22339 publications

  1. Coastal Ocean Observing
  2. Coastal Oceanography
  3. Coastal Resorts and Urbanization in Northeast Brazil
  4. Coastal Risk Assessment
  5. Coastal Saline Soil Rehabilitation and Utilization Based on Forestry Approaches in China
  6. Coastal Scenery
  7. Coastal Sedimentary Environments
  8. Coastal Sedimentary Environments
  9. Coastal Shellfish — A Sustainable Resource
  10. Coastal Towns in Transition: Local Perceptions of Landscape Change
  11. Coastal Upwelling Its Sediment Record
  12. Coastal Water Bodies
  13. Coastal Wetlands: Alteration and Remediation
  14. Coastal World Heritage Sites
  15. Coastal Zone Management Imperative for Maritime Developing Nations
  16. Coastal Zones Ecosystem Services
  17. Coastal and Marine Environmental Education
  18. Coastal and Marine Geo-Information Systems
  19. Coastal and Marine Geospatial Technologies
  20. Coastal and Shelf Sea Modelling
  21. Coastal, Harbour and Ocean Engineering
  22. Coastal-Offshore Ecosystem Interactions
  23. Coastline Changes of the Baltic Sea from South to East
  24. Coasts, Estuaries and Lakes
  25. Coated Grains
  26. Coated Metal
  27. Coating Materials
  28. Coating Substrates and Textiles
  29. Coating Technology for Vehicle Applications
  30. Coatings
  31. Coatings for High-Temperature Environments
  32. Coatings of High - Temperature Materials
  33. Coatings, Systems, and Composites
  34. Coaxial Lithography
  35. Cobalt Blues
  36. Cobaltgruppe: Elemente der neunten Nebengruppe
  37. Coca-Globalization
  38. Cocaine
  39. Cocaine and Crack
  40. Cocaine and Other Stimulants
  41. Cocas Fluch
  42. Coccidioidomycosis
  43. Coccolithophores
  44. Cochlea Implantat bei Erwachsenen
  45. Cochlea-Implantat
  46. Cochlear Anatomy via Microdissection with Clinical Implications
  47. Cochlear Implant
  48. Cochlear Implant heute
  49. Cochlear Implantation for Cochlear Nerve Deficiency
  50. Cochlear Implantation for Common Cavity Deformity
  51. Cochlear Implantation in Children with Inner Ear Malformation and Cochlear Nerve Deficiency
  52. Cochlear Implants
  53. Cochlear Implants
  54. Cochlear Implants
  55. Cochlear Implants: Auditory Prostheses and Electric Hearing
  56. Cochlear Mechanics
  57. Cochlear Mechanisms: Structure, Function, and Models
  58. Cockroaches from Jurassic sediments of the Bakhar Formation in Mongolia
  59. Cocoa Pioneer Fronts since 1800
  60. Coconut Biotechnology: Towards the Sustainability of the ‘Tree of Life’
  61. Coconut Water
  62. Code Biology
  63. Code Breaking in the Pacific
  64. Code Centric: T-SQL Programming with Stored Procedures and Triggers
  65. Code Clone Analysis
  66. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
  67. Code Division Multiple Access Communications
  68. Code Generation for Embedded Processors
  69. Code Generation in Microsoft .NET
  70. Code Generation with Roslyn
  71. Code Generation with Templates
  72. Code Generation — Concepts, Tools, Techniques
  73. Code Optimization Techniques for Embedded Processors
  74. Code Recognition and Set Selection with Neural Networks
  75. Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations
  76. Code und Material Exkursionen ins Undingliche
  77. Code-Based Cryptography
  78. Code-Based Cryptography
  79. Code-Based Cryptography
  80. Code-Based Cryptography
  81. Code-Based Cryptography
  82. Code-Switching
  83. Code-Switching in Bilingual Children
  84. Code-Wechsel
  85. CodeArt
  86. CodeMosaic
  87. Coded Cultures
  88. Coded Modulation Systems
  89. Coded Optical Imaging
  90. Coded-Modulation Techniques for Fading Channels
  91. Codeknacker gegen Codemacher
  92. Codeless Data Structures and Algorithms
  93. Coders at Work
  94. Codes and Evolution
  95. Codes and Turbo Codes
  96. Codes et turbocodes
  97. Codes for Boundary-Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations
  98. Codes for Computers and Microprocessors
  99. Codes of Ethics and Ethical Guidelines
  100. Codes on Algebraic Curves
  101. Codes, Ciphers and Spies
  102. Codes, Cryptology and Information Security
  103. Codes, Cryptology and Information Security
  104. Codes, Cryptology and Information Security
