1990 publications

  1. Quasikonforme Abbildungen
  2. Quasiregular Mappings
  3. Quasispecies: Concept and Implications for Virology
  4. Quasispecies: From Theory to Experimental Systems
  5. Quaternary Capped In(Ga)As/GaAs Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors
  6. Quaternary Foraminifera of the Caspian-Black Sea-Mediterranean Corridors: Volume 1
  7. Quaternary Geomorphology in India
  8. Quaternary History of the Coorong Coastal Plain, Southern Australia
  9. Quaternary Period in Saudi Arabia
  10. Quaternary Quadratic Forms
  11. Quaternary of Scotland
  12. Quaternary of South-West England
  13. Quaternary of the Thames
  14. Quaternion Algebras
  15. Quaternion and Clifford Fourier Transforms and Wavelets
  16. Quaternionic Analysis and Elliptic Boundary Value Problems
  17. Quaternionic Approximation
  18. Quaternionic Closed Operators, Fractional Powers and Fractional Diffusion Processes
  19. Quaternionic Integral Transforms
  20. Quaternionic de Branges Spaces and Characteristic Operator Function
  21. Quaternions and Cayley Numbers
  22. Quaternions for Computer Graphics
  23. Quaternions for Computer Graphics
  24. Quaternions, Clifford Algebras and Relativistic Physics
  25. Quattro Pro 3.0
  26. Quattro Pro® for Scientific and Engineering Spreadsheets
  27. Quecksilber
  28. Queen Caroline and Sir William Gell
  29. Queen Caroline and the Power of Caricature in Georgian England
  30. Queen Elizabeth and the Revolt of the Netherlands
  31. Queen Victoria and the Theatre of her Age
  32. Queens Matter in Early Modern Studies
  33. Queenship and Counsel in Early Modern Europe
  34. Queenship and Revolution in Early Modern Europe
  35. Queenship and Voice in Medieval Northern Europe
  36. Queenship and the Women of Westeros
  37. Queenship in Medieval France, 1300-1500
  38. Queenship in the Mediterranean
  39. Queenship, Gender, and Reputation in the Medieval and Early Modern West, 1060-1600
  40. Queer 1950s
  41. Queer Aging in North American Fiction
  42. Queer Apocalypses
  43. Queer Argentina
  44. Queer BDSM Intimacies
  45. Queer Blake
  46. Queer Burroughs
  47. Queer Commodities
  48. Queer Cowboys
  49. Queer Culture in Romania, 1920–2018
  50. Queer Diplomacy
  51. Queer Domesticities
  52. Queer Dramaturgies
  53. Queer Ecopedagogies
  54. Queer Epistemologies in Education
  55. Queer Experimental Literature
  56. Queer Families in Hungary
  57. Queer Girls, Temporality and Screen Media
  58. Queer Interventions in Biomedicine and Public Health
  59. Queer Italia: Same-Sex Desire in Italian Literature and Film
  60. Queer Japanese
  61. Queer Latino Testimonio, Keith Haring, and Juanito Xtravaganza
  62. Queer Love in the Middle Ages
  63. Queer Lyrics
  64. Queer Masculinities
  65. Queer Masculinities, 1550–1800
  66. Queer Milton
  67. Queer Narratives of the Caribbean Diaspora
  68. Queer Natives in Latin America
  69. Queer Nostalgia in Cinema and Pop Culture
  70. Queer Pedagogies
  71. Queer Performance and Contemporary Ireland
  72. Queer Popular Culture
  73. Queer Popular Culture
  74. Queer Post-Gender Ethics
  75. Queer Presences and Absences
  76. Queer Psychology
  77. Queer Refugees
  78. Queer Social Movements and Activism in Indonesia and Malaysia
  79. Queer Social Movements and Outreach Work in Schools
  80. Queer Teachers, Identity and Performativity
  81. Queer Theatre and the Legacy of Cal Yeomans
  82. Queer Theories
  83. Queer Theory and Psychology
  84. Queer Thriving in Catholic Education
  85. Queer Urbanisms in Wilhelmine and Weimar Germany
  86. Queer Voices
  87. Queer Voices in Post-War Scotland
  88. Queer Voices in the Works of Richard von Krafft-Ebing, 1883–1901
  89. Queer Writing
  90. Queer Youth Histories
  91. Queer Youth and Media Cultures
  92. Queer Youth, Suicide and Self-Harm
  93. Queer and Trans Madness
  94. Queer at Work
  95. Queer in the Tropics
  96. Queer/Adaptation
  97. Queerfeministische Kompostierungen des Anthropozäns
  98. Queering Agatha Christie
  99. Queering Asylum in Europe
  100. Queering Childhood in Early Modern English Drama and Culture
  101. Queering Contemporary Gothic Narrative 1970-2012
  102. Queering Criminology
  103. Queering Critical Literacy and Numeracy for Social Justice
  104. Queering Gender, Sexuality, and Becoming-Human in Qing Dynasty Zhiguai
  105. Queering Gothic in the Romantic Age
  106. Queering Masculinities in Language and Culture
  107. Queering Memory and National Identity in Transcultural U.S. Literature and Culture
  108. Queering Migrations Towards, From, and Beyond Asia
