
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

A major concern for the implementation of secure cryptographic protocols is resistance to side-channel attacks (SCA). This class of attacks makes use of information obtained by the observation of physical phenomena that may occur in the device used to implement the scheme. These include measurements of timings, power consumption level, running machine’s sound or an electromagnetic radiation (cf. for instance [ISW03, MR04, DP08, FKPR10, GR10, DHLAW10, BKKV10, DF11, DF12, GR12, GST13]).

The technique called masking is a very efficient way to protect sensitive data. The idea behind masking is to split the sensitive values into d (the masking order) random shares and to compute every intermediate value of the algorithm on these shares. The security requirement is that each subset of \(d-1\) shares is independent from the original value. In this way, in fact, an adversary would need to combine leakage samples obtained by several separate shares in order to recover useful information about the sensitive data. Multiple candidates for d-th order masking schemes have been proposed, such as Boolean masking [RP10] and polynomial masking [PR11].

Recently, an efficient way to mask the LPN-based authentication protocol Lapin [HKL+12] with Boolean masking was proposed by Gaspar et al. [GLS14]. The proposal takes advantage of the linearity of the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) assumption, on which Lapin is based. This makes it easy and therefore very efficient to apply Boolean masking to Lapin. While Boolean masking decreases the efficiency of AES quadratically in the number of shares, it decreases the efficiency only linearly in case of Lapin.

The above mentioned masking schemes, however, lack a strong formal security proof. A way to deal with this issue from a theoretical point of view was suggested by Ishai et al. [ISW03], who proposed to use a leakage resilient circuit compiler based on Boolean masking. Such a compiler takes as input a certain circuit \(\Gamma \) and returns a modified circuit \(\hat{\Gamma }\) that computes the same functionality but is designed to be resilient against a restricted class of leakage attacks. This was subsequently extended to a broader class of attacks in [FRR+10]. Solutions based on more complicated algebraic frameworks have been also proposed, for example Juma and Vahlis [JV10] and Goldwasser and Rothblum [GR10]. These solutions achieve leakage resilience against polynomial-time computable functions, but require a very heavy and inefficient machinery that involves public-key encryption to protect the shares.

In two independent works by Dziembowski and Faust [DF12] and again Goldwasser and Rothblum [GR12], it was shown how to achieve the same results without relying on secure encryption schemes. Both papers describe leakage-resilient compilers, which encode values on the internal wires using an inner product. The leakage resilience follows from the extractor property of the inner product as a strong extractor which builds a strong theoretical security basis. The framework has been adjusted and optimized in terms of efficiency for AES in a work by Balasch et al. [BFGV12], along with a sample implementation and an analysis of performance results. Unfortunately, the authors lose the strong theoretical security basis in favor of efficiency by using the inner product as a masking scheme but not as an extractor. Furthermore, Prouff et al. [PRR14] showed that some of their proposed algorithms to compute operations in finite fields can be attacked in theory. It is unclear yet, if these attacks can be exploited by real world SCAs.

Our Contribution. We use inner product extractor based techniques to gain leakage resilience while preserving the efficiency such that our techniques are applicable in practice. Compared to the algorithms proposed by [DF12, BFGV12, GR12] in order to perform operations on the encoded values we use non-interactive algorithms which do not use any refresh subroutine, thus improving the efficiency. Furthermore, the security of these procedures is easy to verify and does not need any leakage-free components or oracles. The drawback is that the size of the secret state will grow when using our proposed algorithms. To overcome this issue, we propose a procedure to shrink down the secret internal state. This is an interactive algorithm which uses a refresh algorithm as a subroutine. We emphasize that this shrinking procedure is optional and in many applications not necessary. A refreshing algorithm is required when a computed value is retrieved from the encodings.

The generation of leak-free randomness is a serious issue in many concrete scenarios. While [DF12, BFGV12] access leakage-free components in almost all procedures to perform operations in a finite field, we only access leakage-free components to retrieve a final value and, depending on the application, to shrink down the internal state. We also give a complete security analysis for every proposed algorithm, while, in particular for low dimension encodings together with large finite fields, the security of some of the algorithms given by [DF12, BFGV12] is not clear.

We emphasize that an inner product extractor based leakage-resilient storage is very attractive when using a finite field of an exponential size. Since even encodings with a low dimension preserve strong statistical extractor properties of the inner product. This is shown by the analyses of inner product based leakage-resilient storage of [DDV10, DF11]. Further, we improve the analysis of the inner product based leakage-resilient storage to get even stronger results.

A suitable application of our techniques are LPN- or LWE-based protocols over large fields. We will show how to perform a leakage-resilient computation of the LPN-based protocol Lapin and give implementation results. The results show that our implementation is efficient enough such that it can be considered for applications in practice.

