11218 publications

  1. Historical Studies in Computing, Information, and Society
  2. Historical Tables
  3. Historical Tables
  4. Historical Tables
  5. Historical Tables 58 BC-AD 1990
  6. Historical Tables, 58 B.C.–A.D. 1965
  7. Historical Theory and Methods through Popular Music, 1970–2000
  8. Historical Turning Points in Spanish Economic Growth and Development, 1808–2008
  9. Historical Urban Landscape
  10. Historical Variability of Rainfall in the African East Sahel of Sudan
  11. Historical Writing in Britain, 1688–1830
  12. Historical and Archaeological Perspectives on Gender Transformations
  13. Historical and Biographical Reflections and Syntheses
  14. Historical and Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Hope
  15. Historical and Philosophical Dimensions of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
  16. Historically Black Colleges and Universities
  17. Historically Underrepresented Faculty and Students in Education Abroad
  18. Historicism and Organicism in Economics: The Evolution of Thought
  19. Historicizing Blake
  20. Historicizing Christian Encounters with the Other
  21. Historicizing Colonial Nostalgia
  22. Historicizing Life-Writing and Egodocuments in Early Modern Europe
  23. Historicizing the Embodied Imagination in Early Modern English Literature
  24. Historie
  25. Histories Written by International Criminal Courts and Tribunals
  26. Histories and Philosophies of Carceral Education
  27. Histories of Anthropology
  28. Histories of Bioinvasions in the Mediterranean
  29. Histories of Computing in Eastern Europe
  30. Histories of Cultural Participation, Values and Governance
  31. Histories of Dreams and Dreaming
  32. Histories of Experience in the World of Lived Religion
  33. Histories of Global Inequality
  34. Histories of Heresy in Early Modern Europe
  35. Histories of Legal Aid
  36. Histories of Medicine and Healing in the Indian Ocean World
  37. Histories of Medicine and Healing in the Indian Ocean World
  38. Histories of Nationalism beyond Europe
  39. Histories of Post-Mortem Contagion
  40. Histories of Sexology
  41. Histories of Social Studies and Race
  42. Histories of Trade as Histories of Civilisation
  43. Histories of Transnational Crime
  44. Histories of Women's Work in Global Sport
  45. Histories of the Devil
  46. Histories of the Future
  47. Histories, Memories and Representations of being Young in the First World War
  48. Historikerstreit und politische Bildung
  49. Historiographical Investigations in International Relations
  50. Historiography of Mathematics in the 19th and 20th Centuries
  51. Historisch-Genetische Theorie
  52. Historisch-Narrative Kompetenz
  53. Historisch-genetische Theorie der Gesellschaft
  54. Historisch-genetische Theorie der Kultur
  55. Historische Diskursanalyse der Literatur
  56. Historische Diskursanalysen
  57. Historische Entwickelung der taktischen Uebungen der Preußischen Infanterie
  58. Historische Frauen
  59. Historische Frauen
  60. Historische Fälle aus der Medizin
  61. Historische Gemälde für gebildete Leser und Freunde der Geschichte
  62. Historische Konzepte einer Theoretischen Pathologie
  63. Historische Musikwissenschaft
  64. Historische Notizen zur Informatik
  65. Historische Semantik
  66. Historische Semantik
  67. Historische Sinnbildung
  68. Historische Sozialforschung
  69. Historische Soziologie – Sozioökonomie – Wirtschaftssoziologie
  70. Historische Studien und Skizzen zu Natur- und Heilwissenschaft
  71. Historische Syntax des Deutschen
  72. Historische Versuche der Physik
  73. Historische Vorläufer der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung
  74. Historische, logische und individuelle Genese der Trigonometrie aus didaktischer Sicht
  75. Historische, psychologische und rationale Erklärung Kausalitätsprobleme, Determinismus und Indeterminismus
  76. Historischer Bergbau im Harz
  77. Historischer Bergbau im Harz
  78. Historisches Argumentieren und epistemologische Überzeugungen
  79. Historisches Erzählen und Lernen
  80. Historisches Organisationslernen als Wegbereiter zukünftiger Lernprozesse
  81. Historisches Wörterbuch der Biologie
  82. Historisches Wörterbuch der Biologie
  83. Historisches Wörterbuch der Biologie
  84. Historisierung
  85. Historizität und Sozialität in der sozioökonomischen Bildung
  86. History Continues
  87. History Education and Conflict Transformation
  88. History Education at the Edge of the Nation
  89. History Education in Africa
  90. History Education in the Digital Age
  91. History Education in the Formation of Social Identity
  92. History Taking in Clinical Practice
  93. History and Anti-History in Philosophy
  94. History and Causality
  95. History and Climate
  96. History and Cultural Memory in Neo-Victorian Fiction
  97. History and Evolution of Concepts in Physics
