
Gluten-free pseudo cereals, possess a high nutritional content and are crucial for people with celiac disease (CD), gluten intolerance and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [1, 2]. ADHD is one of the most prevalent mental health diagnoses in kids and teenagers, which is also being diagnosed in adults more frequently [3, 4]. It is characterized by heterogeneous combinations of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity symptoms [5]. According to reports, 5.9–7.1% of children worldwide are thought to have ADHD [6]. Evidence suggested that nutritional value, eating patterns, and other behavioral features can impact neuropsychiatric disorders, including ADHD [7].

There is an association between ADHD and CD, strict adherence to a gluten-free (GF) diet is the main course of preventing diseases (CD and ADHD) [8]. Sprouts enhances the nutritional content and digestibility of grains while lowering anti-nutritive compounds that could prevent the absorption of zinc and iron [9]. Furthermore, research has shown that the overall fat content and fatty acid profile of the grains are affected differently by the germination process [10, 11], an efficient way to boost antioxidant capacity and increase the bioavailability of vital minerals and vitamins leading to possibly greater health advantages [12]. It is consequently a constant effort to find GF alternatives that are both sensory acceptance and nutrient-valued for people with ADHD. Among the bakery products, crackers are essential food products used as snacks by children [13]. Sprouted grains flour such as (corn, quinoa and finger millet) has vast potential in the bakery industry for the evolution of gluten-free bakery products as they have the potential to reduce the risk of ADHD as well as enhance the community's nutritional state [14,15,16].

Corn, also known as maize (Zea mays L.), is referred to as the ‘Queen of Cereals’ at the global level. It is a gluten-free grain with a unique nutrient profile, containing about 62% starch, 4% fat, and 8.7% protein. It is also an essential source of micronutrients, dietary fiber, and bio actives with antioxidant potential, such as carotenoids, phytosterols, phenolics, flavonoids, anthocyanins, glycosides, and polysaccharides [17]. Additionally, it is a rich source of vitamins (B-complex, A, C, K) and selenium, which play a key role in protecting the immune system [18].

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) and quinoa flour sprouts (QFS) are considered super foods because they have higher protein content and a better-balanced composition of amino acids, and are abundant sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids [19]. In recent years, quinoa sprouts have gained enormous popularity due to their numerous health advantages. QFS contains roughly 17.5% protein, 64.9% carbohydrate, 4.29% fat, and 5.91% fiber [20]. They are also rich in vitamins such as ascorbic acid, riboflavin, and tocopherol, as well as minerals including calcium, zinc, iron, potassium, and magnesium, and antioxidants [19, 20].

Finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.), also referred to as ragi [21]. Millets have a high nutritional value because their grains are rich in proteins, minerals, primarily calcium and iron, vitamins, and phytochemicals, including flavonoids and polyphenols, which have powerful antioxidant properties [16]. Millet is rich in nutraceuticals such as omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fiber, which are used to treat metabolic disorders and degenerative diseases [22]. Substituting wheat flour with whole millet grain flour helps to reduce weight and improve lipid profile. Additionally, it can help reduce malnutrition, anemia, and calcium deficiency [16].

Food legumes contribute significantly to the global food system’s increased nutritional content and environmental sustainability [23]. Pulses can be used as the primary ingredient in GF food preparation to balance the GF diet's nutrient intake. Incorporating fenugreek into several baked goods has been observed to boost its nutritional value, dietary fiber, and antioxidant properties [24]. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) belongs to the Fabaceae family [25]. The seeds of fenugreek (FS) are a great source of protein (25–35%), carbohydrates (45–60%), and fatty acids (5.0–7.5%), which are mostly composed of oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids. It also contains a substantial amount of vitamins B1, B2, B3, A, and C. In addition to minerals like iron and calcium, it is a promising nutrient for the treatment of numerous illnesses [26]. Furthermore, its parts contain bioactive substances with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anticancer properties. A wide variety of baked goods have been produced with FS [27]. Therefore, the aim of this study is to formulate novel crackers with mixtures of sprouted flour (corn, quinoa, finger millet, and fenugreek) for celiac disease and ADHD-affected children to support their early growth and development.

Materials and methods


Maize (Zea mays L), Quinoa (Chenopodium) and millet (Panicum miliane) were acquired from Sakha Agricultural Research station, Agriculture Research Center, Kafrelsheikh Governorate, Egypt.

