22283 publications

  1. Minimax and Applications
  2. Minimax and Monotonicity
  3. Minimax-Prüfpläne für die Prozeßkontrolle
  4. Minimierung der Ressourcenkosten für Projekte mit planungsabhängigen Zeitfenstern
  5. Minimierung der Schadstoffproduktion bei Verbrennungseinrichtungen kleiner Leistung
  6. Minimization Methods for Non-Differentiable Functions
  7. Minimization of Climatic Vulnerabilities on Mini-hydro Power Plants
  8. Minimizing Incisions and Maximizing Outcomes in Cataract Surgery
  9. Minimizing Spurious Tones in Digital Delta-Sigma Modulators
  10. Minimizing and Exploiting Leakage in VLSI Design
  11. Minimizing of Automotive Transmission Rattle Noise by Means of Gear Oils
  12. Minimum Action Curves in Degenerate Finsler Metrics
  13. Minimum Animal Populations
  14. Minimum Divergence Methods in Statistical Machine Learning
  15. Minimum Entropy Control for Time-Varying Systems
  16. Minimum Entropy H∞ Control
  17. Minimum Error Entropy Classification
  18. Minimum Income Protection in Flux
  19. Minimum Norm Extremals in Function Spaces
  20. Minimum Quantity Lubrication Machining
  21. Minimum Wages and Employment
  22. Minimum Wages in China
  23. Minimum Wages, Collective Bargaining and Economic Development in Asia and Europe
  24. Minimum Wages, Low Pay and Unemployment
  25. Mining Capital
  26. Mining Complex Data
  27. Mining Complex Data
  28. Mining Data for Financial Applications
  29. Mining Data for Financial Applications
  30. Mining Development Report of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Member Countries (2023)
  31. Mining Equipment Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety
  32. Mining Gold and Manufacturing Ignorance
  33. Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks
  34. Mining Human Mobility in Location-Based Social Networks
  35. Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration
  36. Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration
  37. Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration
  38. Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration
  39. Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration
  40. Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration
  41. Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration
  42. Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration
  43. Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration
  44. Mining Latent Entity Structures
  45. Mining Latin America / Minería Latinoamericana
  46. Mining Latin America / Minería Latinoamericana
  47. Mining Law and Economic Policy
  48. Mining Lurkers in Online Social Networks
  49. Mining Machines and Earth-Moving Equipment
  50. Mining Maintenance
  51. Mining Multimedia and Complex Data
  52. Mining Over Air: Wireless Communication Networks Analytics
  53. Mining Sequential Patterns from Large Data Sets
  54. Mining Social Networks and Security Informatics
  55. Mining Software Engineering Data for Software Reuse
  56. Mining Spatio-Temporal Information Systems
  57. Mining Structures of Factual Knowledge from Text
  58. Mining Subsidence Engineering
  59. Mining Taxation
  60. Mining Text Data
  61. Mining Very Large Databases with Parallel Processing
  62. Mining and Analyzing Social Networks
  63. Mining and Communities
  64. Mining and Control of Network Traffic by Computational Intelligence
  65. Mining and Quarrying in the Ancient Andes
  66. Mining and Selling Radium and Uranium
  67. Mining and the Freshwater Environment
  68. Mining and the Law in Africa
  69. Mining for Strategic Competitive Intelligence
  70. Mining in the Asia-Pacific
  71. Mining of Data with Complex Structures
  72. Mining of Microbial Wealth and MetaGenomics
  73. Mining the Earth's Heat: Hot Dry Rock Geothermal Energy
  74. Mining the Landscape
  75. Mining the Sky
  76. Mining the World Wide Web
  77. Mining, Modeling, and Recommending 'Things' in Social Media
  78. Mining, Money and Markets in the Early Modern Atlantic
  79. Mining, Society, and a Sustainable World
  80. Minister Graf Brühl und Karl Heinrich von Heinecken
  81. Minister of Finance Incorporated
  82. Ministerial Leadership
  83. Ministerialbürokratien in westlichen Demokratien
  84. Ministerielle Richtlinien der Gesetzestechnik
  85. Ministerielle Steuerung von Universitäten durch Kennzahlen
  86. Ministering Spiritually to Families
  87. Ministerpräsidenten
  88. Minisum Hyperspheres
  89. Minkowski Spacetime: A Hundred Years Later
  90. Minnesang
  91. Minnesang
  92. Minnesang in neuer Sicht
  93. Minor Bodies in the Outer Solar System
  94. Minor Head Trauma
