22283 publications

  1. Military Logistics
  2. Military Migrants
  3. Military Missions in Democratic Latin America
  4. Military Neutrality of Small States in the Twenty-First Century
  5. Military Operational Planning and Strategic Moves
  6. Military Operations Research
  7. Military Operations and the Notion of Control Under International Law
  8. Military Past, Civilian Present
  9. Military Power in Europe
  10. Military R&D after the Cold War
  11. Military Recruiting in High Schools
  12. Military Reformism and Social Classes
  13. Military Responses to the Arab Uprisings and the Future of Civil-Military Relations in the Middle East
  14. Military Rule and Transition in Ecuador, 1972–92
  15. Military Social Work Around the Globe
  16. Military Strategy and Tactics
  17. Military Technology, Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament
  18. Military and Veteran Mental Health
  19. Military, Politics and Democratization in Southern Africa
  20. Military, State and Society in Pakistan
  21. Military-Age Males in Counterinsurgency and Drone Warfare
  22. Militär als Gegenkultur
  23. Militär als Lebenswelt
  24. Militär und Demokratie in Deutschland
  25. Militär und Entwicklung in der Türkei, 1945–1973
  26. Militär und Jugend im NS-Staat
  27. Militär, Islamismus und Demokratie in Algerien (1978 bis 1995)
  28. Militär-Eisenbahn-Ordnung
  29. Militärdiktaturen im 20. Jahrhundert
  30. Militärische Auslandseinsätze
  31. Militärische versus polizeiliche Gewalt
  32. Militärischer Dienstunterricht für einjährig-freiwillige Militärapotheker, Unter- und Oberapotheker des Deutschen Heeres
  33. Militärkulturen und Multinationalität
  34. Militärsoziologie – Eine Einführung
  35. Militärsoziologie – Eine Einführung
  36. Militärstrafrecht
  37. Militärwesen
  38. Militärärztliche Kriegserinnerungen an 1866 und 1870/71
  39. Militärökonomie
  40. Milk Culture in Eurasia
  41. Milk Proteins
  42. Milk Quality
  43. Milk and Milk Products
  44. Milkyway Image
  45. Mill
  46. Mill on Justice
  47. Mill-Handbuch
  48. Millenarianism and Messianism in Early Modern European Culture
  49. Millenarianism and Messianism in Early Modern European Culture
  50. Millenarianism and Messianism in Early Modern European Culture
  51. Millenarianism and Messianism in Early Modern European Culture Volume IV
  52. Millennial Biology: The National Science Foundation and American Biology, 1975-2005
  53. Millennial Philanthropy
  54. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Retrospect
  55. Millennium Development Goals and Community Initiatives in the Asia Pacific
  56. Millennium Rage
  57. Millet Rhizosphere
  58. Millets and Millet Technology
  59. Millets: The Multi-Cereal Paradigm for Food Sustainability
  60. Millimeter Astronomy
  61. Millimeter and Submillimeter Studies on the Active Trinity of Gas, Stars, and Black Holes in Seyfert Galaxies
  62. Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Spectroscopy of Solids
  63. Millimeter-Wave Antennas: Configurations and Applications
  64. Millimeter-Wave Astronomy: Molecular Chemistry & Physics in Space
  65. Millimeter-Wave Communication Systems: Network Analysis and Hybrid Precoding Design
  66. Millimeter-Wave Gyrotron Traveling-Wave Tube Amplifiers
  67. Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits
  68. Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits
  69. Millimeter-Wave Low Noise Amplifiers
  70. Millimeter-Wave Networks
  71. Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifiers
  72. Millimeter-Wave Receiver Concepts for 77 GHz Automotive Radar in Silicon-Germanium Technology
  73. Millimeter-Wave Waveguides
  74. Millimeter-Wave/Sub-Terahertz Ultra-Massive MIMO Transmission Technology
  75. Millimeter-wave Integrated Technologies in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  76. Millimetre and Submillimetre Astronomy
