12474 publications

  1. Response Models for Detection of Change
  2. Response and Adaptation to Hypoxia
  3. Response of Different Species to Total Body Irradiation
  4. Response of Flood Events to Land Use and Climate Change
  5. Response of the High Granularity Calorimeter HGCAL and Characterisation of the Higgs Boson
  6. Response of the Nuclear System to External Forces
  7. Response to Marine Oil Pollution — Review and Assessment
  8. Responses of Forest Ecosystems to Environmental Changes
  9. Responses of Fruit Trees to Global Climate Change
  10. Responses of Northern U.S. Forests to Environmental Change
  11. Responses of Plants to Soil Flooding
  12. Responses of Plants to UV-B Radiation
  13. Responses to Geographical Marginality and Marginalization
  14. Responses to Nazism in Britain, 1933–1939
  15. Responses to Regionalism in East Asia
  16. Responses to Traumatized Children
  17. Responses to Victimizations and Belief in a Just World
  18. Responsibilisierung
  19. Responsibility And Punishment
  20. Responsibility and Criminal Liability
  21. Responsibility and Dependable Systems
  22. Responsibility and Governance
  23. Responsibility and Liability in the Context of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes by Sea
  24. Responsibility and Punishment
  25. Responsibility and Punishment
  26. Responsibility and Punishment
  27. Responsibility and Resistance
  28. Responsibility in Context
  29. Responsibility in Environmental Governance
  30. Responsibility in Health Care
  31. Responsibility in Nanotechnology Development
  32. Responsibility in Science and Technology
  33. Responsibility in an Interconnected World
  34. Responsibility of the EU and the Member States under EU International Investment Protection Agreements
  35. Responsibility to Protect
  36. Responsibility, privileged irresponsibility and response-ability
  37. Responsible AI
  38. Responsible AI and Analytics for an Ethical and Inclusive Digitized Society
  39. Responsible AI in Africa
  40. Responsible Artificial Intelligence
  41. Responsible Artificial Intelligence
  42. Responsible Business Operations
  43. Responsible Business in Uncertain Times and for a Sustainable Future
  44. Responsible Business in a Changing World
  45. Responsible Communication
  46. Responsible Consumption and Production
  47. Responsible Consumption and Production
  48. Responsible Consumption and Sustainability
  49. Responsible Corporate Governance
  50. Responsible Data Science
  51. Responsible Design in Applied Linguistics: Theory and Practice
  52. Responsible Design, Implementation and Use of Information and Communication Technology
  53. Responsible Design, Implementation and Use of Information and Communication Technology
  54. Responsible Engineering and Living
  55. Responsible Entrepreneurship
  56. Responsible Genetics
  57. Responsible Innovation
  58. Responsible Innovation 1
  59. Responsible Innovation 2
  60. Responsible Innovation 3
  61. Responsible Innovation Management
  62. Responsible Innovation in Health
  63. Responsible Investment
  64. Responsible Investment Banking
  65. Responsible Investment and the Claim of Corporate Change
  66. Responsible Investment in Times of Turmoil
  67. Responsible Leadership
  68. Responsible Leadership Systems
  69. Responsible Leadership for Sustainability in Uncertain Times
  70. Responsible Living
  71. Responsible Lobbying
  72. Responsible Management
  73. Responsible Management in Asia
  74. Responsible Management in Emerging Markets
  75. Responsible Organizations in the Global Context
  76. Responsible People
  77. Responsible Procurement
  78. Responsible Product Innovation
  79. Responsible Research Practice
  80. Responsible Research and Innovation Actions in Science Education, Gender and Ethics
  81. Responsible Research and Innovation in Industry
  82. Responsible Research for Better Business
  83. Responsible Tourism and CSR
  84. Responsible and Sustainable Business
  85. Responsible and Sustainable Operations
  86. Responsive Computer Systems
  87. Responsive Computer Systems: Steps Toward Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Systems
  88. Responsive Computing
  89. Responsive Gels: Volume Transitions I
  90. Responsive Gels: Volume Transitions II
  91. Responsive Nanomaterials for Sustainable Applications
  92. Responsive Open Learning Environments
  93. Responsive Organisationsforschung
  94. Responsive Rechtssoziologie – Theoriegeschichte in systematischer Absicht
  95. Responsive Schulleitung
  96. Responsive Systems for Active Vibration Control
  97. Responsive and Sustainable Educational Futures
  98. Ressorts im Zeitalter von Medienwandel und Boulevardjournalismus
  99. Ressortzuständigkeit und Vollzugsklausel
  100. Ressource Wissen
  101. Ressourcen erspielen
  102. Ressourcen-Umwelt-Management
  103. Ressourcenaktivierung mit Hypnotherapie
  104. Ressourcenallokation, Wettbewerb und Umweltökonomie
