24982 publications

  1. Sensory Neuropathies
  2. Sensory Neuroscience: Four Laws of Psychophysics
  3. Sensory Organ Replacement and Repair
  4. Sensory Perception
  5. Sensory Perception and Transduction in Aneural Organisms
  6. Sensory Perceptions in Language, Embodiment and Epistemology
  7. Sensory Physiology and Behavior
  8. Sensory Processing in Aquatic Environments
  9. Sensory Reception
  10. Sensory Robotics for the Handling of Limp Materials
  11. Sensory Science and Chronic Diseases
  12. Sensory System I
  13. Sensory Systems and Communication in Arthropods
  14. Sensory Systems of Primates
  15. Sensory Systems: II
  16. Sensory Templates and Manager Cognition
  17. Sensory Transduction
  18. Sensory and Metabolic Control of Energy Balance
  19. Sensory-Motor Areas and Aspects of Cortical Connectivity
  20. Sensory-Motor Organizations and Development in Infancy and Early Childhood
  21. Sensual Austerity and Moral Leadership
  22. Sensualities/Textualities and Technologies
  23. Sensuality in Human Living
  24. Sensuous Learning for Practical Judgment in Professional Practice
  25. Sensuous Learning for Practical Judgment in Professional Practice
  26. Sentencing: A Social Process
  27. Sentic Computing
  28. Sentic Computing
  29. Sentiment Analysis and Deep Learning
  30. Sentiment Analysis and Ontology Engineering
  31. Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining
  32. Sentiment Analysis and its Application in Educational Data Mining
  33. Sentiment Analysis for PTSD Signals
  34. Sentiment Analysis in the Bio-Medical Domain
  35. Sentiment Analysis in the Medical Domain
  36. Sentiment-Analyse deutschsprachiger Meinungsäußerungen
  37. Sentimental Analysis and Deep Learning
  38. Sentimentalism, Ethics and the Culture of Feeling
  39. Sentinel Node Biopsy in Breast Cancer
  40. Sentire e pensare
  41. Separable Algebras Over Commutative Rings
  42. Separable Optimization
  43. Separable Programming
  44. Separable Type Representations of Matrices and Fast Algorithms
  45. Separable Type Representations of Matrices and Fast Algorithms
  46. Separably Injective Banach Spaces
  47. Separated Flows and Jets
  48. Separated Migrant Young Women in State Care
  49. Separated Representations and PGD-Based Model Reduction
  50. Separated and Vortical Flow in Aircraft Wing Aerodynamics
  51. Separating Information Maximum Likelihood Method for High-Frequency Financial Data
  52. Separating Powers: International Law before National Courts
  53. Separation Anxiety in Adulthood
  54. Separation Hydrometallurgy of Rare Earth Elements
  55. Separation Logic for High-level Synthesis
  56. Separation Techniques Applied to Omics Sciences
  57. Separation Techniques Thermodynamics Liquid Crystal Polymers
  58. Separation in Point-Free Topology
  59. Separation, Divorce and Families
  60. Separations Using Aqueous Phase Systems
  61. Separations for Biotechnology 2
  62. Separations of f Elements
  63. Separationsenergien und mittleres phänomenologisches Potential der Atomkerne
  64. Separatism and Sovereignty in the New Europe
  65. Sepsis
  66. Sepsis
  67. Sepsis
  68. Sepsis
  69. Sepsis
  70. Sepsis
  71. Sepsis
  72. Sepsis
  73. Sepsis
  74. Sepsis
  75. Sepsis
  76. Sepsis Management
  77. Sepsis Management in Resource-limited Settings
  78. Sepsis and Organ Dysfunction
  79. Sepsis and Organ Dysfunction
  80. Sepsis and Organ Dysfunction
  81. Sepsis and Organ Dysfunction
  82. Sepsis and Organ Dysfunction
  83. Sepsis grave et choc septique
  84. Sepsis nach Angina
  85. Sepsis sévère et choc septique
  86. Sepsis und MODS
  87. Sepsis und MODS
  88. September 11, 2001 as a Cultural Trauma
  89. Septic Shock
  90. Septic Shock Methods and Protocols
  91. Septische Knochen-und Gelenkchirurgie
  92. Septische postoperative Komplikationen
  93. Septischer Abort und bakterieller Schock
  94. Sequence Analysis Primer
  95. Sequence Analysis and Modern C++
  96. Sequence Analysis and Related Approaches
  97. Sequence Comparison
  98. Sequence Data Analysis Guidebook
  99. Sequence Data Mining
  100. Sequence Detection for High-Density Storage Channels
  101. Sequence Learning
  102. Sequence Spaces and Measures of Noncompactness with Applications to Differential and Integral Equations
  103. Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Response to Eustatic, Tectonic and Climatic Forcing
