11883 publications

  1. Foodsaving in Europe
  2. Foodscapes
  3. Foodscapes
  4. Foodscapes of Contemporary Japanese Women Writers
  5. Foodscapes/Nahrungslandschaften
  6. Foodways Archaeology - Methods and Cases
  7. Fool’s Gold?
  8. Foot Patrol
  9. Foot Steps of the Ancient Great Glacier of North America
  10. Foot and Ankle Arthroscopy
  11. Foot and Ankle Disorders
  12. Foot and Ankle Disorders
  13. Foot and Ankle Fusions
  14. Foot and Ankle Instability
  15. Foot and Ankle Sports Orthopaedics
  16. Foot and Ankle Surgery in Children and Adolescents
  17. Foot and Ankle Trauma Injuries
  18. Foot and ankle in rheumatoid arthritis
  19. Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus
  20. Football (Soccer) in Africa
  21. Football Brands
  22. Football Cultures and Identities
  23. Football Economics and Policy
  24. Football Fandom and Migration
  25. Football Fandom in Europe and Latin America
  26. Football Fans and Social Spacing
  27. Football Fiction
  28. Football Hooliganism in Europe
  29. Football Hooliganism, Fan Behaviour and Crime
  30. Football Injuries
  31. Football Management
  32. Football Traumatology
  33. Football Traumatology
  34. Football and Management
  35. Football and National Identities in Spain
  36. Football and National Identity in Twentieth-Century Argentina
  37. Football and Sexual Crime, from the Courtroom to the Newsroom
  38. Football and Social Sciences in Brazil
  39. Football and Supporter Activism in Europe
  40. Football and the Boundaries of History
  41. Football and the Decline of Britain
  42. Football and the FA Women’s Super League: Structure, Governance and Impact
  43. Football and the Women’s World Cup: Organisation, Media and Fandom
  44. Football, Gambling, and Money Laundering
  45. Football, Power, and Politics in Europe
  46. Football’s Dark Side: Corruption, Homophobia, Violence and Racism in the Beautiful Game
  47. Footbridges
  48. Foothold in the Heavens
  49. Footmarks of Innate Immunity in the Ovary and Cytokeratin-Positive Cells as Potential Dendritic Cells
  50. Footprint and Entrepreneurship
  51. Footprints in Cambridge and Aviation Industries of China
  52. Footprints in Micrometeorology and Ecology
  53. Footprints of Feist in European Database Directive
  54. Footwear Traction
  55. For Better or For Worse? Collaborative Couples in the Sciences
  56. For Dirk Struik
  57. For Mao
  58. For Nature/With Nature: New Sustainable Design Scenarios
  59. For Roman Ingarden
  60. For Science in the Social Sciences
  61. For Science in the Social Sciences
  62. For What Child
  63. For Whose Benefit?
  64. For an Anti-capitalist Psychology of Community
  65. For the Betterment of the Race
  66. For the File on Empire
  67. For the Greater Good of All
  68. For-Profit Universities
  69. Forages and grazing in horse nutrition
  70. Foraging Behavior
  71. Foraging-Inspired Optimisation Algorithms
  72. Foraminifera
  73. Foraminifera von Mauritius
  74. Foraminiferal Genera and Their Classification
  75. Forbidden Football in Ceausescu’s Romania
  76. Forbidden Knowledge
  77. Force Control Theory and Method of Human Load Carrying Exoskeleton Suit
  78. Force Majeure in the Hydropower Industry
  79. Force Sensors for Microelectronic Packaging Applications
  80. Force and Position Control of Mechatronic Systems
  81. Force-Controlled Robotic Assembly Processes of Rigid and Flexible Objects
  82. Forced Displacement
  83. Forced Displacement and Migration
  84. Forced Linear Vibrations
  85. Forced Migration and Mental Health
  86. Forced Migration and Resilience
  87. Forced Migration and Separated Families
  88. Forced Migration and Urban Transformation in South Asia
  89. Forced Migration in Eastern Africa
  90. Forcefields for Atomistic-Scale Simulations: Materials and Applications
  91. Forces and Particles
  92. Forces for Good?
  93. Forces in Scanning Probe Methods
  94. Forces of Nature and Cultural Responses
  95. Forces, Growth and Form in Soft Condensed Matter: At the Interface between Physics and Biology
  96. Forcierte Form
  97. Forcing, Arithmetic, Division Rings
  98. Ford Madox Ford and the Misfit Moderns
  99. Fordern und Fördern
  100. Forderungsbilanzierung von Kreditinstituten
  101. Fordism and Flexibility
  102. Forebrain Atlas of the Short-tailed Fruit Bat, Carollia perspicillata
  103. Forecast Error Correction using Dynamic Data Assimilation
  104. Forecasting Aggregated Vector ARMA Processes
  105. Forecasting Catastrophic Events in Technology, Nature and Medicine
  106. Forecasting High-Frequency Volatility Shocks
  107. Forecasting Innovations
  108. Forecasting International Migration in Europe: A Bayesian View
  109. Forecasting Models for National Economic Planning
  110. Forecasting Models for National Economic Planning
  111. Forecasting Models for the German Office Market
