1 Correction to: Bull Math Biol https://doi.org/10.1007/s11538-020-00815-x

The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. The presentation of Figure 3 was incorrect. The correct version of Fig. 3 is given below.

Fig. 3
figure 1

Wound size and average densities/concentrations. The wound radius, and model variables are plotted for 30 days in a healthy case (\(D_1=D_2=D_3=D_4=0\)) and in cases of obesity only (\(D_1=D_3=0\)), diabetes only (\(D_2=0\)) and diabetes+obesity. a \(\mathbf {D}=(0.2,1,2,1.5)\) and diabetes<obesity since RWC\((30;0.2,0,2,1.5)=35.1\%\) while RWC\((30;0,1,0,1.5)=41.8\%\); b \(\mathbf {D}=(0.02,25,0.2,1.5)\) and obesity<diabetes since RWC\((30;0,25,0,1.5)=38.6\%\) while RWC\((30;0.02,0,0.2,1.5)=40.3\%\)