Deploy, Secure and Manage Azure Functions

Securing Azure Functions

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This video segment covers an overview of the various security related options in Azure functions.


  • SSL
  • Custom Domains
  • Authentication
  • Managed Identity
  • Azure Functions

About this video

Sahil Malik
First online
21 December 2018
Online ISBN
Copyright information
© Sahil Malik 2019

Video Transcript

Sahil Malik: Next, let’s talk about Securing Azure Functions. When we talk about securing Azure Functions, there are four main buckets to think of. Now, before I dive into these buckets, let me just say I had a time, things like traffic manager, API manager, and all the other good security practices and tools apply to Azure Functions, but what specifically do Azure Functions contained that we need to learn about?

Number one, SSL. You have the ability to set up SSL on your Azure Functions, even the check the version of TLS you are to support or require SSL, so you can support all of those things. We’ll see how you can do that shortly. Second, setting up custom domains. So usually when you set up an azure function, it ends up in like or something like that. And that is perhaps not what you want. You probably want something on your own domain. So how do you set that up? Certainly that is also possible to do with Azure Functions and we’ll see how to do that. Third, authentication and authorization. So Azure Functions, you can choose to have them authenticated and authorized using any number of social providers or as an Azure AD app. So we’ll see how you can do that as well. And finally, I’ll talk about an important concept called managed service identity and how you can enable that for your Azure Functions. Let’s dive in.