24982 publications

  1. Sector-Based Action Against Corruption
  2. Sectoral Analysis of Trade, Investment and Business in Vietnam
  3. Sectoral Plans and Pilot Projects for Sustainable Development
  4. Sectors Matter!
  5. Secular Bioethics in Theological Perspective
  6. Secular Evolution of Self-Gravitating Systems Over Cosmic Age
  7. Secular Institutions, Islam and Education Policy
  8. Secular Martyrdom in Britain and Ireland
  9. Secular Messiahs and the Return of Paul’s “Real”
  10. Secular Nationalism and Citizenship in Muslim Countries
  11. Secular Solar and Geomagnetic Variations in the Last 10,000 Years
  12. Secular Spirituality
  13. Secular Stagnation Theories
  14. Secular State and Religious Society
  15. Secularisations and Their Debates
  16. Secularism and Its Opponents from Augustine to Solzhenitsyn
  17. Secularism and Religion in Multi-faith Societies
  18. Secularism in Comparative Perspective
  19. Secularism on the Edge
  20. Secularism(s) in Contemporary France
  21. Secularisms in a Postsecular Age?
  22. Secularists, Religion and Government in Nineteenth-Century America
  23. Secularization
  24. Secularization Revisited - Teaching of Religion and the State of Denmark
  25. Secularization, Desecularization, and Toleration
  26. Secure Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Systems
  27. Secure Broadcast Communication
  28. Secure Cloud Computing
  29. Secure Communication for 5G and IoT Networks
  30. Secure Compressive Sensing in Multimedia Data, Cloud Computing and IoT
  31. Secure Control of Networked Control Systems and Its Applications
  32. Secure Coordination Control of Networked Robotic Systems
  33. Secure Data Deletion
  34. Secure Data Management
  35. Secure Data Management
  36. Secure Data Management
  37. Secure Data Management
  38. Secure Data Management
  39. Secure Data Management
  40. Secure Data Management
  41. Secure Data Management
  42. Secure Data Management
  43. Secure Data Management
  44. Secure Data Management in Decentralized Systems
  45. Secure Digital Communications
  46. Secure Edge and Fog Computing Enabled AI for IoT and Smart Cities
  47. Secure Electronic Voting
  48. Secure Group Communications over Data Networks
  49. Secure ICT Service Provisioning for Cloud, Mobile and Beyond
  50. Secure ICT Service Provisioning for Cloud, Mobile and Beyond
  51. Secure IP Mobility Management for VANET
  52. Secure IT Systems
  53. Secure IT Systems
  54. Secure IT Systems
  55. Secure IT Systems
  56. Secure IT Systems
  57. Secure IT Systems
  58. Secure IT Systems
  59. Secure IT Systems
  60. Secure IT Systems
  61. Secure IT Systems
  62. Secure IT Systems
  63. Secure IT Systems
  64. Secure Image Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Applications
  65. Secure Information Management Using Linguistic Threshold Approach
  66. Secure Information Networks
  67. Secure Integrated Circuits and Systems
  68. Secure Internet Programming
  69. Secure Key Establishment
  70. Secure Knowledge Management In Artificial Intelligence Era
  71. Secure Knowledge Management In The Artificial Intelligence Era
  72. Secure Localization and Time Synchronization for Wireless Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks
  73. Secure Mobile Ad-hoc Networks and Sensors
  74. Secure Multi-Party Computation Against Passive Adversaries
  75. Secure Multi-Party E-Commerce Protocols
  76. Secure Multi-Party Non-Repudiation Protocols and Applications
  77. Secure Networked Inference with Unreliable Data Sources
  78. Secure Networking — CQRE [Secure] ’ 99
  79. Secure Quantum Network Coding Theory
  80. Secure Sensor Cloud
  81. Secure Smart Embedded Devices, Platforms and Applications
  82. Secure System Design and Trustable Computing
  83. Secure Systems Development with UML
  84. Secure Transaction Protocol Analysis
  85. Secure Voice Processing Systems against Malicious Voice Attacks
  86. Secure Web Application Development
  87. Secure Wireless Sensor Networks
  88. Secure and Privacy-Preserving Data Communication in Internet of Things
  89. Secure and Resilient Digital Transformation of Healthcare
  90. Secure and Trust Computing, Data Management and Applications
  91. Secure and Trust Computing, Data Management, and Applications
  92. Secure and Trusted Cyber Physical Systems
  93. Secure and Trustworthy Cyberphysical Microfluidic Biochips
  94. Secure and Trustworthy Service Composition
  95. Secure and Trustworthy Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems
