22283 publications

  1. Mapping Transnational Habitus
  2. Mapping Urban Practices Through Mobile Phone Data
  3. Mapping Urban Regeneration
  4. Mapping Versatile Boundaries
  5. Mapping Violeta Parra’s Cultural Landscapes
  6. Mapping Wilderness
  7. Mapping and Spatial Analysis of Socio-economic and Environmental Indicators for Sustainable Development
  8. Mapping and Spatial Modelling for Navigation
  9. Mapping of Parent Hamiltonians
  10. Mapping of the Moon
  11. Mapping out the Research Field of Adult Education and Learning
  12. Mapping selfies and memes as Touch
  13. Mapping the Archaeological Continuum
  14. Mapping the Buddhist Path to Liberation
  15. Mapping the Differentiated Consensus of the Joint Declaration
  16. Mapping the Diversity of Nature
  17. Mapping the Dynamics of Science and Technology
  18. Mapping the Enterprise
  19. Mapping the Future of Biology
  20. Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies
  21. Mapping the Higher Education Landscape
  22. Mapping the Influencers in EU Policies
  23. Mapping the Progress of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease
  24. Mapping the Risk of Flood, Mass Movement and Local Subsidence
  25. Mapping the Social Consequences of Alcohol Consumption
  26. Mapping the Sociology of Health and Medicine
  27. Mapping, Planning and Exploration with Pose SLAM
  28. Mappings of Operator Algebras
  29. Mappings with Direct and Inverse Poletsky Inequalities
  30. Mappingverfahren in der Elektrophysiologie
  31. Maps and the Writing of Space in Early Modern England and Ireland
  32. Maps for the Future
  33. Maps of Lunar Hemispheres
  34. Maps of Quality of Life in Argentina Since the 19th Century
  35. Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿa and Contemporary Reformist Muslim Thought
  36. Marathon Running: Physiology, Psychology, Nutrition and Training Aspects
  37. Marburg Virus Disease
  38. Marburg- and Ebolaviruses
  39. Marc-André Raffalovich’s Uranism and Unisexuality
  40. Marcel Beyer
  41. Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain
  42. Marcel Grossmann
  43. Marcel Proust
  44. Marches Aléatoires sur les Groupes de Lie
  45. Marco Antonio Chaer Nascimento
  46. Marconi's Wireless and the Rhetoric of a New Technology
  47. Marcosandmarjan
  48. Marcus Contextual Grammars
  49. Mare Plasticum - The Plastic Sea
  50. Marek Thee: My Story
  51. Marek’s Disease
  52. Marek’s Disease
  53. Marfan-Syndrom
  54. Margaret Atwood
  55. Margaret Atwood
  56. Margaret Atwood: Writing and Subjectivity
  57. Margaret Fuller
  58. Margaret Mead
  59. Margaret Paston’s Piety
  60. Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan
  61. Margarete Susman - Religious-Political Essays on Judaism
  62. Margarine
  63. Margherita Sarrocchi's Letters to Galileo
  64. Marginal Donors
  65. Marginal Men
  66. Marginal Models
  67. Marginal Models in Analysis of Correlated Binary Data with Time Dependent Covariates
  68. Marginal Notes
  69. Marginal Organizations
  70. Marginal Revolution in Economics
  71. Marginal Space Learning for Medical Image Analysis
  72. Marginal Spaces and Cultures of Dissent in Socialist Romania's Black Sea
  73. Marginal and Functional Quantization of Stochastic Processes
  74. Marginal(ized) Prospects through Biblical Ritual and Law
  75. Marginalisation and Aggression from Bullying to Genocide
  76. Marginalisation of Older Men
  77. Marginalisierte Gefühlswelten
  78. Marginalisierung, Stadt und Soziale Arbeit
  79. Marginalities in India
  80. Marginality
  81. Marginality and Global LGBT Communities
  82. Marginality in the Urban Center
  83. Marginality, Migration and Education
  84. Marginalization in China
  85. Marginalization in Globalizing Delhi: Issues of Land, Livelihoods and Health
  86. Marginalization in Urban China
  87. Margins of Error in Accounting
  88. Maria Edgeworth and Abolition
  89. Maria Edgeworth’s Irish Writing
  90. Maria Skłodowska-Curie und ihre Familie
  91. MariaDB and MySQL Common Table Expressions and Window Functions Revealed
  92. Marian Devotion Among the Roma in Slovakia
  93. Marian Devotions, Political Mobilization, and Nationalism in Europe and America
  94. Mariane von Rantzau und die Kunst der Demut
  95. Marianne Ehrmann
  96. Marianne Maderna