  112. Forecasting Mortality in Developed Countries
  113. Forecasting Next Generation Manufacturing
  114. Forecasting Oracle Performance
  115. Forecasting Profit
  116. Forecasting and Assessing Risk of Individual Electricity Peaks
  117. Forecasting and Hedging in the Foreign Exchange Markets
  118. Forecasting for Sales and Materials Management
  119. Forecasting from Multi-equation Econometric Micromodels
  120. Forecasting in Middle Latitudes
  121. Forecasting in the Social and Natural Sciences
  122. Forecasting the Health of Elderly Populations
  123. Forecasting the Internet
  124. Forecasting the Labour Market by Occupation and Education
  125. Forecasting transportation impacts upon land use
  126. Forecasting with Artificial Intelligence
  127. Forecasting with Exponential Smoothing
  128. Forecasting, Warning and Responding to Transnational Risks
  129. Forecasts for the World Rubber Economy to the Year 2000
  130. Foreclosing the Future
  131. Forefoot Reconstruction
  132. Forefoot Reconstruction
  133. Foregrounding Urban Agendas
  134. Foregrounds
  135. Foregut Surgery
  136. Foreign Actors’ Influence on Azerbaijan’s Energy Policy
  137. Foreign Aid and Political Reform
  138. Foreign Aid and the Future of Africa
  139. Foreign Aid in China
  140. Foreign Aid in the Twenty-First Century
  141. Foreign Aid: New Perspectives
  142. Foreign Banking and Investment in the United States
  143. Foreign Capital Flows and Economic Development in Africa
  144. Foreign Capital Inflows to China, India and the Caribbean
  145. Foreign Capital and Economic Growth in India
  146. Foreign Capital and Industrialization in Malaysia
  147. Foreign Capital as an Instrument of National Economic Policy
  148. Foreign Capital as an Instrument of National Economic Policy
  149. Foreign Capital in Developing Economies
  150. Foreign Capital, Savings and Growth
  151. Foreign Communities in Hong Kong, 1840s–1950s
  152. Foreign Competition and Firm Boundary Dynamics
  153. Foreign Direct Investment
  154. Foreign Direct Investment
  155. Foreign Direct Investment Inflows Into the South East European Media Market
  156. Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Enterprises
  157. Foreign Direct Investment by Smaller UK Firms: The Success and Failure of First-Time Investors Abroad
  158. Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe
  159. Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries
  160. Foreign Direct Investment in Kazakhstan
  161. Foreign Direct Investment in Russia
  162. Foreign Direct Investment in South Asia
  163. Foreign Direct Investment in Three Regions of the South at the End of the Twentieth Century
  164. Foreign Direct Investment in Transitional Economies
  165. Foreign Direct Investment in a Changing Global Political Economy
  166. Foreign Direct Investment in the Real and Financial Sector of Industrial Countries
  167. Foreign Direct Investment in the Successor States of Yugoslavia
  168. Foreign Direct Investment, China and the World Economy
  169. Foreign Direct Investment, Governance, and the Environment in China
  170. Foreign Direct Investments from Emerging Markets
  171. Foreign Disinformation in America and the U.S. Government’s Ethical Obligations to Respond
  172. Foreign Exchange
  173. Foreign Exchange Intervention as a Monetary Policy Instrument
  174. Foreign Exchange in Practice
  175. Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond
  176. Foreign Gene Expression in Fission Yeast: Schizosaccharomyces pombe
  177. Foreign Investment Promotion
  178. Foreign Investment Under the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
  179. Foreign Investment and Corporate Governance in China
  180. Foreign Investment and Government Policy in the Third World
  181. Foreign Investment and Privatization in Eastern Europe
  182. Foreign Investment and Socio-Economic Development in China
  183. Foreign Investment in China
  184. Foreign Investment in Contemporary Russia
  185. Foreign Investment in Developing Countries
  186. Foreign Investment in Rapidly Growing Countries
  187. Foreign Investment in Russia and Other Soviet Successor States
  188. Foreign Investment in Southeast Asia in the Twentieth Century
  189. Foreign Investment, Debt and Economic Growth in Latin America
  190. Foreign Investment, Development, and Globalization
  191. Foreign Investment, Transnationals and Developing Countries
  192. Foreign Investor Misconduct in International Investment Law
  193. Foreign Judgments in Israel
  194. Foreign Language Education in America
  195. Foreign Language Education in Japan
  196. Foreign Language Learning Anxiety in China
  197. Foreign Language Pedagogy in the Light of Cognitive Linguistics Research
  198. Foreign Language Proficiency in Higher Education
  199. Foreign Language Teaching in Romanian Higher Education
  200. Foreign Languages in Advertising