2 Preliminaries

We write [n] to indicate the set \(\{1,\dots ,n\}\). We denote with \(\mathbb F\) the finite field \(\mathbb Z_2[x]/(g(x))\), where g(x) is a degree m polynomial irreducible over \(\mathbb Z_2[x]\) and \(\mathbb F^*:=\mathbb F\setminus \{0\}\). Let \(A=(A_1,\dots ,A_n)\) and \(B=(B_1,\dots ,B_n)\) be two vectors with elements in \(\mathbb F\). The notation A||B indicates the concatenation of the two vectors. Moreover, we denote with \(A\otimes B\) the following vector of length \(n^2\):

$$\begin{aligned} A\otimes B:=(A_1B_1,\dots ,A_1B_n,A_2B_1,\dots ,A_2B_n,\dots ,A_nB_1,\dots ,A_nB_n). \end{aligned}$$

The inner product between A and B is defined in the usual way as

$$\begin{aligned} \langle A , B \rangle :=\sum _{i=1}^{n}A_i\cdot B_i. \end{aligned}$$

If an algorithm \(\mathsf {A}\) has oracle access to a distribution \(\mathcal {D}\), we write \(\mathsf {A}^{\mathcal {D}}\). A probabilistic polynomial time algorithm is called PPT.

The statistical distance between two random variables A and B with values in a finite set \(\mathcal {X}\) is defined as \(\Delta (A,B)=\frac{1}{2}\sum _{x\in \mathcal {X}}{\Big |\Pr [A=x]-\Pr [B=x]\Big |}\). If this distance is negligible, we say that the two variables are statistically indistinguishable. The min-entropy of a random variable A is defined as \(H_{\infty }(A)=-\log (\max _{x\in \mathcal {X}}\Pr [A=x])\).

Two-source extractors. Two-source extractors, introduced in 1988 by Chor and Goldreich [CG88], are an important and powerful tool in cryptography.

Definition 2.1

Let \(\mathcal {L}\), \(\mathcal {R}\) and \(\mathcal {C}\) be finite sets, and let U be the uniform distribution over \(\mathcal {C}\). A function \(\textsf {ext}: \mathcal {L}\times \mathcal {R}\rightarrow \mathcal {C}\) is a weak \((m,\epsilon )\) two-source extractor if for all distributions of independent random variables \(L\in \mathcal {L}\) and \(R\in \mathcal {R}\) such that \(H_{\infty }(L)\ge m\) and \(H_{\infty }(R)\ge m\) we have \(\Delta (\textsf {ext}(L,R),U)\le \epsilon \).

If we change the condition on the min-entropy to \(H_{\infty }(L)+H_{\infty }(R)\ge k\), the extractor is called flexible. Note that if \(k=2m\) this requirement is weaker than the original, hence flexibility is a stronger notion.

The fact that the inner product is a strong extractor is well known in the literature ([Vaz85], [CG88]). The security results in this work are based on the following lemma regarding the inner product extractor over finite fields.

Lemma 2.1

(Proof of Theorem 3.1 [Rao07]). The inner product function \(\langle . {,} . \rangle : \mathbb F^n\times \mathbb F^n\rightarrow \mathbb F\) is a weak flexible \((k,\epsilon )\) two-source extractor for \(\epsilon \le 2^{((n+1)\log |\mathbb F|-k)/2}\).

Limited adversaries and leakage-resilient storage. There have been several proposals to model SCA in theory [DF11, DF12, GR12]. In the so-called split-state model, we assume that the memory of a physical device can be split in two distinct parts, called respectively \(P_L\) and \(P_R\). These could be, for instance, two separate processors, or also a single processor operating at distinct and separate times.

All the computation carried out on the device (for computing, for example, a cryptographic primitive or an algorithm) is performed as a two-party protocol \(\Pi \) between the two parties \(P_L\) and \(P_R\). More precisely, each of the two parties has an internal state (initially just some input) and at each step communicates with the other party by sending some messages. These messages depend on the initial state, the local randomness, and the messages received earlier in the protocol. At the end of the execution of \(\Pi \), each party outputs a new state.

The main reason to adopt this setting is that we assume that the two parties operate independently, and hence are subject to completely independent leakage. In our model, we consider an adversary \(\mathsf {A}\) that is able to interact with both memory parts. After each execution of \(\Pi \), the adversary is allowed to query a leakage oracle \(\Omega (\textsf {view}_L,\textsf {view}_R)\), where \((\textsf {view}_L,\textsf {view}_R)\) are the respective views of the players. The view of a player consists of all the information that was available to him during the execution of the protocol, i.e. his initial state, his local randomness and all the messages sent and/or received. The adversary submits functions \(f_L\) and \(f_R\) and after submission, he gets back \(f_L(\textsf {view}_L)\) and \(f_R(\textsf {view}_R)\). The only restriction is that the total amount of bits output by the function \(f_L\) during one execution of the protocol is limited to a certain constant \(\lambda \), and the same holds for \(f_R\). An adversary is called \(\lambda \)-limited with respect to the limited amount of leakage during a single execution, but an arbitrary amount of leakage over all executions of the protocol. A more formal description of the model may be found in [DF12] or [GR12].

An important primitive used to achieve leakage resilience in this model is a leakage-resilient storage (LRS) [DDV10, DF11, DF12]. An LRS for a set of values \(\mathbb {S}\) consists of two PPT algorithms \(\mathrm {LRS}:=(\textsf {Encode}, \textsf {Decode}, \textsf {Refresh})\):

  • \(\textsf {Encode}(1^\kappa , S)\rightarrow (L,R)\): Outputs an encoding (LR) of a value \(S\in \mathbb {S}\).

  • \(\textsf {Decode}(L,R)=S\): Outputs the private value S corresponding to the encoding (LR).

For correctness it is required that \(\textsf {Decode}(\textsf {Encode}(S))=S\) for all \(S\in \mathbb {S}\).

