12474 publications

  1. Reclaiming the University for the Public Good
  2. Reclamation of Arid Lands
  3. Recoding: Expansion of Decoding Rules Enriches Gene Expression
  4. Recognising Human Rights in Different Cultural Contexts
  5. Recognition Receptors in Biosensors
  6. Recognition Theory as Social Research
  7. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
  8. Recognition and Response in Plant-Virus Interactions
  9. Recognition and the Media
  10. Recognition in International Relations
  11. Recognition in Microbe-Plant Symbiotic and Pathogenic Interactions
  12. Recognition of Anions
  13. Recognition of Foreign Administrative Acts
  14. Recognition of Governments
  15. Recognition of Humans and Their Activities Using Video
  16. Recognition of M. leprae antigens
  17. Recognition of Pattern and Form
  18. Recognition of Patterns
  19. Recognition of Patterns
  20. Recognition of the Rights of Domestic Workers in India
  21. Recognizing Child Abuse in Radiology
  22. Recognizing Green Skills Through Non-formal Learning
  23. Recognizing Patterns in Signals, Speech, Images and Videos
  24. Recognizing Planar Objects Using Invariant Image Features
  25. Recognizing Textual Entailment
  26. Recognizing Variable Environments
  27. Recollections of Eminent Economists
  28. Recollections of R.J.S.Stevens
  29. Recollections of Trauma
  30. Recollections of a Jewish Mathematician in Germany
  31. Recollections of a Revolution
  32. Recollections of “Tucson Operations”
  33. Recombinant Antibodies for Cancer Therapy
  34. Recombinant Antibodies for Infectious Diseases
  35. Recombinant DNA Research and Viruses
  36. Recombinant DNA Technologies in Neuroendocrinology
  37. Recombinant Ecology - A Hybrid Future?
  38. Recombinant Enzymes - From Basic Science to Commercialization
  39. Recombinant Gene Expression
  40. Recombinant Gene Expression
  41. Recombinant Gene Expression Protocols
  42. Recombinant Glycoprotein Production
  43. Recombinant Glycoproteins
  44. Recombinant Human Erythropoietin (rhEPO) in Clinical Oncology
  45. Recombinant Human Erythropoietin (rhEPO) in Clinical Oncology
  46. Recombinant Protein Drugs
  47. Recombinant Protein Expression in Mammalian Cells
  48. Recombinant Protein Expression in Mammalian Cells
  49. Recombinant Protein Production in Yeast
  50. Recombinant Protein Production in Yeast
  51. Recombinant Protein Production with Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells. A Comparative View on Host Physiology
  52. Recombinant Protein Protocols
  53. Recombinant Proteins From Plants
  54. Recombinant Proteins from Plants
  55. Recombinant Proteins from Plants
  56. Recombinant Proteins in Plants
  57. Recombinant Technology in Hemostasis and Thrombosis
  58. Recombinant Virus Vaccines
  59. Recombinant and In Vitro RNA Synthesis
  60. Recombination and Meiosis
  61. Recombination and Meiosis
  62. Recombination of Atomic Ions
  63. Recombineering
  64. Recommendation Systems in Software Engineering
  65. Recommendation and Search in Social Networks
  66. Recommendations for Fatigue Design of Welded Joints and Components
  67. Recommendations for evidence-based endoscopic surgery
  68. Recommender System for Improving Customer Loyalty
  69. Recommender Systems
  70. Recommender Systems
  71. Recommender Systems Handbook
  72. Recommender Systems Handbook
  73. Recommender Systems Handbook
  74. Recommender Systems and the Social Web
  75. Recommender Systems for Information Providers
  76. Recommender Systems for Learning
  77. Recommender Systems for Location-based Social Networks
  78. Recommender Systems for Medicine and Music
  79. Recommender Systems for Social Tagging Systems
  80. Recommender Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning
  81. Recommender Systems for the Social Web
  82. Recommender Systems in Fashion and Retail
  83. Recommender Systems in Fashion and Retail
  84. Recommender Systems in Fashion and Retail
  85. Recommender Systems: Algorithms and their Applications
  86. Recommender Systems: Legal and Ethical Issues
  87. Reconceptualising Information Processing for Education
  88. Reconceptualising Learning in the Digital Age
  89. Reconceptualising Power in Language Policy
  90. Reconceptualising the Moral Economy of Criminal Justice: A New Perspective
  91. Reconceptualizing Confucian Philosophy in the 21st Century
  92. Reconceptualizing Connections between Language, Literacy and Learning
  93. Reconceptualizing Early Mathematics Learning
  94. Reconceptualizing English Education in a Multilingual Society
  95. Reconceptualizing Quality in Early Childhood Education, Care and Development
  96. Reconceptualizing Social Justice in Teacher Education
  97. Reconceptualizing the Digital Humanities in Asia
  98. Reconceptualizing the Nature of Science for Science Education
  99. Reconciliation Policy in Germany 1998–2008
  100. Reconciliation and Building a Sustainable Peace
  101. Reconciliation and Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  102. Reconciliation and Social Healing in Afghanistan
  103. Reconciliation in Conflict-Affected Communities
  104. Reconciliation, Heritage and Social Inclusion in the Middle East and North Africa
  105. Reconciling Cultural and Political Identities in a Globalized World
  106. Reconciling Enemy States in Europe and Asia
