24984 publications

  1. Smartphone Instrumentations for Public Health Safety
  2. Smartphone Start-ups
  3. Smartphone-Based Human Activity Recognition
  4. Smartphone-Based Indoor Map Construction
  5. Smartphone-Based Real-Time Digital Signal Processing
  6. Smartphone-Based Real-Time Digital Signal Processing
  7. Smartphone-Based Real-Time Digital Signal Processing
  8. Smartphonekids
  9. Smartphones as Mobile Minilabs in Physics
  10. Smartphones unterstützen die Mobilitätsforschung
  11. Smell, Memory, and Literature in the Black Country
  12. Smell, Taste, Eat: The Role of the Chemical Senses in Eating Behaviour
  13. Smelter Grade Alumina from Bauxite
  14. Smil 3.0
  15. Smile Pricing Explained
  16. Smiley. Herzchen. Hashtag.
  17. Smith and Nesi’s Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  18. Smith and Nesi’s Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
  19. Smith, Marx, & After
  20. Smiths Urologie
  21. Smiths’ Sea Fishes
  22. Smittestopp − A Case Study on Digital Contact Tracing
  23. Smoker Motivation
  24. Smoking Environments in China
  25. Smoking Prevention and Cessation
  26. Smoking and Lung Inflammation
  27. Smoking and the Lung
  28. Smoking, Personality, and Stress
  29. Smooth Bézier Surfaces over Unstructured Quadrilateral Meshes
  30. Smooth Ergodic Theory for Endomorphisms
  31. Smooth Ergodic Theory of Random Dynamical Systems
  32. Smooth Four-Manifolds and Complex Surfaces
  33. Smooth Functions and Maps
  34. Smooth Manifolds
  35. Smooth Manifolds
  36. Smooth Manifolds and Observables
  37. Smooth Manifolds and Observables
  38. Smooth Muscle
  39. Smooth Muscle Spontaneous Activity
  40. Smooth Nonlinear Optimization in R n
  41. Smooth Quasigroups and Loops
  42. Smooth S1 Manifolds
  43. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
  44. Smoothing Methods in Statistics
  45. Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models
  46. Smoothing Spline ANOVA Models
  47. Smoothing Techniques
  48. Smoothing Techniques for Curve Estimation
  49. Smoothing a Critical Transition
  50. Smoothness Priors Analysis of Time Series
  51. Sn Organotin Compounds
  52. Sn Organotin Compounds
  53. Sn Organotin Compounds
  54. Sn Organotin Compounds
  55. Sn Organotin Compounds
  56. Snack Food
  57. Snack Food Technology
  58. Snake Charming - The Musical Python
  59. Snake Robots
  60. Snake Venoms
  61. Snake Venoms
  62. Snake Venoms
  63. Snake and Spider Toxins
  64. Snakes of Italy
  65. Snapshots of Hemodynamics
  66. Snapshots of Hemodynamics
  67. Snapshots of Hemodynamics
  68. Snel succes met ROM
  69. Snow Cover Distribution and Dynamics
  70. Snow Leopards in Nepal
  71. Snow Mold
  72. Snow Optics
  73. Snow Sports Trauma and Safety
  74. SnowPro™ Core Certification Companion
  75. Snowboarding Bodies in Theory and Practice
  76. Snowflake Access Control
  77. Snowflake Essentials
  78. Snowflake Security
  79. Snowflake SnowPro™ Advanced Architect Certification Companion
  80. Snowstorms Along the Northeastern Coast of the United States: 1955 to 1985
  81. So Human a Brain
  82. So You Want a Meade LX Telescope!
  83. So einfach ist Mathematik
  84. So einfach ist Mathematik
  85. So einfach ist Mathematik - Zwölf Herausforderungen im ersten Semester
  86. So einfach ist Mathematik - Zwölf Herausforderungen im ersten Semester
  87. So einfach ist Mathematik – Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen für Anwender
  88. So einfach ist Mathematik – Partielle Differenzialgleichungen für Anwender
  89. So entsteht Ihre große Karriere
  90. So entsteht Ihre große Karriere
  91. So finanziere ich mein Studium!
  92. So funktioniert Mediation im Planen + Bauen
  93. So funktioniert Mediation im Planen + Bauen
  94. So funktioniert Mediation im Planen + Bauen