  105. Ressourcenarbeit in der Flüchtlingshilfe
  106. Ressourcenausstattung als strategischer Erfolgsfaktor der Regionalentwicklung
  107. Ressourcenbeschränkte Projektplanung bei vorgegebenen Arbeitsvolumina
  108. Ressourcenbeschränkte Projektplanung für flexible Projekte
  109. Ressourcenbeschränkte Projektplanung im Mehr-Modus-Fall
  110. Ressourceneffiziente Selbstoptimierende Wäscherei
  111. Ressourceneffizientes Wirtschaften
  112. Ressourceneffizienz
  113. Ressourceneffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit
  114. Ressourceneinsatzplanung bei Werkstattproduktion
  115. Ressourcenmanagement in Militärorganisationen
  116. Ressourcennutzung in Wirtschaftsräumen
  117. Ressourcenorientiert Arbeiten
  118. Ressourcenorientierte Arbeitswirtschaft
  119. Ressourcenorientierte Biografiearbeit
  120. Ressourcenorientierte Biografiearbeit
  121. Ressourcenorientierte Führung als Bildungsprozess
  122. Ressourcenorientierte Gruppenpsychotherapie
  123. Ressourcenorientierte Netzwerkmoderation
  124. Ressourcenorientierte Reorganisationen
  125. Ressourcenproduktivität
  126. Ressourcenreichtum als Fluch oder Segen
  127. Ressourcentransfer und Unternehmensfinanzierung in Kooperationen
  128. Restaging Feminisms
  129. Restaging War in the Western World
  130. Restart: Eine zweite Chance für gescheiterte Unternehmer?
  131. Restaurant Chains in China
  132. Restauration im Recht
  133. Restenosis after Intervention with New Mechanical Devices
  134. Restitution und Vererbung
  135. Restless Cities on the Edge
  136. Restless Legs Syndrom
  137. Restless Legs Syndrome/Willis Ekbom Disease
  138. Restless Men: Masculinity and Robinson Crusoe, 1788–1840
  139. Restless Multi-Armed Bandit in Opportunistic Scheduling
  140. Restless Reason and Other Variations on Kantian Themes
  141. Restoration Comedy: Crises of Desire and Identity
  142. Restoration Historians and the English Civil War
  143. Restoration and 18th-Century Drama
  144. Restoration and 18th-Century Prose and Poetry
  145. Restoration and Development of the Degraded Loess Plateau, China
  146. Restoration and Recovery of Shallow Eutrophic Lake Ecosystems in The Netherlands
  147. Restoration and Recovery of an Industrial Region
  148. Restoration of Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems
  149. Restoration of Brain Function by Tissue Transplantation
  150. Restoration of Coastal Dunes
  151. Restoration of Degraded Rivers: Challenges, Issues and Experiences
  152. Restoration of Ecosystems – Bridging Nature and Humans
  153. Restoration of Forests
  154. Restoration of Lakes, Streams, Floodplains, and Bogs in Europe
  155. Restoration of Multifunctional Cultural Landscapes
  156. Restoration of Root Canal-Treated Teeth
  157. Restoration of Tropical Forest Ecosystems
  158. Restoration of Wetland Ecosystem: A Trajectory Towards a Sustainable Environment
  159. Restoration, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation in Head and Neck Cancer
  160. Restorative Justice
  161. Restorative Justice in China
  162. Restorative Justice in India
  163. Restorative Justice in the Classroom
  164. Restorative Justice on Trial
  165. Restorative Justice, Humanitarian Rhetorics, and Public Memories of Colonial Camp Cultures
  166. Restorative Justice: Promoting Peace and Wellbeing
  167. Restorative Therapies in Parkinson's Disease
  168. Restoring Acid Waters: Loch Fleet 1984-1990
  169. Restoring Disturbed Landscapes
  170. Restoring Function to the Injured Human Spinal Cord
  171. Restoring Hope
  172. Restoring Justice in Colombia
  173. Restoring Lands - Coordinating Science, Politics and Action
  174. Restoring Neighborhood Streams
  175. Restoring the Classic in Sociology
  176. Restoring the Human Context to Literary and Performance Studies
  177. Restoring the Middle Class through Wage Policy
  178. Restoring the Oceanic Island Ecosystem
  179. Restorying Environmental Education
  180. Restricted Environmental Stimulation
  181. Restricted Kalman Filtering
  182. Restricted Parameter Space Estimation Problems
  183. Restricted-Orientation Convexity
  184. Restriction Endonucleases
  185. Restriction Landmark Genomic Scanning (RLGS)
  186. Restrictions of EU Competition Law in the Digital Age
  187. Restrictive Business Practices, Transnational Corporations, and Development
  188. Restriktionen politischer Steuerung des Rundfunks
  189. Restructing Eastern Germany
  190. Restructuring Capital
  191. Restructuring Cultural Landscapes in Metropolitan Areas
  192. Restructuring Japanese Business for Growth
  193. Restructuring Schools
  194. Restructuring South Africa
  195. Restructuring Telecommunications
  196. Restructuring Translation Education
  197. Restructuring Welfare Organizations in Europe
  198. Restructuring and Innovation in Banking
  199. Restructuring of Food Retail Markets in Countries of the Global South
  200. Restructuring the American Financial System