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Research on Biomedical Engineering - Top 10 Downloaded Articles 2023

We want to thank the authors of our most-downloaded articles in 2023, and highlight to our readers some of the most impactful research to have been published in the journal. We hope that you will find the articles interesting.

Quantitative analysis of second harmonic generated images of collagen fibers: a review, by Zeineb Nejim, Laurent Navarro, Claire Morin, Pierre Badel

Identification and ranking biomaterials for bone scaffolds using machine learning and PROMETHEE, by Sabah Javaid, Hamed Taheri Gorji, Khaoula Belhaj Soulami, Naima Kaabouch

Diagnosis of heart disease using oversampling methods and decision tree classifier in cardiology, by Anitha Juliette Albert, R. Murugan, T. Sripriya

Development of technologies to support the diagnosis of infectious diseases and cancer to support the primary health care, by Matheus A. C. Ferreira et al.

Innovative and non-invasive method for the diagnosis of dyschromatopsia and the re-education of the eyes, by Alessandro Bile, Gianmarco Bile, Riccardo Pepino, Hamed Tari

Ozonated water in disinfection of hospital instrument table, by Cíntia Rodrigues de Oliveira, Maycon Crispim de Oliveira Carvalho, Giovanna Vitória Schmitz, Túlia de Souza Botelho Almeida, Henrique Cunha Carvalho, Adriana Barrinha Fernandes, Carlos José de Lima

CoVSeverity-Net: an efficient deep learning model for COVID-19 severity estimation from Chest X-Ray images, by Sagar Deep Deb et al.

Analysis of the force–time curve and median frequency of surface electromyographic signals during isometric hand grip test for estimation of a temporal pattern for muscle strengthening, by Hugo Barcelo Oliveira et al.

Efficient classification of the adventitious sounds of the lung through a combination of SVM-LSTM-Bayesian optimization algorithm with features based on wavelet bi-phase and bi-spectrum, by Rupesh Dubey, R M Bodade, Divya Dubey

Fusing clinical and image data for detecting the severity level of hospitalized symptomatic COVID-19 patients using hierarchical model, by Mohammad Mahdi Ershadi, Zeinab Rahimi Rise
