24982 publications

  1. Subsurface Hydrological Responses to Land Cover and Land Use Changes
  2. Subsurface Solute Transport Models and Case Histories
  3. Subsurface Ventilation and Environmental Engineering
  4. Subsurface-Water Hydrology
  5. Subsyndrome der chronischen Schizophrenie
  6. Subtelomeres
  7. Subterranean Politics and Freud’s Legacy
  8. Subterranean Politics in Europe
  9. Subterranean Rodents
  10. Subterranean Space in Contemporary Mexico City Literature
  11. Subtilisin Enzymes
  12. Subtropical Convergence Environments
  13. Subtropical Mountain Forests of Las Yungas: Vegetation and Bioclimate
  14. Subunit Vaccine Delivery
  15. Suburban Remix
  16. Suburban Retail Spaces
  17. Suburbanisierung in Deutschland
  18. SuburbiaNation
  19. Subventionseffizienz staatlicher Finanzpolitik
  20. Subventionskriminalität zum Nachteil der Europäischen Gemeinschaften
  21. Subversion in Institutional Change and Stability
  22. Subversion, Sexuality and the Virtual Self
  23. Subversive Adaptations
  24. Subversive Performance in the Age of Human Capital
  25. Subversive Souveräne
  26. Subversive Stadtplanung
  27. Subverting Borders
  28. Subverting Empire
  29. Subverting Mainstream Narratives in the Reagan Era
  30. Subverting Resistance to Social Justice and Diversity Education
  31. Subverting Scriptures
  32. Subvolume A
  33. Subvolume A
  34. Subvolume A
  35. Subvolume A
  36. Subvolume A
  37. Subvolume A
  38. Subvolume B
  39. Subvolume B
  40. Subvolume B
  41. Subvolume B
  42. Subvolume B
  43. Subvolume C
  44. Subwavelength and Nanometer Diameter Optical Fibers
  45. Subway Energy-Efficient Management
  46. Succeeding in Academic Medicine
  47. Succeeding with Agile Hybrids
  48. Success Factors for Future Growth of Car Sharing Services
  49. Success Factors in Logistics Outsourcing
  50. Success Factors of Corporate Spin-Offs
  51. Success Factors of Corporate Spin-Offs
  52. Success Factors of Regional Strategies for Multinational Corporations
  53. Success Metrics
  54. Success Stories as Hard Data
  55. Success Stories in Asian Aquaculture
  56. Success Strategies and Knowledge Transfer in Cross-Border Consulting Operations
  57. Success and Failure of IS/IT Projects
  58. Success for College Students with Learning Disabilities
  59. Success in Academic Surgery
  60. Success in Academic Surgery
  61. Success in Academic Surgery: Basic Science
  62. Success in Academic Surgery: Basic Science
  63. Success in Academic Surgery: Clinical Trials
  64. Success in Academic Surgery: Developing a Career in Surgical Education
  65. Success in Academic Surgery: Developing a Career in Surgical Education
  66. Success in Academic Surgery: Health Services Research
  67. Success in Academic Surgery: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  68. Success in Changing Environments
  69. Success in Evolutionary Computation
  70. Success in Higher Education
  71. Success in Mentoring Your Student Researchers
  72. Success in Navigating Your Student Research Experience
  73. Success in Programming
  74. Success in Referential Communication
  75. Success in Six Cups of Coffee
  76. Success in a Low-Return World
  77. Success in the Bottom of the Pyramid Market in Africa
  78. Success of University Spin-Offs
  79. Success with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0
  80. Successes and Challenges of Emerging Economy Multinationals
  81. Successes of the International Monetary Fund
  82. Successes, Limitations, and Frontiers in Ecosystem Science
  83. Successful Advanced Practice Nurse Role Transition
  84. Successful African-American Men
  85. Successful Aging
  86. Successful Aging
  87. Successful Career Strategy
  88. Successful Case-based Reasoning Applications - I
  89. Successful Case-based Reasoning Applications-2
  90. Successful Decision-Making
  91. Successful Decision-making
  92. Successful Decision-making
  93. Successful Digital Transformation Initiatives in SMEs
  94. Successful Doctoral Training in Nursing and Health Sciences
  95. Successful Educational Actions for Inclusion and Social Cohesion in Europe
  96. Successful Emotions
  97. Successful Family Language Policy
