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The International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering (IJEEE) is a multi-disciplinary, single-blind peer-reviewed hybrid journal, covering all areas of energy and environment related fields that apply to the science and engineering communities.

IJEEE aims to promote rapid communication and dialogue among researchers, scientists, and engineers working in the areas of energy and environmental engineering. The journal provides a focus for activities concerning the development, assessment and management of energy and environmental engineering related programs. The journal aims at becoming an important factor in raising the standards of discussion, analyses, and evaluations relating to energy and environment programs.

  • George Cristian Lazaroiu
Impact factor
1.9 (2023)
5 year impact factor
2.3 (2023)
234,115 (2023)

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  1. Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
  2. BFI List
  3. Baidu
  4. CAB Abstracts
  6. CNKI
  8. Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
  9. Dimensions
  10. EBSCO
  11. EI Compendex
  12. Emerging Sources Citation Index
  13. Gale
  14. Google Scholar
  15. INIS Atomindex
  16. INSPEC
  17. Naver
  18. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
  19. Portico
  20. ProQuest
  21. SCImago
  22. SCOPUS
  23. TD Net Discovery Service
  24. UGC-CARE List (India)
  25. Wanfang
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© Islamic Azad University
