22283 publications

  1. Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences
  2. Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences
  3. Masters and Servants in English Renaissance Drama and Culture
  4. Masters of Mathematics
  5. Masters of the Structural Aesthetic
  6. Masters, Slaves and Philosophers
  7. Mastery and Slavery in Victorian Writing
  8. Mastery of IBD Surgery
  9. Mastication Robots
  10. Mastocytosis
  11. Mastopexy and Breast Reduction
  12. Match-Fixing in International Sports
  13. Matched Asymptotic Expansions
  14. Matched Asymptotic Expansions in Reaction-Diffusion Theory
  15. Matching Properties of Deep Sub-Micron MOS Transistors
  16. Matching Theory for Wireless Networks
  17. Matching Visibility and Performance
  18. Matchmaking in Electronic Markets
  19. Matchmaking in Middle Class India
  20. Matebilandia
  21. Matematica Numerica
  22. Matematica Numerica
  23. Matematica Numerica
  24. Matematica Numerica Esercizi, Laboratori e Progetti
  25. Matematica e Arte
  26. Matematica e Cultura 2006
  27. Matematica e Design
  28. Matematica e cultura 2007
  29. Matematica e cultura 2010
  30. Matematica e cultura 2011
  31. Matematica e cultura in Europa
  32. Matematica generale con il calcolatore
  33. Matematica si parte!
  34. Materia Medica for Various Cancers
  35. Materia Medica of New and Old Homeopathic Medicines
  36. Materia Medica of New and Old Homeopathic Medicines
  37. Materia Medica of New and Old Homeopathic Medicines
  38. Materia prima
  39. Material Agency
  40. Material Appearance Modeling: A Data-Coherent Approach
  41. Material Balance
  42. Material Behavior Under High Stress and Ultrahigh Loading Rates
  43. Material Behavior and Physical Chemistry in Liquid Metal Systems
  44. Material Characterization Techniques and Applications
  45. Material Characterization Using Ion Beams
  46. Material Christianity
  47. Material Culture and Consumer Society
  48. Material Culture and Sedition, 1688–1760
  49. Material Culture in Europe and China, 1400–1800
  50. Material Cultures of Early Modern Women’s Writing
  51. Material Cultures, Migrations, and Identities
  52. Material Cycling of Wetland Soils Driven by Freeze-Thaw Effects
  53. Material Design implementation with AngularJS
  54. Material Designs and New Physical Properties in MX- and MMX-Chain Compounds
  55. Material Ethics of Value: Max Scheler and Nicolai Hartmann
  56. Material Flow Management
  57. Material Flow Systems in Manufacturing
  58. Material Flows with Nexus of Regional Socioeconomic System
  59. Material Handling ’90
  60. Material Identification Using Mixed Numerical Experimental Methods
  61. Material Inhomogeneities and their Evolution
  62. Material Instabilities in Elastic and Plastic Solids
  63. Material Modeling and Structural Mechanics
  64. Material Parameter Identification and Inverse Problems in Soft Tissue Biomechanics
  65. Material Participation
  66. Material Participation
  67. Material Practice and Materiality: Too Long Ignored in Science Education
  68. Material Properties under Intensive Dynamic Loading
  69. Material Religion in Modern Britain
  70. Material Research in Atomic Scale by Mössbauer Spectroscopy
  71. Material Selections by a Hybrid Multi-Criteria Approach
  72. Material Setting and Reform Experience in English Institutions for Fallen Women, 1838-1910
  73. Material- und Zeitaufwand bei Bauarbeiten
  74. Material- und Zeitaufwand bei Bauarbeiten
  75. Material- und Zeitaufwand bei Bauarbeiten
  76. Material- und Zeitaufwand bei Bauarbeiten
  77. Materialabbau in Funkenentladungen Untersuchungen an Zinkkathoden
  78. Materialauswahl für Betonbauten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wasserdurchlässigkeit
  79. Materialbearbeitung mit Laser
  80. Materialbearbeitung mit Laser
  81. Materialbedarf und Bestellmenge
  82. Materialbedarf und Bestellmenge
  83. Materialbedarfsplanung bei variantenreicher Produktion
  84. Materialbedarfsplanung und Ressourcenbelegungsplanung
  85. Materialbereitstellung bei Variantenfließlinien in der Automobilendmontage
  86. Materiale Analysen
  87. Materiales Verfassungsverständnis
  88. Materialfluss in Logistiksystemen
  89. Materialfluss in Logistiksystemen
  90. Materialfluss in Logistiksystemen
  91. Materialfluss in Logistiksystemen
  92. Materialflusssysteme
  93. Materialflusssysteme
  94. Materialflusstechnik
  95. Materialflusstechnik
  96. Materialflusstechnik
  97. Materialfluß und Logistik
  98. Materialfluß und Logistik
  99. Materialfluß und Logistik
  100. Materialfluß- und Lagerplanung
  101. Materialflußgestaltung in Fertigungssystemen
