27613 publications

  1. Atomic Diffusion in Glasses Studied with Coherent X-Rays
  2. Atomic Diffusion in Semiconductors
  3. Atomic Diffusion in Stars
  4. Atomic Dynamics in Liquids
  5. Atomic Emission Spectra of Neutral Noble Gases in the Infrared Spectral Range
  6. Atomic Energy Costing
  7. Atomic Evidence
  8. Atomic Force Microscopy
  9. Atomic Force Microscopy
  10. Atomic Force Microscopy
  11. Atomic Force Microscopy
  12. Atomic Force Microscopy Based Nanorobotics
  13. Atomic Force Microscopy in Biomedical Research
  14. Atomic Force Microscopy in Molecular and Cell Biology
  15. Atomic Force Microscopy, Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscopy and Nanoscratching
  16. Atomic Force Microscopy/Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
  17. Atomic Force Microscopy/Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 2
  18. Atomic Force Microscopy/Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 3
  19. Atomic Hypothesis and the Concept of Molecular Structure
  20. Atomic Information Technology
  21. Atomic Inner-Shell Physics
  22. Atomic Layer Deposition for Semiconductors
  23. Atomic Many-Body Theory
  24. Atomic Many-Body Theory
  25. Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants 4
  26. Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants 5
  27. Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants 6
  28. Atomic Multielectron Processes
  29. Atomic Particles and Atom Systems
  30. Atomic Photoeffect
  31. Atomic Physics 3
  32. Atomic Physics 4
  33. Atomic Physics 5
  34. Atomic Physics 7
  35. Atomic Physics 8
  36. Atomic Physics Methods in Modern Research
  37. Atomic Physics at Accelerators: Mass Spectrometry
  38. Atomic Physics at Accelerators: Stored Particles and Fundamental Physics
  39. Atomic Physics of Highly Charged Ions
  40. Atomic Physics of Highly Ionized Atoms
  41. Atomic Physics with Heavy Ions
  42. Atomic Physics with Positrons
  43. Atomic Processes in Basic and Applied Physics
  44. Atomic Processes in Electron-Ion and Ion-Ion Collisions
  45. Atomic Properties in Hot Plasmas
  46. Atomic Scale Characterization and First-Principles Studies of Si₃N₄ Interfaces
  47. Atomic Scale Dynamics at Surfaces
  48. Atomic Scale Interconnection Machines
  49. Atomic Simulation of Electrooptic and Magnetooptic Oxide Materials
  50. Atomic Spectra and Collisions in External Fields
  51. Atomic Spectra and Radiative Transitions
  52. Atomic Spectra and Radiative Transitions
  53. Atomic Spectroscopy and Radiative Processes
  54. Atomic Spectroscopy: Introduction to the Theory of Hyperfine Structure
  55. Atomic Structure Theory
  56. Atomic Switch
  57. Atomic Transport and Defects in Metals by Neutron Scattering
  58. Atomic and Electronic Properties of 2D Moiré Interfaces
  59. Atomic and Electronic Structure of Surfaces
  60. Atomic and Ionic Impact Phenomena on Metal Surfaces
  61. Atomic and Molecular Beams
  62. Atomic and Molecular Collision Theory
  63. Atomic and Molecular Data for Space Astronomy Needs, Analysis, and Availability
  64. Atomic and Molecular Physics of Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion
  65. Atomic and Molecular Processes in Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion
  66. Atomic and Molecular Processes in Fusion Edge Plasmas
  67. Atomic and Molecular Processes with Short Intense Laser Pulses
  68. Atomic and Molecular Properties
  69. Atomic and Molecular Radiative Processes
  70. Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
  71. Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
  72. Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
  73. Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
  74. Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
  75. Atomic and Nanometer-Scale Modification of Materials: Fundamentals and Applications
  76. Atomic and Nuclear Analytical Methods
  77. Atomic and Nuclear Clusters
  78. Atomic and Nuclear Methods in Fossil Energy Research
  79. Atomic and Nuclear Physics
  80. Atomic and Quantum Physics
  81. Atomic and Quantum Physics
  82. Atomic clusters and nanoparticles. Agregats atomiques et nanoparticules
  83. Atomic- and Nanoscale Magnetism
  84. Atomic-Scale Electronics Beyond CMOS
  85. Atomic-Scale Insights into Emergent Photovoltaic Absorbers
  86. Atomically Precise Electrocatalysts for Electrochemical Energy Applications
  87. Atomically Precise Metal Nanoclusters
  88. Atomicity through Fractal Measure Theory
  89. Atomismus und Kontinuitätstheorie in der Neuzeitlichen Physik
  90. Atomistic Approaches in Modern Biology
  91. Atomistic Aspects of Epitaxial Growth
  92. Atomistic Modeling of Materials Failure
  93. Atomistic Modeling of Physical Properties
  94. Atomistic Properties of Solids
  95. Atomistic Simulation of Materials