The raw materials needed for the investigation were procured from a local market of Kafrelsheikh City, like Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) and the herbs (Ginger, Rosemary, Curcumin and thyme). All the chemicals and reagents utilized in this study were purchased from Sigma. Analytical grade substances and reagents were also used.


Preparation of germinated maize corn flour (GCF)

Yellow maize was washed and soaked in water (1:3 w/v) for 8 h, and then spread across trays covered with jute bags and kept moist in a dark wooden box by spraying water each morning and evening for 3 days to promote sprouting. The sprouted grains were dried in an air oven (Nüve KD-200) for 12 h at 60 °C. After removing the rootlets, the grains were milled and sieved using a 425 µm mesh sieve to obtain germinated maize flour. The flour was then packaged and stored at 4 °C prior to analysis [28].

Preparation of germinated white quinoa flour (GQF)

Quinoa were cleaned and soaked in distilled water at 25 °C for 12 h at a ratio of 1:5 (grains to water) (w/v) to remove saponin, which is responsible for the bitter taste [29]. To germinate the grains, soaked grains were spread out separately on damp jute bags, then covered with cloth and another wet jute bag. The grains were watered every 12 h until the germination process was complete (72 h). The sprouted grains were carefully collected, washed, and dried in an oven (Nüve KD-200) at 50 °C for 24 h. The dried seeds were then ground, sieved, and passed through a 100-mesh sieve. Finally, the quinoa flour was stored at − 20 °C until future use [30].

Preparation of germinated finger millet flour (GMF)

Foreign material was removed, and millet seeds were cleaned and soaked in water for 10 h at a seed-to-water ratio of 1:3, as described by Yenasew and Urga [31], with slight modifications. Following the removal of excess water, millet grains were spread on paper towels, covered with wet paper, and kept at 30 °C for 72 h until germination. The grains were transferred to paper towels every 24 h, flipped 2–3 times per day, and sprayed with water twice per day. After germination, the grains were dried at 60 °C for 10 h, ground to obtain millet flour, and passed through a 1 mm screen. The samples were stored in airtight bags at −20 °C until analysis.

Preparation of germinated fenugreek seeds flour (GFF)

Germination of fenugreek seeds was performed according to Salam et al., [32]. The seeds were soaked for 12 h in water at a ratio of 1:5 (w/v). After draining the seeds from the water, the seeds were kept in cotton cloth for 60 h in darkness at room temperature for germination. They were then air-dried for 5 days and subsequently dried for 4 h using a hot air oven at 50 °C. After drying, the seeds were ground into flour, which was passed through a 1 mm screen, and stored at 4 °C.

Preparation of crackers

Crackers were prepared according to Gavhane and Ghodke, [33], with some modifications. Table 1 lists the formulations utilized in the cracker preparation process. The components that have been pre-weighed (100g flour, 3g salt, 3g baking powder, and 4g herbs (1 g of each type: ginger, rosemary, curcumin and thyme)) were mixed. Water was then added to create smooth dough, and the dough was allowed to rest for five minutes. The dough was flattened out to a consistent 3 mm thickness, then cut into crackers, and baked at 175 °C for 15–20 min. the crackers were cooled at room temperature for 1 h, before sensory evaluation.

Table 1 Formulation used for preparation of Crackers

Chemical analysis of raw materials and formulated crackers

Proximate chemical analysis

The chemical composition of raw materials and formulated crackers (moisture, ash, Protein, crude fiber, and lipids) was determined according to A.O.A.C. [34]. Total carbohydrates were calculated by difference, and all results were reported on a dry weight basis.

$${\text{Carbohydrates}}\% = {1}00 - \left( {{\text{crude protein }} + {\text{ crude fibre }} + {\text{ crude lipid }} + {\text{ total ash}} + {\text{ moisture}}} \right)$$

Energy (Kcal/ 100g) was calculated by applying the conversion values for the equation:

$${\text{Energy }}\left( {{\text{Kcal}}} \right) \, = \, \left( {{\text{carbohydrate }} \times { 4}} \right) \, + \, \left( {{\text{crude protein }} \times { 4}} \right) \, + \, \left( {{\text{crude fat }} \times { 9}} \right)$$

Mineral contents

Minerals, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), zinc (Zn) and Iron (Fe) were determined according to the method [35].