  102. Materialflußkosten im Betrieb
  103. Materialflußlehre
  104. Materialflußlehre
  105. Materialflußorientierte Termin- und Kapazitätsplanung
  106. Materialflußrechnung
  107. Materialgruppenmanagement
  108. Materialgruppenmanagement
  109. Materialgruppenmanagement
  110. Materialien der Elektronik und Energietechnik
  111. Materialien der Elektronik und Energietechnik
  112. Materialien für eine wissenschaftliche Biographie von Gauß
  113. Materialien zur Erforschung der DDR-Gesellschaft
  114. Materialien zur Geschichte der Entomologie bis Linné
  115. Materialien zur Geschichte der Regentschaft in Preußen
  116. Materialien zur Kriminalsoziologie
  117. Materialien zur Soziologie des Alltags
  118. Materialising the Future
  119. Materialism: A Historico-Philosophical Introduction
  120. Materiality and Managerial Techniques
  121. Materiality and Space
  122. Materiality and Subject in Marxism, (Post-)Structuralism, and Material Semiotics
  123. Materiality and Time
  124. Materiality and Visuality in North East India
  125. Materiality and the Modern Cosmopolitan Novel
  126. Materiality in Institutions
  127. Materiality in Management Studies
  128. Materiality in der internationalen Rechnungslegung
  129. Materiality of Cooperation
  130. Materiality, Rules and Regulation
  131. Materialität der Kooperation
  132. Materialität menschlicher Freiheiten
  133. Materialitäten der Kindheit
  134. Materializing Bakhtin
  135. Materializing Colonial Encounters
  136. Materializing Europe
  137. Materializing Silence in Feminist Activism
  138. Materializing the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
  139. Materializing the Web of Linked Data
  140. Materialprüfung mit Röntgenstrahlen
  141. Materialprüfung mit Röntgenstrahlen
  142. Materialprüfung mit Röntgenstrahlen
  143. Materialprüfung mit Röntgenstrahlen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Röntgenmetallkunde
  144. Materialprüfung mit Röntgenstrahlen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Röntgenmetallkunde
  145. Materialprüfung — Praxis und Wissenschaft
  146. Materials
  147. Materials & Process Integration for MEMS
  148. Materials Ageing in Light-Water Reactors
  149. Materials Beneficiation
  150. Materials Challenges and Testing for Manufacturing, Mobility, Biomedical Applications and Climate
  151. Materials Challenges and Testing for Supply of Energy and Resources
  152. Materials Characterisation and Mechanism of Micro-Cutting in Ultra-Precision Diamond Turning
  153. Materials Characterization
  154. Materials Characterization for Systems Performance and Reliability
  155. Materials Chemistry
  156. Materials Chemistry
  157. Materials Chemistry
  158. Materials Chemistry
  159. Materials Chemistry at High Temperatures
  160. Materials Chemistry of Ceramics
  161. Materials Data Science
  162. Materials Design and Applications
  163. Materials Design and Applications II
  164. Materials Design and Applications III
  165. Materials Design and Applications IV
  166. Materials Development for Active/Passive Components of a Supercapacitor
  167. Materials Discovery and Design
  168. Materials Engineering—From Ideas to Practice: An EPD Symposium in Honor of Jiann-Yang Hwang
  169. Materials Forming, Machining and Post Processing
  170. Materials Fundamentals of Gate Dielectrics
  171. Materials Handbook
  172. Materials Handbook
  173. Materials Handbook
  174. Materials Informatics and Catalysts Informatics
  175. Materials Innovations and Solutions in Science and Technology
  176. Materials Interaction with Femtosecond Lasers
  177. Materials Issues for Generation IV Systems
  178. Materials Management
  179. Materials Metrology and Standards for Structural Performance
  180. Materials Modification by High-fluence Ion Beams
  181. Materials Phase Change PDE Control & Estimation
  182. Materials Processes
  183. Materials Processing Fundamentals
  184. Materials Processing Fundamentals 2017
  185. Materials Processing Fundamentals 2018
  186. Materials Processing Fundamentals 2019
  187. Materials Processing Fundamentals 2020
  188. Materials Processing Fundamentals 2021
  189. Materials Processing Fundamentals 2023
  190. Materials Processing Fundamentals 2024
  191. Materials Processing in High Gravity
  192. Materials Research and Applications
  193. Materials Research for Manufacturing
  194. Materials Research with Ion Beams
  195. Materials Science
  196. Materials Science Research
  197. Materials Science Research
  198. Materials Science Research
  199. Materials Science for Structural Geology
  200. Materials Science in Static High Magnetic Fields