22339 publications

  1. Computerspiele
  2. Computerspiele im Diskurs: Aggression, Amokläufe und Sucht
  3. Computerspiele und lebenslanges Lernen
  4. Computerspiele: Grundlagen, Psychologie und Anwendungen
  5. Computerstandards und die Theorie öffentlicher Güter
  6. Computerstile
  7. Computersysteme — Aufbau und Funktionsweise
  8. Computersysteme — Ebenbilder der Natur?
  9. Computertomographie des Kopfskeletts (Gesicht und Schädel)
  10. Computertomographie intrakranieller Tumoren aus klinischer Sicht
  11. Computerunterstützte Berechnung von Stahlbetonscheiben mit Spannungsfeldern
  12. Computerunterstützte Chirurgie
  13. Computerunterstützte Fertigung
  14. Computerunterstützte Führung in Kommunalverwaltung und -politik
  15. Computerunterstützte Gruppenentscheidungen
  16. Computerunterstützte Planung von chirurgischen Eingriffen in der Orthopädie
  17. Computerunterstützte Produktion
  18. Computerunterstützte Screeninganamnese
  19. Computerunterstützte Teamarbeit
  20. Computerunterstützter Unterricht
  21. Computerunterstütztes Konstruieren
  22. Computerunterstützung arbeitsteiliger Prozesse
  23. Computerunterstützung der Argumentation in Gruppen
  24. Computerunterstützung der produktbezogenen Ökobilanzierung
  25. Computerunterstützung für Regelungsaufgaben
  26. Computerunterstützung im Portfoliomanagement
  27. Computerviren und ihre Vermeidung
  28. Computerwelten — Alltagswelten
  29. Computer–Based Structure Elucidation from Spectral Data
  30. Computing Algorithms with Applications in Engineering
  31. Computing Attitude and Affect in Text: Theory and Applications
  32. Computing Bodies
  33. Computing Characterizations of Drugs for Ion Channels and Receptors Using Markov Models
  34. Computing Colour Image Processing
  35. Computing Equilibria and Fixed Points
  36. Computing Fundamentals
  37. Computing Intelligence in Capital Market
  38. Computing Meaning
  39. Computing Meaning
  40. Computing Meaning
  41. Computing Meaning
  42. Computing Methods in Applied Sciences
  43. Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering
  44. Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering Part 1
  45. Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering Part 2
  46. Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 1977, I
  47. Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 1977, II
  48. Computing Methods in Optimization Problems
  49. Computing Methods in Solar Heating Design
  50. Computing Nature
  51. Computing Particle Properties
  52. Computing Platforms for Software-Defined Radio
  53. Computing Prosody
  54. Computing Qualitatively Correct Approximations of Balance Laws
  55. Computing Science and Statistics
  56. Computing Science, Communication and Security
  57. Computing Science, Communication and Security
  58. Computing Science, Communication and Security
  59. Computing Science, Communication and Security
  60. Computing Statistics under Interval and Fuzzy Uncertainty
  61. Computing System Reliability
  62. Computing Systems for Autonomous Driving
  63. Computing Techniques for Robots
  64. Computing Tools for Modeling, Optimization and Simulation
  65. Computing and Combinatorics
  66. Computing and Combinatorics
  67. Computing and Combinatorics
  68. Computing and Combinatorics
  69. Computing and Combinatorics
  70. Computing and Combinatorics
  71. Computing and Combinatorics
  72. Computing and Combinatorics
  73. Computing and Combinatorics
  74. Computing and Combinatorics
  75. Computing and Combinatorics
  76. Computing and Combinatorics
  77. Computing and Combinatorics
  78. Computing and Combinatorics
  79. Computing and Combinatorics
  80. Computing and Combinatorics
  81. Computing and Combinatorics
  82. Computing and Combinatorics
  83. Computing and Combinatorics
  84. Computing and Combinatorics
  85. Computing and Combinatorics
  86. Computing and Combinatorics
  87. Computing and Combinatorics
  88. Computing and Combinatorics
  89. Computing and Combinatorics
  90. Computing and Combinatorics
  91. Computing and Combinatorics
  92. Computing and Combinatorics
  93. Computing and Combinatorics
  94. Computing and Combinatorics
  95. Computing and Communication Systems in Urban Development
  96. Computing and Data Science
  97. Computing and Informatics
  98. Computing and Informatics
  99. Computing and Intelligent Systems
  100. Computing and Intelligent Systems
  101. Computing and Monitoring in Anesthesia and Intensive Care
  102. Computing and Network Sustainability
  103. Computing and Network Sustainability
  104. Computing and Philosophy
  105. Computing and Software Science
  106. Computing at the EDGE
  107. Computing for Comparative Microbial Genomics
  108. Computing for Data Analysis: Theory and Practices