  98. Successful Global Collaborations in Higher Education Institutions
  99. Successful Global Leadership
  100. Successful IT Outsourcing
  101. Successful Innovation Systems
  102. Successful International Negotiations
  103. Successful Management
  104. Successful Management Strategies and Tools
  105. Successful Management by Motivation
  106. Successful Negotiations
  107. Successful Prevention Programs for Children and Adolescents
  108. Successful Prevention and Youth Development Programs
  109. Successful Principal Leadership In Times Of Change
  110. Successful Product Management
  111. Successful Public Health Advocacy
  112. Successful Reading Assessments and Interventions for Struggling Readers
  113. Successful Salon Management
  114. Successful Science and Engineering Teaching
  115. Successful Science and Engineering Teaching
  116. Successful Social Activism and Unintended Market Emergence
  117. Successful Social Media and Ecommerce Strategies in the Wine Industry
  118. Successful Teacher Education
  119. Successful Test Management
  120. Successful Transposition of Lesson Study
  121. Successful Wine Marketing
  122. Successful negotiation with the Driver-Seat Concept
  123. Successfully Implementing Microsoft Dynamics™
  124. Successfully Managing Complex Companies
  125. Successfully Managing S/4HANA Projects
  126. Successfully Negotiating in Asia
  127. Successfully Negotiating in Asia
  128. Succession
  129. Succession Law, Practice and Society in Europe across the Centuries
  130. Succession Planning
  131. Succession Politics in Indonesia
  132. Succession and Innovation in Asia’s Small-and-Medium-Sized Enterprises
  133. Succession in Abandoned Fields
  134. Succession in Asian Family Firms
  135. Succession in Saudi Arabia
  136. Suche nach Sicherheit
  137. Suchen und Finden im Internet
  138. Suchfeldbestimmung und Ideenbewertung
  139. Suchmaschinen
  140. Suchmaschinen im Internet
  141. Suchmaschinen verstehen
  142. Suchmaschinen verstehen
  143. Suchmaschinen verstehen
  144. Suchmaschinen, Algorithmen und Meinungsmacht
  145. Suchmaschinen-Marketing
  146. Suchmaschinen-Marketing
  147. Suchmaschinenmarketing in der Personalakquise
  148. Suchmaschinenoptimierung
  149. Suchmaschinenoptimierung kompakt
  150. Suchprobleme
  151. Sucht im Alter
  152. Sucht im Alter – Maßnahmen und Konzepte für die Pflege
  153. Sucht und Armut
  154. Sucht und Familie
  155. Sucht und Gesundheit
  156. Sucht und Männlichkeiten
  157. Sucht und Trauma
  158. Suchtbehandlung und Digitalisierung
  159. Suchtheorie
  160. Suchthilfe und Suchtprävention als Aufgabe des Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes
  161. Suchtkrankheit
  162. Suchtkrankheiten
  163. Suchtkultur und Gruppentherapie
  164. Suchtmittel in der AINS
  165. Suchtprävention in der Schule
  166. Suchttherapie: Kein Zug nach Nirgendwo
  167. Suchtvorbeugung in Österreich
  168. Sucking Pests of Crops
  169. Sucralfate
  170. Sucrose
  171. Sudan Divided
  172. Sudan and South Sudan
  173. Sudan, Civil War and Terrorism, 1956–99
  174. Sudanese Women Refugees
  175. Sudan’s “Southern Problem”
  176. Sudden Cardiac Death
  177. Sudden Cardiac Death and Congestive Heart Failure: Diagnosis and Treatment
  178. Sudden Cardiac Death in the Young and Athletes
  179. Sudden Death
  180. Sudden Death
  181. Sudden Death: Intervention Skills for the Emergency Services
  182. Sudden Deaths in Custody
  183. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
  184. Sudoku Programming with C
  185. Suffering Art Gladly
  186. Suffering and the Intelligence of Love in the Teaching Life
  187. Suffering, Art, and Aesthetics
  188. Suffrage Outside Suffragism
  189. Suffrage and Its Legacy in the Nordics and Beyond
  190. Sufi Martyrs of Love
  191. Sugar Beet Cultivation, Management and Processing
  192. Sugar Cane Cultivation and Management
  193. Sugar Chains
  194. Sugar Confectionery and Chocolate Manufacture
  195. Sugar and Sugar Derivatives: Changing Consumer Preferences
  196. Sugar: Refined Power in a Global Regime
  197. Sugarcane Biofuels
  198. Sugarcane Biotechnology: Challenges and Prospects
  199. Sugarcane Labor Migration in Brazil
  200. Suggestion and Suggestibility