24982 publications

  1. Subaltern Ethics in Contemporary Scottish and Irish Literature
  2. Subaltern Public Theology
  3. Subaltern Urbanisation in India
  4. Subalternity vs. Hegemony, Cuba's Outstanding Achievements in Science and Biotechnology, 1959-2014
  5. Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
  6. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
  7. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Clinical Practice
  8. Subarachnoidalblutungen aus Hirnaneurysmen als Todesursache
  9. Subband Image Coding
  10. Subband and Wavelet Transforms
  11. Subcellular Basis of Contractile Failure
  12. Subcellular Biochemistry
  13. Subcellular Biochemistry
  14. Subcellular Biochemistry
  15. Subcellular Biochemistry
  16. Subcellular Biochemistry
  17. Subcellular Biochemistry
  18. Subcellular Biochemistry
  19. Subcellular Biochemistry
  20. Subcellular Proteomics
  21. Subconscious Learning via Games and Social Media
  22. Subcortical Neurosurgery
  23. Subcortical Structures and Cognition
  24. Subdifferentials: Theory and Applications
  25. Subdivision Surface Modeling Technology
  26. Subdivision Surfaces
  27. Subduction
  28. Subduction Zone Geodynamics
  29. Subduction Zones Part II
  30. Subduction and Closure of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean along the Solonker Suture Zone: Constraints from an Integrated Sedimentary Provenance Analysis
  31. Subdural Hematoma
  32. Subgame Consistent Cooperation
  33. Subgame Consistent Economic Optimization
  34. Subgroup Growth
  35. Subharmonic Functions
  36. Subject Clitics in the Northern Italian Dialects
  37. Subject-Oriented Business Process Management
  38. Subject-Oriented Business Process Management
  39. Subject-Oriented Business Process Management. Dynamic Digital Design of Everything – Designing or being designed?
  40. Subject-Oriented Business Process Management. Models for Designing Digital Transformations
  41. Subject-Oriented Business Process Management. The Digital Workplace – Nucleus of Transformation
  42. Subjectivation in Political Theory and Contemporary Practices
  43. Subjective Logic
  44. Subjective Quality Measurement of Speech
  45. Subjective Views of Aging
  46. Subjective Well-Being and Security
  47. Subjective Well-Being in the Indian Context
  48. Subjective quality of life and social work
  49. Subjectivity In-Between Times
  50. Subjectivity and Infinity
  51. Subjectivity and Knowledge
  52. Subjectivity and Selfhood in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy
  53. Subjectivity and Suffering in American Culture
  54. Subjectivity and Truth
  55. Subjectivity in the American Protest Novel
  56. Subjectivity within Cultural-Historical Approach
  57. Subjectivity, Gender and the Struggle for Recognition
  58. Subjectivity, the Unconscious and Consumerism
  59. Subjects in the Ancient and Modern World
  60. Subjects of Security
  61. Subjekt Medium Bildung
  62. Subjekt ohne Ruhe
  63. Subjekt und Subjektivierung
  64. Subjekt – Identität – Person?
  65. Subjekt, Macht und Literalität
  66. Subjekt, System, Diskurs
  67. Subjektive Faktoren in der Translation
  68. Subjektive Führungstheorien und die Umsetzung von Führungsgrundsätzen im Unternehmen
  69. Subjektive Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden im Übergang in den Ruhestand
  70. Subjektive Investitionsbewertung, Marktbewertung und Risikoteilung
  71. Subjektive Lebensqualität und Soziale Arbeit
  72. Subjektive Leistungen im Arbeitsprozeß
  73. Subjektive Organisationstheorien
  74. Subjektive Rechte
  75. Subjektive Sicherheit in Situation, Organisation und Diskurs
  76. Subjektive Wahrnehmung und Bewertung fahrbahninduzierter Gier- und Wankbewegungen im virtuellen Fahrversuch
  77. Subjektive Überzeugungen von Berufsbildnern
  78. Subjektivierung von Arbeit zwischen Selbstverwirklichung und Selbstausbeutung
  79. Subjektivierung von Arbeit: Freiwillige Selbstausbeutung
  80. Subjektivierung von Arbeit: Freiwillige Selbstausbeutung
  81. Subjektorientierte Soziologie
  82. Subjektorientierte politische Bildung
  83. Subjektorientierung in der Arbeits- und Industriesoziologie
  84. Subjektunabhängige, analytische Unternehmensethik
  85. Subjugated Knowledges
  86. Subjunctive Reasoning
  87. Subkultur und Subversion
  88. Sublimat und sein Ersatz bei der Durchtränkung der Verbandstoffe
  89. Sublime Coleridge
  90. Sublime Communication Technologies
  91. Sublinear Algorithms for Big Data Applications
  92. Sublinear Computation Paradigm
  93. Submanifold Theory
  94. Submarine Cables Protection and Regulations
  95. Submarine Fans and Related Turbidite Systems
  96. Submarine Geomorphology
  97. Submarine Hydrodynamics
  98. Submarine Hydrodynamics
  99. Submarine Landslides and Tsunamis
  100. Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences
  101. Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences
