20374 publications

  1. Emigration and Caribbean Literature
  2. Emigration and Diaspora Policies in the Age of Mobility
  3. Emigration and the Labouring Poor
  4. Emigrierte Komponisten in der Medienlandschaft des Exils 1933–1945
  5. Emil Artin and Helmut Hasse
  6. Emil Fischer
  7. Emil Fischer’s ‘’From My Life’’
  8. Emil Kraepelin und die Krankheit von James Loeb
  9. Emil Kraepelin und die Psychiatrie als klinische Wissenschaft
  10. Emil Rathenau und das Werden der Großwirtschaft
  11. Emil du Bois-Reymond
  12. Emil du Bois-Reymond
  13. Emil du Bois-Reymond (1818–1896) Anton Dohrn (1840–1909)
  14. Emile Durkheim
  15. Emile Durkheim
  16. Emile Zola — der Autor im Spannungsfeld seiner Epoche
  17. Emilie Du Châtelet und die deutsche Aufklärung
  18. Emilie du Châtelet between Leibniz and Newton
  19. Emily Brontë
  20. Emily Brontë
  21. Emily Brontë: Wuthering Heights
  22. Emily Dickinson
  23. Emily Dickinson
  24. Emily Dickinson and the Modern Consciousness
  25. Emily Dickinson’s Readings of Men and Books
  26. Emily Dickinson’s Rich Conversation
  27. Eminent Elizabethans
  28. Emiratization in the UAE Labor Market
  29. Emission Factors of Carbonaceous Particulate Matter and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Residential Solid Fuel Combustions
  30. Emission Reduction with an Alternative Diesel Combustion Process
  31. Emission and Scattering Techniques
  32. Emission of Radio Waves in Particle Showers
  33. Emissionen von Platinmetallen
  34. Emissions Trading
  35. Emissions Trading
  36. Emissions Trading and Business
  37. Emissions from Continuous Combustion Systems
  38. Emissions of Air Pollutants
  39. Emissions of Atmospheric Trace Compounds
  40. Emissions-handelsrecht
  41. Emissionsfreie Gebäude
  42. Emissionsfreie Gebäude
  43. Emissionsfreie Mobilität und Energiewende
  44. Emissionshandel
  45. Emissionshandelsrecht
  46. Emissionshandelsrecht
  47. Emissionsrechtehandel — eine neue Perspektive für die deutsche Klimapolitik nach Kioto
  48. Emissive Materials Nanomaterials
  49. Emma by Jane Austen
  50. Emmanuel Levinas
  51. Emmy Noether 1882–1935
  52. Emmy Noether in Bryn Mawr
  53. Emmy Noether – Mathematician Extraordinaire
  54. Emmy Noether, die Noether-Schule und die moderne Algebra
  55. Emotieregulatie
  56. Emotieregulatie als basis van het menselijk bestaan
  57. Emotieregulatietraining bij kinderen en adolescenten
  58. Emoties in de zorg
  59. Emotion
  60. Emotion Concepts
  61. Emotion Modeling
  62. Emotion Online
  63. Emotion Recognition and Understanding for Emotional Human-Robot Interaction Systems
  64. Emotion Recognition using Speech Features
  65. Emotion Regulation
  66. Emotion Regulation and Strategy Instruction in Learning
  67. Emotion Regulation and Well-Being
  68. Emotion Selling
  69. Emotion Selling
  70. Emotion Talk Across Corpora
  71. Emotion and Cause
  72. Emotion and Information Processing
  73. Emotion and Reason in Social Change
  74. Emotion and the Contemporary Museum
  75. Emotion and the Law
  76. Emotion in Aesthetics
  77. Emotion in Christian and Islamic Contemplative Texts, 1100–1250
  78. Emotion in Games
  79. Emotion in Group Decision and Negotiation
  80. Emotion in Organizational Change
  81. Emotion in Video Game Soundtracking
  82. Emotion in the Mind and Body
  83. Emotion und Fehlentscheidung
  84. Emotion und Intuition in Führung und Organisation
  85. Emotion und Intuition in Führung und Organisation
  86. Emotion und Textverstehen
  87. Emotion – Feeling – Mood
  88. Emotion, Affect and Personality in Speech
  89. Emotion, Cognition and Silent Communication: Unsolved Mysteries
  90. Emotion, Gesellschaft und Kultur
  91. Emotion, Kommunikation, Konflikt
  92. Emotion, Kommunikation, Konflikt
  93. Emotion, Personality and Cultural Aspects in Crowds
  94. Emotion, Politics and Society
  95. Emotion, Ritual and Power in Europe, 1200–1920
  96. Emotion, Truth and Meaning
  97. Emotion-Driven Innovation
  98. Emotion-Oriented Systems
  99. Emotion@Web
  100. Emotional Abuse and Neglect in the Workplace
  101. Emotional Alterity in the Medieval North Sea World
  102. Emotional Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse
  103. Emotional Banking
  104. Emotional Cognitive Neural Algorithms with Engineering Applications
  105. Emotional Design and the Healthcare Environment
  106. Emotional Design in Human-Robot Interaction