  107. Reconciling Human Needs and Conserving Biodiversity: Large Landscapes as a New Conservation Paradigm
  108. Reconciling Islam, Christianity and Judaism
  109. Reconciling Law and Morality in Human Rights Discourse
  110. Reconciling Responsibility with Reality
  111. Reconciling Work and Family Life in EU Law and Policy
  112. Reconfigurable Active and Passive Planar Antennas for Wireless Communication Systems
  113. Reconfigurable Antennas
  114. Reconfigurable Cellular Neural Networks and Their Applications
  115. Reconfigurable Computing
  116. Reconfigurable Computing
  117. Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures and Applications
  118. Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications
  119. Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications
  120. Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications
  121. Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications
  122. Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications
  123. Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications
  124. Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications
  125. Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools, and Applications
  126. Reconfigurable Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
  127. Reconfigurable Cryptographic Processor
  128. Reconfigurable Distributed Control
  129. Reconfigurable Field Programmable Gate Arrays for Mission-Critical Applications
  130. Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Empowered 6G
  131. Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Enabled Integrated Sensing and Communication in 6G
  132. Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems and Transformable Factories
  133. Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems: From Design to Implementation
  134. Reconfigurable Networks-on-Chip
  135. Reconfigurable RF Power Amplifiers on Silicon for Wireless Handsets
  136. Reconfigurable Switched-Capacitor Power Converters
  137. Reconfigurable Transceiver Architecture for Multiband RF-Frontends
  138. Reconfiguring Chinese Nationalism
  139. Reconfiguring Drinking Cultures, Gender, and Transgressive Selves
  140. Reconfiguring Institutions Across Time and Space
  141. Reconfiguring Intervention
  142. Reconfiguring Islamophobia
  143. Reconfiguring Knowledge in Higher Education
  144. Reconfiguring National, Institutional and Human Strategies for the 21st Century
  145. Reconfiguring Pedagogy and Curriculum Practice in Light of Online Teaching
  146. Reconfiguring Relations in the Empty Nest
  147. Reconfiguring Transregionalisation in the Global South
  148. Reconfiguring the Fifteenth-Century Crusade
  149. Reconfiguring the Union
  150. Reconnection
  151. Reconsidering Archaeological Fieldwork
  152. Reconsidering Canadian Curriculum Studies
  153. Reconsidering Conceptual Change: Issues in Theory and Practice
  154. Reconsidering Constitutional Formation I National Sovereignty
  155. Reconsidering Constitutional Formation II Decisive Constitutional Normativity
  156. Reconsidering Drugs
  157. Reconsidering Historical Epistemology
  158. Reconsidering Identity Economics
  159. Reconsidering National Plays in Europe
  160. Reconsidering Peace and Patriotism during the First World War
  161. Reconsidering Resilience in Education
  162. Reconsidering Value and Labour in the Digital Age
  163. Reconsidering Welfare Policies in Times of Crisis
  164. Reconsidering the Limits to Growth
  165. Reconsidering the Privileged Powers of Banks
  166. Reconstituting Americans
  167. Reconstituting Social Criticism
  168. Reconstituting the Constitution
  169. Reconstituting the State in Africa
  170. Reconstructing 'Education' through Mindful Attention
  171. Reconstructing Autonomy in Language Education
  172. Reconstructing Behavior in the Primate Fossil Record
  173. Reconstructing Human-Landscape Interactions - Volume 1
  174. Reconstructing Identity
  175. Reconstructing Jihad amid Competing International Norms
  176. Reconstructing Mobility
  177. Reconstructing Ocean History
  178. Reconstructing Organization
  179. Reconstructing Our Orders
  180. Reconstructing Patriarchy after the Great War
  181. Reconstructing Post-Nationalist Liberal Pluralism
  182. Reconstructing Research Integrity
  183. Reconstructing Security after Conflict
  184. Reconstructing Sovereignty
  185. Reconstructing Theatre Architecture
  186. Reconstructing our Understanding of State Legitimacy in Post-conflict States
  187. Reconstructing the Beats
  188. Reconstructing the War Injured Patient
  189. Reconstructing the Work of Teacher Educators
  190. Reconstruction Designs of Lost Ancient Chinese Machinery
  191. Reconstruction and Analysis of 3D Scenes
  192. Reconstruction and Intelligent Control for Power Plant
  193. Reconstruction de l’avant-pied
  194. Reconstruction in Literary Studies
  195. Reconstruction of Macroeconomics: Methods of Statistical Physics, and Keynes' Principle of Effective Demand
  196. Reconstruction of Macroscopic Maxwell Equations
  197. Reconstruction of Macroscopic Maxwell Equations
  198. Reconstruction of Small Inhomogeneities from Boundary Measurements
  199. Reconstruction of Upper Cervical Spine and Craniovertebral Junction
  200. Reconstruction of Urban Forests