  109. Computing in Accelerator Design and Operation
  110. Computing in Algebraic Geometry
  111. Computing in Anesthesia and Intensive Care
  112. Computing in Cause-Effect Structures
  113. Computing in Engineering and Technology
  114. Computing in Horn Clause Theories
  115. Computing in Intelligent Transportation Systems
  116. Computing in Medicine
  117. Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel Environments
  118. Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel Environments
  119. Computing in Research and Development in Africa
  120. Computing in Smart Toys
  121. Computing in Statistical Science through APL
  122. Computing in systems described by equations
  123. Computing in the 90's
  124. Computing in the Web Age: A Web-Interactive Introduction
  125. Computing the Continuous Discretely
  126. Computing the Continuous Discretely
  127. Computing the Electrical Activity in the Heart
  128. Computing the Optical Properties of Large Systems
  129. Computing the Zeros of Analytic Functions
  130. Computing with Data
  131. Computing with Foresight and Industry
  132. Computing with Instinct
  133. Computing with Memory for Energy-Efficient Robust Systems
  134. Computing with New Resources
  135. Computing with Social Trust
  136. Computing with Spatial Trajectories
  137. Computing with T.Node Parallel Architecture
  138. Computing with Words
  139. Computing with Words in Information/Intelligent Systems 1
  140. Computing with Words in Information/Intelligent Systems 2
  141. Computing with the Raspberry Pi
  142. Computing, Analytics and Networks
  143. Computing, Communication and Learning
  144. Computing, Communication and Learning
  145. Computing, Communication and Signal Processing
  146. Computing, Internet of Things and Data Analytics
  147. Concanavalin A
  148. Conceiving Carolina
  149. Conceiving Mozambique
  150. Conceiving Nature after Aristotle, Kant, and Hegel
  151. Conceiving Strangeness in British First World War Writing
  152. Conceiving Virtuality: From Art To Technology
  153. Concentrated Solar Thermal Energy Technologies
  154. Concentrating Photovoltaics (CPV): The Path Ahead
  155. Concentrating Solar Power and Desalination Plants
  156. Concentrating Solar Thermal Technologies
  157. Concentration Analysis and Applications to PDE
  158. Concentration Camp Survivors in Norway and Israel
  159. Concentration Inequalities and Model Selection
  160. Concentration Inequalities for Sums and Martingales
  161. Concentration Risk in Credit Portfolios
  162. Concentration and Gaussian Approximation for Randomized Sums
  163. Concentration in Modern Industry
  164. Concentration of Maxima and Fundamental Limits in High-Dimensional Testing and Inference
  165. Concentrator Location in Telecommunications Networks
  166. Concentrator Photovoltaics
  167. Concept Building in Fisheries Data Analysis
  168. Concept Development and the Development of Word Meaning
  169. Concept Formation and Knowledge Revision
  170. Concept Formation in the Humanities and the Social Sciences
  171. Concept Generation for Design Creativity
  172. Concept Invention
  173. Concept Lattices
  174. Concept Lattices and Their Applications
  175. Concept Mapping in Mathematics
  176. Concept and Design Developments in School Improvement Research
  177. Concept and Formalization of Constellatory Self-Unfolding
  178. Conception and Characteristics of Expert Mathematics Teachers in China
  179. Conception optimale de structures
  180. Conceptions and Consequences of Mathematical Argumentation, Justification, and Proof
  181. Conceptions and Misconceptions of Legislation
  182. Conceptions of Childhood and Moral Education in Philosophy for Children
  183. Conceptions of Critique in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy
  184. Conceptions of Giftedness and Talent
  185. Conceptions of God, Freedom, and Ethics in African American and Jewish Theology
  186. Conceptions of Justice from Earliest History to Islam
  187. Conceptions of Justice from Islam to the Present
  188. Conceptions of Knowledge Creation, Knowledge and Knowing
  189. Conceptions of Leadership
  190. Conceptions of Space in Social Thought
  191. Conceptions of the Desirable
  192. Concepts & Images
  193. Concepts and Applications in Veterinary Toxicology
  194. Concepts and Applications of Remote Sensing in Forestry
  195. Concepts and Applications of Stem Cell Biology
  196. Concepts and Approaches for Sustainability Management
  197. Concepts and Approaches in Evolutionary Epistemology
  198. Concepts and Causes in the Philosophy of Disease
  199. Concepts and Controversies in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  200. Concepts and Controversies in Tidal Marsh Ecology