  107. Emotional Disorders in Children and Adolescents
  108. Emotional Engineering
  109. Emotional Engineering (Vol. 3)
  110. Emotional Engineering Volume 4
  111. Emotional Engineering vol. 2
  112. Emotional Engineering, Vol. 6
  113. Emotional Engineering, Vol. 8
  114. Emotional Engineering, Vol. 9
  115. Emotional Engineering, Vol.5
  116. Emotional Engineering, Vol.7
  117. Emotional Ethics of The Hunger Games
  118. Emotional Feedback for Mobile Devices
  119. Emotional Governance: Politics, Media and Terror
  120. Emotional Impact
  121. Emotional Intelligence
  122. Emotional Intelligence for Students, Parents, Teachers and School Leaders
  123. Emotional Intelligence in Education
  124. Emotional Labour and Lesson Observation
  125. Emotional Life
  126. Emotional Life and the Politics of Welfare
  127. Emotional Literacy in Criminal Justice
  128. Emotional Logic and Decision Making
  129. Emotional Machines
  130. Emotional Power im Service
  131. Emotional Processing Deficits and Happiness
  132. Emotional Prosody Processing for Non-Native English Speakers
  133. Emotional Settings in Early Modern Pedagogical Culture
  134. Emotional Workplace Abuse
  135. Emotional and Behavioural Problems of Young Offenders in Singapore
  136. Emotional and Ecological Literacy for a More Sustainable Society
  137. Emotional and Ethical Challenges for Field Research in Africa
  138. Emotional intelligent führen
  139. Emotional kompetent agieren
  140. Emotional, Physical and Sexual Abuse
  141. Emotional, Physical and Sexual Abuse
  142. Emotionale Ansteckung in technologiebasierten Serviceinteraktionen
  143. Emotionale Determinanten der Dienstleistungsqualität
  144. Emotionale Intelligenz
  145. Emotionale Intelligenz als Schlüsselfaktor der Teamzusammensetzung
  146. Emotionale Intelligenz bei Kindern fördern
  147. Emotionale Intelligenz in Organisationen
  148. Emotionale Intelligenz und Verkaufsperformance
  149. Emotionale Intelligenz und soziales Funktionsniveau bei bipolaren Störungen
  150. Emotionale Kompetenz im Lehrberuf
  151. Emotionale Kompetenzen
  152. Emotionale Markenbindung in sozialen Netzwerken
  153. Emotionale Mitgliedschaft – Studien zum Verhältnis von Organisation, Emotion und Individuum
  154. Emotionale Regulation bei psychischen Störungen
  155. Emotionale Verkaufsintelligenz
  156. Emotionales Change Management
  157. Emotionales Erleben und Wissenserwerb im computergestützten Wirtschaftsunterricht
  158. Emotionales Interaktionsdesign
  159. Emotionalisierung von Marken
  160. Emotionalizing Organizations and Organizing Emotions
  161. Emotionally Indebted
  162. Emotionen
  163. Emotionen
  164. Emotionen
  165. Emotionen als Forschungsgegenstand der deutschsprachigen Soziologie
  166. Emotionen als Kapital
  167. Emotionen bei Buying Center-Entscheidungen
  168. Emotionen im Bildungsverlauf
  169. Emotionen im Coaching
  170. Emotionen im Marketing
  171. Emotionen in der interkulturellen Psychologie
  172. Emotionen und Führung
  173. Emotionen und affektives Erleben bei Menschen mit Autismus
  174. Emotionen und politisches Urteilen
  175. Emotionen und professionelles Handeln in der Sozialen Arbeit
  176. Emotionen und pädagogische Professionalität
  177. Emotionen — Entwicklung und Regulation
  178. Emotionen, Sozialstruktur und Moderne
  179. Emotions Meet Cognitions
  180. Emotions and Choice from Boethius to Descartes
  181. Emotions and Gender in Byzantine Culture
  182. Emotions and Loneliness in a Networked Society
  183. Emotions and Personality in Personalized Services
  184. Emotions and Psychopathology
  185. Emotions and Reflexivity in Health & Social Care Field Research
  186. Emotions and Risky Technologies
  187. Emotions and The Body in Buddhist Contemplative Practice and Mindfulness-Based Therapy
  188. Emotions and Understanding
  189. Emotions and Virtues in Feature Writing
  190. Emotions and War
  191. Emotions and the Making of Psychiatric Reform in Britain, c. 1770-1820
  192. Emotions and the Right Side of the Brain
  193. Emotions as Bio-cultural Processes
  194. Emotions as Original Existences
  195. Emotions in Contemporary TV Series
  196. Emotions in Cultural Context
  197. Emotions in Digital Interactions
  198. Emotions in Korean Philosophy and Religion
  199. Emotions in Multiple Languages
  200. Emotions in Non-Fictional Representations of the Individual, 1600-1850