22283 publications

  1. Microwave-Induced Synthesis of Aromatic Heterocycles
  2. Microwave-assisted Extraction for Bioactive Compounds
  3. Microwave-assisted Polymer Synthesis
  4. Microwaves
  5. Microwaves, Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Liquid Crystals
  6. Micturition
  7. Mid-Atlantic Freshwater Wetlands: Advances in Wetlands Science, Management, Policy, and Practice
  8. Mid-Infrared Coherent Sources and Applications
  9. Mid-Infrared Fluoride and Chalcogenide Glasses and Fibers
  10. Mid-Tudor Queenship and Memory
  11. Mid-infrared Quantum Cascade Lasers for Chaos Secure Communications
  12. Mid-infrared Semiconductor Optoelectronics
  13. Mid-size Drugs Based on Peptides and Peptidomimetics
  14. Mid-sized Manufacturing Companies: The New Driver of Italian Competitiveness
  15. Midazolam in Pediatric Dentistry
  16. Middle Atmosphere
  17. Middle Classes in Africa
  18. Middle Ear Diseases
  19. Middle Ear Surgery
  20. Middle East Christianity
  21. Middle Eastern and African Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations: Other Voices
  22. Middle India and Urban-Rural Development
  23. Middle Molecular Strategy
  24. Middle Powers and Commercial Diplomacy
  25. Middle Powers and G20 Governance
  26. Middle Powers in Global Governance
  27. Middle Powers in International Politics
  28. Middle Powers in World Trade Diplomacy
  29. Middle Range Theory and the Study of Organizations
  30. Middle World
  31. Middle and Upper Paleolithic Sites in the Eastern Hemisphere
  32. Middle-Aged Gay Men, Ageing and Ageism
  33. Middle-Class Blacks in Britain
  34. Middle-Class Culture in the Nineteenth Century
  35. Middle-Income Trap
  36. Middlebrow Feminism in Classic British Detective Fiction
  37. Middlebrow Literary Cultures
  38. Middlemarch by George Eliot
  39. Middleton and Tourneur
  40. Middleware
  41. Middleware
  42. Middleware 2000
  43. Middleware 2001
  44. Middleware 2003
  45. Middleware 2004
  46. Middleware 2005
  47. Middleware 2006
  48. Middleware 2007
  49. Middleware 2008
  50. Middleware 2009
  51. Middleware 2010
  52. Middleware 2011
  53. Middleware 2012
  54. Middleware 2013
  55. Middleware Networks
  56. Middleware Solutions for the Internet of Things
  57. Middleware for Network Eccentric and Mobile Applications
  58. Middleware in Java
  59. Middleware’98
  60. Midfacial Rejuvenation
  61. Midkine: From Embryogenesis to Pathogenesis and Therapy
  62. Midline Neck Swellings
  63. Midline Skull Base Surgery
  64. Midwifery Practice
  65. Midwifery Practice: Core Topics 1
  66. Midwifery Practice: Core Topics 3
  67. Midwifery and Sexuality
  68. Midwifery, Childbirth and the Media
  69. Midwives, Research and Childbirth
  70. Midwives, Research and Childbirth
  71. Midwives, Research and Childbirth
  72. Mies van der Rohe The Krefeld Villas
  73. Mieter_innenbewegungen in Berlin und New York
  74. Mietverhältnisse beenden
  75. Mighty Lewd Books
  76. Migmatites
  77. Migraine
  78. Migraine Surgery
  79. Migraine in Medicine
  80. Migraine, céphalées de l’enfant et de l’adolescent
  81. Migraine: A Neuroinflammatory Disease?
  82. Migrant Activism and Integration from Below in Ireland
  83. Migrant Capital
  84. Migrant Care Workers aus Polen in der häuslichen Pflege
  85. Migrant Citizenship from Below
  86. Migrant Construction Workers in Times of Crisis
  87. Migrant Domestic Workers and Family Life
  88. Migrant Domestic Workers in the Middle East
  89. Migrant Dubai
  90. Migrant Entrepreneurship Network Structures
  91. Migrant Farmworkers in 'Plastic Factories’
  92. Migrant Hospitalities in the Mediterranean
  93. Migrant Integration Between Homeland and Host Society Volume 1
  94. Migrant Integration between Homeland and Host Society Volume 2
  95. Migrant Integration in Times of Economic Crisis
  96. Migrant Labour in Japan
  97. Migrant Languages in Education
  98. Migrant Lives
  99. Migrant Masculinities in Women’s Writing
  100. Migrant Mobilization and Securitization in the US and Europe
  101. Migrant Protection and the City in the Americas
  102. Migrant Remittances in South Asia
  103. Migrant Smuggling
  104. Migrant Traders in South Africa
  105. Migrant Women Professionals in the European Union
  106. Migrant Women of Johannesburg
  107. Migrant Writers and Urban Space in Italy
  108. Migrant Youth, Schooling and Identity
