About 20 years ago, De Boeck and Rosenberg (1988) proposed the HICLAS model to disclose the structural mechanisms underlying binary object × variable data. Such data are encountered regularly in many areas of the behavioral sciences (see, e.g., Ceulemans & Van Mechelen, 2008; De Boeck, 2008; Ip, Wang, De Boeck, & Meulders, 2004; Leenen, Van Mechelen, Gelman, & De Knop, 2008; Maris, De Boeck, & Van Mechelen, 1996; Van Mechelen & De Boeck, 1990; Van Mechelen, De Boeck, & Rosenberg, 1995). For example, in the field of psychometrics, such data are obtained when a test consisting of a set of items is administered to a number of persons and the responses to the items are scored as correct or incorrect (see, e.g., De Boeck, 2008; de la Torre, 2011; Wang & Chang, 2011). As a second example, stemming from the field of emotion psychology, a researcher may observe at different time points whether or not an individual experiences a set of emotions (see, e.g., Barrett, Gross, Christensen, & Benvenuto, 2001; Vande Gaer, Ceulemans, Van Mechelen, & Kuppens, in press).

In a HICLAS analysis, the variables are reduced to a limited set of binary variables, called “bundles,” that represent the structural mechanisms that underlie the data. In the psychometrics example, the bundles reflect different solution strategies that may be followed to solve the items, whereas in the emotion example, the bundles may represent different emotion types. Moreover, the objects are given binary scores for these bundles, indicating whether or not a person has mastered the different solution strategies or denoting the emotion types that are experienced on the measurement occasions. Finally, the binary bundles imply an overlapping clustering of the objects and the variables, called hierarchical classifications.

HICLAS analysis has been applied in many fields of the behavioral sciences. For example, such analysis has been used (1) to reveal the latent choice requisites that underlie consumer × product select/not select data (Van Mechelen & Van Damme, 1994); (2) to reveal the implicit taxonomy, in terms of latent syndromes, that underlies psychiatric patient × symptom presence/absence data (Rosenberg, Van Mechelen, & De Boeck, 1996; Van Mechelen & De Boeck, 1989); (3) to study a person’s self-concept (Ashmore, Deaux, & McLaughlin-Volpe, 2004; Hart & Fegley, 1995); (4) to identify individual differences with respect to psychosocial outcomes after surgery (Wilson, Bladin, Saling, & Pattison, 2005); (5) to determine the situation specificity of traits and the restrictiveness of situations for trait-related behavior (ten Berge & de Raad, 2001); (6) to identify forms of social support and how they are related to individual differences in mental health for HIV-positive persons (Reich, Lounsbury, Zaid-Muhammad, & Rapkin, 2010); (7) to gain insight into the psychological mechanisms that govern the decision to pursue mediation in civil disputes (Reich, Kressel, Scanlon, & Weiner, 2007); and (8) to study the inter- and intracategorical structures of semantic categories (Ceulemans & Storms, 2010).

In many cases, however, the same set of variables is scored for more than one set of objects (i.e., different groups of objects). For example, in the psychometrics case, the same test may be administered to different groups of subjects, and, in the emotion example, different persons may be measured at different (not necessarily the same) time points. A challenging question then becomes whether the same or different psychological processes play a role in the different groups of objects. To tackle this question, up to now, researchers have performed a HICLAS analysis on the data of each group separately (see, e.g., Stirratt, Meyer, Ouellette, & Gara, 2008), resulting in as many sets of bundles as groups. By comparing these sets of bundles, similarities and differences between the groups can be identified. However, when the number of groups is relatively large, comparing all of the obtained bundles to each other may become a very time-consuming (and practically infeasible) task.

Therefore, we introduce in this article a new generic modeling strategy, called Clusterwise HICLAS; this strategy encompasses performing a HICLAS analysis on the data of each group of objects separately as a special case. The basic principle behind Clusterwise HICLAS is that the different groups of objects form a limited but unknown number of mutually exclusive clusters and that the data of the groups that are assigned to the same cluster can be modeled using the same bundles; for groups that belong to another cluster, other bundles are needed. Hence, in Clusterwise HICLAS the groups of objects are clustered, and a separate HICLAS analysis is performed per cluster. This clusterwise principle has already been successfully used in component analysis (De Roover, Ceulemans, & Timmerman, in press; De Roover, Ceulemans, Timmerman, & Onghena, 2011; De Roover et al., in press) and regression analysis (DeSarbo, Oliver, & Rangaswamy, 1989; Spath, 1982).

The remainder of this article is organized in five main sections: First, after recapitulating HICLAS, we introduce Clusterwise HICLAS. We then propose an algorithm to estimate the parameters of the Clusterwise HICLAS model, as well as proposing a model selection procedure. Next, the optimization and recovery performance of the Clusterwise HICLAS algorithm is evaluated in an extensive simulation study. In the following section, Clusterwise HICLAS analysis is illustrated with an application to emotion data. Finally, we make some concluding remarks.


