Author Correction: Public Organization Review

The original version of this article unfortunately contained mistakes which are listed below.

  • Page 7–8:

    The mathematical formulas described from the end of page 7 to the top of page 8 and the formulas in lines 12–13 of page 8 should be replaced by the formulas shown in (1) and (2) below, respectively.

    $${\displaystyle \begin{array}{lll}\mathit{\operatorname{Min}}\ {\theta}_0& & \\ {}\mathrm{Subject}\ \mathrm{to}& \sum\limits_{j=1}^n{\lambda}_j{x}_{ij}\le {\theta}_0{x}_{i0,}& i=1,2,\dots, m,\\ {}& \sum\limits_{j=1}^n{\lambda}_j{y}_{rj}\ge {y}_{r0,}& r=1,2,\dots, s,\\ {}& \sum\limits_{j=1}^n{\lambda}_j=1& \\ {}& {\lambda}_j\ge 0& j=1,2,\dots, n,\end{array}}$$
    $${\displaystyle \begin{array}{lll}\mathit{\operatorname{Min}}\ {\theta}_0^{VRS-\sup er}& & \\ {}\mathrm{Subject}\ \mathrm{to}& \sum\limits_{\begin{array}{c}j=1\\ {}j\ne 0\end{array}}^n{\lambda}_j{x}_{ij}\le {\theta}_0^{VRS-\sup er}{x}_{i0,}& i=1,2,\dots, m,\\ {}& \sum\limits_{\begin{array}{c}j=1\\ {}j\ne 0\end{array}}^n{\lambda}_j{y}_{rj}\ge {y}_{r0,}& r=1,2,\dots, s,\\ {}& \sum\limits_{\begin{array}{c}j=1\\ {}j\ne 0\end{array}}^n{\lambda}_j=1,& \\ {}& {\theta}_0^{VRS-\sup er}\ge 0,& \\ {}& {\lambda}_j\ge 0& \end{array}}$$
  • Page 8:

    Line 6, a period “.” should be inserted between “DMUj” and “θj”.

  • Page 10:

    Line 4, “per 1000 persons” should  be deleted.

  • Page 11:

    From the first line, “R0.864”, “R” should be deleted.

    The measurement unit for Taxable income in Table 2, “thousand yen/person” should be replaced by “%”.

  • Page 16:

    The Line 7 from the bottom, “the Hausman test results suggest that” should be deleted.

  • Page 17:

    Table 5 should be replaced by this new Table.

Table 5 Correlation matrix of variables of interest (Pearson’s correlations/Spearman rank correlations)
  • Page 18:

The Lines 3–4, the sentence “Also, the correlation coefficient changed into a positive sign in the TCs, though statistical significance remained).” should be deleted.

Table 6 should be replaced by this new Table.

Table 6 Results of data analysis (the fixed- and mixed-effects models) over 2008–2017

The second line from the bottom, “and social welfare (β=0.0593; p<0.10)” should be deleted.

The Lines 5–6 in the first paragraph: “invest more in hygiene and sanitation assets” should be deleted.

The second line of the second paragraph: the line should be read as “could only be identified for investment in educational assets” with the insertion of  “educational” between “in” and “assets”.

  • Page 19:

The first line “(β = −0.1626; p < 0.01)” should be replaced by “(β = −0.1572; p < 0.01)”.

The Lines 4–5 in the 4th paragraph, “services jointly supplied by the TMG” should be deleted.

The Line 6, “basically” should be replaced by “partly”.

The second line in the 5th paragraph, “(β = −0.1089; p < 0.01)” should be replaced by “(β = −0.1109; p < 0.01)”.

The second and third lines in the 5th paragraph, “, but a positive association (β=-0.1109; p<0.01) for the SWs” should be deleted.

  • Page 20:

The Line 4 “random” should be replaced by “mixed”.