22283 publications

  1. Managing Sustainable Business
  2. Managing Sustainable Business Relationships in a Post Covid-19 Era
  3. Managing Sustainable Innovation
  4. Managing Sustainable Performance and Governance in Higher Education Institutions
  5. Managing Sustainable Stakeholder Relationships
  6. Managing TV Brands with Social Media
  7. Managing Talent
  8. Managing Technological Change
  9. Managing Technology Transition in Saudi Arabia
  10. Managing Technology from Laboratory to Marketplace
  11. Managing Technology in Healthcare
  12. Managing Temperature Effects in Nanoscale Adaptive Systems
  13. Managing Testimony and Administrating Victims
  14. Managing Today and Tomorrow
  15. Managing Today and Tomorrow
  16. Managing Towards Supply Chain Maturity
  17. Managing Traffic Performance in Converged Networks
  18. Managing Transformation Projects
  19. Managing Transitional Justice
  20. Managing Transnational UNESCO World Heritage sites in Africa
  21. Managing Ultrasonography in Human Reproduction
  22. Managing Uncertainty in Crisis
  23. Managing Uncertainty in Expert Systems
  24. Managing Uncertainty, Mitigating Risk
  25. Managing Universities
  26. Managing Urban Water Supply
  27. Managing Urbanization, Climate Change and Disasters in South Asia
  28. Managing VUCA Through Integrative Self-Management
  29. Managing Value Capture
  30. Managing Value Co-creation in University-Industry Partnerships
  31. Managing Value Propositions in Service Ecosystems
  32. Managing Values
  33. Managing Virtualization of Networks and Services
  34. Managing Water Resources under Climate Uncertainty
  35. Managing Water, Soil and Waste Resources to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
  36. Managing Weather and Climate Risks in Agriculture
  37. Managing Women’s Hyperandrogenism
  38. Managing Work in the Digital Economy
  39. Managing Workplace Bullying
  40. Managing Workplace Stress
  41. Managing Your Academic Research Project
  42. Managing Your Data Science Projects
  43. Managing Your Headaches
  44. Managing Your Headaches
  45. Managing Your Migraine
  46. Managing Your Outsourced IT Services Provider
  47. Managing Your Self
  48. Managing Your Software Project
  49. Managing Yourself
  50. Managing Yourself
  51. Managing a Chinese Partner
  52. Managing a Crisis
  53. Managing a Hospital
  54. Managing a Material World
  55. Managing an Age-Diverse Workforce
  56. Managing and Breeding Wheat for Organic Systems
  57. Managing and Developing Communities, Festivals and Events
  58. Managing and Engineering in Complex Situations
  59. Managing and Implementing the Digital Transformation
  60. Managing and Mining Graph Data
  61. Managing and Mining Sensor Data
  62. Managing and Mining Uncertain Data
  63. Managing and Modelling Complex Projects
  64. Managing and Settling Ethnic Conflicts
  65. Managing by Dharma
  66. Managing by Values
  67. Managing by the Bhagavad Gītā
  68. Managing e-business Projects
  69. Managing eHealth
  70. Managing for Social Impact
  71. Managing for Social Justice
  72. Managing for the Future
  73. Managing in Britain and Germany
  74. Managing in Local Government
  75. Managing in Recovering Markets
  76. Managing in Uncertainty: Theory and Practice
  77. Managing in a Global World
  78. Managing in a Political World
  79. Managing in a VUCA World
  80. Managing in the Information Economy
  81. Managing in the Twenty-first Century
  82. Managing nano-bio-info-cogno innovations
  83. Managing the British Economy in the 1960s
  84. Managing the Change: Software Configuration and Change Management
  85. Managing the Complexity of Critical Infrastructures
  86. Managing the Continuum: Certainty, Uncertainty, Unpredictability in Large Engineering Projects
  87. Managing the Digital Transformation
  88. Managing the Dynamics of Networks and Services
  89. Managing the Dynamics of New Product Development Processes
  90. Managing the Experience of Hearing Loss in Britain, 1830–1930
  91. Managing the Football World Cup
  92. Managing the Future of Southeast Asia's Valuable Tropical Rainforests
  93. Managing the Insolvency Risk of Insurance Companies
  94. Managing the Kidney when the Heart is Failing
  95. Managing the Lifecycle of Open Innovation Platforms
  96. Managing the Macroeconomy
  97. Managing the National Health Service
  98. Managing the New Public Services
  99. Managing the New Public Services
  100. Managing the Ocean Resources of the United States
  101. Managing the Office
  102. Managing the Older Adult Patient with HIV
  103. Managing the Olympics
  104. Managing the Paralympics
  105. Managing the Post-Colony South Asia Focus