Data structure

A Clusterwise HICLAS analysis can be performed on all kinds of multivariate hierarchically organizedFootnote 1 binary data; in this description, “multivariate” denotes that multiple variables are involved, while “hierarchically organized” or “multiblock” implies that the data can be separated into different data blocks (e.g., as can be seen in Fig. 1, blocks representing different groups of subjects or multiple observations of a single subject).Footnote 2 More formally, Clusterwise HICLAS operates on a coupled binary data set \( {\mathbf{\tilde{D}}} \) that consists of N object × variable binary data blocks D i (I i × J), where the number of observations I i (i = 1, . . . , N) in each data block may vary between data blocks. When concatenating all N data blocks D i vertically (i.e., column-wise), a binary “super” data matrix D is obtained (Kiers, 2000).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Graphical representation of a multivariate hierarchically organized (multiblock) data set, consisting of N data blocks, J variables, and a varying number of objects I i for each data block (i = 1, . . . , N). (Left) Groups of subjects measured on the same variables. (Right) Multiple observations of different subjects on the same variables

Hierarchical classes analysis (HICLAS) for one binary data block

In a HICLAS analysis of a single I × J object × variable binary data matrix D, an I × J binary model matrix M is fitted to D. The binary model matrix M is decomposed into an I × P binary object bundle matrix A and a J × P binary variable bundle matrix B as follows:

$$ {\text{M}} = {\text{A}} \otimes {\text{B}}\prime, $$

or, in terms of the model entries,

$$ {m_{ij}} = \mathop { \oplus }\limits_{{{_{p\;}}_{ = 1}}}^P {a_{ip}}{b_{jp}}, $$

where ⊗ denotes a Boolean matrix product, ⊕ indicates a Boolean sum (i.e., 1 ⊕ 1 = 1), and m ij , a ip , and b jp are the entries of M, A, and B, respectively. The P columns of A and B define a set of P binary variables, called “bundles”.

To illustrate the HICLAS model, we will make use of the hypothetical testee × item model matrix M 1 in Table 1, which contains the scores of six testees on a test with three items. The values of 1 in M 1 define a “solves” relation between the testees and the items, denoting which testee solves which item. The bundle matrices A 1 and B 1 of a HICLAS model with two bundles for M 1 are presented in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. In our example, the bundles represent solution strategies that may be followed to solve the items, with B 1 indicating for each item the possible strategies that may be followed to solve the item in question. Matrix A 1 then contains the scores of each testee on these bundles, denoting which solution strategies the testee in question masters. For this example, the HICLAS decomposition rule in Eqs. 1 and 2 implies that a testee solves an item when he or she masters at least one solution strategy that may be used to solve the item in question. For example, the third testee Te 13 solves the first item It1, because Te 13 masters the second solution strategy Str2 (see A 1), and this solution strategy can be used to solve It1 (see B 1).

Table 1 Hypothetical testee (stemming from four different groups) × item model matrices M 1, M 2, M 3, and M 4
Table 2 Testee bundle matrices A 1, A 2, A 3, and A 4 for the Clusterwise HICLAS model with two bundles (and two clusters) for the model matrices M 1, M 2, M 3, and M 4 in Table 1
Table 3 Item bundle matrices B 1 and B 2 and the partition matrix P for the Clusterwise HICLAS model with two bundles and two clusters for the model matrices M 1, M 2, M 3, and M 4 in Table 1

An extra feature of the HICLAS model, in comparison to related models such as Boolean factor analysis (Mickey, Mundle, & Engelman, 1983), is that for both the testees and the items, a quasi-order relation “≤” is defined: When \( Q^{{{\text{Te}}_{{{i}}}}} \) denotes the set of items that testee Te i answers correctly, then Te i ≤ Te il iff \( Q^{{{\text{Te}}_{{{i}}} }} \subseteq Q^{{{\text{Te}}_{{{il}}} }} \), which implies that all items solved by Te i are also solved by Te il . For the items, a similar quasi-order relation is defined and represented by the HICLAS model, with \( Q^{{It_{j} }} \) denoting the set of testees who solve It j . In the HICLAS model, the quasi-order relations among the testees and the items are represented by means of subset–superset relations among their bundle patterns. For example, in M 1, Te 14 ≤ Te 16 because \(Q^{{{\text{Te}}^{{\text{1}}}_{{\text{4}}} }} \subseteq Q^{{{\text{Te}}^{{\text{1}}}_{{\text{6}}} }} \). Therefore, in A 1, the bundle pattern for Te 14 is a subset of the bundle pattern for Te 16 . Also, in M 1, It3 ≤ It2, and therefore, the bundle pattern for It3 is a subset of the bundle pattern for It2 in B 1. Note that the quasi-order relations among the testees and the items imply a partitioning of the testees and the items into classes (i.e., testees/items with an identical bundle pattern) that are hierarchically ordered (for more information and for applications that make use of the quasi-order relations, see De Boeck & Rosenberg, 1988).

Regarding the uniqueness of the HICLAS decomposition, the following sufficient condition has been proven: If all bundle-specific classes (i.e., classes of testees/items that belong to one bundle only) of a HICLAS decomposition with P bundles of an I × J binary array M are nonempty, this decomposition is unique upon a permutation of the bundles (Ceulemans & Van Mechelen, 2003; Van Mechelen et al., 1995).

The Clusterwise HICLAS model

In order to trace the similarities and differences between the mechanisms that underlie the different data blocks D i (i = 1, . . . , N), Clusterwise HICLAS partitions the N data blocks (i.e., groups of objects/testees) into K mutually exclusive and nonempty clusters. Data blocks that belong to the same cluster are assumed to be governed by the same underlying processes, whereas different mechanisms play a role for data blocks belonging to different clusters. To gain insight into these processes, in each cluster a HICLAS analysis is performed using P bundles, with P being assumed to be the same across clusters. Formally, the I i × J model matrices M i (i = 1, . . . , N) are decomposed by the following rule:

$$ {{\text{M}}_i} = {\sum\limits_{{{{_k}_{{ = {1}}}}}}^K}\ {p_{ik}}\left( {{{\text{A}}^i} \otimes \left( {{{\text{B}}^k}} \right)\prime } \right), $$

where K is the number of clusters, p ik are the entries of the binary partition matrix P (N × K) that indicates whether data block i belongs to cluster k (p ik = 1) or not (p ik = 0), A i (I i × P) is the object bundle matrix for block i (i = 1, . . . , N), and B k (J × P) is the variable bundle matrix for cluster k (k = 1, . . . , K). The cluster-specific variable bundle matrices B k are indexed by k, because they are shared by all data blocks that belong to cluster k.