  102. Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences
  103. Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences
  104. Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences
  105. Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences
  106. Submarine Massflow Sedimentation
  107. Submarine Power Cables
  108. Submerged Cultural Resource Management
  109. Submerging Markets
  110. Submersible Technology
  111. Submersible Technology: Adapting to Change
  112. Submicron Porous Materials
  113. Submicroscopic Cytodifferentiation
  114. Submillimetre Astronomy
  115. Submillimetre Studies of Prestellar and Starless Cores in the Ophiuchus, Taurus and Cepheus Molecular Clouds
  116. Submission and Subjection in Leviathan: Good Subjects in the Hobbesian Commonwealth
  117. Submodular Rate Region Models for Multicast Communication in Wireless Networks
  118. Submodularity in Dynamics and Control of Networked Systems
  119. Subnational Authorities and the European Union
  120. Subnational Government
  121. Subnational Population Estimates
  122. Subnationale Außenbeziehungen
  123. Suboptimale Regler mit abschnittweise linearer Struktur
  124. Suborbital
  125. Subordinating Modalities
  126. Subordination Autorität Psychotherapie
  127. Subpulmonic Ventricular Septal Defect
  128. Subrecursive Programming Systems
  129. Subregional Cooperation in the New Europe
  130. Subregional International Economic Integration
  131. Subregionalism and World Order
  132. Subsampling
  133. Subscribing to Faith? The Anglican Parish Magazine 1859–1929
  134. Subsea International’ 93
  135. Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Hydrothermal Systems
  136. Subsecond Annealing of Advanced Materials
  137. Subsequent Agreements and Subsequent Practice in Domestic Courts
  138. Subsidence Analysis and Visualization
  139. Subsidiarity Governance
  140. Subsidiarity and Economic Reform in Europe
  141. Subsidiarität in Europa
  142. Subsidiarität und föderale Währungsunion in Europa
  143. Subsidiaritätsgrundsatz und Tatsachenfeststellung unter der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention
  144. Subsidiaritätsprinzip und EU-Gemeinschaftsordnung
  145. Subsidies in the Context of the WTO's Free Trade System
  146. Subsidy Regulation and State Transformation in North America, the GATT and the EU
  147. Subsistence Entrepreneurship
  148. Subskriptionsmodelle im Handel
  149. Subskriptionssysteme
  150. Subsoil Constraints for Crop Production
  151. Subsoil Monitoring at Nuclear Industry Enterprises
  152. Subsonic Combustion Ramjet Design
  153. Subspace Identification for Linear Systems
  154. Subspace Methods for Pattern Recognition in Intelligent Environment
  155. Subspace Methods for System Identification
  156. Subspace, Latent Structure and Feature Selection
  157. Substance Abuse
  158. Substance Abuse During Pregnancy and Childhood
  159. Substance Abuse Recovery in College
  160. Substance Abuse and Dependence
  161. Substance Abuse and Psychopathology
  162. Substance Abusing Inmates
  163. Substance P and Neurokinins
  164. Substance Use Disorder in Healthcare Professionals
  165. Substance Use Disorders
  166. Substance Use Disorders
  167. Substance Use Disorders Treatment in Therapeutic Communities
  168. Substance Use and Misuse in sub-Saharan Africa
  169. Substance Use and the Acute Psychiatric Patient
  170. Substance and Attribute
  171. Substance and Non-Substance Related Addictions
  172. Substance and Non-substance Addiction
  173. Substance and Substitution
  174. Substance in Aristotle's Metaphysics Zeta
  175. Substances Containing Ag … C10H15
  176. Substances Containing C10H16 … Zn
  177. Substantial Rehabilitation & New Construction
  178. Substantive Bias and Natural Classes
  179. Substantive Perspectivism
  180. Substations
  181. Substituent Effects in Organic Polarography
  182. Substituent Effects in Radical Chemistry
  183. Substitution Dynamical Systems - Spectral Analysis
  184. Substitution Dynamical Systems-Spectral Analysis
  185. Substitution and Tiling Dynamics: Introduction to Self-inducing Structures
  186. Substitutions in Dynamics, Arithmetics and Combinatorics
  187. Substitutionskonkurrenz durch E-Commerce
  188. Substrat- und Textilbeschichtung
  189. Substrat- und Textilbeschichtung
  190. Substrat- und Textilbeschichtung
  191. Substrate Analysis for Effective Biofuels Production
  192. Substrate Integrated Suspended Line Antenna and Arrays
  193. Substrate Noise
  194. Substrate Noise Coupling in Mixed-Signal ASICs
  195. Substrate Noise Coupling in RFICs
  196. Substructural Logics: A Primer
  197. Substructures of Matter as Revealed with Electroweak Probes
  198. Substructuring Method for Civil Structural Health Monitoring
  199. Substructuring in Engineering Dynamics
  200. Subsurface Environmental Modelling Between Science and Policy