  109. Queering Narratives of Domestic Violence and Abuse
  110. Queering Normativity and South Asian Public Culture
  111. Queering Richard Rolle
  112. Queering Transcultural Encounters
  113. Queering W. B. Yeats and Gabriele D’Annunzio
  114. Queering the Biopolitics of Citizenship in the Age of Obama
  115. Queering the Chilean Way
  116. Queering the Family in The Walking Dead
  117. Queering the Moderns
  118. Queerly Cosmopolitan
  119. Queerness in Play
  120. Quei temerari sulle macchine volanti
  121. Quell- und Lösereaktionen an Polyacrylnitrilfasern zur Erkennung einer Hitzebehandlung. Beeinflussung von Polyamidfasern durch Wasserstoffsuperoxydbleichen. Die Aufnahme von Temperatur-Längungs-Schrumpfungs-Kurven synthetischer Fasern
  122. Quell- und Lösereaktionen an Polyesterfasern zur Untersuchung von deren Veränderungen und Schädigungen
  123. Quellen Bürgerschaftlichen Engagements
  124. Quellen der Selbstwirksamkeitsüberzeugung von Grundschullehrkräften im Kontext inklusiver Erziehung und Bildung
  125. Quellen und Studien
  126. Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik
  127. Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik
  128. Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik
  129. Quellen und Studien ƶur Geschichte der Mathematik Astronomie und Physik
  130. Quellenkunde zur neueren deutschen Literaturgeschichte
  131. Quellenrepertorium zur neueren deutschen Literaturgeschichte
  132. Quellenrepertorium zur neueren deutschen Literaturgeschichte
  133. Quellenstudien zur Holländischen Kunstgeschichte
  134. Quellung und Schrumpfung von Kunstharz-Preßstoffen auf Grundlage härtbarer Phenolharze
  135. Quellungs- und Entquellungsvorgänge bei Faserstoffen
  136. Quelques cas historiques en dermatologie
  137. Quench Dynamics in Interacting and Superconducting Nanojunctions
  138. Quentin Tarantino and Film Theory
  139. Quercus ilex L. ecosystems: function, dynamics and management
  140. Querdenken im Marketing
  141. Querdenken im Marketing
  142. Querdynamische Eigenschaftsbewertung in einem Fahrsimulator
  143. Quereinsteiger
  144. Querelles
  145. Querelles
  146. Querelles. Jahrbuch für Frauenforschung 1996
  147. Querelles. Jahrbuch für Frauenforschung 1998
  148. Querelles: Jahrbuch für Frauenforschung 2000
  149. Querelles: Jahrbuch für Frauenforschung 2002
  150. Querfließpressen eines Flansches oder Bundes an zylindrischen Vollkörpern aus Stahl
  151. Quergestreifte Muskulatur · Rückenmarksnerven · Sensibilität Elektrodiagnostik
  152. Querschläger
  153. Querschnittanatomie zur Computertomographie
  154. Querschnitte durch das Gebiet der Werkstoff-Prüfung und -Forschung
  155. Querschnittlähmung
  156. Querschnittlähmung - Schritte der Bewältigung
  157. Querschnittlähmungen
  158. Querschnittlähmungen
  159. Querschnittlähmungen
  160. Querschnittsbereiche
  161. Quersubventionierung zwischen gesetzlicher und privater Krankenversicherung
  162. Querulieren
  163. Query Answer Authentication
  164. Query Processing in Database Systems
  165. Query Processing over Incomplete Databases
  166. Query Processing over Uncertain Databases
  167. Query Store for SQL Server 2019
  168. Query Understanding for Search Engines
  169. Querying Databases Privately
  170. Querying Graphs
  171. Querying Moving Objects Detected by Sensor Networks
  172. Querying over Encrypted Data in Smart Grids
  173. Quest for Good Money
  174. Quest for Inclusive Growth in Bangladesh
  175. Quest for World-Class Teacher Education?
  176. Quest for the Killers
  177. Question Answering for the Curated Web
  178. Question Answering over Text and Knowledge Base
  179. Question-orientedness and the Semantics of Clausal Complementation
  180. Questioning Ayn Rand
  181. Questioning Care in Higher Education
  182. Questioning Cosmopolitanism
  183. Questioning Excellence in Higher Education
  184. Questioning French Secularism
  185. Questioning Hybridity, Postcolonialism and Globalization
  186. Questioning Indigenous-Settler Relations
  187. Questioning Scotland
  188. Questioning the Assessment of Research Impact
  189. Questioning the Entrepreneurial State
  190. Questioning the Foundations of Physics
  191. Questions
  192. Questions About Elastic Waves
  193. Questions and Answers
  194. Questions and Answers in Pain Medicine
  195. Questions and Answers on Finance of International Trade
  196. Questions in Daily Urologic Practice
  197. Questions of Cinema
  198. Questions of Conduct: Sexual Harassment, Citizenship, Government
  199. Questions of Influence in Modern French Literature
  200. Questions of Modern Cosmology