27276 publications

  1. A Fixed-Point Farrago
  2. A Flexible Efficient Computer System to Answer Human Questions
  3. A Flow-of-Funds Perspective on the Financial Crisis
  4. A Flow-of-Funds Perspective on the Financial Crisis
  5. A Forest Environment Tax Scheme in Japan
  6. A Forgotten British War
  7. A Formal Approach to Hardware Design
  8. A Formal Background to Mathematics
  9. A Formal Background to Mathematics 2a
  10. A Formal Model of Visualization in Computer Graphics Systems
  11. A Formula for Eradicating Racism: Debunking White Supremacy
  12. A Forward Looking Approach to Project Management
  13. A Forward-Backward SDEs Approach to Pricing in Carbon Markets
  14. A Foundation in Business Accounting
  15. A Fractured Landscape of Modernity
  16. A Fragile Balance
  17. A Framework for AI-Made Mistakes in German and English Contract Law
  18. A Framework for Durability Design with Strain-Hardening Cement-Based Composites (SHCC)
  19. A Framework for Monetary Stability
  20. A Framework for Sustainability Thinking
  21. A Framework for Visualizing Information
  22. A Framework of Intersectional Risk Theory in the Age of Ambivalence
  23. A Free Press, If You Can Keep It
  24. A Fresh View on the Outer Space Treaty
  25. A Friendly Guide to Software Development
  26. A Friendly Guide to Wavelets
  27. A Frightening Love: Recasting the Problem of Evil
  28. A Full Axiomatic Development of High School Geometry
  29. A Fuller Explanation
  30. A Functional Biology of Crop Plants
  31. A Functional Biology of Free-Living Protozoa
  32. A Functional Biology of Nematodes
  33. A Functional Biology of Parasitism
  34. A Functional Biology of Scyphozoa
  35. A Functional Biology of Sea Anemones
  36. A Functional Biology of Sticklebacks
  37. A Fusion of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things for Emerging Cyber Systems
  38. A Future Economy for All
  39. A Future for Knowledge Acquisition
  40. A Future for Peacekeeping?
  41. A Future of Capitalism
  42. A Future of Polycentric Cities
  43. A Game Theory Analysis of Options
  44. A Game Theory Analysis of Options
  45. A Game- and Decision-Theoretic Approach to Resilient Interdependent Network Analysis and Design
  46. A Gauge Theory of Dislocations and Disclinations
  47. A Gendered Lens for Genocide Prevention
  48. A Genealogical Analysis of Nietzschean Drive Theory
  49. A Genealogical History of Society
  50. A Genealogy of Appetite in the Sexual Sciences
  51. A Genealogy of Self-Interest in Economics
  52. A General Approach to Macroeconomic Policy
  53. A General Catalog of HI Observations of Galaxies
  54. A General Framework for Reasoning On Inconsistency
  55. A General Model of Legged Locomotion on Natural Terrain
  56. A General PACS-RIS Interface
  57. A General SCF Theory
  58. A General Theory of Ancient Chinese
  59. A General Theory of Entropy
  60. A General Theory of Fluid Mechanics
  61. A General Topology Workbook
  62. A Generalization of Bohr-Mollerup's Theorem for Higher Order Convex Functions
  63. A Generalized Theory of International Trade
  64. A Generative Theory of Relevance
  65. A Generative Theory of Shape
  66. A Generic Approach for the Automated Notarization of Cloud Configurations Using Blockchain-Based Trust
  67. A Generic Fault-Tolerant Architecture for Real-Time Dependable Systems
  68. A Genetic Approach to Plant Biochemistry
  69. A Genre Approach to Celebrity Politics
  70. A Gentle Introduction to Group Theory
  71. A Geo-Economic Turn in Trade Policy?
  72. A Geographer's Guide to Computing Fundamentals
  73. A Geographic Perspective of Cuban Landscapes
  74. A Geographic Perspective of Cuba’s Changing Landscapes
  75. A Geographical Century
  76. A Geography of Public Relations Trends
  77. A Geoinformatics Approach to Water Erosion
  78. A Geometric Algebra Invitation to Space-Time Physics, Robotics and Molecular Geometry
  79. A Geometric Approach to Differential Forms
  80. A Geometric Approach to Differential Forms
  81. A Geometric Approach to Thermomechanics of Dissipating Continua
  82. A Geometric Approach to the Unification of Symbolic Structures and Neural Networks
  83. A Geometrical Picture Book
  84. A Geometrical Study of the Elementary Catastrophes
  85. A Geometry of Approximation
  86. A George Eliot Chronology
  87. A George Eliot Companion
  88. A George Eliot Miscellany
  89. A George Orwell Chronology
  90. A George Orwell Companion
  91. A Gift of Life
  92. A Girl's Education
  93. A Glimpse Beyond 5G in Wireless Networks
  94. A Glimpse at Hilbert Space Operators
  95. A Global Casebook of Sexual Homicide
  96. A Global Doll's House
  97. A Global History of Anti-Apartheid
  98. A Global History of Anti-slavery Politics in the Nineteenth Century
