22339 publications

  1. Cyberbullying Across the Globe
  2. Cybercash
  3. Cybercomplexity
  4. Cybercrime
  5. Cybercrime Prevention
  6. Cybercrime Risks and Responses
  7. Cybercrime and Challenges in South Africa
  8. Cybercrime and Cybersecurity in the Global South
  9. Cybercrime in Context
  10. Cybercrime in the Pandemic Digital Age and Beyond
  11. Cybercrime, Digital Forensic Readiness, and Financial Crime Investigation in Nigeria
  12. Cybercrime, Digital Forensics and Jurisdiction
  13. Cybercrime, Organized Crime, and Societal Responses
  14. Cybercrimes and Financial Crimes in the Global Era
  15. Cybercrimes: A Multidisciplinary Analysis
  16. Cybercryptography: Applicable Cryptography for Cyberspace Security
  17. Cyberdanger
  18. Cyberdefense
  19. Cyberdemocracy
  20. Cyberemotions
  21. Cyberfiction After the Future
  22. Cybergefahr
  23. Cyberhate in the Context of Migrations
  24. Cyberkriminologie
  25. Cyberlaw
  26. Cybermediaries als neue Geschäftsform im Internet
  27. Cybermobbing - Wenn das Internet zur W@ffe wird
  28. Cybernetic Approach to Project Management
  29. Cybernetic Government
  30. Cybernetic Revolution and Global Aging
  31. Cybernetical Physics
  32. Cybernetics
  33. Cybernetics 2.0
  34. Cybernetics Approaches in Intelligent Systems
  35. Cybernetics Perspectives in Systems
  36. Cybernetics and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems
  37. Cybernetics and Automation Control Theory Methods in Intelligent Algorithms
  38. Cybernetics and Mathematics Applications in Intelligent Systems
  39. Cybernetics and Systems ’86
  40. Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine Learning Applications
  41. Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine Learning Applications
  42. Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine Learning Applications
  43. Cybernetics, Warfare and Discourse
  44. Cybernics
  45. Cyberpatterns
  46. Cyberphysical Systems for Epilepsy and Related Brain Disorders
  47. Cyberpsychology
  48. Cyberpsychology as Everyday Digital Experience across the Lifespan
  49. Cybersecurity
  50. Cybersecurity
  51. Cybersecurity Awareness
  52. Cybersecurity Best Practices
  53. Cybersecurity Challenges in the Age of AI, Space Communications and Cyborgs
  54. Cybersecurity Data Science
  55. Cybersecurity Incident Response
  56. Cybersecurity Investments
  57. Cybersecurity Lexicon
  58. Cybersecurity Policy in the EU and South Korea from Consultation to Action
  59. Cybersecurity Research Analysis Report for Europe and Japan
  60. Cybersecurity Risk of IoT on Smart Cities
  61. Cybersecurity Systems for Human Cognition Augmentation
  62. Cybersecurity Teaching in Higher Education
  63. Cybersecurity Vigilance and Security Engineering of Internet of Everything
  64. Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence
  65. Cybersecurity and Data Laws of the Commonwealth
  66. Cybersecurity and Evolutionary Data Engineering
  67. Cybersecurity and Identity Access Management
  68. Cybersecurity and Secure Information Systems
  69. Cybersecurity for Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities
  70. Cybersecurity for Industry 4.0
  71. Cybersecurity for Smart Cities
  72. Cybersecurity for Space
  73. Cybersecurity for Space
  74. Cybersecurity in China
  75. Cybersecurity in Digital Transformation
  76. Cybersecurity in Emerging Digital Era
  77. Cybersecurity in France
  78. Cybersecurity in Germany
  79. Cybersecurity in Israel
  80. Cybersecurity in Morocco
  81. Cybersecurity in Nigeria
  82. Cybersecurity in Poland
  83. Cybersecurity in Switzerland
  84. Cybersecurity in the Age of Smart Societies
  85. Cybersecurity in the Electricity Sector
  86. Cybersecurity in the European Union
  87. Cybersecurity of Digital Service Chains
  88. Cybersecurity, Privacy and Freedom Protection in the Connected World
  89. Cybersecurity-Awareness
  90. Cyberspace
  91. Cyberspace Data and Intelligence, and Cyber-Living, Syndrome, and Health
  92. Cyberspace Data and Intelligence, and Cyber-Living, Syndrome, and Health
  93. Cyberspace Data and Intelligence, and Cyber-Living, Syndrome, and Health
  94. Cyberspace Mimic Defense
  95. Cyberspace Safety and Security