Antioxidant activity and total phenolic compounds content

One gram of the sample was dissolved in ten milliliters of 90% methanol, and the mixture was stirred for thirty seconds to create the extract. After centrifuging the sample for 10 minutes at 4 °C at 1.635 x g, the supernatant was gathered, filtered, and kept at − 80 °C until it was examined further. The antioxidant activity of the crackers was evaluated using the DPPH (1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity technique, as described by Brand-Williams et al., [36]. In this method, 0.1 mL of the sample in methanol was added to 3.9 mL of DPPH methanolic solution (63,4 μM), the mixture was left in the dark at 30 °C for 60 minutes, and the absorbance was measured at 515 nm. To produce the calibration curve, eight different concentrations (0.9–0.12 mM) were employed. Percentages (%) were used to express the results.

Colorimetric techniques were used to determine the total phenolics in the samples, which were diluted in methanol at a ratio of 1/10 (w/v). A volume of 140 µL of the sample was combined with 980 µL of sodium carbonate 42.86 mM and 280 µL of previously diluted Folin-Ciocalteu reagent (1:10, v/v). After centrifuging the mixture for three minutes at 13,500 rpm and letting it rest in the dark for one hundred minutes, the absorbance at 760 nm was measured. Using a calibration curve that used gallic acid as the standard (9.8–70 µM), the results were reported as milligrams of gallic acid equivalents (GAE) [37].

Color measurement

The model of Hunter colorimeter D2s A-2 (Hunter Assoc. Lab Inc., USA) was used for the measurement according to the method described by Muhammad, et al., [38].

$${\text{L}}* \, = {\text{ lightness }}\left( {0{\text{ for black}},{ 1}00{\text{ for white}}} \right),{\text{ also}},{\text{ a}}* \, = {\text{ red}} - {\text{green dimension }}\left( { - {\text{ a}} {\text{for greenness}}, \, + {\text{ a for redness}}} \right),{\text{ and b}}* \, = {\text{ yellow}} - {\text{blue dimension }}\left( { - {\text{ b for blueness}}, \, + {\text{ b for yellowness}}} \right)$$

Fatty acids composition of crackers formulation

The samples' fatty acids were extracted using the Soxhlet Extraction Method. To convert the fatty acids into methyl esters, 0.6 g of oil, 4 mL of isooctane, and 0.2 mL of 2 N methanolic potassium hydroxide were combined. The mixture was shakers, and the samples were analyzed in gas chromatography using an Agilent 6890 N ECD/FID detector with split/splitless block. Under GC operating conditions, the column was HP 88 100 × 0.25mm; 0.20µm, the injector, detector, and furnace were at 250 °C, 280 °C, and 210 °C, respectively, and the carrier gas was helium. The constant flow rate was 2 mL/min. According to Altıner et al.,[39], the regulation standard procedure (ISO, 12966–4:2015) was applied to ascertain the content of fatty acids.

Recommended Dietary Allowances % (RDA)

The RDA from the Dietary Reference Intakes in accordance with Food and Nutrition Board as provided by National Academy of Science [40].

$${\text{\% }}\,{\text{RDA}}\,{ = }\,{\text{Value}}\,{\text{of}}\,{\text{nutrient}}\,{\text{in}}\,{\text{crackers}}\,{\text{sample}}\, \times \,100/{\text{RDA}}\,{\text{for}}\,{\text{the}}\,{\text{same}}\,{\text{nutrient}}$$

Sensory analysis

Evaluation of the quality and acceptability of the biscuits was conducted using a jury panel of ten well-trained faculty members who are also parents of children in the same age group to help them due to their lack of experience. 9-point hedonic scale (1-dislike extremely for to 9=like extremely) sensory evaluations were carried out for color, taste, odor, texture, and overall-acceptability according to Gavhane and Ghodke, [33].

Statistical analysis

All data were presented as mean values accompanied by standard deviations (SD). A significant difference between samples was measured using One-way ANOVA analysis of variance (P≤ 0.05) was used SPSS-17 statistical software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) to analyze the data.

Results and discussion

Chemical composition of raw materials used in crackers

The proximate composition of the raw germinated grains (maize flour, white quinoa flour, finger millet flour and fenugreek seed flour) is presented in Table 2. It was observed that the moisture content for the raw materials did not show any significant differences between them, with flours having moisture contents of 5.76 % for GCF, 4.5% for GQF, 3.14 GMF, and 5.15 GFF. For long-term flour preservation, a safe limit of ≤10% moisture content in grains is advised [41]. Because processed food is frequently heavy in fat and energy, it may be linked to children with ADHD consuming more fat and energy on a regular basis [42]. Thus, to promote children's early growth and development, this study focused on a new trend of adding sprouted flour combinations for children affected by celiac disease and ADHD.