  99. A Global History of Execution and the Criminal Corpse
  100. A Global History of Indigenous Peoples
  101. A Global History of Trade and Conflict since 1500
  102. A Global History of Warfare and Technology
  103. A Global History of the Cold War, 1945-1991
  104. A Global Kinetic Model for Electron Radiation Belt Formation and Evolution
  105. A Global Monetary Plague
  106. A Global Overview of the Conservation of Freshwater Decapod Crustaceans
  107. A Global Perspective on Real Estate Cycles
  108. A Global Perspective on Young People as Offenders and Victims
  109. A Glossary of Anesthesia and Related Terminology
  110. A Glossary of Genetics and Cytogenetics
  111. A Goal-Oriented Approach to Forest Landscape Restoration
  112. A Good Night Out for the Girls
  113. A Gossip Politic
  114. A Graduate Course in NMR Spectroscopy
  115. A Graduate Course on Statistical Inference
  116. A Graduate Introduction to Numerical Methods
  117. A Grammar of Kam Revealed in Its Narrative Discourse
  118. A Grammar of Shakespeare’s Language
  119. A Grammar of Toba Batak
  120. A Graph-Theoretic Approach to Enterprise Network Dynamics
  121. A Group Theoretic Approach to Quantum Information
  122. A Groupoid Approach to C*-Algebras
  123. A Guide Book to Mathematics
  124. A Guide To U.S. Aircraft Noise Regulatory Policy
  125. A Guide for Delineation of Lymph Nodal Clinical Target Volume in Radiation Therapy
  126. A Guide for Women in Religion
  127. A Guide for Women in Religion, Revised Edition
  128. A Guide to Addiction and Its Treatment
  129. A Guide to Additive Manufacturing
  130. A Guide to Applied Machine Learning for Biologists
  131. A Guide to Biomolecular Simulations
  132. A Guide to Blood and Marrow Transplantation
  133. A Guide to Bone Marrow Transplantation
  134. A Guide to Bone Marrow Transplantation
  135. A Guide to Business Performance Measurements
  136. A Guide to Career Resilience
  137. A Guide to Chaucer’s Language
  138. A Guide to Classical and Modern Model Theory
  139. A Guide to Clinical Drug Research
  140. A Guide to Clinical Drug Research
  141. A Guide to Computer Network Security
  142. A Guide to Continuous Improvement Transformation
  143. A Guide to Convolutional Neural Networks for Computer Vision
  144. A Guide to Data Compression Methods
  145. A Guide to Designing Curricular Games
  146. A Guide to Drugs in Current Use
  147. A Guide to Empirical Orthogonal Functions for Climate Data Analysis
  148. A Guide to English–Russian and Russian–English Non-literary Translation
  149. A Guide to Financial Institutions
  150. A Guide to Financial Institutions
  151. A Guide to French Literature
  152. A Guide to Functional Analytic Psychotherapy
  153. A Guide to Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders
  154. A Guide to Good Money
  155. A Guide to Good Occlusal Practice
  156. A Guide to Graph Algorithms
  157. A Guide to Graph Colouring
  158. A Guide to Hormonal Dermatology
  159. A Guide to Hospital Administration and Planning
  160. A Guide to Hubble Space Telescope Objects
  161. A Guide to Institutional Property Investment
  162. A Guide to Insurance Management
  163. A Guide to Integrative Pediatrics for the Healthcare Professional
  164. A Guide to International Trading
  165. A Guide to Kenya and Northern Tanzania
  166. A Guide to Lead-free Solders
  167. A Guide to Make Applications for Holistic Surgical Practice
  168. A Guide to Management of Urological Cancers
  169. A Guide to Maple
  170. A Guide to Marxian Political Economy
  171. A Guide to Mechanical Circulatory Support
  172. A Guide to Medical Entomology
  173. A Guide to Medical Photography
  174. A Guide to Mental Health in Family Under the COVID-19 Epidemic
  175. A Guide to Methods in the Biomedical Sciences
  176. A Guide to Modula-2
  177. A Guide to Musculoskeletal Radiology
  178. A Guide to Neonatal and Pediatric ECGs
  179. A Guide to Numerical Modelling in Systems Biology
  180. A Guide to Operational Research
  181. A Guide to O’Casey’s Plays
  182. A Guide to Pediatric Anesthesia
  183. A Guide to Penrose Tilings
  184. A Guide to Physics Problems Part 2
  185. A Guide to Physics Problems part 1
  186. A Guide to Problems in Modern Electrochemistry
  187. A Guide to Protein Isolation
  188. A Guide to Protein Isolation
  189. A Guide to Psychosocial and Spiritual Care at the End of Life
  190. A Guide to QTL Mapping with R/qtl
  191. A Guide to Radiation Protection
  192. A Guide to Redundancy Law
  193. A Guide to Responsible Research
  194. A Guide to Robust Statistical Methods
  195. A Guide to SME Financing
  196. A Guide to SPSS/PC+
  197. A Guide to SPSS/PC+
  198. A Guide to SPSS/PC+
  199. A Guide to Signals and Systems in Continuous Time
  200. A Guide to Simulation