Definition 2.2

We say an LRS is \((\lambda ,\epsilon )\)-secure if for every private value S and any \(\lambda \)-limited adversary \(\mathsf {A}^{\Omega (L,R)}\) querying the functions \(f_L(L)\) to \(P_L\) and \(f_R(R)\) to \(P_R\) we have

$$\begin{aligned} \Delta ([f_L(L),f_R(R)\mid \textsf {Decode}{(L,R)}=S ],[f_L(L'),f_R(R')])\le \epsilon \end{aligned}$$

where \((L',R')\) is an encoding of a uniformly chosen value.

With this security notion, a \(\lambda \)-limited adversary cannot distinguish whether the leakage is obtained from a specific value S or a uniformly sampled value \(S'\).

The protocol \(\Pi \) computes operations on encoded values and outputs encodings of the final values. These can be later retrieved with a dedicated procedure.

Remark 2.1

In our leakage model, the total amount of leakage obtained from each memory part in a single round is bounded by \(\lambda \). However, after a few observations, an adversary could recover the shares completely, and trivially break the security of the scheme. The first procedure we need to define, then, is a refreshing procedure that allows to inject new randomness in the protocol. Namely the procedure \(\textsf {Refresh}\) takes as input an encoding (LR) of a value S and outputs a new encoding \((L',R')\) for S. Due to space limitations, we will leave the details and issues of the \(\textsf {Refresh}\) procedure to the appendix. We will mention, however, that all known provably-secure refreshing algorithms for two parties need a leakage-free sampling of the randomnessFootnote 1. We will discuss leakage-free oracles in Sect. 5.

3 A Leakage-Resilient Storage Based on the Inner Product

An LRS based on the inner product was first proposed by [DDV10]. Given a field \(\mathbb F\) and an integer n (the dimension of the encodings), the LRS \(\Phi ^n\) based on the inner product for values in \(\mathbb F\) is given by:

  • \(\textsf {Encode}(1^\kappa , S)\rightarrow (L,R)\): Sample values \((L_1,\dots ,L_{n},R_{1},\dots ,R_{n-1})\overset{\scriptscriptstyle \; \$}{\leftarrow }(\mathbb F^*)^{2n-1}\) and set \(R_{n}=L_{n}^{-1}(S-\langle L_1\Vert \dots \Vert L_{n-1} , R_1\Vert \dots \Vert R_{n-1} \rangle )\). If \(R_n=0\), resample. Finally, output \((L:=L_1\Vert \dots \Vert L_{n},R:=R_1\Vert \dots \Vert R_{n})\).

  • \(\textsf {Decode}(L,R)=S\): Output \(S=\langle L , R \rangle \).

Correctness and security were proved in [DF11]. However, we manage to improve the bounds for which security holds. We will present our result in the next theorem.

Theorem 3.1

For separated \(P_L\) and \(P_R\) and a finite field \(\mathbb F\), \(\Phi ^n\) is a \((\lambda , \epsilon )\)-secure LRS for

$$ \epsilon \le 2^{-\frac{2n\log |\mathbb F^*|-(n+3)\log |\mathbb F|-2\lambda }{2}} $$


Let \(\mathsf {A}\) be a \(\lambda \)-limited adversary with access to oracle \(\Omega (\textsf {view}_L,\textsf {view}_R)\). He is allowed to query \(f_L(\textsf {view}_L)\) and \(f_R(\textsf {view}_R)\) since \(P_L\) and \(P_R\) are separated. The functions \(f_L\) and \(f_R\) have joint output size \(2\lambda \). These functions define a mapping f from \((\mathbb F^*)^{2n}\) to \(\{0,1\}^{2\lambda }\). For simplicity we will write f(LR) instead of \(f_L(\textsf {view}_L)\) and \(f_R(\textsf {view}_R)\). Let \(\mathbb {P}_x\) be the set of all preimages of \(x\in \{0,1\}^{2\lambda }\). Then the min-entropy of L and R given a certain leakage \(x\in \{0,1\}^{2\lambda }\) is \(\forall f:(\mathbb F^*)^{2n}\rightarrow \{0,1\}^{2\lambda }\):

$$\begin{aligned}&H_{\infty ,x} ((L,R)\mid f(L,R)=x)\\ =&-\log \left( \max _{(L',R')\in (\mathbb F^*)^{2n}}\left( \mathop {\Pr }\limits _{(L,R)\overset{\scriptscriptstyle \; \$}{\leftarrow }(\mathbb F^*)^{2n}}[(L,R)=(L',R')\mid f( L,R)=x] \right) \right) \\ =&-\log \left( \max _{(L',R')\in \mathbb {P}_x}\left( \mathop {\Pr }\limits _{(L,R)\overset{\scriptscriptstyle \; \$}{\leftarrow }\mathbb {P}_x}[(L,R)=(L',R')] \right) \right) =\ \log |\mathbb {P}_x| \end{aligned}$$