Table 2 Chemical composition of the cereal flours used for crackers preparation

Protein of GCF (8.03%) was higher protein than that GMF 7.81%, but was significantly lower than that of GQF (17.5%) and GFF (30.57%). GQF had the highest fat content (4.29%) compared with GFF, GCF, and GMF (3.65, 3.1 and 2.37 respectively). The same results indicated that GQF contained the highest ash value 2.9%, while the lowest value was noted for GCF 1.3%. Furthermore, the available crude fiber of GCF (3.7%) was significantly lower than that of GQF, GMF, and GFF (5.91%, 8.81%, and 9.95%, respectively). Additionally, results from the same table indicated that GMF contained the highest value of carbohydrates (78.11%). Legumes have relatively higher protein, ash, and dietary fiber levels than cereals. As expected, pulses were found to have a protein concentration that was 2–3 times higher than grains.

Overall, the germination process is a means of obtaining health-promoting compounds from cereal such as yellow maize, quinoa, millets and fenugreek seeds and boosting their utilization to feed children and meet their nutritional requirements. During germination, biochemical and physiological changes occur, providing energy for the formation of new plant tissues [43]. This observation is consistent with the findings of Bello and Udo, [28] which showed that germination process improved the nutrient composition, significantly enhancing the protein and mineral contents, while the fat and carbohydrate contents of germinated yellow maize flour (GWMF) were the lowest (3.10% and 86.33%), respectively.

Concerning the germination of quinoa flour, the data are concordant with Azizi et al., [44] and Franco et al., [45], which indicate that germinated quinoa flour has low carbohydrate content and higher protein and fiber content. Similarly, Negm and Aboraya [20] noted that the higher protein concentration in germinated quinoa could be attributed to the production of enzymes by the germinating grains and the synthesis of newly produced proteins [46].While the lipid content of the flours from germinated quinoa was consistent with the values reported by Prasad and Sahu, [47] who observed that the fat content of germinated quinoa flour was (4.23%).

Regarding germinated millet flour, the current research findings agree with Sharma, [48] and Dhliwayo et al., [49], who observed increased protein and crude fiber in germinated millet flour due to the synthesis of structural compounds such as cellulose and hemicellulose, as well as, the disintegration of starch during germination. While the fat content of germination millet flour decreased to 2.05g, this reduction in fat content contributed to a longer shelf life [50]. The results of the current study are similar to those observed by Yenasew and Urga, [51], who noted that the carbohydrate content of germinated finger millet flour (GFMF) decreased to 71.00%. This observation is consistent with the studies by Sharma, [48] and Dhliwayo et al., [49].

Concerning germinated fenugreek flour (GFF), the content of GFF in this study was consistent with the values reported by Alshehry et al., [52] and El-Naggar [53], who indicated that GFF had moisture (4.92%), protein (30.23%), ash (5.61%), crude fiber (10.81%), and fat (5.32%), respectively. These results concur with El-Dardiry et al., [54], who observed that germinated fenugreek seeds (GFS) increased in their content of protein, ash, fiber, and moisture, compared to raw fenugreek seeds (FS). Meanwhile, the content of fat and carbohydrates decreased. The results are similar to those found by Yasothai, [55]. Composite flour mixtures enhance the protein quality, as proteins in legumes are low in sulfur amino acids (i.e., methionine and cysteine), and cereal proteins are low in lysine. Thus, the combination might enhance the final product's protein quality [56].

Chemical composition of crackers formula

The chemical composition results of the crackers formula are provided in Table 3. regarding moisture content, it was observed that the control had a relatively low level of moisture content (12.14%). F5 had the highest moisture level (13.80%), and there were no significant appreciable variations between the crackers made with the various blends. The moisture values found in our investigation matched those previously published by Miranda-Villa et al., [57] for muffins baked with germinated quinoa and rice flour; the values recorded are lower than the 14%. Moreover, this result was also reported by Da Silva Fonte et al., [58] the amounts of moisture in the biscuit produced by the germinated millet were less than 14%. Similarly, Hassan et al., [17] showed that crackers made from blend IV (20% Quinoa flour (QF) +20% Proso millet flour (PF) +20% Maize (MF)) had a moisture content 12.59%. Hence, since moisture is linked to physical alterations in food structure, we can confirm that the crackers' moisture content complies with manufacturing regulations and that the product's shelf life may be increased [59].