  98. History and Foreign Policy in France and Germany
  99. History and GIS
  100. History and Industrial Civilisation
  101. History and Language in the Andes
  102. History and Literature in Contemporary Russia
  103. History and Measurement of the Base and Derived Units
  104. History and Myth in Pictorial Narratives of the Russian 'Patriotic War', 1812-1914
  105. History and Nationalist Legitimacy in Contemporary China
  106. History and Philosophy of Computing
  107. History and Philosophy of Constructive Type Theory
  108. History and Physical for the Pediatric Dental Patient
  109. History and Politics of Well-Being in Europe
  110. History and Precedent in Environmental Design
  111. History and Psyche
  112. History and Regional Area Studies of Hachioji
  113. History and Speculative Fiction
  114. History and Theory of Superconductors
  115. History and Trends in Bioprocessing and Biotransformation
  116. History and the Formation of Marxism
  117. History as Theatrical Metaphor
  118. History as a Science
  119. History as a Science and the System of the Sciences
  120. History as a Social Science
  121. History in Mathematics Education
  122. History of Accounting, Management, Business and Economics, Volume I
  123. History of Arbovirology: Memories from the Field
  124. History of Arbovirology: Memories from the Field
  125. History of Artificial Cold, Scientific, Technological and Cultural Issues
  126. History of Banach Spaces and Linear Operators
  127. History of Bilingual Education in the Northern Territory
  128. History of Cartography
  129. History of Cartography
  130. History of Cenozoic Mammals from South America
  131. History of Chinese Folk Literature
  132. History of Chinese Philosophy Through Its Key Terms
  133. History of Chinese Philosophy in the Ming Dynasty
  134. History of Computing and Education 2 (HCE2)
  135. History of Computing and Education 3 (HCE3)
  136. History of Computing in Education
  137. History of Computing. Learning from the Past
  138. History of Computing: Software Issues
  139. History of Continued Fractions and Padé Approximants
  140. History of Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
  141. History of Design and Design Law
  142. History of Economic Ideas
  143. History of Economic Ideas in 20 Talks
  144. History of Economic Rationalities
  145. History of Electron Microscopy in Switzerland
  146. History of Free Skin Grafting
  147. History of Human Genetics
  148. History of Industrial Gases
  149. History of Innovative Entrepreneurs in Japan
  150. History of Insects
  151. History of Iranian Literature
  152. History of Landscape Ecology in the United States
  153. History of Machines for Heritage and Engineering Development
  154. History of Management Thought
  155. History of Mathematics
  156. History of Mathematics Teaching and Learning
  157. History of Meteorology
  158. History of Military Cartography
  159. History of Modern Biotechnology I
  160. History of Modern Biotechnology II
  161. History of Monetary Policy in India Since Independence
  162. History of Nonlinear Oscillations Theory in France (1880-1940)
  163. History of Nordic Computing
  164. History of Nordic Computing 2
  165. History of Nordic Computing 3
  166. History of Nordic Computing 4
  167. History of Number
  168. History of Ophthalmology
  169. History of Ophthalmology
  170. History of Ophthalmology
  171. History of Ophthalmology
  172. History of Ophthalmology
  173. History of Ophthalmology 1
  174. History of Ophthalmology 5
  175. History of Oriental Astronomy
  176. History of Original Ideas and Basic Discoveries in Particle Physics
  177. History of Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand
  178. History of Philosophy of Science
  179. History of Policing, Crime, Disorder, Punishment
  180. History of Political Thought
  181. History of Polyolefins
  182. History of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology
  183. History of Psychology in Autobiography
  184. History of Psychology in Latin America
  185. History of Rabies in the Americas: From the Pre-Columbian to the Present, Volume I
  186. History of Rabies in the Americas: From the Pre-Columbian to the Present, Volume II
  187. History of Rationalities
  188. History of Regional Science and the Regional Science Association International
  189. History of Research on Tumor Angiogenesis
  190. History of Romanian Technology and Industry
  191. History of Romanian Technology and Industry
  192. History of Rotating Machinery Dynamics
  193. History of Science, History of Text
  194. History of Semiconductor Engineering
  195. History of Shock Waves, Explosions and Impact
  196. History of Social Law in Germany
  197. History of Social Work in Europe (1900–1960)
  198. History of Sociology in Chile
  199. History of Spatial Economic Theory
  200. History of Terrestrial Mammals in South America