Since \(f_L(\textsf {view}_L)\) depends only on L and \(f_R(\textsf {view}_R)\) only on R, L and R are independent given f. Hence Lemma 2.1 implies the following bounds on the statistical distances for the elements of \(\{0,1\}^{2\lambda }\):

$$ \epsilon _x=\Delta _x([\langle L , R \rangle \mid f(L,R)=x],\langle L' , R' \rangle )\le \sqrt{|\mathbb F|^{n+1}}\sqrt{|\mathbb {P}_x|^{-1}} $$

for a uniform \(\langle L' , R' \rangle \in \mathbb F\). Notice that the statistical distance \(\epsilon _x\) is not necessarily negligible. For instance an adversary could choose a function f such that the function is 1 if all entries of L and R are \(1\in \mathbb F\) and otherwise 0. In this case if a leakage \(f(L,R)=x=1\) appears, L and R are statistically fixed and \(\epsilon _x=\epsilon _1=1\). Even if an adversary will choose such a function f, a \(x=1\) will appear only with a negligible probability then. A straight forward but a lossy technique to prove the Theorem would be: Either x appears with negligible probability or \(\epsilon _x\) is negligible. We are not using this approach which is also a reason why we get better bounds.

We get the Theorem by bounding the final advantage of \(\mathsf {A}\): For all \(S\in \mathbb F\)

$$\begin{aligned} \epsilon&=\Delta ([f(L,R)\mid \langle L , R \rangle =S ],f(L',R'))\\&=\frac{1}{2}\sum _{x\in \{0,1\}^{2\lambda }}|\Pr [f(L,R)=x\mid \langle L , R \rangle =S]-\Pr [f(L',R')=x]|\\&=\frac{1}{2}\sum _{x\in \{0,1\}^{2\lambda }}\left| \frac{ \Pr [\langle L , R \rangle =S\mid f(L,R)=x]\cdot \Pr [f(L',R')=x]}{\Pr [\langle L , R \rangle =S]}-\Pr [f(L',R')=x]\right| \\&\le \frac{1}{2}|\mathbb F|\sum _{x\in \{0,1\}^{2\lambda }}\Pr [f(L',R')=x] \left| \Pr [\langle L , R \rangle =S\mid f(L,R)=x]-\frac{1}{|\mathbb F|}\right| \\&\le |\mathbb F|\sum _{x\in \{0,1\}^{2\lambda }}\Pr [f(L',R')=x] \left( \frac{1}{2}\sum _{S'\in \mathbb F}\left| \Pr [\langle L , R \rangle =S'\mid f(L,R)=x]-\Pr [\langle L' , R' \rangle =S']\right| \right) \\&=|\mathbb F|\sum _{x\in \{0,1\}^{2\lambda }}\Pr [f(L',R')=x] \left( \Delta _{x}([\langle L , R \rangle \mid f(L,R)=x],\langle L' , R' \rangle )\right) \\&\le \frac{|\mathbb F|\sqrt{|\mathbb F|^{n+1}}}{|\mathbb F^*|^{2n}}\sum _{x\in \{0,1\}^{2\lambda }}\sqrt{|\mathbb {P}_x|}\le \frac{\sqrt{|\mathbb F|^{n+3}}\cdot 2^\lambda }{|\mathbb F^*|^{n}}=2^{-\frac{2n\log |\mathbb F^*|-(n+3)\log |\mathbb F|-2\lambda }{2}} \end{aligned}$$

The first steps are straight forward. Then for the first inequality, we use a probably lossy bound. In the second last line, we sum over the probability, that a leakage x appears multiplied with the statistical distance \(\epsilon _x\) implied by x. Finally we plugin the probabilities and apply the bounds on \(\epsilon _x\) for all \(x\in \{0,1\}^{2\lambda }\) and use Jensen’s Inequality.   \(\square \)

Flexibility and graceful degradation. The LRS \(\Phi ^n\) satisfies two additional, very useful properties. It is flexible, since an adversary could query \(2\lambda \) bits on a single party instead of querying \(\lambda \) bits on each of them, without decreasing the statistical distance. More generally, an adversary is allowed to arbitrary split the amount of leakage among the two parties, as long as the sum is equal to the total amount of tolerated leakage.

Even more interesting is the graceful degradation achieved by an LRS in general. If an adversary queries \(2\lambda +2k\) bits instead of \(2\lambda \) bits, the security will not entirely break down. In case of \(\Phi ^n\), it will only increase the statistical distance from uniform by a factor of \(2^k\). If the statistical distance is \(2^\kappa \) for security parameter \(\kappa \), then the security parameter will be decreased to \(\kappa '=\kappa -k\).

Remark 3.1

For seeing the improvement compared to previous results, we use the parameters of Lemma 1 in [DF11] which is also used in [DF12]. We set \(m=1\) and the given leakage and statistical distance is \(\lambda =(1/2-\delta )n\log |\mathbb F|-\log \gamma ^{-1}\) and \(\epsilon '=2(|\mathbb F|^{3/2-n\delta }+|\mathbb F|\gamma )\) for \(\gamma >0\) and \(1/2>\delta >0\). If we plug in \(\lambda \) in Theorem 3.1, our bound yields \(\epsilon =|\mathbb F^*|^{-n}|\mathbb F|^{n+3/2-n\delta }\gamma \approx |\mathbb F|^{3/2-n\delta }\gamma \) for large fields. Hence \(\epsilon '>\epsilon \).

Remark 3.2

Further, for a total leakage \(2\lambda \) of 1 / 2 of the bits of the encodings or more, security is not guaranteed anymore. This follows from the fact that \({(n+3)\log |\mathbb F|}\) is larger than \({n\log |\mathbb F^*|}\) which is the entropy of one of the encodings.