Table 3 Chemical composition (g/100g) of crackers formula on dry weight

According to the results, the multigrain crackers enhanced with germinated flour of yellow maize, quinoa, millet and fenugreek imparted a notable enhancement in the nutritional content. The crude protein values of crackers varied in the range of 7.29–8.31% depending on the additions. As the GQF addition increased the crude protein value of the crackers (8.31%) compared to the control (5.59%), it is expected given the amount of protein in GQ additions. The highest crude fat value was found in crackers F5 with 14.28%, where the addition of GFF increased the crude fat value in crackers formulation compared to the control sample (8.36%). There was a substantial variance in the fat content of the cracker samples (p<0.05), which suggests that variations in their flour formula had an impact. Furthermore, the ash and contents of crude fiber in crackers varied in the range of 2.21–2.40% and 1.24–1.75% respectively. The primary ingredient in the prepared crackers is carbohydrates, which showed notable variations when compared to control crackers and crackers made from other blends; but also there were no significant differences among blends. Carbohydrate content decreased from 70.51% in control crackers to 61.05% in F5 crackers formulation, because of the higher proportion of ingredients in crackers compared to controls. While the amount of energy increased, from 379.64 Kcal/100g in control to 404.77 Kcal/100g in the F3. This is in agreement with the work of Bello and Udo [28], who observed the decrease in the energy value in the germinated maize flour, could be attributed to the growth rate of respiration through germination which releases energy from the breakdown of carbon compounds.

As the GQF addition increased the crude protein value of the crackers in F2 and F3. These results agree with Franco et al., [45] who showed that adding germinated quinoa flour produced the higher protein content (9.77%). Similarly, Hassan et al., [17] showed that the crackers made from blend IV (20% QF + 20% PF + 20% MF) had high protein content and similar energy values (10.60% and 385.05 Kcal/100g), respectively. Due to their high protein content, the progressing of the crackers could help combat protein malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies [41].

Additionally, Bello and Udo [28] reported that the amount of mineral content in the sample can be determined by its ash content. The result of this study shows in the germinated flour samples that an increase in ash content indicates that the grains that were germinated contain higher minerals. Similarly, Sharma [48] and Dhliwayo et al., [49] reported that there is an increase in antioxidant properties and nutritional profile due to germination in millet flours, which improves the acceptability and suitability of products as gluten-free food for people who have celiac disease. This is in agreement with the work of Prasad and Sahu [47] who reported that germinated white quinoa flour and millet flour have the potential to be employed as functional ingredients in food product development. Furthermore, Al-Tawaha et al., [60] reported that legumes are added to bakery products at 10% to 30% to provide a high-quality and nutritious product rich in nutritional compounds. Similarly, Alshehry et al., [52] who showed that the germinated yellow maize has lower total dietary fiber than fenugreek. These data concur with those noted by El-Naggar, [53], who found that the best composite FS biscuits were those that contained 10% germinated fenugreek seeds flour. This also compensates for the lysine deficit. Hence, using these functional foods improves both chemical and sensory quality, and can benefit people with degenerative diseases such as ADHD.

Mineral analysis of crackers formulation

Results in Table 4 show that the percentages of some minerals such as Fe, Zn, Ca, Mg and K in all crackers formulation increased except F1 where Ca, Mg and K were decreased compared to the control sample. It could be concluded that GQF and GMF are a good sources of minerals. With the addition of GQF at 20% and GMF at 10%, there was an increase in Fe, Zn, Ca, Mg, and K, with values of 4.68, 1.84, 27.98, 195.63, and 476.25 mg/100g in F2 and 5.55, 2.13, 24.98, 175.63, and 471.88 mg/100g in F3, respectively. Crackers made from F5 (75% GMF + 10% GQF + 10% MF + 5% GFF) included the highest amount of Ca and Mg compared to other crackers, with values of 31.05 and 195.63 mg/100g, respectively, followed by F2. This indicates that there was a comparatively large amount of calcium in the ingredients used in the composite flour formulation. Variations in the mineral content of crackers are related to the kind of flour used in each blend and the percentage.