  106. Managing the Post-Colony: Voices from Aotearoa, Australia and The Pacific
  107. Managing the Prenatal Environment to Enhance Livestock Productivity
  108. Managing the Press
  109. Managing the Psychological Contract
  110. Managing the Public's Trust in Non-profit Organizations
  111. Managing the Reality of Virtual Organizations
  112. Managing the Revolution in Military Affairs
  113. Managing the Supply Chain
  114. Managing the Transition to a Circular Economy
  115. Managing the World Economy
  116. Managing to Change?
  117. Managing under Pressure
  118. Managing with Humor
  119. Managing with Information Technology
  120. Managing with Sense and Sensitivity
  121. Managing with Total Quality Management
  122. Managing your Mental Health during your PhD
  123. Managing, Using, and Interpreting Hadrian's Wall as World Heritage
  124. Mandala Urbanism, Landscape, and Ecology
  125. Mandantenorientierte Sachbearbeitung
  126. Mandarin Competence of Chinese-English Bilingual Preschoolers
  127. Mandarin Development of Indonesian Immigrants’ Children
  128. Mandat für Deutsche Einheit
  129. Mandate der Führung 4.0
  130. Mandated Corporate Social Responsibility
  131. Mandated Science
  132. Mandating the Measurement of Fraud: Legislating against Loss
  133. Mandatory Financial Disclosures and the Banking Sector
  134. Mandatory Non-financial Risk-Related Disclosure
  135. Mandatory Reporting Laws and the Identification of Severe Child Abuse and Neglect
  136. Mandatsniederlegungen auf kommunaler Ebene
  137. Mandatum und Verwandtes
  138. Mandeville Studies
  139. Mandibular Growth Anomalies
  140. Mandibular Implant Prostheses
  141. Manfred Trojahns Musik
  142. Manfredo P. do Carmo – Selected Papers
  143. Manga Cultures and the Female Gaze
  144. Manganese Ores of Supergene Zone: Geochemistry of Formation
  145. Manganese in Powder Metallurgy Steels
  146. Manganese in Soils and Plants
  147. Mangangruppe: Elemente der siebten Nebengruppe
  148. Mangangruppe: Elemente der siebten Nebengruppe
  149. Mangiare per gli occhi
  150. Mango Malformation
  151. Mangrove Dynamics and Management in North Brazil
  152. Mangrove Ecology, Silviculture and Conservation
  153. Mangrove Ecosystems
  154. Mangrove Ecosystems of Asia
  155. Mangrove Ecosystems: A Global Biogeographic Perspective
  156. Mangrove Forests in India
  157. Mangrove Ichnology of the Bay of Bengal Coast, Eastern India
  158. Mangroves and Aquaculture
  159. Mangroves and Halophytes: Restoration and Utilisation
  160. Mangroves: Biodiversity, Livelihoods and Conservation
  161. Mangroves: Ecology, Biodiversity and Management
  162. Manhattan Project
  163. Manhattan Skyscrapers
  164. Manhood and the Duel: Masculinity in Early Modern Drama and Culture
  165. Mani und sein Religionssystem
  166. Manias, Panics and Crashes
  167. Manias, Panics and Crashes
  168. Manias, Panics, and Crashes
  169. Manias, Panics, and Crashes
  170. Manichaica Latina
  171. Manichäische Kunst an der Seidenstraße: Alte und neue Funde
  172. Manieren und Karriere
  173. Manifestations dermatologiques des connectivites, vasculites et affections systémiques apparentées
  174. Manifestations dermatologiques des maladies du système hématopoïétique et oncologie dermatologique
  175. Manifestations dermatologiques des maladies d’organes
  176. Manifestations dermatologiques des maladies infectieuses, métaboliques et toxiques
  177. Manifestations of Dark Matter and Variations of the Fundamental Constants in Atoms and Astrophysical Phenomena
  178. Manifestations of Reason: Life, Historicity, Culture Reason, Life, Culture Part II
  179. Manifeste und Dokumente zur deutschen Literatur 1880–1900
  180. Manifeste und Dokumente zur deutschen Literatur 1890–1910
  181. Manifeste und Proklamationen der europäischen Avantgarde (1909–1938)
  182. Manifeste und Proklamationen der europäischen Avantgarde (1909–1938)
  183. Manifesto of the New Economy
  184. Manifold Learning
  185. Manifolds all of whose Geodesics are Closed
  186. Manifolds and Lie Groups
  187. Manifolds and Modular Forms
  188. Manifolds and Modular Forms
  189. Manifolds of Nonpositive Curvature
  190. Manifolds with Cusps of Rank One
  191. Manifolds — Amsterdam 1970
  192. Manifolds, Sheaves, and Cohomology
  193. Manifolds, Tensor Analysis, and Applications
  194. Manifolds, Vector Fields, and Differential Forms
  195. Manipulating Anisotropic Transport and Superconductivity by Focused Ion Beam Microstructuring
  196. Manipulating Hegemony
  197. Manipulating Masculinity
  198. Manipulating Quantum Coherence in Solid State Systems
  199. Manipulation als System
  200. Manipulation and Characterization of Electrosprayed Ions Under Ambient Conditions