22283 publications

  1. Materials Science of Carbides, Nitrides and Borides
  2. Materials Science on CD-ROM: Solutions Manual
  3. Materials Science with Ion Beams
  4. Materials Science: Theory and Engineering
  5. Materials Sciences and Implant Orthopedic Surgery
  6. Materials Sciences in Space
  7. Materials Selection and Design
  8. Materials Syntheses
  9. Materials Synthesis and Characterization
  10. Materials Testing for the Metal Forming Industry
  11. Materials and Apparatus in Quantum Radiophysics
  12. Materials and Crystallographic Aspects of HTc-Superconductivity
  13. Materials and Electro-mechanical and Biomedical Devices Based on Nanofibers
  14. Materials and Fluids Under low Gravity
  15. Materials and Joints in Timber Structures
  16. Materials and Manufacturing Processes
  17. Materials and Measurements in Molecular Electronics
  18. Materials and Processes
  19. Materials and Processes for Solar Fuel Production
  20. Materials and Processes for Surface and Interface Engineering
  21. Materials and Processes of Electron Devices
  22. Materials and Reliability Handbook for Semiconductor Optical and Electron Devices
  23. Materials and Strength of Gas Turbine Parts
  24. Materials and Technologies for Future Advancement
  25. Materials and Working Mechanisms of Secondary Batteries
  26. Materials for Advanced Batteries
  27. Materials for Advanced Packaging
  28. Materials for Advanced Packaging
  29. Materials for Biomedical Simulation
  30. Materials for Chemical Sensing
  31. Materials for Construction and Civil Engineering
  32. Materials for Electronic, Magnetic, and Spintronic Technologies
  33. Materials for Energy Infrastructure
  34. Materials for High Temperature Engineering Applications
  35. Materials for Information Technology
  36. Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries
  37. Materials for Nuclear Plants
  38. Materials for Refractories and Ceramics
  39. Materials for Springs
  40. Materials for Sustainable Environmental, Energy, and Bioresource Applications
  41. Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure
  42. Materials for Technology Students
  43. Materials for Tomorrow
  44. Materials in Marine Technology
  45. Materials in World Perspective
  46. Materials management
  47. Materials that Change Color
  48. Materials that Move
  49. Materials with Complex Behaviour
  50. Materials with Complex Behaviour II
  51. Materials with Extreme Wetting Properties
  52. Materials with Internal Structure
  53. Materials with Memory
  54. Materials with Memory
  55. Materials, Design and Manufacturing for Sustainable Environment
  56. Materials, Design, and Manufacturing for Sustainable Environment
  57. Materials, Energy and Environment Engineering
  58. Materials, Structures and Manufacturing for Aircraft
  59. Materials, Technologies and Practice in Historic Heritage Structures
  60. Materialtheorie
  61. Materialverhalten anisotroper Festkörper
  62. Materialwirtschaft und Einkauf
  63. Materialwirtschaft und Einkauf
  64. Materialwirtschaft und Einkauf
  65. Materialwirtschaft und Einkauf
  66. Materialwirtschaft und Einkauf
  67. Materialwirtschaft und Einkauf
  68. Materialwirtschaft und Einkauf
  69. Materialwirtschaft und Einkauf
  70. Materialwirtschaft und Einkauf
  71. Materialwirtschaft und Einkauf
  72. Materialwirtschaft und Einkauf
  73. Materialwirtschaft und Einkauf
  74. Materialwirtschaft und Einkauf
  75. Materialwirtschaft und Produktionstheorie
  76. Materialwirtschaft und Produktionstheorie
  77. Materialwirtschaftlicher Erfolgsnachweis
  78. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik
  79. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik
  80. Materialzuführungsvorrichtungen an Exzenter- und Ziehpressen
  81. Materie
  82. Materie als Feld
  83. Materie und Strahlung
  84. Materielle Absicherung bei Erwerbsminderung im Kontext der Lebensform
  85. Materiomics: Multiscale Mechanics of Biological Materials and Structures
  86. Maternal Abandonment and Queer Resistance in Twenty-First-Century Swedish Literature
  87. Maternal Death and Pregnancy-Related Morbidity Among Indigenous Women of Mexico and Central America
  88. Maternal Distress and Postnatal Depression
  89. Maternal Drug Use and Infant Congenital Malformations
  90. Maternal Employment and Children’s Development
  91. Maternal Fetal Transmission of Human Viruses and their Influence on Tumorigenesis
  92. Maternal Health and American Cultural Values
  93. Maternal Healthcare and Doulas in China
  94. Maternal Horror Film
  95. Maternal Influences on Fetal Neurodevelopment
  96. Maternal Instincts
  97. Maternal Modernism
  98. Maternal Mortality - Lessons Learnt from Autopsy
  99. Maternal Obesity and Pregnancy