  96. Atomistic and Continuum Modeling of Nanocrystalline Materials
  97. Atomistics of Fracture
  98. Atomkraft
  99. Atomkraft
  100. Atomkraft
  101. Atomkraft
  102. Atomkraft
  103. Atommüll - die teure Erbschaft
  104. Atomphysik
  105. Atomphysik
  106. Atomphysik für Höhlenmenschen und andere Anfänger
  107. Atomphysik in Versuchen
  108. Atomphysik und menschliche Erkenntnis
  109. Atoms I / Atome I
  110. Atoms II / Atome II
  111. Atoms III — Molecules I / Atome III — Moleküle I
  112. Atoms and Light: Interactions
  113. Atoms and Molecules in Intense Fields
  114. Atoms and Molecules in Strong External Fields
  115. Atoms and Their Spectroscopic Properties
  116. Atoms in Astrophysics
  117. Atoms in Plasmas
  118. Atoms in Strong Fields
  119. Atoms in Strong Magnetic Fields
  120. Atoms in Unusual Situations
  121. Atoms of Mind
  122. Atoms, Chemical Bonds and Bond Dissociation Energies
  123. Atoms, Inorganic Radicals, and Radicals in Metal Complexes
  124. Atoms, Molecules and Optical Physics 1
  125. Atoms, Molecules and Optical Physics 2
  126. Atoms, Molecules and Photons
  127. Atoms, Molecules and Photons
  128. Atoms, Molecules and Photons
  129. Atoms, Solids, and Plasmas in Super-Intense Laser Fields
  130. Atomtheorie des Festen Zustandes (Dynamik der Kristallgitter)
  131. Atomtheorie und Naturbeschreibung
  132. Atopic Dermatitis
  133. Atopic Dermatitis - Eczema
  134. Atopic Palmoplantar Eczema
  135. Atopisches Ekzem im Kindesalter (Neurodermitis)
  136. Atrial Fibrillation
  137. Atrial Fibrillation
  138. Atrial Fibrillation Therapy
  139. Atrial Fibrillation after Cardiac Surgery
  140. Atrial Fibrillation and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
  141. Atrial Fibrillation from an Engineering Perspective
  142. Atrial Fibrillation, a Treatable Disease?
  143. Atrial Hormones and Other Natriuretic Factors
  144. Atrioventricular Conduction in Congenital Heart Disease
  145. Atrophic Rhinitis
  146. Attachment Aware Schools
  147. Attachment Behavior
  148. Attachment Devices of Insect Cuticle
  149. Attachment Narrative Therapy
  150. Attachment Reconsidered
  151. Attachment Security and the Social World
  152. Attachment Structures and Adhesive Secretions in Arachnids
  153. Attachment Theory for Social Work Practice
  154. Attachment Theory, Child Maltreatment and Family Support
  155. Attachment Transmission in Wireless Networks
  156. Attachment Ventilation Theory
  157. Attachment-Based Clinical Work with Children and Adolescents
  158. Attachment-Informed Parent Coaching
  159. Attack on Maritime Trade
  160. Attacks and Defenses for the Internet-of-Things
  161. Attacks, Defenses and Testing for Deep Learning
  162. Attaining Inner Peace in Islam
  163. Attempts to Understand Metastasis Formation I
  164. Attempts to Understand Metastasis Formation II
  165. Attempts to Understand Metastasis Formation III
  166. Attendance Demand in Sports Economics
  167. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  168. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Handbook
  169. Attention Deficits, Learning Disabilities, and Ritalin™
  170. Attention Disorders After Right Brain Damage
  171. Attention and Arousal
  172. Attention and Cognitive Development
  173. Attention and Performance in Computational Vision
  174. Attention and Self-Regulation
  175. Attention and Vision in Language Processing
  176. Attention in Cognitive Systems
  177. Attention in Cognitive Systems. Theories and Systems from an Interdisciplinary Viewpoint
  178. Attenuation of Incoherent Seismic Noise
  179. Attische Grabreliefs
  180. Attitudes Towards Europe Beyond Euroscepticism
  181. Attitudes and Behavioral Decisions
  182. Attitudes and Changing Contexts
  183. Attitudes to Psychological Stress Among Construction Professionals
  184. Attitudes toward Sex in Antebellum America
  185. Attitudes, Aspirations and Welfare
  186. Attitudes, Beliefs, Motivation and Identity in Mathematics Education
  187. Attitudes, Norms, and Beliefs Related to Assisted Reproduction Technologies among Childless Women in a Pronatalist Society
  188. Attitudinal Evaluation in Chinese University Students’ English Writing
  189. Attitudinal Judgment
  190. Attosecond Experiments on Plasmonic Nanostructures
  191. Attosecond Physics
  192. Attracted to Conflict: Dynamic Foundations of Destructive Social Relations
  193. Attracting and Keeping the Best Teachers
  194. Attracting and Retaining Talent
  195. Attraction in Numerical Minimization
  196. Attractive Ellipsoids in Robust Control
  197. Attractivity and Bifurcation for Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems
  198. Attractor Dimension Estimates for Dynamical Systems: Theory and Computation
  199. Attractors Under Discretisation
  200. Attractors for infinite-dimensional non-autonomous dynamical systems