Multistage Surgical Resection of a Giant Pineal Tumor in an Infant

Identification of the Free Edge of the Tentorium on the Contralateral Side

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In this segment, the contralateral side of the tentorium is identified, and the left vein of Rosenthal is dissected.


  • Free edge of the tentorium
  • Vein of Rosenthal
  • Tentorium

About this video

Giuseppe Cinalli
Matteo Sacco
First online
16 March 2019
Online ISBN
Springer, Cham
Copyright information
© The Author(s) 2019

Video Transcript

The next step is the identification of the free edge of the tentorium on the contralateral side. After continuing with the internal decompression of the tumor with the ultrasonic aspirator– that as you can see, it remains very slow and very careful in order to limit as much as possible the risk of injury to vessels– we arrive to identify the left side of the tentorium, the free edge of the left side of the tentorium, and the left basilar vein of Rosenthal.

And this is a very important step because we certainly have reached the contralateral side of the tumor. And it is limited by a very perfect anatomical layer that is the contralateral side of the tentorium. And we can dissect very nicely from inside the tumor from its attachment to the free edge of the tentorium and to the contralateral side of the tentorium itself. We have to be careful of not injuring the basilar vein of Rosenthal that is nevertheless well protected by a good layer of arachnoid, so we can work inside the tumor.