24035 publications

  1. Property Rights and Managerial Decisions in For-profit, Nonprofit, and Public Organizations
  2. Property Rights in Investment Securities and the Doctrine of Specificity
  3. Property Tax Reform in Developing Countries
  4. Property Tax in BRICS Megacities
  5. Property Testing
  6. Property Testing
  7. Property Valuation Tables
  8. Property Valuation Techniques
  9. Property Valuation and Market Cycle
  10. Property and Energy Conversion Technology of Solid Composite Sorbents
  11. Property and Power
  12. Property and Power in a City
  13. Property in Social Continuity
  14. Property, Education, and Identity in Late Eighteenth-Century Fiction
  15. Property, Family and the Irish Welfare State
  16. Property-Rights-Strukturen im Konzern
  17. Prophecy
  18. Prophecy and Eschatology in the Transatlantic World, 1550−1800
  19. Prophecy and Politics in South African Pentecostalism
  20. Prophecy, Piety, and Profits
  21. Prophetentheorie
  22. Prophetic Futures
  23. Prophetic Religion
  24. Prophets and Markets
  25. Prophylactic Surgery
  26. Prophylaktische Erneuerung von Systemen
  27. Prophylaxe und Therapie bakterieller Infektionen
  28. Prophylaxe und Therapie der Infektionskrankheiten und Idiosynkrasien mit spezifischen und unspezifischen Mitteln
  29. Prophylaxe und Therapie der Kinderkrankheiten
  30. Propionibacteria
  31. Proportional Hazards Regression
  32. Proportional Optimization and Fairness
  33. Proportional Representation
  34. Proportional Representation
  35. Proportional Representation and the Constituency Role in Britain
  36. Proportional Western Europe
  37. Proportionalhydraulik
  38. Proportionality in Law
  39. Proportionality, Balancing, and Rights
  40. Proportionalität und Prozentrechnung in der Sekundarstufe I
  41. Proportionen und ihre Musik
  42. Propositional and Predicate Calculus A Model of Argument
  43. Propositional, Probabilistic and Evidential Reasoning
  44. Propriety and Prosperity
  45. Proprietà di media e teoremi di confronto in fisica matematica
  46. Proprioception in Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
  47. Propriétés Générales des Schémas en Groupes
  48. Propriétés Spectrales des Algèbres de Banach
  49. Proprotein Convertases
  50. Propulsion and Power
  51. Propädeutikum der Arzneiformenlehre
  52. Propädeutikum der Arzneiformenlehre
  53. Pros and Cons in PTA and Auxiliary Methods
  54. Prosa der Romantik
  55. Prosa des Expressionismus
  56. Prosa des Lebensweges
  57. Prose Comprehension Beyond the Word
  58. Prose Fiction and Early Modern Sexualities in England, 1570–1640
  59. Prosecuting Domestic Abuse in Neoliberal Times
  60. Prosecuting International Crimes and Human Rights Abuses Committed Against Children
  61. Prosecution of Politicide in Ethiopia
  62. Prosecution of the President of the United States
  63. Proselytizing and the Limits of Religious Pluralism in Contemporary Asia
  64. Proslavery Britain
  65. Prosocial Leadership
  66. Prosodic Categories: Production, Perception and Comprehension
  67. Prosodic orientation in English conversation
  68. Prosody and Language in Contact
  69. Prosody in Speech Understanding Systems
  70. Prosody: Models and Measurements
  71. Prosody: Theory and Experiment
  72. Prosopagnosia
  73. Prosoziales Ausgabeverhalten und Spenderwohlbefinden
  74. Prospect in Pediatric Diseases Medicine
  75. Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Knowledge of Algebra
  76. Prospective Memory
  77. Prospective Studies of Crime and Delinquency
  78. Prospects and Challenges for Caribbean Societies in and Beyond COVID-19
  79. Prospects and Challenges in Algal Biotechnology
  80. Prospects and Challenges of Free Trade Agreements: Unlocking Business Opportunities in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Markets
  81. Prospects and Policies for Global Sustainable Recovery
  82. Prospects and Risks Beyond EU Enlargement
  83. Prospects and Risks Beyond EU Enlargement
  84. Prospects for Alternative Energy Development in the U.S. West
  85. Prospects for Biological Control of Plant Feeding Mites and Other Harmful Organisms
  86. Prospects for British Coal
  87. Prospects for Chemoprevention of Colorectal Neoplasia
  88. Prospects for Hardware Foundations
  89. Prospects for Middle Eastern and North African Economies
  90. Prospects for Resilience
  91. Prospects for Saline Agriculture
  92. Prospects for Security in the Mediterranean
  93. Prospects for Soil Regeneration and Its Impact on Environmental Protection
  94. Prospects for the European Monetary System