  104. Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Miocene Moghra Formation in the Qattara Depression, North Western Desert, Egypt
  105. Sequence Transformations
  106. Sequence — Evolution — Function
  107. Sequence-Specific DNA Binders for the Therapy of Mitochondrial Diseases
  108. Sequences
  109. Sequences
  110. Sequences II
  111. Sequences and Series in Banach Spaces
  112. Sequences and Their Applications - SETA 2004
  113. Sequences and Their Applications - SETA 2008
  114. Sequences and Their Applications - SETA 2014
  115. Sequences and Their Applications – SETA 2006
  116. Sequences and Their Applications – SETA 2010
  117. Sequences and Their Applications – SETA 2012
  118. Sequences and their Applications
  119. Sequences and their Applications
  120. Sequences, Discrepancies and Applications
  121. Sequences, Groups, and Number Theory
  122. Sequences, Subsequences, and Consequences
  123. Sequencing Theory
  124. Sequential Analysis
  125. Sequential Approximate Multiobjective Optimization Using Computational Intelligence
  126. Sequential Bifurcation Trees to Chaos in Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems
  127. Sequential Binary Investment Decisions
  128. Sequential Data in Biological Experiments
  129. Sequential Decision-Making in Musical Intelligence
  130. Sequential Experimentation in Clinical Trials
  131. Sequential Experiments with Primes
  132. Sequential Intelligent Dynamic System Modeling and Control
  133. Sequential Learning and Decision-Making in Wireless Resource Management
  134. Sequential Logic Synthesis
  135. Sequential Logic Testing and Verification
  136. Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Nonlinear Discrete-Time Filtering
  137. Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice
  138. Sequential Optimization of Asynchronous and Synchronous Finite-State Machines
  139. Sequential and Parallel Algorithms and Data Structures
  140. Sequentielle Systeme
  141. Sequentielle nicht-lineare Tarife
  142. Sequentielle stochastische Investitionsplanung
  143. Sequents and Trees
  144. Sequenz und Struktur des Pro-Enteropeptidase-Gens als Basis für Mutationsanalysen bei angeborenem Enteropeptidasemangel
  145. Serbia and the Church of England
  146. Serbia and the Serbs in World War Two
  147. Serbia’s Antibureaucratic Revolution
  148. Serbia’s Transition
  149. Serendipity
  150. Serendipity Science
  151. Sergei Vinogradskii and the Cycle of Life
  152. Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE)
  153. Serial Crime Fiction
  154. Serial Homicide
  155. Serial Killers and the Media
  156. Serial Killing on Screen
  157. Serial Memoir
  158. Serial Murder and the Psychology of Violent Crimes
  159. Serial Pinboarding in Contemporary Television
  160. Serial Rings
  161. Serial-Data Computation
  162. Seriality and Texts for Young People
  163. Serialization and Persistent Objects
  164. Serializing Fiction in the Victorian Press
  165. Seriation by Children
  166. Seriation in Combinatorial and Statistical Data Analysis
  167. Seriation, Stratigraphy, and Index Fossils
  168. Serielle Überbietung
  169. Serien-Welten
  170. Serienfragmente
  171. Seriengesetze der Linienspektren
  172. Serienwelten und Sozialstruktur
  173. Series Anthropogenic Compounds
  174. Series Anthropogenic Compounds
  175. Series Anthropogenic Compounds
  176. Series Approximation Methods in Statistics
  177. Series Approximation Methods in Statistics
  178. Series Approximation Methods in Statistics
  179. Series in Banach Spaces
  180. Series of Bessel and Kummer-Type Functions
  181. Series-Parallel Converter-Based Microgrids
  182. Serine Proteases and Their Serpin Inhibitors in the Nervous System
  183. Serious ADO: Universal Data Access with Visual Basic
  184. Serious Educational Game Assessment
  185. Serious Fun with Flexagons
  186. Serious Games
  187. Serious Games
  188. Serious Games
  189. Serious Games
  190. Serious Games
  191. Serious Games
  192. Serious Games
  193. Serious Games
  194. Serious Games
  195. Serious Games Analytics
  196. Serious Games Development and Applications
  197. Serious Games Development and Applications
  198. Serious Games Development and Applications
  199. Serious Games Development and Applications
  200. Serious Games and Edutainment Applications