Totally Extraperitoneal (TEP) Repair for Obturator Hernia

Right side direct sac reduction

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This video segment shows reduction of right direct sac.


  • Hernial sac reduction

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The author declares no conflict of interest.

About this video

Pradeep Chowbey
Rajesh Khullar
Anil Sharma
Manish Baijal
Vandana Soni
First online
14 May 2021
Online ISBN
Springer, Singapore
Copyright information
© Producer, under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021

Video Transcript

This segment of the video shows the right-sided direct sac reduction. Progressing towards the right side, a tongue of peritoneum is seen prolapsing into the anterior abdominal wall. It is reduced by lysing all adhesions between the peritoneum and the fascia transversalis, or pseudo sac, to expose the right direct inguinal hernia defect.

Once reduced, the right-inferior epigastric artery, the round ligament, and the deep ring all come into view.