To illustrate the Clusterwise HICLAS decomposition rule in Eq. 3, we will use the hypothetical testee × item model matrices M 1, M 2, M 3, and M 4, representing data from four different groups (i.e., N = 4), in Table 1. Tables 2 and 3 show the testee bundle matrices A 1, A 2, A 3, and A 4, the cluster-specific item bundle matrices B 1 and B 2, and the partition matrix P of a Clusterwise HICLAS model with two bundles and two clusters for M 1, M 2, M 3, and M 4. For example, in M 4, the third testee of the fourth group Te 43 solves the third item It3, because Te 43 masters the first solution strategy Str1 (see A 4 in Table 2), which allows for solving It3 (see B 1 in Table 3) and the fourth group of testees Group4 is assigned to the first cluster Cl1 (see P in Table 3). However, in M 3, Te 35 does not answer It1 correctly, because the solution strategy that Te 35 masters (see A 3) does not match the strategy that allows for solving It1 (see B 2), since Group3 is assigned to Cl2.

In the Clusterwise HICLAS model, a quasi-order relation is defined on the testees in each M i . For example, in Table 1, one can see that Te 43 ≤ Te 41 in M 4, because \( Q^{{{\text{Te}}^{{\text{4}}}_{{\text{3}}} }} \subseteq Q^{{{\text{Te}}^{{\text{4}}}_{{\text{1}}} }} \), with Q Te34 denoting the items that Te 43 solves. Also, for each cluster of groups separately, a quasi-order relation is defined on the items, with Q Itj now indicating which testees in the groups (i.e., data blocks) that belong to the cluster in question solve It j . For example, for the second cluster, It3 ≤ It1 because Q It3Q It1 in M 2 and M 3 (see Table 1), which pertains to the groups that belong to the second cluster (see P in Table 3), with Q It1 = {Te 23 , Te 31 , Te 32 , Te 34 }. These quasi-order relations are represented by the Clusterwise HICLAS model in the same way as by the HICLAS model (i.e., by subset–superset relations among the bundle patterns). For example, Te 43 ≤ Te 41 (see above), and therefore, in Table 2, the bundle pattern for Te 43 is a subset of the bundle pattern for Te 41 . Moreover, It3 ≤ It1 (see above), resulting in the bundle pattern of It3 in B 2 (Table 3) being a subset of the bundle pattern of It1 (for more information, see Wilderjans, Ceulemans, & Van Mechelen, 2008, in press). Note that a Clusterwise HICLAS solution can be interpreted on the basis of the obtained object and (cluster-specific) variable bundles and/or of the implied quasi-orders for the objects and the variables (see Van Mechelen et al., 1995).

When considering the Clusterwise HICLAS decomposition rule in Eq. 3, it can be seen that the Clusterwise HICLAS model is a generic modeling strategy to disclose similarities and differences between coupled binary data blocks. If K equals N, which implies that each data block forms a separate cluster, Clusterwise HICLAS boils down to performing a separate HICLAS analysis on each data block. A second special case is obtained when K equals 1, implying that all data blocks are assigned to the same cluster. In this case, a Clusterwise HICLAS analysis reduces to performing a single HICLAS analysis on D (Kiers, 2000); this case, which can be conceived of as the hierarchical-classes counterpart of simultaneous component analysis (see Kiers & ten Berge, 1989, 1994; Millsap & Meredith, 1988; Timmerman & Kiers, 2003; Van Deun, Smilde, van der Werf, Kiers, & Van Mechelen, 2009), results in a single set of bundles for all data blocks, implying that only similarities between data blocks can be traced (see Wilderjans et al., in press).

Data analysis


Given a set of I i × J binary data matrices D i (i = 1, . . . , N), a number of clusters K, and a number of bundles P, the aim of a Clusterwise HICLAS analysis is to estimate the binary partition matrix P and the binary object bundle matrices A i and variable bundle matrices B k such that the loss function

$$ f = \sum\limits_{{{{_i}_{{ = {1}}}}}}^N {\left| {\left| {{{\mathbf{D}}_i} - \sum\limits_{{k = 1}}^K {{p_{{ik}}}\left( {{{\mathbf{A}}^i} \otimes { }\left( {{{\mathbf{B}}^k}} \right)\prime } \right)} } \right|} \right|}_F^2 $$

is minimized, with ||. . .||F denoting the Frobenius norm (i.e., the square root of the sum of squared values).


In this section, we will introduce the Clusterwise HICLAS algorithm, which is an alternating least squares (ALS) algorithm that is based on the principles of the K-Means (MacQueen, 1967) and the HICLAS (Leenen & Van Mechelen, 2001) algorithms. Because the Clusterwise HICLAS loss function may be prone to many local optima, two extra procedures are needed to lower the risk of the algorithm ending in a local optimum. First, a multistart procedure is proposed, along with a smart way to obtain “high-quality” initial parameter estimates. Second, a (time-consuming) procedure is discussed that improves the final estimates of the bundles, given the final clustering of the data blocks.