  109. Migrant and Diasporic Film and Filmmaking in New Zealand
  110. Migrant, Roma and Post-Colonial Youth in Education across Europe
  111. MigrantInnen als Führungskräfte
  112. Migranten als Journalisten?
  113. Migranten als Journalisten?
  114. Migranten auf dem Weg zur Elite?
  115. Migranten in der Politik
  116. Migranten in der deutschen Politik
  117. Migranten und Medien
  118. Migrantenjugendliche zwischen Schule und Beruf
  119. Migrantische Mehrsprachigkeit und Öffentlichkeit
  120. Migrants Before the Law
  121. Migrants and Expats: The Swiss Migration and Mobility Nexus
  122. Migrants and the COVID-19 Pandemic
  123. Migrants as Agents of Change
  124. Migrants in Agricultural Development
  125. Migrants or Expatriates?
  126. Migrants with Irregular Status in Europe
  127. Migrants with a Precarious Status
  128. Migrants, Borders and the European Question
  129. Migrants, Ethnic Minorities and the Labour Market
  130. Migrants, Immigration and Diversity in Twentieth-century Northern Ireland
  131. Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers’ Integration in European Labour Markets
  132. Migrants, Work and Social Integration
  133. Migrants’ (Im)mobilities in Three European Urban Contexts
  134. Migrants’ Political Participation in Exclusionary Contexts: From Subcultures to Radicalization
  135. Migrating ASP.NET Microservices to ASP.NET Core
  136. Migrating Large-Scale Services to the Cloud
  137. Migrating Modernist Performance
  138. Migrating a Two-Tier Application to Azure
  139. Migrating and Settling in a Mobile World
  140. Migrating from Drupal to Backdrop
  141. Migrating from Pascal to C++
  142. Migrating to Android for iOS Developers
  143. Migrating to Azure
  144. Migrating to MariaDB
  145. Migrating to Swift from Android
  146. Migrating to Swift from Flash and ActionScript
  147. Migrating to Swift from Web Development
  148. Migrating to Windows Phone
  149. Migrating to iPhone and iPad for .NET Developers
  150. Migration
  151. Migration Between Mexico and the United States
  152. Migration Citizenship Labour
  153. Migration Control Logics and Strategies in Europe
  154. Migration Conundrums, Regional Integration and Development
  155. Migration Crises in 21st Century Africa
  156. Migration Culture
  157. Migration Diversity and Social Cohesion
  158. Migration Imaging of the Transient Electromagnetic Method
  159. Migration Literature and Hybridity
  160. Migration Patterns and Intentions of Floating Population in Transitional China
  161. Migration Policies and Political Participation
  162. Migration Policies in Europe and the United States
  163. Migration Policy and Practice
  164. Migration Research in a Digitized World
  165. Migration States and Welfare States: Why Is America Different from Europe?
  166. Migration als Herausforderung für pädagogische Institutionen
  167. Migration als Problem offener Geselleschaften
  168. Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945
  169. Migration and Agency in a Globalizing World
  170. Migration and Belonging
  171. Migration and Care Labour
  172. Migration and Cities
  173. Migration and Community in the Early Modern Mediterranean
  174. Migration and Crime
  175. Migration and Discrimination
  176. Migration and Domestic Space
  177. Migration and Domestic Work
  178. Migration and Domestic Work
  179. Migration and Economic Development
  180. Migration and Education in a Multicultural World
  181. Migration and Entrepreneurship in the Global Context
  182. Migration and Environmental Change in Morocco
  183. Migration and Fate of Pollutants in Soils and Subsoils
  184. Migration and Home
  185. Migration and Identity in a Post-National World
  186. Migration and Identity through Creative Writing
  187. Migration and Integration Challenges of Muslim Immigrants in Europe
  188. Migration and Integration in a Post-Pandemic World
  189. Migration and International Relations
  190. Migration and Labor Market Adjustment
  191. Migration and Literature
  192. Migration and Making an Income in the Context of ‘Human Trafficking’
  193. Migration and Media in Finland
  194. Migration and Mental Health
  195. Migration and Mobility
  196. Migration and Pandemics
  197. Migration and Performance in Contemporary Ireland
  198. Migration and Radicalization
  199. Migration and Regional Integration in West Africa: A Borderless ECOWAS
  200. Migration and Religion