  105. Codes, Cryptology, and Information Security
  106. Codes, Curves, and Signals
  107. Codes, Designs and Geometry
  108. Codes, Graphs, and Systems
  109. Codes, Systems, and Graphical Models
  110. Codes: An Introduction to Information Communication and Cryptography
  111. Codesign for Real-Time Video Applications
  112. Codetermination
  113. Codex Medicus
  114. Codex Orféo
  115. Codici Cifrati
  116. Codici correttori
  117. Codierung
  118. Codierung
  119. Codierung und Kryptologie
  120. Codierungstheorie
  121. Codierungstheorie
  122. Codierungstheorie
  123. Codierungstheorie
  124. Codierungstheorie und Kryptographie
  125. Codierungstheorie und ihre Beziehung zu Geometrie und Zahlentheorie / Primzahlen: Theorie und Anwendung
  126. Codification in East Asia
  127. Codification in International Perspective
  128. Coding Approaches to Fault Tolerance in Combinational and Dynamic Systems
  129. Coding Architecture
  130. Coding Art
  131. Coding Art
  132. Coding Clean, Reliable, and Safe REST APIs with ASP.NET Core 8
  133. Coding Examples from Simple to Complex
  134. Coding Examples from Simple to Complex
  135. Coding Examples from Simple to Complex
  136. Coding Interviews
  137. Coding Microbiological Data for Computers
  138. Coding Ockham's Razor
  139. Coding Strategies in Vertebrate Acoustic Communication
  140. Coding Theorems of Classical and Quantum Information Theory
  141. Coding Theorems of Information Theory
  142. Coding Theorems of Information Theory
  143. Coding Theorems of Information Theory
  144. Coding Theory
  145. Coding Theory
  146. Coding Theory and Algebraic Geometry
  147. Coding Theory and Applications
  148. Coding Theory and Applications
  149. Coding Theory and Applications
  150. Coding Theory and Applications
  151. Coding Theory and Applications
  152. Coding Theory and Cryptography
  153. Coding Theory and Design Theory
  154. Coding Theory and Number Theory
  155. Coding Theory, Cryptography and Related Areas
  156. Coding and Complexity
  157. Coding and Cryptography
  158. Coding and Cryptology
  159. Coding and Cryptology
  160. Coding and Decoding of Calcium Signals in Plants
  161. Coding and Iterative Detection for Magnetic Recording Channels
  162. Coding and Modulation for Digital Television
  163. Coding for Channels with Feedback
  164. Coding for Data and Computer Communications
  165. Coding for MIMO-OFDM in Future Wireless Systems
  166. Coding for Markov Sources
  167. Coding for Optical Channels
  168. Coding for Wireless Channels
  169. Coding the Arduino
  170. Coding, Cryptography and Combinatorics
  171. Coefficient Diagram Method for Control System Design
  172. Coelenterate Biology 2003
  173. Coelenterate Biology: Recent Research on Cnidaria and Ctenophora
  174. Coelenterate Ecology and Behavior
  175. Coeliac Disease
  176. Coenzyme Q in Aging
  177. Coercion and Aggressive Community Treatment
  178. Coercion and the State
  179. Coercion, Authority and Democracy
  180. Coercive and Discursive Compliance Mechanisms in the Management of Natural Resources
  181. Coevolutionary Economics: The Economy, Society and the Environment
  182. Coevolutionary Fuzzy Modeling
  183. Coexistence and Confrontation of Agricultural and Food Models
  184. Coexistence and Persistence of Strange Attractors
  185. Coexistence of IMT-Advanced Systems for Spectrum Sharing with FSS Receivers in C-Band and Extended C-Band
  186. Coexistence, Cooperation and Common Security
  187. Coffee
  188. Coffee
  189. Coffee
  190. Coffee Activism and the Politics of Fair Trade and Ethical Consumption in the Global North
  191. Coffee Biotechnology and Quality
  192. Coffee Planters, Workers and Wives
  193. Coffee and Democracy in Modern Costa Rica
  194. Cogeneration Fuel Cell-Sorption Air Conditioning Systems
  195. Cognitieve gedragstherapie bij (lvb-)jongeren met obesitas
  196. Cognitieve gedragstherapie bij depressie
  197. Cognitieve gedragstherapie bij jongeren met een eetstoornis
  198. Cognitieve gedragstherapie bij somatisatie
  199. Cognitieve therapie bij sociale angst
  200. Cognitieve therapie: theorie en praktijk