Clusterwise HICLAS ALS algorithm

Identifying the globally optimal solution for the Clusterwise HICLAS loss function in Eq. 4 is a hard nut to crack, because all possible partitions of the data blocks, together with all possible bundle matrices, need to be sieved through (with the partitioning problem on its own already being a NP-hard problem; see, e.g., Brusco, 2006; van Os & Meulman, 2004). Therefore, we propose to use a fast relocation algorithm that can handle large numbers of data blocks, but that may end in a local minimum. In particular, we developed an ALS procedure (for more information on ALS, see de Leeuw, 1994; ten Berge, 1993) in which the cluster memberships of the data blocks (in partition matrix P) are alternatingly updated until there is no improvement in the loss function value. Specifically, the Clusterwise HICLAS algorithm consists of the following five steps:

  1. 1.

    Initialize the partition matrix P by assigning the N data blocks to one of the K clusters, such that there are no empty clusters (see below).

  2. 2.

    For each cluster k (k = 1, . . . , K), estimate the cluster-specific variable bundle matrix B k and the object bundle matrices A i for all data blocks belonging to the cluster in question. To this end, for each cluster, a HICLAS analysis is performed (for details about the HICLAS algorithm, see Leenen & Van Mechelen, 2001) on the data matrix that is obtained by column-wise concatenating (Kiers, 2000) the data blocks that belong to the cluster in question. At the end, compute the loss function value (Eq. 4).

  3. 3.

    Update the partition matrix P row-wise and reestimate the bundles as in Step 2. To determine the optimal cluster for data block D i (i.e., updating row i of P), compute for each cluster k an object bundle matrix \( {\widetilde{{\mathbf{A}}}^{{i(k)}}} \) (I i × P) by means of a Boolean regression (Leenen & Van Mechelen, 1998; Mickey et al., 1983). In this regression, the P columns of the variable bundle matrix B k of cluster k figure as the binary predictors, the I i rows of data block D i as the criteria, and \( {\widetilde{{\mathbf{A}}}^{{i(k)}}} \) as the Boolean regression weights. Next, for each cluster k, the partition criterion \( L_{{ik}} = {\left\| {{\mathbf{D}}_{i} - \widetilde{{\mathbf{A}}}^{{i^{{{\left( k \right)}}} }} \otimes {\left( {{\mathbf{B}}^{{k\prime }} } \right)}} \right\|}^{2} \), which denotes the extent to which data block D i does not fit in cluster k, is computed. Finally, data block D i is reassigned to the cluster for which L ik is minimal. After updating P (and reestimating the bundles), check whether one of the clusters is empty. When this is the case, assign the data block that fits its current cluster the worst to the empty cluster (and again reestimate the bundles, as in Step 2).

  4. 4.

    Compute the loss function value (Eq. 4). When it has decreased, return to Step 3; otherwise, the algorithm has converged.

  5. 5.

    Perform a closure operation (Barbut & Monjardet, 1970; Birkhoff, 1940) on (each) A i and B k. This is necessary because the bundle matrices obtained at the end of Step 4 do not yet represent the quasi-order relation in M i correctly. This closure operation consists of changing each 0 value in A i and B k to 1 iff this modification does not alter M i (and, consequently, does not change the loss function value).

Multistart procedure

In order to minimize the probability of ending up at a suboptimal solution, a multistart procedure is advised; such a procedure consists of running the Clusterwise HICLAS algorithm (see above) with different initializations of the partition matrix P (Ceulemans, Van Mechelen, & Leenen, 2007; Steinley, 2003) and retaining the solution with the lowest value of the loss function (Eq. 4). Because suboptimal solutions may be omnipresent, it is of utmost importance to identify a set of “high-quality” initial partition matrices that are already close to the optimal one. To obtain Q such high-quality partition matrices, we propose using the following procedure:

  1. a.

    Determine a rational initial partition matrix P rat by, first, performing a HICLAS analysis with P bundles on each data block D i separately. Next, compute the kappa coefficient (Cohen, 1960), which can be conceived of as a measure of similarity, between each pair of obtained variable bundle matrices B i. Finally, obtain a rational clustering of the N data blocks into K clusters by performing a single-linkage (i.e., nearest-neighbor) hierarchical cluster analysis (Gordon, 1981) on the matrix of kappa coefficients and cutting the resulting tree at the desired number of clusters.

  2. b.

    Generate Q × 10 different pseudorational partition matrices P p-rat (with no empty clusters). Starting from P rat, each P p-rat is obtained by reassigning each data block to another cluster with a probability equal to .20 (with all “other” clusters having the same probability of being assigned to).

  3. c.

    Compute for P rat and for each P p-rat the Clusterwise HICLAS model (as in Step 2 above) and compute the loss function value (Eq. 4). Rank order all obtained initial P matrices, based on the loss function value, and select the best Q ones.

Improving the final bundles

The HICLAS algorithm in Leenen and Van Mechelen (2001) appears to be prone to suboptimal solutions, especially when the data matrix is far from square (i.e., when there are more objects than variables, or vice versa). In Clusterwise HICLAS, however, often HICLAS analyses need to be performed on concatenated data blocks (see Step 2 of the algorithm), which are “far-from-square” matrices.