  96. Secure, Low-Power IoT Communication Using Edge-Coded Signaling
  97. Securing Biometrics Applications
  98. Securing Digital Video
  99. Securing Electricity Supply in the Cyber Age
  100. Securing Electronic Business Processes
  101. Securing Emerging Wireless Systems
  102. Securing Europe
  103. Securing Mega-Events
  104. Securing Office 365
  105. Securing Our Natural Wealth
  106. Securing PHP Apps
  107. Securing Peace in Europe, 1945–62
  108. Securing Pension Provision: The Challenge of Reforming the Age of Entitlement
  109. Securing Public Transportation Systems
  110. Securing SQL Server
  111. Securing SQL Server
  112. Securing Social Identity in Mobile Platforms
  113. Securing South Africa’s Democracy
  114. Securing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks
  115. Securing Urbanism
  116. Securing Water and Wastewater Systems
  117. Securing Wireless Communications at the Physical Layer
  118. Securing the Belt and Road Initiative
  119. Securing the Future
  120. Securing the Perimeter
  121. Securing the ‘Rice Bowl’
  122. Securitainment
  123. Securities Lending and Repos
  124. Securitisation as Hegemonic Discourse Formation
  125. Securitization Economics
  126. Securitization and Authoritarianism
  127. Securitization and Democracy in Eurasia
  128. Securitization and Desecuritization Processes in Protracted Conflicts
  129. Securitization and the Global Economy
  130. Securitization: Past, Present and Future
  131. Securitizing Immigration
  132. Security Access in Wireless Local Area Networks
  133. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
  134. Security Aspects in Information Technology
  135. Security Assessment in Vehicular Networks
  136. Security Awareness
  137. Security Basics for Computer Architects
  138. Security Challenges and Approaches in Internet of Things
  139. Security Co-operation between Russia and Ukraine in the Post-Soviet Era
  140. Security Communities and their Neighbours
  141. Security Compliance in Model-driven Development of Software Systems in Presence of Long-Term Evolution and Variants
  142. Security Dynamics in the Black Sea Region
  143. Security Education and Critical Infrastructures
  144. Security Einfach Machen
  145. Security Engineering and Intelligence Informatics
  146. Security Engineering for Service-Oriented Architectures
  147. Security Engineering for Vehicular IT Systems
  148. Security Engineering with Patterns
  149. Security Incidents & Response Against Cyber Attacks
  150. Security Informatics
  151. Security Infrastructure Technology for Integrated Utilization of Big Data
  152. Security Intelligence Services in New Democracies
  153. Security Interests in Intellectual Property
  154. Security Issues and Privacy Threats in Smart Ubiquitous Computing
  155. Security Issues in Fog Computing from 5G to 6G
  156. Security Issues in Mobile NFC Devices
  157. Security Management, Integrity, and Internal Control in Information Systems
  158. Security Meets Gender Equality in the EU
  159. Security Planning
  160. Security Policy in System-on-Chip Designs
  161. Security Politics in the Commonwealth of Independent States
  162. Security Privatization
  163. Security Problems and Policies in the Post-Cold War Caribbean
  164. Security Protocols
  165. Security Protocols
  166. Security Protocols
  167. Security Protocols
  168. Security Protocols
  169. Security Protocols
  170. Security Protocols
  171. Security Protocols
  172. Security Protocols
  173. Security Protocols
  174. Security Protocols
  175. Security Protocols
  176. Security Protocols XIX
  177. Security Protocols XVI
  178. Security Protocols XVII
  179. Security Protocols XVIII
  180. Security Protocols XX
  181. Security Protocols XXI
  182. Security Protocols XXII
  183. Security Protocols XXIII
  184. Security Protocols XXIV
  185. Security Protocols XXV
  186. Security Protocols XXVI
  187. Security Protocols XXVII
  188. Security Protocols XXVIII
  189. Security Rights in Intellectual Property
  190. Security Sector Reform in Southeast Asia
  191. Security Standardisation Research
  192. Security Standardisation Research
  193. Security Standardisation Research
  194. Security Standardisation Research
  195. Security Standardisation Research
  196. Security Standardisation Research
  197. Security Strategies in the Asia-Pacific
  198. Security Technology
  199. Security Technology
  200. Security Technology, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity