20373 publications

  1. Exercises and Problems in Mathematical Methods of Physics
  2. Exercises and Solutions Manual for Integration and Probability
  3. Exercises in Abelian Group Theory
  4. Exercises in Analysis
  5. Exercises in Analysis
  6. Exercises in Applied Mathematics
  7. Exercises in Astronomy
  8. Exercises in Basic Ring Theory
  9. Exercises in Cellular Automata and Groups
  10. Exercises in Classical Physics—Mechanics and Thermodynamics
  11. Exercises in Classical Ring Theory
  12. Exercises in Classical Ring Theory
  13. Exercises in Computational Mathematics with MATLAB
  14. Exercises in Computer Systems Analysis
  15. Exercises in Constructive Imagination
  16. Exercises in Diagnostic Ultrasonography of the Abdomen
  17. Exercises in Environmental Physics
  18. Exercises in Functional Analysis
  19. Exercises in Graph Theory
  20. Exercises in Group Theory
  21. Exercises in Industrial Management
  22. Exercises in Modules and Rings
  23. Exercises in New Creation from Paul to Kierkegaard
  24. Exercises in Numerical Linear Algebra and Matrix Factorizations
  25. Exercises in Probability
  26. Exercises in Quantum Mechanics
  27. Exercises in Quantum Mechanics
  28. Exergy
  29. Exergy
  30. Exergy Analysis of the Air Handling Unit at Variable Reference Temperature
  31. Exergy for A Better Environment and Improved Sustainability 1
  32. Exergy for A Better Environment and Improved Sustainability 2
  33. Exertional Heat Illness
  34. Exhibit Marketing and Trade Show Intelligence
  35. Exhibiting Animals in Nineteenth-Century Britain
  36. Exhibiting Creative Geographies
  37. Exhibiting Modernity and Indonesian Vernacular Architecture
  38. Exhibiting the Nazi Past
  39. Exile Armies
  40. Exile Identity, Agency and Belonging in South Africa
  41. Exile and Expatriation in Modern American and Palestinian Writing
  42. Exile and Nation-State Formation in Argentina and Chile, 1810–1862
  43. Exile through a Gendered Lens
  44. Exile to Siberia, 1590–1822
  45. Exile, Murder and Madness in Siberia, 1823–61
  46. Exile, Science and Bildung
  47. Exiles from Erin
  48. Exilliteratur in Großbritannien 1933 – 1945
  49. Existence Families, Functional Calculi and Evolution Equations
  50. Existence Theory for Nonlinear Integral and Integrodifferential Equations
  51. Existence Theory for Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations
  52. Existence and Explanation
  53. Existence and Machine
  54. Existence and Optimality of Competitive Equilibria
  55. Existence and Optimality of Competitive Equilibria
  56. Existence and Regularity Properties of the Integrated Density of States of Random Schrödinger Operators
  57. Existence and Regularity Results for Some Shape Optimization Problems
  58. Existence as Dialectical Tension
  59. Existence as a Real Property
  60. Existence, Historical Fabulation, Destiny
  61. Existence: Semantics and Syntax
  62. Existential Authenticity
  63. Existential Concerns and Cognitive-Behavioral Procedures
  64. Existential Health Psychology
  65. Existential Inertia and Classical Theistic Proofs
  66. Existential Psychotherapy
  67. Existential Risks in Peace and Conflict Studies
  68. Existential-Integrative Approaches to Treating Adolescents
  69. Existential-Phenomenological Perspectives in Psychology
  70. Existentialism and Education
  71. Existentialism and Romantic Love
  72. Existentialism and Social Engagement in the Films of Michael Mann
  73. Existentialism, Feminism and Simone de Beauvoir
  74. Existentialist Cinema
  75. Existentialist Critiques of Cartesianism
  76. Existentialist Ethics
  77. Existentielle und kommunikative Zeit
  78. Existenz semiuniverseller Deformationen in der komplexen Analysis
  79. Existenz- und Regularitätstheorie der zweidimensionalen Variationsrechnung mit Anwendungen auf das Plateausche Problem für Flächen vorgeschriebener mittlerer Krümmung
  80. Existenzerhellung
  81. Existenzgründer in den neuen Bundesländern
  82. Existenzgründung
  83. Existenzgründung
  84. Existenzgründung
  85. Existenzgründung
  86. Existenzgründung
  87. Existenzgründung IT
  88. Existenzgründung Schritt für Schritt
  89. Existenzgründung Schritt für Schritt
  90. Existenzgründung als biographische Chance
  91. Existenzgründung aus der Arbeitslosigkeit
  92. Existenzgründung im Internet
  93. Existenzgründung im Internet
  94. Existenzgründung im Kulturbetrieb
  95. Existenzgründung in der Sozialwirtschaft
  96. Existenzgründung schwerbehinderter Menschen
  97. Existenzgründung und Existenzförderung in der Wirtschaftsförderung
  98. Existenzgründung und Existenzsicherung
  99. Existenzgründung: Praktischer Leitfaden mit vielen Fallbeispielen
  100. Existenzialkritische Pädagogik
  101. Existenzphilosophie