4 Computation and Retrieving Computed Values

To begin, we show how to perform non-interactive operations on the encoded values. Non-interactivity guarantees that the computation doesn’t contradict the split-state model’s assumptions, thus ensuring to achieve security. After describing the non-interactive operations, we give a more formal description of a set of leakage-resilient operations based on the LRS \(\Phi ^n\).

Addition of a constant and an encoded value. Let \(X=\langle L , R \rangle \) be the input secret value and \(c\in \mathbb F\) be a constant. To compute \(c+X\), we set \(L'=L||c \) and \(R'=R||1\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} \langle L' , R' \rangle =\sum _{i=1}^{n}(L_i \cdot R_i)+c=X+c. \end{aligned}$$

Addition of two encoded values. Let \(X=\langle L , R \rangle \) and \(Y=\langle K , Q \rangle \) be the input secret values, and \((L',R')\) the encoding for \(Z=X+Y\). The simplest addition procedure is to set \(L'=L||K \) and \(R'=R||Q\). It is trivial to verify that

$$\begin{aligned} \langle L' , R' \rangle =\sum _{i=1}^{n}(L_i \cdot R_i+K_i \cdot Q_i)=\sum _{i=1}^{n}(L_i \cdot R_i)+\sum _{i=1}^{n}(K_i \cdot Q_i)=\langle L , R \rangle +\langle K , Q \rangle . \end{aligned}$$

Multiplication of an encoded value by a constant. Let c be a public constant and let \(X=\langle L , R \rangle \) be the input secret value. We would like to obtain shares \((L',R')\) for \(c\cdot X\). It is then enough to set \(L'=L\) and \(R'_i =c \cdot R_i\) for \(i\in [n]\). It is immediate to verify that

$$\begin{aligned} \langle L' , R' \rangle =\sum _{i=1}^{n}(L_i\cdot c\cdot R_i)=c\cdot \langle L , R \rangle =c\cdot X. \end{aligned}$$

Multiplication of two encoded values. Let \(X=\langle L , R \rangle \) and \(Y=\langle K , Q \rangle \) be the input secret values and \((L',R')\) the encoding for \(Z=X\cdot Y\). The simplest multiplication procedure is to set \(L'=L\otimes K \) and \(R'=R\otimes Q\). It is now easy to verify that

$$\begin{aligned} \langle L' , R' \rangle =\sum _{i=1}^{n}\sum _{j=1}^n(L_i\cdot K_j\cdot R_i\cdot Q_j)=\sum _{i=1}^{n}(L_i\cdot R_i) \cdot \sum _{i=1}^{n}(R_i\cdot Q_i)=\langle L , R \rangle \cdot \langle K , Q \rangle . \end{aligned}$$

We emphasize that this operation is too costly for large dimensions. If a multiplication between two encoded values is necessary, using the algorithm given by [DF12] should be considered.

A set of leakage-resilient operations. To describe the set of leakage-resilient operations, we use again the algorithms of \(\Phi ^n\). More precisely, the set of leakage-resilient operations \(\Psi ^n\) consists of nine PPT algorithms for two parties \(P_L\) and \(P_R\):

  • \(\mathsf {Initialize}(S_1,\dots ,S_s)\): For all \(i\in [s]\) compute \(\textsf {Encode}_{\Phi ^n}(1^\kappa , S_i)\rightarrow (L_i,R_i)\). Start \(P_L\) with input \(L_1,\dots L_s\) and \(P_R\) with input \(R_1,\dots ,R_s\).

  • \(\textsf {Refresh}(i)\): \(P_L\) and \(P_R\) replace \((L_i,R_i)\) by \((L_i',R_i')\leftarrow \textsf {Refresh}(L_i,R_i)\).

  • \(\mathsf {cAdd}(i,j,c)\): \(P_L\) sets \(L_i:=L_j\Vert c\) and \(P_R\) sets \(R_i:=R_j\Vert 1\).

  • \(\mathsf {Add}(i,j,k)\): \(P_L\) sets \(L_i:=L_j\Vert L_k\) and \(P_R\) sets \(R_i:=R_j\Vert R_k\).

  • \(\mathsf {cMult}(i,j,c)\): \(P_L\) sets \(L_i:=(cL_{j,1}\Vert cL_{j,2}\Vert \dots )\) for \(L_j=(L_{j,1}\Vert L_{j,2}\Vert \dots )\) and \(P_R\) sets \(R_i:=R_j\).

  • \(\mathsf {Mult}(i,j,k)\): \(P_L\) sets \(L_i:=L_j\otimes L_k\) and \(P_R\) sets \(R_i:=R_j\otimes R_k\).

  • \(\mathsf {RetrieveValue}(i)\rightarrow (L',R')\): Invoke \(\textsf {Refresh}(i)\), \(P_L\) outputs \(L_i\) and \(P_R\) outputs \(R_i\).

  • \(\mathsf {ShrinkDown}(i)\): Shrinks down \(L_i\) and \(R_i\) to dimension \(n+1\). For more details and the security analysis, we refer to Appendix B.

Remark 4.1

Note that, apart from \(\mathsf {cMult}\), the length of the encodings increases in all the other operations. This can influence the performance of the following operations. Thus, we have designed a \(\mathsf {Shrink}\) procedure that allows to reduce an arbitrary length of encodings down to \(n+1\) field elements.