Therefore, to lower the risk of ending in a local minimum, it may be advisable to use a more time-consuming simulated annealing (SA) algorithm, called HICLASSA, to obtain the final bundle estimates (i.e., A i and B k), given the best encountered clustering (i.e., the clustering resulting from the multistarted ALS procedure). Note that SA has already successfully been applied to estimate the parameters of hierarchical classes models (see Ceulemans et al., 2007; Wilderjans et al., 2008, in press). A detailed description of the HICLASSA algorithm and the metaparameter setting that have been used is given in the Appendix.

Model selection

In general, the optimal number of clusters K and the optimal number of bundles P that underlie the coupled binary data set at hand are usually unknown. Therefore, one may perform different Clusterwise HICLAS analyses with increasing numbers of clusters and bundles. To select an appropriate model, one may rely on the interpretability of the solution and on a formal model selection heuristic that aims at selecting a model that has an optimal balance between, on the one hand, fit to the data (i.e., the loss function value), and on the other hand, the complexity of the model (i.e., the numbers of clusters and bundles). Specifically, we propose using a generalization of the well-known scree test (Cattell, 1966), which has already proved to be effective for determining the number of bundles in hierarchical classes analysis (see, e.g., Ceulemans, Van Mechelen, & Leenen, 2003; Leenen & Van Mechelen, 2001). This model selection strategy consists of plotting the loss function value (Eq. 4) of the different solutions against the number of bundles P for each value of K. Subsequently, the optimal value for K may be determined by examining the general (i.e., across numbers of bundles) increase in fit that is obtained by adding a cluster and choosing the number of clusters after which this general increase in fit levels off. Finally, considering solutions with K clusters only, one looks for an elbow in the scree plot for the selected K value (see Cattell, 1966) to determine the optimal number of bundles P.

Simulation study


In this section, we will present a simulation study to evaluate the performance of the Clusterwise HICLAS algorithm with respect to optimization and recovery (in the ideal situation in which the correct numbers of underlying bundles and clusters are known). Regarding optimization, we will study how sensitive the algorithm is to local minima. With respect to recovery, we will investigate the extent to which the algorithm succeeds in recovering the true structure underlying the data. For both aspects, we will also study whether and how the algorithm’s performance depends on characteristics of the data. Specifically, we will focus on six data characteristics. The first three characteristics pertain to the clustering of the data blocks: (1) the number of underlying clusters, (2) the cluster size, and (3) the degree of congruence (i.e., similarity) between the bundles for each cluster. We expect the algorithm’s performance to deteriorate when the number of underlying clusters increases (Brusco & Cradit, 2005; De Roover et al., 2011; Milligan, Soon, & Sokol, 1983), the clusters are of different sizes (Brusco & Cradit, 2001; Milligan et al., 1983; Steinley, 2003), and/or there is much congruence between the bundles for each cluster (De Roover et al., in press). Moreover, we expect the performance to be worst for certain combinations of these characteristics (i.e., many clusters of different sizes with much congruence between the cluster-specific bundles). The next factor, (4) the complexity of the underlying HICLAS model(s), is the number of underlying bundles. We conjecture that the algorithm’s performance will decrease with an increasing number of bundles (De Boeck & Rosenberg, 1988; Wilderjans, Ceulemans, & Van Mechelen, 2008, 2009, in press). A further factor, (5) the sample size and amount of available information, is the number of observations per data block. We hypothesize that the performance of the Clusterwise HICLAS algorithm will improve when the algorithm has more information (i.e., more observations per data block) at its disposal (Brusco & Cradit, 2005; Hands & Everitt, 1987). Finally, with respect to (6) the amount of noise in the data, we expect the algorithmic performance to deteriorate when the amount of noise in the data becomes large (Brusco & Cradit, 2005; Wilderjans et al., in press).

Design and procedure

In the simulation study, the number of data blocks N was kept fixed at 30, and the number of variables J was fixed at 12. Furthermore, the six factors, which were introduced above, were systematically manipulated in a completely randomized six-factorial design, with all factors considered random:

  1. 1.

    the number of clusters, K, at two levels: 2 and 4;

  2. 2.

    the cluster size, at three levels (see Milligan et al., 1983): equal (equal number of data blocks in each cluster); unequal with minority (10% of the data blocks in one cluster and the remaining data blocks distributed equally over the other clusters); and unequal with majority (70% of the data blocks in one cluster and the remaining data blocks distributed equally over the other clusters);

  3. 3.

    the degree of congruence between the cluster-specific variable bundle matrices B k, at two levels: low and high congruence;

  4. 4.

    the number of bundles, P, at two levels: 2 and 4;

  5. 5.

    the number of observations per data block, I i , at two levels: I i = 50 or 100;

  6. 6.

    the amount of noise in the data, ε, at three levels: .05, .15, and .25.

For each cell of the design, 10 coupled data sets \( {\mathbf{\tilde{D}}} \) were generated as follows: A true partition matrix P (T) was constructed by calculating the number of data blocks that belonged to each cluster (given the first and second factors and not allowing for empty clusters) and assigning the correct number of data blocks to each cluster randomly. Next, true object bundle matrices A i(T) (i = 1, . . . , N) and a (common) base variable bundle matrix B base were simulated by independently drawing entries from a Bernoulli distribution with parameter value .50. Subsequently, in order to manipulate the degree of congruence between the different B k(T)s, for each cluster k, a true variable bundle matrix B k(T) was obtained by changing at random 5% or 25% of the cells of the common base bundle matrix B base; this resulted in a set of B k(T) matrices (k = 1, . . . , K) that were highly and lowly congruent, respectively.Footnote 3 Next, true matrices T i (i = 1, . . . , N) were computed by combining P (T), A i(T), and B k(T) by the Clusterwise HICLAS decomposition rule (Eq. 3). It should be noted that the matrices A i(T) and B k(T) (see above) were generated such that each possible bundle pattern that contained a single 1 (e.g., the patterns 1 0 and 0 1 in Tables 2 and 3) occurred at least once. This constraint was imposed to ensure that a unique decomposition of T i into A i(T) and B k(T) existed (Ceulemans & Van Mechelen, 2003; Van Mechelen et al., 1995). Finally, for each true matrix T i , a data matrix D i was constructed by changing the value of exactly a proportion of ε of the cells of T i (i = 1, . . . , N).

