22284 publications

  1. Magnetic Alloys for Technical Applications. Hard Magnetic Alloys
  2. Magnetic Alloys for Technical Applications. Soft Magnetic Alloys, Invar and Elinvar Alloys
  3. Magnetic Bearings
  4. Magnetic Bearings
  5. Magnetic Bubble Technology
  6. Magnetic Bubble Technology
  7. Magnetic Characterization Techniques for Nanomaterials
  8. Magnetic Cloud Boundary Layers and Magnetic Reconnection
  9. Magnetic Components
  10. Magnetic Components
  11. Magnetic Components for Power Electronics
  12. Magnetic Confinement Fusion Driven Thermonuclear Energy
  13. Magnetic Control of Tokamak Plasmas
  14. Magnetic Control of Tokamak Plasmas
  15. Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and Atmosphere of the Sun
  16. Magnetic Dichroism in Core-Level Photoemission
  17. Magnetic Domains
  18. Magnetic Dynamics in Antiferromagnetically-Coupled Ferrimagnets
  19. Magnetic Electron Lenses
  20. Magnetic Excitations and Fluctuations
  21. Magnetic Excitations and Fluctuations II
  22. Magnetic Field Effect on Biological Systems
  23. Magnetic Field Effects in Low-Dimensional Quantum Magnets
  24. Magnetic Fields and Star Formation
  25. Magnetic Fields in Diffuse Media
  26. Magnetic Fields in the Solar System
  27. Magnetic Fields of Celestial Bodies
  28. Magnetic Fields of Galaxies
  29. Magnetic Flux Structures in Superconductors
  30. Magnetic Flux Structures in Superconductors
  31. Magnetic Functions Beyond the Spin-Hamiltonian
  32. Magnetic Fusion Technology
  33. Magnetic Heterostructures
  34. Magnetic Hysteresis in Novel Magnetic Materials
  35. Magnetic Interactions and Spin Transport
  36. Magnetic Interactions in Molecules and Solids
  37. Magnetic Isotope Effect in Radical Reactions
  38. Magnetic Levitation
  39. Magnetic Levitation
  40. Magnetic Material for Motor Drive Systems
  41. Magnetic Measurement Techniques for Materials Characterization
  42. Magnetic Measurements on Organic Compounds
  43. Magnetic Micro and Nanorobot Swarms: From Fundamentals to Applications
  44. Magnetic Microhydrodynamics
  45. Magnetic Microscopy of Layered Structures
  46. Magnetic Microscopy of Nanostructures
  47. Magnetic Molecular Materials
  48. Magnetic Monopole Noise
  49. Magnetic Monopoles
  50. Magnetic Monopoles
  51. Magnetic Multilayers and Giant Magnetoresistance
  52. Magnetic Nanoheterostructures
  53. Magnetic Nanomaterials
  54. Magnetic Nanoparticles
  55. Magnetic Nanoparticles
  56. Magnetic Nanostructures
  57. Magnetic Nanostructures
  58. Magnetic Nanostructures
  59. Magnetic Nanostructures in Modern Technology
  60. Magnetic Neutron Diffraction
  61. Magnetic Order and Coupling Phenomena
  62. Magnetic Orientation in Animals
  63. Magnetic Oxides
  64. Magnetic Particle Imaging
  65. Magnetic Particle Imaging
  66. Magnetic Particle Inspection
  67. Magnetic Perovskites
  68. Magnetic Phase Transitions
  69. Magnetic Phenomena
  70. Magnetic Properties of Coordination and Organometallic Transition Metal Compounds
  71. Magnetic Properties of Coordination and Organometallic Transition Metal Compounds
  72. Magnetic Properties of Coordination and Organometallic Transition Metal Compounds
  73. Magnetic Properties of Coordination and Organometallic Transition Metal Compounds
  74. Magnetic Properties of Free Radicals
  75. Magnetic Properties of Layered Transition Metal Compounds
  76. Magnetic Properties of Metals
  77. Magnetic Properties of Metals: Magnetic and Electric Properties of Magnetic Metallic Multilayers
  78. Magnetic Properties of Non-Metallic Inorganic Compounds Based on Transition Elements
  79. Magnetic Properties of Non-Metallic Inorganic Compounds Based on Transition Elements
  80. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds
  81. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds
  82. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds
  83. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds
  84. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds
  85. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds
  86. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds
  87. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds
  88. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds
  89. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds, Magnetic Susceptibility Data, Volume 1
  90. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds, Magnetic Susceptibility Data, Volume 2
  91. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds, Magnetic Susceptibility Data, Volume 3
  92. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds, Magnetic Susceptibility Data, Volume 4
  93. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds, Magnetic Susceptibility Data, Volume 5
  94. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds, Magnetic Susceptibility Data, Volume 6
  95. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds, Magnetic Susceptibility Data, Volume 7
  96. Magnetic Properties of Paramagnetic Compounds, Magnetic Susceptibility Data, Volume 8
  97. Magnetic Properties of Rare Earth Metals
  98. Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Compounds
  99. Magnetic Properties of d-Elements, Alloys and Compounds Under Pressure
  100. Magnetic Reconnection
  101. Magnetic Recording Handbook
  102. Magnetic Resonance
  103. Magnetic Resonance
  104. Magnetic Resonance Angiography
  105. Magnetic Resonance Angiography