  77. Millimetre and Submillimetre Wavelength Lasers
  78. Millionenstädte Chinas
  79. Millisecond Pulsars
  80. Milnor Fiber Boundary of a Non-isolated Surface Singularity
  81. Milton
  82. Milton Friedman
  83. Milton Now
  84. Milton Santos: A Pioneer in Critical Geography from the Global South
  85. Milton and Modernity
  86. Milton and the Baroque
  87. Milton in Popular Culture
  88. Milton’s Paradise Lost
  89. Milzbrandvergiftungen
  90. Mimesis, Genres and Post-Colonial Discourse
  91. Mimetic Learning at Work
  92. Mimetic Theory and Islam
  93. Mimicked Tissue Engineering Scaffolds for Maxillofacial and Articular Cartilage Surgery
  94. Mimicry and Meaning: Structure and Semiotics of Biological Mimicry
  95. Mimikry und Verwandte Erscheinungen
  96. Minangkabau and Negri Sembilan
  97. Mind Games
  98. Mind Genomics
  99. Mind Match Fußball
  100. Mind Match Soccer
  101. Mind Out of Matter
  102. Mind Reading as a Cultural Practice
  103. Mind and Brain
  104. Mind and Machine
  105. Mind and Matter
  106. Mind and Places
  107. Mind and Society
  108. Mind and the Cosmic Order
  109. Mind in Action
  110. Mind over Matter - Regulation of Peripheral Inflammation by the CNS
  111. Mind over Matter and Artificial Intelligence
  112. Mind the European Gap
  113. Mind the Gap
  114. Mind the Gap!
  115. Mind the Trap – 11 typische Unternehmensfallen
  116. Mind, Body, and Digital Brains
  117. Mind, Body, and Emotion in the Reception and Creation Practices of Fan Communities
  118. Mind, Brain and Education
  119. Mind, Brain and Technology
  120. Mind, Language, Machine
  121. Mind, Make-Believe and Medicine
  122. Mind, Matter and Quantum Mechanics
  123. Mind, Matter and Quantum Mechanics
  124. Mind, Matter and the Implicate Order
  125. Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics
  126. Mind, Meaning and Mathematics
  127. Mind, Meaning and Metaphysics
  128. Mind, Meaning and World
  129. Mind, Metaphor and Language Teaching
  130. Mind, Values, and Metaphysics
  131. Mind, Values, and Metaphysics
  132. Mind-Body Entanglement
  133. Mind-Body: A Categorial Relation
  134. Mind-Travelling and Voyage Drama in Early Modern England
  135. Mind/Body Integration
  136. Minder angstig in sociale situaties
  137. Minderheiten im Transformations- und Konsolidierungsprozess Polens
  138. Minderheiten und Identität in einer multikulturellen Gesellschaft
  139. Minderheitenrechte in Europa
  140. Minderheitenschutz in EU-Erweiterungsprozessen
  141. Minderheitenschutz in der internationalen Politik
  142. Minderjährige Flüchtlinge
  143. Minderung der Schadstoffemissionen beim Gegendrucksintern von Eisenerzen
  144. Minderung des Drehklanglärms bei einem Radialventilator kleiner Schnelläufigkeit
  145. Mindestanforderungen an die Mathematik-Kenntnisse für technische Studiengänge
  146. Mindestbesteuerung und Effizienz
  147. Mindestbuchführung und Kontenrahmen im Einzelhandel
  148. Mindestreservekonzeptionen
  149. Mindestwärmeschutz und Jahresheizwärmebedarf
  150. Mindful Change in Times of Permanent Reorganization
  151. Mindful Design
  152. Mindful Design
  153. Mindful Education
  154. Mindful Leadership Coaching
  155. Mindful Leadership in Practice
  156. Mindful Medical Practice
  157. Mindful Medical Practitioners
  158. Mindful Mobility
  159. Mindful Parenting
  160. Mindful Prevention of Burnout in Workplace Health Management
  161. Mindful Spirit in Late Medieval Literature
  162. Mindful Topics on Risk Analysis and Design of Experiments
  163. Mindful Universe
  164. Mindful Universe
  165. Mindfulness Among Students
  166. Mindfulness Training in Sport
  167. Mindfulness and Acceptance in Couple and Family Therapy
  168. Mindfulness and Buddhist-Derived Approaches in Mental Health and Addiction
  169. Mindfulness and Educating Citizens for Everyday Life
  170. Mindfulness and Learning
  171. Mindfulness and Meditation for Adolescents
  172. Mindfulness en fysiotherapie
  173. Mindfulness en schematherapie
  174. Mindfulness for Authentic Leadership
  175. Mindfulness for Children, Adolescents, and Families
  176. Mindfulness for Everyday Living
  177. Mindfulness for the High Performance World
  178. Mindfulness in a Digital World
  179. Mindfulness in the Academy
  180. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
  181. Mindfulness-based Emotion Focused Counselling
  182. Minding Minors Wandering the Web: Regulating Online Child Safety
  183. Minding the Future
  184. Minding the Markets
  185. Minds, Bodies, Machines, 1770–1930
  186. Minds, Brains, and Doxa for Inclusive Entrepreneurship
  187. Minds, Models and Milieux
  188. Mindsets für das Management
  189. Mindstorms
  190. Mine Management
  191. Mine Planning and Equipment Selection
  192. Mine Safety
  193. Mine Seismology: Data Analysis and Interpretation
  194. Mine Seismology: Seismic Response to the Caving Process
  195. Mine Seismology: Seismic Warning Concept
  196. Mine Ventilation
  197. Mine Waste Management in China: Recent Development
  198. Mine Wastes
  199. Mine Wastes
  200. Mine Wastes