As such, 10 (replications) × 2 (number of clusters) × 3 (cluster size) × 2 (degree of congruence between the cluster-specific variable bundle matrices) × 2 (number of bundles) × 2 (number of observations per data block) × 3 (amount of noise in the data) = 1,440 different coupled data sets \( {\mathbf{\tilde{D}}} \) were obtained. Subsequently, a Clusterwise HICLAS analysis with the correct values for K and P was performed on each of these data sets \( {\mathbf{\tilde{D}}} \) using a multistart procedure with 25 starts. These starts were obtained by selecting the best 25 initial partition matrices P among (1) a rationally determined P and (2) 125 pseudorational P matrices (see the Algorithm section above). Note that the Clusterwise HICLAS algorithm was implemented in MATLAB code (version 7.12.0, R2011a) and is available upon request from the first author. Note further that the simulation study was run on a supercomputer consisting of INTEL XEON L5420 processors with a clock frequency of 2.5 GHz and with 8 GB RAM.


Optimization performance: Goodness of fit and sensitivity to local minima

In this section, we want to study the extent to which the Clusterwise HICLAS algorithm was able to find the global minimum of the loss function (Eq. 4). However, because error had been added to the data, this global optimum was unknown. Therefore, we used the true solution underlying the data (i.e., P (T), A i(T), and B k(T)) as a proxy of the global optimum, because this solution is always a valid solution with K clusters and P bundles for the data. As a consequence, we considered a Clusterwise HICLAS solution suboptimal when its loss value exceeded that of the proxy. This appeared to be the case for only 50 out of the 1,440 data sets (3.47%), which all contained a very low amount of noise.

In order to study how the optimization performance varied as a function of the manipulated data characteristics, we calculated the f diff statistic, defined as the normalized (i.e., divided by the number of data entries) difference between the loss values of the proxy and the solution retained by the algorithm. Subsequently, we performed an analysis of variance with f diff as the dependent variable and the six data characteristics as independent variables. Only taking main and interaction effects into account with an intraclass correlation \( {\hat{\rho }_I} > .05 \) (Haggard, 1958; Kirk, 1982), this analysis revealed large main effects of the number of bundles (\( {\hat{\rho }_I} = .25 \)) and the amount of noise in the data (\( {\hat{\rho }_I} = .43 \)): The (normalized) difference between the loss value of the retained solution and the proxy increased when the number of bundles and the amount of noise in the data increased. Both main effects were further qualified by a large interaction between the factors (\( {\hat{\rho }_I} = .26 \)): As one can see in the leftmost panel of Fig. 2, the effect of the number of bundles was more pronounced when the data contained a large amount of noise.

Fig. 2
figure 2

(Left) Mean f diff as a function of the number of bundles and the amount of noise in the data. (Middle) Boxplot of the adjusted Rand index (ARI) for different levels of the degree of congruence between the cluster-specific variable bundle matrices. (Right) Mean κ allB as a function of the number of bundles and the amount of noise in the data

Recovery performance

The recovery performance of the Clusterwise HICLAS algorithm was evaluated with respect to (1) the clustering of the data blocks and (2) the cluster-specific variable bundle matrices.

Recovery of the clustering of the data blocks

To examine the extent to which the underlying clustering of the data blocks has been recovered, the adjusted Rand index (ARI; Hubert & Arabie, 1985) between the true partition of the data blocks (i.e., P (T)) and the estimated partition (i.e., P) is computed. The ARI equals 1 if the two partitions are identical, and 0 when the overlap between the two partitions can be totally attributed to chance.

The mean ARI, across all data blocks, equaled .9417 (SD = .1669), implying that the Clusterwise HICLAS algorithm recovered the underlying clustering of the data blocks to a very large extent. For 1,219 out of the 1,440 data sets (84.65%), the clustering was recovered perfectly. To study how the recovery performance was influenced by the manipulated data characteristics, an analysis of variance was performed with ARI as the dependent variable and the six data characteristics as independent variables. Only taking into account effects with \( {\hat{\rho }_I} > .05 \), this analysis revealed that the recovery performance, as can be seen in the boxplots in the middle panel of Fig. 2, decreased when the cluster-specific variable bundle matrices were more congruent/similar (\( {\hat{\rho }_I} = .10 \)).