  95. Minor Parties at British Parliamentary Elections 1885–1974
  96. Minor Spices and Condiments
  97. Minorities and Boundaries
  98. Minorities and Cancer
  99. Minorities and Media
  100. Minorities and Populism – Critical Perspectives from South Asia and Europe
  101. Minorities and Small Numbers from Molecules to Organisms in Biology
  102. Minorities and State-Building in the Middle East
  103. Minorities and the First World War
  104. Minorities in Europe Croatia, Estonia and Slovakia
  105. Minorities in European Cities
  106. Minorities in Iran
  107. Minorities in Science
  108. Minorities in Science
  109. Minorities, Minority Rights and Internal Self-Determination
  110. Minorities: Community and Identity
  111. Minority Families in Britain
  112. Minority Language Promotion, Protection and Regulation
  113. Minority Language Writers in the Wake of World War One
  114. Minority Languages and Multilingual Education
  115. Minority Languages from Western Europe and Russia
  116. Minority Languages in Europe
  117. Minority Languages in the Linguistic Landscape
  118. Minority Languages, Education and Communities in China
  119. Minority Marketing: Issues and Prospects
  120. Minority Marketing: Research Perspectives for the 1990s
  121. Minority Reports
  122. Minority Rights and the National Question in Nigeria
  123. Minority Rights in Europe European Minorities and Languages
  124. Minority Youth and Social Integration
  125. Minoritäre Literatur
  126. Minsky, Crisis and Development
  127. Mintzberg über Management
  128. Minzu as Technology
  129. Miombo Woodlands in a Changing Environment: Securing the Resilience and Sustainability of People and Woodlands
  130. Miracle of Education
  131. Miracle of Education
  132. Miracles: An Exercise in Comparative Philosophy of Religion
  133. Mirror Geometry of Lie Algebras, Lie Groups and Homogeneous Spaces
  134. Mirror Neuron Systems
  135. Mirror Symmetry
  136. Mirror to Physiology
  137. Mirrored Spaces
  138. Mirrors and Reflections
  139. Mirzakhani’s Curve Counting and Geodesic Currents
  140. Misbehaving Proteins
  141. Misbehaviour and Dysfunctional Attitudes in Organizations
  142. Miscellanea Mathematica
  143. Miscellanies, Poetry, and Authorship, 1680–1800
  144. Mischen Rühren, Kneten und die Dazu Verwendeten Maschinen
  145. Mischen von Feststoffen
  146. Mischief Reef
  147. Misclassification of Smoking Habits and Passive Smoking
  148. Misconceptions in Chemistry
  149. Mise en Scène and Film Style
  150. Mise en scène, Acting, and Space in Comics
  151. Misfit Sisters
  152. Misinformation and Disinformation
  153. Misleading Marketing Communication
  154. Misleading Trajectories
  155. Mismatch Explanations of European Unemployment
  156. Mismatch and Noise in Modern IC Processes
  157. Misogyny in the Western Philosophical Tradition
  158. Misogyny, Toxic Masculinity, and Heteronormativity in Post-2000 Popular Music
  159. Misrepresentation and Silence in United States History Textbooks
  160. Missbildungen am Zentralnervensystem von Tritonen durch Allgemeinen Sauerstoffmangel bei Normaldruck
  161. Missbrauch im Sozialstaat
  162. Missbrauchsverhinderungsnormen und Standortwahl
  163. Missile Defences and Asian-Pacific Security
  164. Missile Guidance and Control Systems
  165. Missile and Space Projects Guide 1962
  166. Missile and Space Projects Guide 1962
  167. Missing Data
  168. Missing Data and Small-Area Estimation
  169. Missing Mary
  170. Missing Pieces
  171. Missing the Meaning
  172. Mission AI
  173. Mission Design & Implementation of Satellite Constellations
  174. Mission Earth
  175. Mission Erde
  176. Mission Invisible
  177. Mission Jupiter
  178. Mission Mars
  179. Mission Mastery
  180. Mission Wandel
  181. Mission impossible: Ein Jahr Rot-Grün
  182. Mission-Critical Application Driven Intelligent Maritime Networks
  183. Mission-Oriented Sensor Networks and Systems: Art and Science
  184. Mission-Oriented Sensor Networks and Systems: Art and Science
  185. Mission: Startup
  186. Missionaries in the Golden Age of Hollywood
  187. Missionary Discourses of Difference
  188. Missionary Masculinity, 1870–1930
  189. Missionary Women, Leprosy and Indigenous Australians, 1936–1986
  190. Missions and Conversions
  191. Missions of Universities
  192. Mississippi Delta Restoration
  193. Mississippi Harmony
  194. Mississippian Community Organization
  195. Mississippian Political Economy
  196. Misslungene Interventionen in der Extremitäten- und Wirbelsäulenchirurgie
  197. Misspecification Analysis
  198. Missvergnügen
  199. Mistake of Fact in Public International Law
  200. Mistake of Law