  106. Magnetic Resonance Angiography
  107. Magnetic Resonance Angiography
  108. Magnetic Resonance Brain Imaging
  109. Magnetic Resonance Brain Imaging
  110. Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)
  111. Magnetic Resonance Detection of Explosives and Illicit Materials
  112. Magnetic Resonance Elastography
  113. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  114. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  115. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  116. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  117. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  118. Magnetic Resonance Imaging In Foods
  119. Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy in Sports Medicine
  120. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Coronary Artery Disease
  121. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Deep Brain Stimulation
  122. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Ischemic Stroke
  123. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Orthopedic Sports Medicine
  124. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors and Their Mimics
  125. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder
  126. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Central Nervous System Diseases
  127. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Congenital Heart Disease
  128. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Congenital Heart Disease
  129. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Bone Marrow
  130. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Knee
  131. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Skeletal Musculature
  132. Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Nonlinear Gradient Fields
  133. Magnetic Resonance Neuroimaging
  134. Magnetic Resonance Scanning and Epilepsy
  135. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging in Neurochemistry
  136. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Multiple Sclerosis
  137. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Degenerative Brain Diseases
  138. Magnetic Resonance Techniques in Clinical Trials in Multiple Sclerosis
  139. Magnetic Resonance Tomography
  140. Magnetic Resonance and Its Applications
  141. Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena
  142. Magnetic Resonance in Colloid and Interface Science
  143. Magnetic Resonance in Colloid and Interface Science
  144. Magnetic Resonance in Dementia
  145. Magnetic Resonance in Experimental and Clinical Oncology
  146. Magnetic Resonance in Nephrourology
  147. Magnetic Resonance in Oncology
  148. Magnetic Resonance of Myelin, Myelination, and Myelin Disorders
  149. Magnetic Resonance of Myelin, Myelination, and Myelin Disorders
  150. Magnetic Resonance of Myelination and Myelin Disorders
  151. Magnetic Resonance of Semiconductors and Their Nanostructures
  152. Magnetic Resonators
  153. Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys
  154. Magnetic Solitons in Extended Ferromagnetic Nanosystems Based on Iron and Nickel: Quantum, Thermodynamic, and Structural Effects
  155. Magnetic Stochasticity in Magnetically Confined Fusion Plasmas
  156. Magnetic Storage Systems Beyond 2000
  157. Magnetic Straintronics
  158. Magnetic Surgery
  159. Magnetic Susceptibilities
  160. Magnetic Susceptibility of Superconductors and Other Spin Systems
  161. Magnetic Techniques for the Treatment of Materials
  162. Magnetic transition metals
  163. Magnetically Activated and Guided Isotope Separation
  164. Magnetically-Controlled Shunt Reactors
  165. Magnetische Ausgleichsvorgänge in elektrischen Maschinen
  166. Magnetische Bauelemente
  167. Magnetische Fiktionen
  168. Magnetische Induktion in Eisen und verwandten Metahell
  169. Magnetische Karten von Südwestdeutschland für 1909
  170. Magnetische Kartographie in historisch-kritischer Darstellung
  171. Magnetische Kernresonanz und Chemische Struktur
  172. Magnetische Kernresonanz und Chemische Struktur
  173. Magnetische Kreise, deren Theorie und Anwendung
  174. Magnetische Relaxation an Polymeren im Temperaturbereich von 4, 5 K – 270 K
  175. Magnetische Werkstoffe
  176. Magnetische und magnetisch-elektrische Messungen im Unterricht
  177. Magnetischer Kosmos
  178. Magnetisches Schweben
  179. Magnetisches Sonnensystem
  180. Magnetisches Verhalten von γ-Fe-Ni-Cr-Legierungen
  181. Magnetism
  182. Magnetism
  183. Magnetism
  184. Magnetism
  185. Magnetism
  186. Magnetism Diagrams for Transition Metal Ions
  187. Magnetism and Accelerator-Based Light Sources
  188. Magnetism and Structure in Functional Materials
  189. Magnetism and Structure in Systems of Reduced Dimension
  190. Magnetism and Superconductivity in Iron-based Superconductors as Probed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
  191. Magnetism and Synchrotron Radiation
  192. Magnetism and Synchrotron Radiation
  193. Magnetism and Synchrotron Radiation: Towards the Fourth Generation Light Sources
  194. Magnetism and Transport Phenomena in Spin-Charge Coupled Systems on Frustrated Lattices
  195. Magnetism and the Electronic Structure of Crystals
  196. Magnetism in Metals and Metallic Compounds
  197. Magnetism in Topological Insulators
  198. Magnetism in the Solid State
  199. Magnetism, Planetary Rotation, and Convection in the Solar System: Retrospect and Prospect
  200. Magnetism: A Supramolecular Function