  102. Existenzsicherung in der marktwirtschaftlichen Demokratie
  103. Exit Polls und Hybrid-Modelle
  104. Exit, Voice and Loyalty in Asia
  105. Exit-Architecture Design between War and Peace
  106. Exit-Architektur Design zwischen Krieg und Frieden
  107. Exit-Management in Private Equity
  108. Exiting Prostitution
  109. Exiting the Global Economic Superhighway
  110. Exkludierende Solidarität der Rechten
  111. Exklusion in der Marktgesellschaft
  112. Exklusionserfahrungen geflüchteter Menschen aus Kamerun
  113. Exklusionsindividualität
  114. Exklusive Bildungskarrieren von Jugendlichen und ihre Peers am Übergang in Hochschule und Beruf
  115. Exklusive Finanzierung mittelständischer Unternehmen
  116. Exklusive Gesundheit
  117. Exklusive Gymnasien und ihre Schüler
  118. Exkursion China 2018
  119. Exkursionen und Exkursionsdidaktik in der Hochschullehre
  120. Exkursionsbuch zum Bestimmen der Vögel in freier Natur
  121. Exkursionsbuch zum Bestimmen der Vögel in freier Natur nach ihrem Lebensraum geordnet. Für Laien und Fachleute
  122. Exkursionsfauna von Deutschland
  123. Exkursionsflora von Deutschland
  124. Exkursionsführer für die XI. Internationale Pflanzengeographische Exkursion durch die Ostalpen 1956
  125. Exobiology: Matter, Energy, and Information in the Origin and Evolution of Life in the Universe
  126. Exocrine Pancreatic Cancer
  127. Exocrinology
  128. Exocytosis Methods
  129. Exocytosis and Endocytosis
  130. Exocytosis and Endocytosis
  131. Exocytosis and Endocytosis
  132. Exodus oder dialektische Negation
  133. Exodus to Shanghai
  134. Exoemission from Processed Solid Surfaces and Gas Adsorption
  135. Exogene Osteomyelitis von Becken und unteren Gliedmaßen
  136. Exogeneity in Error Correction Models
  137. Exogenous Enzymes as Feed Additives in Ruminants
  138. Exomoons to Galactic Structure
  139. Exon Skipping
  140. Exon Skipping and Inclusion Therapies
  141. Exoplaneten
  142. Exoplaneten
  143. Exoplanets
  144. Exoplanets
  145. Exoskeleton Robots for Rehabilitation and Healthcare Devices
  146. Exoskeletons in Rehabilitation Robotics
  147. Exoskelette in der Intralogistik
  148. Exosomes Based Drug Delivery Strategies for Brain Disorders
  149. Exosomes and MicroRNAs in Biomedical Science
  150. Exosomes and Microvesicles
  151. Exosomes in Cardiovascular Diseases
  152. Exosomes, Stem Cells and MicroRNA
  153. Exotic Atoms in Condensed Matter
  154. Exotic Atoms ’79 Fundamental Interactions and Structure of Matter
  155. Exotic Attractors
  156. Exotic Brome-Grasses in Arid and Semiarid Ecosystems of the Western US
  157. Exotic Nuclear Excitations
  158. Exotic Nuclear Excitations: The Transverse Wobbling Mode in 135 Pr
  159. Exotic Nuclear Spectroscopy
  160. Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses
  161. Exotic Properties of Carbon Nanomatter
  162. Exotic States in Quantum Nanostructures
  163. Exoticizing the Past in Contemporary Neo-Historical Fiction
  164. Exotische Gewürze
  165. Exotische Krankheiten
  166. Exotische Krankheiten
  167. Exotische Lebensmittel
  168. Exotische Lebensmittel
  169. Exotische Zinsswaps
  170. Exotix Developing Markets Guide
  171. Expanded Bed Chromatography
  172. Expanded Clays and Other Microporous Solids
  173. Expanded Clays and Other Microporous Solids
  174. Expanded Dengue Syndrome
  175. Expanding Adaptation Networks
  176. Expanding Austenland
  177. Expanding Competition in Regulated Industries
  178. Expanding Environmental Awareness in Education Through the Arts
  179. Expanding Global Horizons Through Technology Enhanced Language Learning
  180. Expanding Horizons
  181. Expanding Horizons in Atherosclerosis Research
  182. Expanding Horizons in Bioethics
  183. Expanding Horizons in Health Communication
  184. Expanding Notions of Assessment for Learning
  185. Expanding Peace Ecology: Peace, Security, Sustainability, Equity and Gender
  186. Expanding Public Employee Religious Accommodation and Its Threat to Administrative Legitimacy
  187. Expanding Worldviews: Astrobiology, Big History and Cosmic Perspectives
  188. Expanding Your Raspberry Pi
  189. Expanding and Networking Microcomputers
  190. Expanding the Boundaries of Transformative Learning
  191. Expanding the Boundaries of Work-Family Research
  192. Expanding the Conceptual Boundaries of Work Effort
  193. Expanding the Economic Concept of Exchange
  194. Expanding the Frontiers of Visual Analytics and Visualization
  195. Expanding the Parameters of Feminist Artivism
  196. Expanding the Production and Use of Cool Season Food Legumes
  197. Expanding the Zone of Peace?
  198. Expansion of Third-World Navies
  199. Expansionsgeschichte des Universums
  200. Expansionsstrategien im Tourismus