It turns out that, in the protocols we considered, using this operation does not improve the overall efficiency. This is because it requires a call to the \(\textsf {Refresh}\) procedure, which is quite costly. For completeness, we present the \(\mathsf {Shrink}\) operation in Appendix B. We remark that this operation is still useful in many situations, because it does improve the performance for more complicated patterns of operations (indeed, even for just two consecutive multiplications on encoded values).

The main property of \(\Psi ^n\) is that functions computable by two parties \(P_L\) and \(P_R\) with the operations described above can be made leakage resilient in a straightforward way. The procedure \(\mathsf {Initialize}\), which receives as input all sensitive values, is called at the beginning of the computation. This process has to be free of leakage. Once encodings for the sensitive values are created and shared among \(P_L\) and \(P_R\), arbitrary functions can be computed and retrieved and the leakage during the computation will not leak any information about the sensitive values, even if the computed function may reveal them.

After the computation, \(P_L\) and \(P_R\) can refresh their encodings by using \(\textsf {Refresh}\) to compute another function without leaking information about the sensitive values during the computation. If \(\textsf {Refresh}\) is used, the amount of tolerated leakage is as large as during the first computation. This follows directly from the property of \(\textsf {Refresh}\). We prove the general statement about \(\Psi ^n\) in the next theorem.

Theorem 4.1

Let F be an arbitrary function computable by two parties \(P_L\), \(P_R\) using \(\Psi ^n\). Let the encodings used by \(P_L\), \(P_R\) for computing a value be fresh and independent. Let \(S_1,\dots ,S_s\in \mathbb F\) be a set of input values for F among additional inputs that may be chosen uniformly or by an adversary. Then for any \(\lambda \)-limited adversary \(\mathsf {A}\) and any \(q\in \mathbb N\):

$$ \Delta (\mathsf {A}^{\Omega (\mathbb {P}_L,\mathbb {P}_R)}(x_1,\dots x_q), \mathsf {A}^{\Omega (\mathbb {P}_U,\mathbb {P}_U)}(x_1,\dots x_q))\le q2^{-\frac{2n\log |\mathbb F^*|-(n+3)\log |\mathbb F|-2\lambda }{2}} $$

where \(x_i\) is an output of F on input \(S_1,\dots ,S_s\). Furthermore, for every \(i\in [q]\), \(\Omega (\mathbb {P}_L,\mathbb {P}_R)\) gives access to \(\lambda \) bits of leakage on each of the views of \(P_L\) and \(P_R\) during the computation of \(x_i\), whereas \(\Omega (\mathbb {P}_U,\mathbb {P}_U)\) indicates leakage obtained from the computation of \(x_i\) for uniform \(S_1',\dots ,S_s'\in \mathbb F\).


We start with \(q=1\). Without loss of generality we set \(x_1=\{S_1,\dots S_s\}\) and assume that \(\mathsf {A}\) sends queries \(f_{L,1}(L_{S_1,1}),\dots ,f_{L,s}(L_{S_s,1})\) to \(P_L\) and \(f_{R,1}(R_{S_1,1}),\dots ,f_{R,s}(R_{S_s,1})\) to \(P_R\) with a total ouput size of \(2\lambda \) bits. Let \(\lambda _i\) be the output size of \(f_{L,1}(L_{S_i,1})\) and \(f_{R,1}(R_{S_i,1})\) for \(i\in [s]\). Then according to Theorem 3.1:

$$\begin{aligned} \epsilon =&\ \Delta (\mathsf {A}^{\Omega (\mathbb {P}_L,\mathbb {P}_R)}(x_1), \mathsf {A}^{\Omega (\mathbb {P}_U,\mathbb {P}_U)}(x_1))\\ =&\ \Delta (\mathsf {A}^{\Omega (\mathbb {P}_L,\mathbb {P}_R)}(S_1,\dots ,S_s), \mathsf {A}^{\Omega (\mathbb {P}_U,\mathbb {P}_U)}(S_1,\dots ,S_s))\\ \le&\ \sum _{i=1}^s 2^{-\frac{2n\log |\mathbb F^*|-(n+3)\log |\mathbb F|-\lambda _i}{2}}\\ =&\ 2^{-\frac{2n\log |\mathbb F^*|-(n+3)\log |\mathbb F|}{2}}\sum _{i=1}^s 2^{\frac{\lambda _i }{2}}\\ \le&\ 2^{-\frac{2n\log |\mathbb F^*|-(n+3)\log |\mathbb F|-2\lambda }{2}} \end{aligned}$$

This is because Theorem 3.1 holds for any private value \(S\in \mathbb F\), which is harder to achieve than if S is known or even chosen by \(\mathsf {A}\). To extend the result to q outputs of F, we use a simple hybrid argument. For \(x_1\), we showed that \(\mathsf {A}\) can not distinguish if the leakage is received from encodings of \(S_1,\dots S_s\) or from some uniform \(S_1',\dots S_s'\) with probability more than \(\epsilon \). Since we use fresh and independent encodings of \(S_1,\dots S_s\) for the computation of \(x_2\) to \(x_q\), we can apply Theorem 3.1 again. So for every single \(x_i\), \(\mathsf {A}\) will notice with at most probability \(\epsilon \), if the leakage is based on \(S_1',\dots S_s'\) instead of \(S_1,\dots S_s\). Summing up over q we get:

$$\begin{aligned} \Delta (\mathsf {A}^{\Omega (\mathbb {P}_L,\mathbb {P}_R)}(x_1,\dots x_q), \mathsf {A}^{\Omega (\mathbb {P}_U,\mathbb {P}_U)}(x_1,\dots x_q))\le q\epsilon . \end{aligned}$$