Recovery of the cluster-specific variable bundle matrices

To evaluate the recovery of the cluster-specific variable bundle matrices B k, we computed, for each cluster k, the kappa coefficient κ (Cohen, 1960) between the true and estimated variable bundle matrices; next, we obtained an overall \( \kappa_{\text{B}}^{\text{all}} \) statistic by averaging these kappa coefficients across all clusters:

$$ \kappa ^{{all}}_{{\text{B}}} = \frac{{{\sum\nolimits_{k = 1}^K {\kappa {\left( {{\mathbf{B}}^{{k{\left( T \right)}}} ,{\mathbf{B}}^{k} } \right)}} }}} {K}, $$

with B k(T) and B k being the true and estimated variable bundle matrices, respectively, for cluster k.Footnote 4 The permutational freedom of the bundles was dealt with by selecting the permutation of the bundles that optimized the kappa coefficient. To take the permutational freedom of the clusters into account, the cluster permutation was chosen that maximized \( \kappa_{\text{B}}^{\text{all}} \). The \( \kappa_{\text{B}}^{\text{all}} \) statistic ranges between 0 (no recovery at all) and 1 (perfect recovery).

In the simulation study, the mean \( \kappa_{\text{B}}^{\text{all}} \) value, across all data sets, equaled .8825 (SD = .1578), indicating good recovery of the cluster-specific variable bundle matrices. An analysis of variance was performed with \( \kappa_{\text{B}}^{\text{all}} \) as the dependent variable and the six data characteristics as independent variables. When only effects with \( {\hat{\rho }_I} > .05 \) were taken into account, this analysis revealed that the recovery performance decreased when the number of bundles (\( {\hat{\rho }_I} = .20 \)) and the amount of noise in the data (\( {\hat{\rho }_I} = .29 \)) increased. Moreover, in this analysis, as can be seen in the rightmost panel of Fig. 2, it appears that the effect of the number of bundles was more pronounced when the data contained a large amount of noise (\( {\hat{\rho }_I} = .{26} \)).

Discussion of the results

In the simulation study, we demonstrated that the Clusterwise HICLAS algorithm succeeded well in optimizing the loss function when using 25 multistarts (see above). Furthermore, the algorithm appeared to recover both the clustering of the data blocks and the cluster-specific variable bundles to a very large extent. This implies that, under ideal situations (i.e., the correct number of clusters and bundles being used), a multistart procedure with 25 starts is sufficient, in that it results in good-quality solutions. Therefore, when analyzing empirical data, a two-stage procedure may be advised: In the first stage, when exploring different numbers of clusters and bundles, 25 multistarts may be sufficient. In the second stage, in order to improve the quality of the solutions (i.e., some particular combinations of P and K) retained for further investigation, these solutions may be reestimated with a larger number of multistarts (say, 50 or 100).

The simulation study further demonstrated that one should be cautious when the number of bundles is large, when the data contain a large amount of noise, and/or when there is much congruence among the cluster-specific variable bundles. However, these extreme situations, which almost never occur in practice, were included in the study in order to make it hard for the algorithm to find a good solution. When such an extreme situation is encountered in empirical applications, a way out would be to increase the number of multistarts.

Illustrative application

In this section, we will perform a Clusterwise HICLAS analysis to coupled data on emotion differentiation and emotion regulation. “Emotion differentiation” refers to the degree to which individuals discriminate among the experiences of different emotions. In particular, individuals with greater emotional differentiation are able to clearly distinguish among (and thus experience) a variety of negative and positive discrete emotions, whereas individuals with lower levels of emotional differentiation tend to describe their emotions in an overgeneralized way, such as simply either good or bad (Kashdan, Ferssizidis, Collins, & Muraven, 2010). Emotion differentiation is thought to form an indicator of psychological maladjustment and is, for instance, a central feature of alexithymia, a risk factor for depression (Bagpy, Taylor, Quilty, & Parker, 2007; Suvak et al., 2011). As a result, a key question is how the use of different emotion regulation strategies (i.e., the ways people try to change their emotions, such as, e.g., social sharing of emotions, distraction, or cognitive change) is related to emotion differentiation (Wranik, Barrett, & Salovey, 2007). Barrett et al. (2001) hypothesized that individuals who show larger emotion differentiation should also display stronger emotion regulation, especially for negative emotions.

We examined this hypothesis on the basis of experience sampling data on the experience of emotions and the use of emotion regulation strategies collected from 31 psychology students at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (mainly between 18 and 21 years old; 15 males and 16 females). Experience sampling methods allow for collecting data during participants’ ongoing daily activities, enabling research to capture “life as it is lived” (Bolger, Davis, & Rafaeli, 2003). Using programmed palmtop computers, participants were beeped at 10 random times a day over the course of one week.Footnote 5 At each beep (or measurement occasion), the subjects were asked to rate the extents to which they were experiencing seven emotions and using nine emotion regulation strategies to deal with them (see Table 4 for an overview of the emotions and the regulation strategies); for this purpose, a scale ranging from 0 (not at all) to 5 (to a very large extent) was used (a more detailed description of the data set can be found in Vande Gaer et al., in press).

Table 4 Emotion/regulation strategy bundle matrix with two bundles for both clusters of subjects and for the standard HICLAS analysis

The data were dichotomized by performing a mean split on each emotion/regulation strategy (with a score on or above the mean being recoded to 1, and a score below the mean to 0). Next, different Clusterwise HICLAS analyses (with 25 multistarts, being the best ones out of 125 initial partition matrices, and 111 SA chains—1 rational, 10 random, and 100 pseudorational—in Step 2 of the algorithm) were performed on the dichotomized data, with the number of clusters ranging from one to six and the number of bundles from one to five. Taking into account the interpretability of the solution and applying the generalized scree test (as we explained in the Model Selection section) to the obtained loss function values (see Fig. 3), we selected the solution with two underlying clusters and two underlying bundles as the final solution.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Loss function value for Clusterwise HICLAS solutions, with the number of bundles varying from one to five and the number of clusters ranging from one to six