  97. Marie Stopes’ Sexual Revolution and the Birth Control Movement
  98. Marihuana
  99. Marihuana
  100. Marihuana and Medicine
  101. Marijuana
  102. Marijuana and Cannabinoid Research
  103. Marijuana and the Cannabinoids
  104. Marina Carr
  105. Marine Algal Bloom: Characteristics, Causes and Climate Change Impacts
  106. Marine Analytical Chemistry
  107. Marine Animal Forests
  108. Marine Animal Forests
  109. Marine Anthropogenic Litter
  110. Marine Benthic Vegetation
  111. Marine Bioactive Compounds
  112. Marine Bioactive Molecules for Biomedical and Pharmacotherapeutic Applications
  113. Marine Biodiversity
  114. Marine Biodiversity of Costa Rica, Central America
  115. Marine Bioinvasions: Patterns, Processes and Perspectives
  116. Marine Biological Materials of Invertebrate Origin
  117. Marine Biomaterials
  118. Marine Biomaterials
  119. Marine Biotechnology I
  120. Marine Biotechnology II
  121. Marine Biotechnology: Applications in Food, Drugs and Energy
  122. Marine Carbon Biogeochemistry
  123. Marine Chemistry
  124. Marine Clastic Reservoirs
  125. Marine Clastic Sedimentology
  126. Marine Climate and Climate Change
  127. Marine Climate of Russian Coastal Territories
  128. Marine Coastal Ecosystems Modelling and Conservation
  129. Marine Concrete
  130. Marine Conservation Paleobiology
  131. Marine Debris
  132. Marine Ecological Geography
  133. Marine Ecological Processes
  134. Marine Ecological Processes
  135. Marine Ecological Processes
  136. Marine Ecosystem-Based Management in Practice
  137. Marine Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation
  138. Marine Environmental Characterization
  139. Marine Eutrophication in Perspective
  140. Marine Fish Culture
  141. Marine Fog: Challenges and Advancements in Observations, Modeling, and Forecasting
  142. Marine Genetics
  143. Marine Genomics
  144. Marine Genomics
  145. Marine Geochemistry
  146. Marine Geochemistry
  147. Marine Geochemistry
  148. Marine Geological Surveying and Sampling
  149. Marine Geology and Oceanography of the Arctic Seas
  150. Marine Geology and Oceanography of the Pacific Manganese Nodule Province
  151. Marine Hard Bottom Communities
  152. Marine Hydrocarbon Seeps
  153. Marine Hydrothermal Systems and the Origin of Life
  154. Marine Insurance
  155. Marine Isotope Stage 3 in Southern South America, 60 KA B.P.-30 KA B.P.
  156. Marine Mammal Sensory Systems
  157. Marine Mammal Welfare
  158. Marine Mammals
  159. Marine Mammals
  160. Marine Mammals
  161. Marine Mammals: the Evolving Human Factor
  162. Marine Mesocosms
  163. Marine Metagenomics
  164. Marine Minerals
  165. Marine Natural Products
  166. Marine Natural Products
  167. Marine Natural Products Chemistry
  168. Marine Natural Products — Diversity and Biosynthesis
  169. Marine Navigation 1 : Piloting
  170. Marine Niche: Applications in Pharmaceutical Sciences
  171. Marine Nitrogen Fixation
  172. Marine Nuclear Power Technology
  173. Marine Oil and Gas Exploration in China
  174. Marine Organic Matter: Biomarkers, Isotopes and DNA
  175. Marine Organic Micropollutants
  176. Marine Organisms as Indicators
  177. Marine Organisms as Model Systems in Biology and Medicine
  178. Marine Organisms: A Solution to Environmental Pollution?
  179. Marine Otter Conservation
  180. Marine Painting Manual
  181. Marine Pelagic Cyanobacteria: Trichodesmium and other Diazotrophs
  182. Marine Permian of England
  183. Marine Physiology Down East: The Story of the Mt. Desert Island Biological Laboratory
  184. Marine Phytoplankton and Productivity
  185. Marine Plastics: Innovative Solutions to Tackling Waste
  186. Marine Pollution
  187. Marine Pollution and Microbial Remediation
  188. Marine Pollution – Monitoring, Management and Mitigation
  189. Marine Power Plant
  190. Marine Productivity: Perturbations and Resilience of Socio-ecosystems
  191. Marine Protected Areas
  192. Marine Protists
  193. Marine Renewable Energy
  194. Marine Renewable Energy Technology and Environmental Interactions
  195. Marine Resource Conservation and Poverty Reduction Strategies in Tanzania
  196. Marine Resource Damage Assessment
  197. Marine Robot Autonomy
  198. Marine Robotics and Applications
  199. Marine Science & Technology in China: A Roadmap to 2050
  200. Marine Science Frontiers for Europe