Table 4 Minerals content of the crackers (mg/100g on dry weight basis)

These data agreed with those noted by Guardianelli et al., [61] and show that the greatest calcium content was found in germinated white quinoa, followed by iron and zinc. In addition, Yenasew and Urga, [51] recommended germinated millet flour as a good source of calcium. While the control had significant amounts of Ca and Mg (21.13 and 170.63 mg/100g, respectively) compared to F1. According to Pinto et al., [62], children with ADHD may benefit psychologically and behaviorally from taking supplements of magnesium. Furthermore, there is a negative correlation between blood zinc levels and ADHD, and zinc supplementation may help children with zinc deficiency experience fewer symptoms of ADHD [63]. Moreover, minerals have a critical role in maintaining a healthy immune system, regulating hormones and enzymes, building bones and muscles, preserving other essential bodily functions, and organizing metabolism [64].

Antioxidant activity and total phenolic compounds of crackers

Results of the antioxidant activity (DPPH) and total phenolic compounds of different crackers are shown in Fig. 1. It was observed that F4 (75% maize flour + 20% millet flour + 5% fenugreek flour) had the highest value of antioxidant activity (45.18%), followed by F5, F3, F2, and F1 with 31.76%, 26.59%, 21.70%, and 20.59%, respectively. All these values were higher than those of the control sample. This can be attributed to the phenolic acids and flavonoid content of quinoa, millet, and fenugreek. The obtained results align closely with the conclusions of Kaur and Gill, [43]; Sharma, [48]; and Dhliwayo et al., [49], who found that germination improved the antioxidant activity of all cereal flours after 72 h, with millet flour showing the highest increase. Similar data have been documented to increase the antioxidant activity of finger millet [65].

Fig. 1
figure 1

Antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of different crackers formulation

Additionally, the total phenolic compounds in the crackers were highest in F5 (72.41 mg/100g), while the lowest value was found in F2 (45.63 mg/100g), compared to the control sample (36.22 mg/100g). These results are consistent with Cannas et al., [66], who reported that the substitution of quinoa flour (QF) at levels of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% significantly enhanced the polyphenol profile of biscuits. The total phenolic content (TP) observed here is similar to that reported for biscuits made with germinated quinoa flour [67], but less than the values reported for quinoa-based biscuits by Cannas et al., [66] and Demir and Kilinç, [68]. An analogous trend was also noted in earlier research, where increased total phenol and total flavonoid concentrations were observed in germinated quinoa and finger millet flour [48, 49]. Similarly, Prasad and Sahu, [47] observed that germinated finger millet flour had the highest total phenol and total flavonoid content when compared to quinoa flour.

Several factors may contribute to the increased overall flavonoid and polyphenol content in the crackers. Firstly, the breakdown of cell walls in millet and white quinoa during germination releases polyphenolic compounds from the grain's cellular matrix [69]. Secondly, enzymes such as phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and chalcone isomerase activate phenylalanine, converting it into new phenolic compounds through biosynthesis [70]. Additionally, Azeez et al., [71] observed that phenols extend the shelf life of cereal and millet products and enhance their antioxidative potential. Similar findings were reported by El-Dardiry et al., [54], who found that germinated fenugreek seeds (GFS) are high in total phenolic compounds and antioxidants. These results align with earlier studies [72, 73].

There is no official recommended daily intake (RDI) for polyphenols, but amounts between 1 and 1.2 grams per day have been suggested [74, 75]. Considering a serving size of 55 grams of crackers, as advised by the FDA [76], only about 10% of the RDI for polyphenols would be obtained from our crackers made with 100% (75 maize + 10 quinoa + 10 millet + 5 fenugreek) germinated flour. Therefore, consuming these crackers should not raise concerns about excessive intake of polyphenols.


Colour is a crucial factor in determining food acceptability, as it is linked to expectations regarding flavor and freshness, directly influencing consumer perceptions [77]. Colour is a crucial factor in determining food acceptability, as it is linked to expectations regarding flavour and freshness, directly influencing consumer perceptions [77]. Objective colour measurements of the crackers indicated that those made from germinated seeds (maize flour, quinoa flour, millet flour, and fenugreek seed flour) had significantly (p ≤ 0.05) lower lightness (L*), redness (positive a*), and yellowness (positive b*) values compared to the maize crackers (Table 5). The variations in flour compositions (Table 2) could explain the lower L* and a* values observed in the developed crackers. Additionally, during germination, oxidative enzymes such as polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase are activated, leading to browning due to these enzymes' actions, which increase yellowness and decrease lightness and redness. This phenomenon might also be attributed to the increased formation of starch and protein hydrolysates over germination time, which facilitates the Millard reaction during drying. Consequently, the crackers produced exhibited a darker colour, likely due to the high protein and crude fiber content from the germinated yellow maize, quinoa, and fenugreek flour.