   \(\square \)

Note that Theorem 4.1 provides leakage resilience for any function F with private values \(\mathbb {S}\) and computable by two parties \(P_L\), \(P_R\) using \(\Psi ^n\). More precisely, given q outputs of F and leakage retrieved during the computation of F, an adversary cannot distinguish if the leakage comes from the computation of F on input \(\mathbb {S}\) or a uniformly sampled input in \(\mathbb F\).

Corollary 4.1

Let F be a function with private input \(\mathbb {S}\) and additional input that may be chosen at uniform or by an adversary. Suppose that, for any PPT algorithm, q outputs of F are distinguishable from uniform with probability at most \(\epsilon \). Then q outputs of F computed by two parties \(P_L\), \(P_R\) using \(\Psi ^n\) are distinguishable from uniform with probability at most \(\epsilon '\) by any PPT \(\lambda \)-limited adversary, where

$$ \epsilon '\le \epsilon +q2^{-\frac{2n\log |\mathbb F^*|-(n+3)\log |\mathbb F|-2\lambda }{2}}. $$

5 Leakage-Resilient Computation Of Lapin

Even though the techniques presented above can be easily applied to other primitives or protocols (for example [LM13]), we set our focus on Lapin. The instantiation of Lapin with a large field fits perfectly the proposed techniques. We use the parameters given in [HKL+12]. The authors propose to use the field \(\mathbb F=\mathbb F_2[X]/(X^{532}+X+1)\), which results in a size \(|\mathbb F|=2^{532}\). Lapin uses two private key elements \(s_1, s_2 \in \mathbb F\) and for every protocol execution, a sensitive noise term e is sampled from the distribution \(\mathcal {B}_\tau ^\mathbb F\), i.e. the distribution over the polynomials of \(\mathbb F\) where each of the coefficients is chosen from the binary Bernoulli distribution. While \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) could be stored in encoded form on two separated parts \(P_L\) and \(P_R\) on the device, e has to be resampled after every computation and not just refreshed. During the protocol a term \(z=r(cs_1+s_2)+e\) for uniform field elements rc is computed. Due to space constraintments, we refer for details to [HKL+12]. A leakage-resilient computation of z would imply a leakage-resilient variant of Lapin.

On leak-free oracles. For sampling and encoding e, we use a leak-free oracle \(\mathcal O_e\). The reason for using \(\mathcal O_e\) to generate an encoding for e is that it is fundamental to securely sample the randomness. In fact, even leaking a single bit of the sampled noise is enough to undermine security, since revealing the noise from a LPN sample provides a linear equation from which the secret can be recovered. Hence we assume that an encoding of the random noise is computed in a leak-free way. This may be not reasonable to assume in some situations. On the other side, the \(\mathcal O_e\) oracle does not have any input, and the noise e is independent from any interaction between the parties of the authentication protocol, this makes it harder to attack such an oracle with a SCA.

One strategy to deal with this issue (that also concerns refreshing procedures), is to sample the vectors \(L_e\) and \(R_e\) in advance, i.e. even before the challenge c is known. One can therefore compute a number of pairs \((L_{e_1}, R_{e_1}), (L_{e_2}, R_{e_2}), \ldots \) and pick one of them (possibly at random) whenever a fresh pair is needed. Storing these pairs on the Tag even for a long time is completely safe under the assumption that only computation leaks information. Even if an adversary got access to a stored pair, the scheme would still be secure as long as the adversary did not learn more than what he could have learned via leakage queries during a single execution of the protocol. Whenever a Tag is running out of \((L_e,R_e)\) pairs, it could sample a few new pairs from \(\mathcal O_e\) and store them in the memory or sample a new pair after every protocol execution. Even if the oracle \(\mathcal O_e\) was not completely leakage-free, it would still be hard to attack the system, since the \((L_e,R_e)\) pairs are sampled in a different moment from the actual execution of the protocol and it is probably not easy for an adversary to figure out which pair is used next time.Footnote 2

Describing the leakage-resilient computation. At the core of Lapin, there is the function \(F(r,c,s_1,s_2,e)=z=r(s_1c+s_2)+e=rcs_1+rs_2+e\). In Fig. 1 we give the details of its implementation using the set of leakage-resilient operations \(\Psi ^n\) from Sect. 4.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Leakage resilient computation for a lapin tag. To see which instructions of \(\Psi ^n\) are used, see Sect. 4. For the encodings hold \(\langle L_{s_1} , R_{s_1} \rangle =s_1\), \(\langle L_{s_1} , R_{s_1} \rangle =s_2\) and \(\langle L_{e} , R_{e} \rangle =e\). Before perfoming the next computation, the encodings of \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) need to be refreshed.