In Table 4, the emotion/regulation strategy bundle matrix for the first (11 subjects) and second (20 subjects) clusters is displayed. In this table, it can be seen that both groups experienced negative (i.e., first bundle) and positive (i.e., second bundle) emotions, and that negative emotions called for a whole spectrum of regulation strategies (e.g., ranging from calmly reflecting on the feelings to actively trying to avoid thinking about and expressing these negative emotions). However, regarding negative emotions, both groups differed in their emotion differentiation: The first group only experienced stress and anxiety, whereas individuals from the second group displayed a more differentiated set of emotional reactions, additionally including depression and anger. When relating these differences in emotion differentiation between groups to differences in regulation strategies, it turned out that individuals from this second cluster, who were characterized by larger emotion differentiation, also used a wider range of regulation strategies than did individuals from the first cluster, who displayed less emotion differentiation. For positive emotions, the groups did not differ in emotion differentiation or in emotion regulation (i.e., they did not show any specific regulation strategy in these instances). These results support the results reported in Barrett et al. (2001). These authors explained the link between emotion differentiation and emotion regulation by the availability of discrete emotion knowledge that may become activated during the representation process. This knowledge, which is more elaborated in the case of larger emotion differentiation, may provide lots of information as how to deal with the specific situation. This is especially true, they argued, in the case of very intense negative emotions, since the call for emotion regulation in these situations is the greatest.

For comparative purposes, we also performed a standard HICLAS analysis (with two bundles) on the concatenated data. From this analysis, as one can see in Table 4, it appears that a standard HICLAS resulted in a too simplistic picture of the underlying mechanisms, in that the variable bundles for both groups got mixed up, with the largest group dominating the solution. In particular, as in the second group, all subjects displayed a very differentiated set of emotional reactions (i.e., all positive and negative emotions), and in the case of negative emotions, they employed almost all emotion regulation strategies (as in the second group) except talking about feelings with others (as in the first group).

Concluding remarks

In this article, we proposed Clusterwise HICLAS, a generic modeling strategy for tracing differences and similarities between binary object × variable data blocks that have the variables in common, which is a type of data often encountered in psychology (see the examples mentioned in the introduction). Using Clusterwise HICLAS, the data blocks are clustered and for each cluster a set of bundles is derived, which represents the structural mechanisms underlying the data. As a consequence, differences and similarities between the data blocks can be studied easily by comparing the cluster-specific bundles. In an extensive simulation study, we demonstrated that the Clusterwise HICLAS algorithm performs well with respect to, on the one hand, minimizing the loss function, and on the other hand, disclosing the true clustering of the data blocks and the true cluster-specific bundles. Analyzing emotion data, we further showed that Clusterwise HICLAS is able to reveal groups of individuals who differ regarding emotion differentiation and emotion regulation strategies.

Although we introduced Clusterwise HICLAS as a model for coupled binary data blocks that have the variables in common, Clusterwise HICLAS can also be applied without further adaptations to coupled binary data blocks that share the objects. Such a Clusterwise HICLAS approach would also have interesting applications in the behavioral sciences. Take, as an example, a researcher who administers different questionnaires to the same set of persons (i.e., each data block pertains to a different questionnaire). In this case, a Clusterwise HICLAS analysis would result in a clustering of the questionnaires (e.g., intelligence and personality questionnaires) and cluster-specific bundles, which would reveal the personality and the intelligence of the persons under study. As such, one could study how individual differences in intelligence relate to individual differences in personality.

In the future, it might be useful to further extend the Clusterwise HICLAS approach with respect to two factors. First, in the Clusterwise HICLAS model, the number of bundles is assumed to be the same across clusters. Often, however, this is not a tenable assumption. For example, there are no substantive reasons why the number of bundles needed to describe the individual differences in personality should equal the number of bundles that underlie individual differences in intelligence. Therefore, it might be interesting to allow the number of bundles to vary across clusters. However, such an extension would not be trivial, because the estimation of the clustering of the data blocks could be a hard nut to crack. In particular, the algorithm might be tempted to assign blocks to those clusters that have more bundles (i.e., parameters), because in these clusters there are more parameters to describe the data, which might result in a better fit of the data. Moreover, a challenging model selection problem would arise, because the number of clusters and the number of bundles for each cluster would need to be determined.

Second, in Clusterwise HICLAS, the cluster-specific bundles are obtained by performing a HICLAS analysis on (a concatenation of) all data blocks belonging to the cluster in question, implying that each data entry influences the estimation of the bundles to the same extent. However, data entries from different blocks may differ in their information value. One reason for this might be that the data were measured in a more reliable way in some blocks than in others, resulting in the former containing less noise than the latter (i.e., noise heterogeneity between data blocks). Another reason might be that some blocks were better instances of a particular cluster than were others (i.e., some blocks might fit a cluster better than others). It has been demonstrated that not accounting (properly) for these differences in information value between data blocks can hamper the disclosure of the true structure underlying the data (see, e.g., Wilderjans et al., 2008, 2009, in press). Therefore, an interesting extension of the Clusterwise HICLAS modeling strategy would be to estimate the information value of each data block and to down-weight in the analysis entries from less-informative blocks in favor of entries belonging to more-informative blocks, which is the key idea behind SIMCLAS (Wilderjans et al., in press), in which the bundles are assumed to be equal across data blocks. This extension of Clusterwise HICLAS, however, also would not be a trivial one, because estimating the information value of a data block may be a very difficult task.