Table 5 Colour characteristics of different Crackers formulation

Among the treated flour samples, germination quinoa flours displayed an increase in the b* value while, the GQF samples were darker than the control samples, as shown by lower values of L* and a*. This is because GQF has more ash and polyphenols than GMF, making it browner (Table 2 and Figure 1). The increased protein content contributes to the Maillard reaction, promoting non-enzymatic browning. The colour characteristics of the flours from germinated quinoa grains were comparable to the previously published colour values of quinoa grain flours Cannas et al., [66] and Beniwal et al., [78]. Brito et al., [79] documented the browning impact of QF for gluten-free (GF) products, which can be a positive factor, as many GF bakery products tend to be lighter in colour than traditional baked goods.

Comparable findings have been documented by Akeem et al., [41] for gluten-free crackers (GFCs) made from germinated pearl millet, and by Waleed et al., [80] for biscuits made from flour blends of lentil and millet. Similar results were observed by Kaur and Gill, [43] for germinated millets. The obtained results are also in close agreement with these reported by Alshehry et al., [52], who noted that the higher protein content in germinated quinoa and fenugreek flour compared to the control led to browning of the pan bread. The comparatively darker colour of the crackers may have resulted from the Millard reaction between amino and carbonyl groups of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as sugar caramelization [81]. This is consistent with the fact that the composite flours used are high in carbohydrates and proteins. Additionally, factors such as baking time and atmospheric conditions can also influence colour characteristics [82].

Fatty Acids composition of crackers formulation

A summary of various samples for fatty acid contents is shown in Table 6. Among the saturated fatty acids in different crackers, palmitic acid (16:0) exhibited the highest value, ranging from 12.32% to 19.11%, followed by stearic acid (18:0), which ranged from 2.60% to 7.03%. The least value was observed for heptadecanoic acid (C17:0), ranging from 0.10% to 0.37%. The total saturated fatty acids were highest in F4 at 27.87%, while the lowest value was in F2 at 16.30%, compared to the control sample at 19.73%.

Table 6 Fatty acids composition of crackers formulation (%of total fatty acids)

The content of unsaturated fatty acids varied among the cracker formulations. Samples F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5 exhibited significantly higher levels of ginkgolic acid (C18: 3), γ-linolenic acid-ω3 (C18: 3), and gondoic acid-ω9 (C20: 1) compared to the control crackers. Our study observed an increase in the total unsaturated fatty acids in the crackers with the addition of GQF, while a decrease was noted with the addition of GMF compared to the control. Additionally, a study indicated that the thermal treatment used in making the crackers had a negligible effect on the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids [58, 83].

The obtained results are consistent with those reported by Adeyeye and Ajewole [84] and Adeyeye et al., [85], which indicated the following fatty acid content in cereals: C16:0, maize (18.3%) and millet (21.0%); C18:0, maize (33.7%) and millet (23.9%); C18:1 (oleic), maize (33.7%) and millet (23.9%); C18:2, maize (46.3%) and millet (48.7%); C18:3, maize (−) and millet (3.2%). Germination typically reduces fat content because fats are hydrolyzed during this process and utilized as an energy source for biochemical activities [67]. Additionally, Adeyeye et al., [85] observed that germination decreased the levels of C18:1, C18:2, and C18:3. Furthermore, in sprouted maize, the edible portion of linoleic acid (Epg/100g) varied between 1.49 and 1.60, reflecting the impact of microorganism metabolism. Consequently, maize, whether steeped or sprouted, proves to be a valuable source for supplemental food.

Concerning germination of quinoa seeds, these results agree well with Guardianelli et al., [61] who observed that germination of quinoa produced a rise in levels of linoleic and α-linolenic acids. Jiménez et al., [86] observed that during germination, the amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids increased, while the levels of palmitic acids and other saturated fatty acids decreased, possibly as a result of lipase activity and the breakdown of polar lipids and triglycerides into simpler molecules. Similarly, Nemzer and Al-Taher, [87] and Park and Morita, [88] observed that germinated quinoa seeds decreased the levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, while increasing the levels of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. These results closely match the findings reported by Peiretti et al., [89], who observed that the fatty acids in sprouted quinoa were predominantly linoleic (C18:2), oleic (C18:0), and palmitic (C16:0) acids, with a ratio of omega-6/omega-3 in quinoa of 0.3. Similarly, Alvares-Jubete et al., [90] noted a ratio of omega-6/omega-3 of about 1:6. Yan et al., [42] suggested that omega-6 /omega-3 supplementation improve mental health in children with ADHD.