  95. Prospects in Bioscience: Addressing the Issues
  96. Prospects in Complex Geometry
  97. Prospects of Alternative Transportation Fuels
  98. Prospects of Fresh Market Wastes Management in Developing Countries
  99. Prospects of Heart Surgery
  100. Prospects of Legal Semiotics
  101. Prospects of Organic Waste Management and the Significance of Earthworms
  102. Prospects of Plant-Based Vaccines in Veterinary Medicine
  103. Prospects of Renewable Bioprocessing in Future Energy Systems
  104. Prospects of Soviet Power in the 1980s
  105. Prospektive Auswirkungen der Kosteneinsparung im Gesundheitswesen auf Ärzte, Patienten und die Industrie
  106. Prospektive Verlaufsforschung in der Psychiatrie
  107. Prosperity Unbound
  108. Prosperos Bücher. Friktionen, Struktur und die Grundzüge einer Monadologie des Films
  109. ProstaTALK
  110. Prostacyclin and Hypertension
  111. Prostacyclin and Its Receptors
  112. Prostacyclin and Its Stable Analogue Iloprost
  113. Prostacyclin und Hypertonie
  114. Prostacyclin und Hypertonie
  115. Prostaglandin Abstracts
  116. Prostaglandin E1
  117. Prostaglandin E1
  118. Prostaglandin E1 in Atherosclerosis
  119. Prostaglandin and Lipid Metabolism in Radiation Injury
  120. Prostaglandine in Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie
  121. Prostaglandine in Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe
  122. Prostaglandins
  123. Prostaglandins and Fertility Regulation
  124. Prostaglandins and Immunity
  125. Prostaglandins and Leukotrienes in Gastrointestinal Diseases
  126. Prostaglandins and Thromboxanes
  127. Prostaglandins and the Kidney
  128. Prostaglandins and the Uterus
  129. Prostaglandins and their Inhibitors in Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  130. Prostaglandins in Cancer Research
  131. Prostaglandins in Cellular Biology
  132. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, Lipoxins, and PAF
  133. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Lipoxins
  134. Prostaglandins, Prostacyclin, and Thromboxanes Measurement
  135. Prostaglandins: Chemical and Biochemical Aspects
  136. Prostanoids and Drugs
  137. Prostata-Zytologie
  138. Prostatakarzinom
  139. Prostatakarzinom Malignes Melanom Bildgebende Verfahren in der Onkologie
  140. Prostatakarzinom — Pathologie, Praxis und Klinik
  141. Prostatakarzinom — urologische und strahlentherapeutische Aspekte
  142. Prostate Biopsy
  143. Prostate Biopsy Interpretation
  144. Prostate Biopsy Interpretation: An Illustrated Guide
  145. Prostate Cancer
  146. Prostate Cancer
  147. Prostate Cancer
  148. Prostate Cancer
  149. Prostate Cancer
  150. Prostate Cancer
  151. Prostate Cancer
  152. Prostate Cancer
  153. Prostate Cancer
  154. Prostate Cancer
  155. Prostate Cancer
  156. Prostate Cancer
  157. Prostate Cancer 2000
  158. Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
  159. Prostate Cancer Imaging. Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Intervention
  160. Prostate Cancer Imaging. Image Analysis and Image-Guided Interventions
  161. Prostate Cancer Methods and Protocols
  162. Prostate Cancer Prevention
  163. Prostate Cancer Screening
  164. Prostate Cancer Screening
  165. Prostate Cancer Survivorship
  166. Prostate Cancer and Bone Metastasis
  167. Prostate Cancer, Sexual Health, and Ageing Masculinities
  168. Prostate Cancer: A Comprehensive Perspective
  169. Prostate Cancer: New Horizons in Research and Treatment
  170. Prostate Cancer: Shifting from Morphology to Biology
  171. Prostate Gland and Seminal Vesicles
  172. Prostate MRI Essentials
  173. Prostate Ultrasound
  174. Prostatic Arterial Embolization
  175. Prostatic Artery Embolization
  176. Prostatic Carcinoma
  177. Prostatic Obstruction
  178. Prostatitis
  179. Prostatitis and Its Management
  180. Prosthetic Bodies
  181. Prosthetic Body Parts in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture
  182. Prosthetic Designs for Restoring Human Limb Function
  183. Prosthetic Joint Infections
  184. Prosthetic Surgery in Urology
  185. Prosthetic Treatment of the Edentulous Patient
  186. Prostitution
  187. Prostitution and Human Trafficking
  188. Prostitution and Sex Work in Global Cinema
  189. Prostitutionspolitik in Deutschland
  190. Prosumer Revisited
  191. Protagonists of Medicine
  192. Protamines
  193. Protease Inhibitors as Cancer Chemopreventive Agents
  194. Proteases
  195. Proteases II
  196. Proteases In The Brain
  197. Proteases New Perspectives
  198. Proteases and Cancer
  199. Proteases and Cancer
  200. Proteases and Cancer