  96. Cyberspace Safety and Security
  97. Cyberspace Safety and Security
  98. Cyberspace Safety and Security
  99. Cyberspace Safety and Security
  100. Cyberspace Safety and Security
  101. Cyberspace Safety and Security
  102. Cyberspace Safety and Security
  103. Cyberspace Safety and Security
  104. Cyberspace Security and Defense: Research Issues
  105. Cyberspace Sovereignty
  106. Cyberspace and International Relations
  107. Cyberspace, Cyberterrorism and the International Security in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  108. Cyberstalking und Cybercrime
  109. Cyberstrategien für Unternehmen und Behörden
  110. Cyberterrorism
  111. Cyberwar – die Digitalisierung der Kriegsführung
  112. Cyberwar, Netwar and the Revolution in Military Affairs
  113. Cyberwarfare
  114. Cyberworlds
  115. Cyborg Cinema and Contemporary Subjectivity
  116. Cyborg Conception
  117. Cyborg Futures
  118. Cyborg Theatre
  119. Cyborg-TV
  120. Cyborgs in Latin America
  121. Cyborgs, Ethics, and The Matrix
  122. Cycle Representations of Markov Processes
  123. Cycle Representations of Markov Processes
  124. Cycle Spaces of Flag Domains
  125. Cyclen-basierte Metallonucleasen
  126. Cycles and Rays
  127. Cycles in US Foreign Policy since the Cold War
  128. Cycles in the UK Housing Economy
  129. Cycles of Hatred and Rage
  130. Cyclic ADP-Ribose and NAADP
  131. Cyclic AMP, Cell Growth, and the Immune Response
  132. Cyclic Compounds
  133. Cyclic Coverings, Calabi-Yau Manifolds and Complex Multiplication
  134. Cyclic Deformation in Oxides, Carbides and Nitrides
  135. Cyclic Designs
  136. Cyclic Difference Sets
  137. Cyclic Galois Extensions of Commutative Rings
  138. Cyclic Homology
  139. Cyclic Homology
  140. Cyclic Homology in Non-Commutative Geometry
  141. Cyclic Neofields and Combinatorial Designs
  142. Cyclic Nucleotide Signaling in Plants
  143. Cyclic Nucleotides
  144. Cyclic Nucleotides
  145. Cyclic Nucleotides in the Nervous System
  146. Cyclic Peptide Design
  147. Cyclic Polymers
  148. Cyclic Polymers
  149. Cyclic Renormalization and Automorphism Groups of Rooted Trees
  150. Cyclic and Event Stratification
  151. Cyclic β-Glucans from Microorganisms
  152. Cyclical Variability in Stellar Winds
  153. Cyclin Dependent Kinase (CDK) Inhibitors
  154. Cyclin Dependent Kinase 5 (Cdk5)
  155. Cyclin-Dependent Kinase (CDK) Inhibitors
  156. Cycling & Walking for Regional Development
  157. Cycling Through the Pandemic
  158. Cycling and Motorcycling Tourism
  159. Cycling to Work
  160. Cyclische Peptide als Werkzeuge der molekularbiologischen Forschung. Grundlagen und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Chemilumineszenz, der Umwandlung von chemischer Energie in Licht
  161. Cycloadditions in Bioorthogonal Chemistry
  162. Cyclocarbonylierungsreaktionen mit Alkinen und Olefinen
  163. Cyclodextrin Applications in Medicine, Food, Environment and Liquid Crystals
  164. Cyclodextrin Chemistry
  165. Cyclodextrin Fundamentals, Reactivity and Analysis
  166. Cyclodextrin Technology
  167. Cyclodextrins in Pharmacy
  168. Cyclometalation Reactions
  169. Cyclones in Southern Africa
  170. Cyclones in Southern Africa
  171. Cyclones in Southern Africa
  172. Cyclonic Disasters and Resilience
  173. Cyclooxygenases
  174. Cyclophan-Chemie
  175. Cyclophanes
  176. Cyclophanes I
  177. Cyclophanes II
  178. Cyclosilicates
  179. Cyclospora cayetanensis as a Foodborne Pathogen
  180. Cyclosporin
  181. Cyclostationarity: Theory and Methods
  182. Cyclostationarity: Theory and Methods - II
  183. Cyclostationarity: Theory and Methods III
  184. Cyclostationarity: Theory and Methods – IV
  185. Cyclostomata, Teleostomi (Pisces)
  186. Cyclotomic Fields
  187. Cyclotomic Fields I and II
  188. Cyclotomic Fields II
  189. Cyclotomic Fields and Zeta Values
  190. Cylinder components
  191. Cylinder components
  192. Cylindric Set Algebras
  193. Cylindric-like Algebras and Algebraic Logic
  194. Cylindrical Liner Z-pinches as Drivers for Converging Strong Shock Experiments
  195. Cylindrical Vibratory Gyroscope
  196. Cynical International Law?
  197. Cynicism in British Post-War Culture
  198. Cyprinid Fishes
  199. Cypriot Nationalisms in Context
  200. Cyprus