketing and American Consumer Culture
  186. Marketing and Customer Loyalty
  187. Marketing and Economics
  188. Marketing and Property People
  189. Marketing and Sales Automation
  190. Marketing and Smart Technologies
  191. Marketing and Smart Technologies
  192. Marketing and Smart Technologies
  193. Marketing and Smart Technologies
  194. Marketing and Smart Technologies
  195. Marketing and Smart Technologies
  196. Marketing and Smart Technologies
  197. Marketing anders denken
  198. Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics
  199. Marketing auf konzerninternen Wissensmärkten
  200. Marketing auf neuen Wegen