The encodings \(L_{s_1}, L_{s_2}, R_{s_1}, R_{s_2}\) for \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) are stored on the device and e is obtained from \(\mathcal O_e\). The two parties \(P_L\) and \(P_R\) perform non-interactive additions of shares and multiplications by constants to create an encoding of the response z. The retrieving procedure is used to get an encoding of z in a secure way. Finally, z itself can be obtained by computing the inner product of the encodings. Before starting the next protocol execution, the encodings of \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) need to be refreshed using the refreshing operation of \(\Psi ^n\).

The security of the scheme and robustness against leakage can be easily obtained from Corollary 4.1. Let \(\epsilon _L\) be the winning probability against Lapin. This is essentially the probability of distinguishing, for q outputs, the function \(F(r,c,s_1,s_2,e)=z\) from uniform, where r is uniform and c is chosen by an adversary. The values \(s_1\), \(s_2\) and e are the sensitive values and hence they are encoded. The winning probability \(\epsilon _p\) against the proposed leakage-resilient protocol for q executions is \(\epsilon _p=\epsilon _L+\epsilon _{\Psi ^n}\), where \(\epsilon _{\Psi ^n}\) is the distinguishing probability stated in Theorem 4.1.

Sampling the randomness and refreshing. As we already mentioned, it is necessary that both the on-chip randomness sampling and the refreshing procedure be secure against continual leakage. In particular, if the refreshing procedure accesses a sensitive value in order to generate new encodings for it, the overall security of the protocol could be critically harmed. The sensitive value could in fact be easily retrieved during refresh executions. In Appendix A we describe two existing refreshing algorithms for inner product shares. Neither of them directly accesses a sensitive value so both perform much better, in the presence of leakage, than simply executing an \(\textsf {Decode}\) operation followed by a new \(\textsf {Encode}\) operation. While the weaker refreshing algorithm is not provably secure in a theoretical sense, the stronger, leakage-resilient refreshing procedure comes at a cost of a less efficient computation and requires a larger amount of randomness. Note that even the leakage-resilient refreshing requires that the randomness is drawn from a leakage-free oracle.

Efficiency. The efficiency of the scheme is calculated in terms of inversions and multiplications over \(\mathbb F\). In Table 1 we report our efficiency analysis of Lapin when instantiated with the stronger (second row) and the weaker (third row) refreshing procedures. In our analysis, we do not include the computation of a refreshing procedure between two protocol executions.

Table 1. Efficiency of the Framework and Robustness Against Leakage. In the table above, n is the dimension of the encodings, \(\epsilon _L\) is the winning probability against Lapin and \(\epsilon _p\) is the winning probability against the leakage-resilient protocol with \(\lambda \) bits of leakage on each of the two parties per protocol execution. The refresh procedure in between two protocol executions is not covered in the presented computational costs. The 8 bit AVR implementation for multiplication and division is a straight forward implementation of the algorithms given in [HVM04] and for Lapin a uniform challenge c in \(\mathbb F\) is used instead of a sparse element in \(\mathbb F\).

Even though the protocol is quite simple, the computation is perhaps more expensive than one would expect, due to the expensive refreshing operation (which we describe in Appendix A). Compared to standard Lapin, the efficiency decreases by at least a factor of 30. Lapin performs better over a ring with a reducible multiplication, but in order to apply the proposed techniques, the extractor properties of a field are necessary. Furthermore, Lapin takes advantage of a multiplication with sparse field elements. In our framework, only a few field elements are sparse and hence the optimization does not have a big effect on the overall efficiency.

The 8 bit AVR implementation is based on a shift and add based division and multiplication. Even the most costly implementation with 43 million cycles has a running time of 1.34 seconds on a 32 Mhz architecture. The cycle amount would drastically decrease on an implementation on a 32 bit architecture, since shifts and additions can be carried out four times faster. We emphasize, that the cost of sampling the randomness is not covered here.

Leakage resilience. Our proposal accomplishes leakage resilience in a model which allows continuous and arbitrarily chosen leakage functions as long as leakage-free components are not addressed. A choice of \(n=4\) results in a leakage-resilient protocol for chosen leakage functions of 141 bits output size per round for each of the two parties. To get these results, we first set the statistical distance gained by the inner product to \(2^{-81}\). For meaningful results, Theorem 4.1 requires \(n\ge 4\). Finally we set the amount of protocol executions to be at most \(q=2^{40}\).

6 Conclusions and Future Work

This work provides techniques to perform leakage-resilient operations which perfectly fits cryptographic primitives or protocols running over large finite fields. It achieves strong provable security results thanks to the improved results for the underlying LRS based on the inner product extractor and the large size of the field. This framework could be very helpful to make other primitives leakage-resilient without using heavy machinery. Since the known refresh algorithms are still costly, more efficient alternatives would greatly increase the overall efficiency.

An issue from which our techniques suffer is the generation of on-chip randomness. Furthermore, it is required to use leakage-free oracles to sample randomness without leaking information.

Applying the proposed techniques to Lapin, we obtain a very high level of leakage resilience. In terms of efficiency, it is still very expensive, decreasing the efficiency compared to standard Lapin by at least a factor of 30. This is also a drawback for leakage resilience, since additional computation will cause additional leakage. Therefore, in settings in which performance is very important and leakage resilience plays a minor role, the Boolean masking of Lapin seems to be a better choice. On the other hand, in applications in which a high leakage resilience is necessary, the proposed techniques applied to Lapin provides an interesting option while still having reasonable responding times during a protocol interaction.