Sensory evaluation of Crackers formulation.

According to the data shown in Fig. 2, Crackers with different formulations were evaluated for taste, color, odor, texture, and overall acceptability. The panelists found the developed crackers generally acceptable. The taste and overall acceptability characteristics of the crackers in F4 were preferred by the panelists as the millet flour replacer ratio increased when compared to control. These data are consistent with those noted by Akeem et al., [41] for crackers made from germinated pearl millet. Furthermore, aroma is a key indicator of food quality. Thus, the present study suggests that the improvement in germinated millet crackers' flavor is due to the presence of volatile compounds. Similar findings have been documented by Bi et al., [91] who observed that pyrazine, aldehyde, and hydrocarbon molecules—volatile compounds found in grains—could enhance the flavor characteristic of manufactured products. Moreover, Bi et al., [92] and Dias-Martins et al.,[93] demonstrated that millet has an enhancement in flavor following heat treatment due to phytic acid.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Sensory evaluation of Crackers with different formulation

On the contrary, the use of high amounts of quinoa in crackers decreased scores of taste, color, odour, and texture, and the slightly bitter aftertaste may have contributed to the lower preference scores for the flavor in the developed crackers, these results agree with Akeem et al., [65]. Additionally, Alshehry et al., [52] observed that, to prepare a gluten-free and functional pan bread for patients with celiac disease, the addition of germinated fenugreek, quinoa, and yellow maize flour may impact certain sensory properties, such as color (deep color) due to the presence of these ingredients, supporting our results. Similarly, El-Naggar, [53] found that in terms of appearance, texture, taste, flavor, and general acceptability, biscuits prepared with different ratios (5% and 10%) of flour from germinated fenugreek seed as a substitution for wheat flour (WF) were more acceptable. These data concur with those noted by Hefny, [94].

Percentages of the recommended dietary allowances (RDA%) supplied from prepared crackers for children (4–8 years)

Table 7 shows the results obtained for the proportion of the recommended dietary allowances (%RDA) that the children (4–8 years) receive from 100g of produced crackers. We observed that the percentages of protein, Mg, Fe, and Zn are higher than those noted by the National Academy of Sciences [40]. However, energy, total dietary fiber, total carbohydrate, K, and Ca are less than the RDA for this group of children. Additionally, the highest value was reported for Mg (132.2%, 131.3%, 150.5%, 135.1%, 143.3%, and 150.5%), while the lowest values were noted for Ca (2.21%, 2.11%, 2.80%, 2.50%, 2.31%, and 3.11%) and K (11.38%, 10.79%, 12.53%, 12.42%, 12.27%, and 12.01%) across all types of crackers. These results agree with Hassan et al., [17]. Current dietary recommendations emphasize the necessity of whole grains, as well as a variety of fruits and vegetables, for children and teenagers to acquire sufficient micronutrients in their diets [95]. Eating behaviors formed in childhood and adolescence can affect a person’s immediate health implications, as well as their probability of developing chronic diseases in the future [96]. It could be noted that consuming crackers made with sprouted flour from mixed cereals such as maize, quinoa, millet, and fenugreek seed might supply children with the necessary daily amounts of protein, Mg, Fe, and Zn.

Table 7 Percentages of the recommended dietary allowances provided from prepared crackers for children (4–8 years)


Germination is conventional processing method that has favorable effects on some of functional, physicochemical, and phytochemical in all cereal and legumes flours. This investigation inferred that including germinated Maize flour together with several sources of sprouted whole meal cereals (quinoa, finger millet and fenugreek seed flour led to the rise in the nutritional value of the produced crackers, due to the fact that they source bioactive and antioxidant compounds, which It could be highly helpful for the celiac patients and scientific community, and also for the pharmaceutical and food sectors to development of novel and functional food products to improve human health and help to the satisfaction of dietary needs of celiac disease and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Children to support their early growth and development and enhance the mental ability among.