  100. Maternal Performance
  101. Maternal Placental Interface
  102. Maternal Representations in Twenty-First Century Broadway Musicals
  103. Maternal Sentencing and the Rights of the Child
  104. Maternal and Child Health
  105. Maternal and Child Health Around the World
  106. Maternal and Fetal Cardiovascular Disease
  107. Maternity Policy and the Making of the Norwegian Welfare State, 1880-1940
  108. Maternity and Neonatal Care
  109. Math Everywhere
  110. Math Mutation Classics
  111. Math Physics Foundation of Advanced Remote Sensing Digital Image Processing
  112. Math Talks for Undergraduates
  113. Math Tools
  114. Math for Business and Economics
  115. Math for Business and Economics
  116. Math for Business and Economics
  117. Math for Scientists
  118. Math for Scientists
  119. Math for the Digital Factory
  120. Math in the Time of Corona
  121. Math into LATEX
  122. Math into LATEX
  123. Math into TeX
  124. Math!
  125. MathPhys Odyssey 2001
  126. Mathcad in der Tragwerksplanung
  127. Mathcad in der Tragwerksplanung
  128. Mathe für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler: Analysis
  129. Mathe in der (Bio-)Chemie I
  130. Mathe ist noch mehr
  131. Mathe ist noch viel mehr
  132. Mathe ist wirklich noch viel mehr
  133. Mathe übersichtlich: Von den Basics bis zur Analysis
  134. Mathe übersichtlich: Von den Basics bis zur Analysis
  135. Mathe!
  136. Mathe, Märkte und Millionen
  137. Mathe, Märkte und Millionen
  138. Mathe-Basics zum Studienbeginn
  139. Mathemagische Tricks
  140. Mathematica als Werkzeug Eine Einführung mit Anwendungsbeispielen
  141. Mathematica as a Tool
  142. Mathematica for Bioinformatics
  143. Mathematica griffbereit
  144. Mathematica in Action
  145. Mathematica ®: A Problem-Centered Approach
  146. Mathematica — kurz und bündig
  147. Mathematica: Vom Problem zum Programm
  148. Mathematical Advances Towards Sustainable Environmental Systems
  149. Mathematical Adventures in Performance Analysis
  150. Mathematical Analysis
  151. Mathematical Analysis
  152. Mathematical Analysis
  153. Mathematical Analysis
  154. Mathematical Analysis
  155. Mathematical Analysis
  156. Mathematical Analysis
  157. Mathematical Analysis
  158. Mathematical Analysis
  159. Mathematical Analysis I
  160. Mathematical Analysis I
  161. Mathematical Analysis I
  162. Mathematical Analysis I
  163. Mathematical Analysis I: Approximation Theory
  164. Mathematical Analysis II
  165. Mathematical Analysis II
  166. Mathematical Analysis II
  167. Mathematical Analysis II
  168. Mathematical Analysis II: Optimisation, Differential Equations and Graph Theory
  169. Mathematical Analysis With Applications
  170. Mathematical Analysis and Applications
  171. Mathematical Analysis and Applications
  172. Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Modeling
  173. Mathematical Analysis and Applications—Plenary Lectures
  174. Mathematical Analysis and Computing
  175. Mathematical Analysis and Simulation of Field Models in Accelerator Circuits
  176. Mathematical Analysis and its Applications
  177. Mathematical Analysis and the Mathematics of Computation
  178. Mathematical Analysis for Transmission of COVID-19
  179. Mathematical Analysis in Interdisciplinary Research
  180. Mathematical Analysis of Complex Cellular Activity
  181. Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications
  182. Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications II
  183. Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications III
  184. Mathematical Analysis of Decision Problems in Ecology
  185. Mathematical Analysis of Environmental System
  186. Mathematical Analysis of Problems in the Natural Sciences
  187. Mathematical Analysis of Shock Wave Reflection
  188. Mathematical Analysis of Thin Plate Models
  189. Mathematical Analysis of Urban Spatial Networks
  190. Mathematical Analysis of the Navier-Stokes Equations
  191. Mathematical Analysis, Approximation Theory and Their Applications
  192. Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications – Plenary Lectures
  193. Mathematical Analysis, its Applications and Computation
  194. Mathematical Applications in Continuum and Structural Mechanics
  195. Mathematical Approach to Climate Change and its Impacts
  196. Mathematical Approaches for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases: Models, Methods, and Theory
  197. Mathematical Approaches to Biological Systems
  198. Mathematical Approaches to Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics
  199. Mathematical Approaches to Polymer Sequence Analysis and Related Problems
  200. Mathematical Approaches to Problems in Resource Management and Epidemiology