  95. So funktioniert Mediation im Planen + Bauen
  96. So geht Digital Marketing
  97. So geht Führung!
  98. So geht Führung!
  99. So geht Verkaufen
  100. So gelingt digitale Transformation!
  101. So gewinnen Gründer ihre Pitches
  102. So gewinnt der Mittelstand!
  103. So investiert die Welt
  104. So klappt's mit der Verdauung
  105. So nannte man unsere Vögel früher
  106. So schafft man China
  107. So schreiben Sie Wirksame Bankbriefe
  108. So schreiben Sie wirksame Bankbriefe
  109. So verkaufen Sie Investitionsgüter
  110. So verkaufen Sie Investitionsgüter
  111. So verkauft man Versicherungen
  112. So verkauft man Versicherungen
  113. So viel Mathe muss sein!
  114. So viel Mathe muss sein!
  115. So werden wir lernen!
  116. So wird Ihr Unternehmen zum wertvollen Arbeitgeber
  117. So you have Diabetes!
  118. So überzeugen Sie jeden
  119. So-Called Alternative Medicine (SCAM) for Cancer
  120. SoC Physical Design
  121. SoLoMo - Always-on im Handel
  122. SoLoMo - Always-on im Handel
  123. SoLoMo – Always-on im Handel
  124. Soap Operas im Englischunterricht
  125. Soap Operas, Gender and the Sri Lankan Diaspora
  126. Soar: A Cognitive Architecture in Perspective
  127. Sobolev Gradients and Differential Equations
  128. Sobolev Gradients and Differential Equations
  129. Sobolev Maps to the Circle
  130. Sobolev Spaces
  131. Sobolev Spaces
  132. Sobolev Spaces In Mathematics I
  133. Sobolev Spaces in Mathematics II
  134. Sobolev Spaces in Mathematics III
  135. Sobolev Spaces on Domains
  136. Sobolev Spaces on Riemannian Manifolds
  137. Sobolev Spaces, Their Generalizations and Elliptic Problems in Smooth and Lipschitz Domains
  138. Soccer Robotics
  139. Sociability, Social Capital, and Community Development
  140. Social & Public Policy of Alzheimer's Disease in the United States
  141. Social - Local - Mobile
  142. Social Accountability Initiatives in Morocco, Tunisia, and Lebanon
  143. Social Accounting for Sustainability
  144. Social Action
  145. Social Aesthetics and the School Environment
  146. Social Anxiety and Phobia in Adolescents
  147. Social Anxiety and Social Phobia in Youth
  148. Social Aspects of Alcoholism
  149. Social Audit Regulation
  150. Social Background and the Demographic Life Course: Cross-National Comparisons
  151. Social Banking and Social Finance
  152. Social Behavior
  153. Social Behavior and Communication
  154. Social Behavior and Skills in Children
  155. Social Behavior from Rodents to Humans
  156. Social Behavior in Autism
  157. Social Behaviour in Animals
  158. Social Behaviour in Mammals
  159. Social Biases During Covid 19
  160. Social Big Data Analytics
  161. Social Branding
  162. Social Business
  163. Social Business Models in the Digital Economy
  164. Social Business Transformation
  165. Social Capability and Long-Term Economic Growth
  166. Social Capital Construction and Governance in Central Asia
  167. Social Capital Theory
  168. Social Capital and Business Development in High-Technology Clusters
  169. Social Capital and Collective Action in Pakistani Rural Development
  170. Social Capital and Community Well-Being
  171. Social Capital and Enterprise in the Modern State
  172. Social Capital and Health
  173. Social Capital and Health Inequality in European Welfare States
  174. Social Capital and Local Development
  175. Social Capital and Risk Sharing
  176. Social Capital and Subjective Well-Being
  177. Social Capital and its Impact on Born Transnational Firms
  178. Social Capital as a Health Resource in Later Life: The Relevance of Context
  179. Social Capital as a Policy Resource
  180. Social Capital as a Resource for Migrant Entrepreneurship
  181. Social Capital in American Life
  182. Social Capital in Development Planning
  183. Social Capital in Eastern Europe
  184. Social Capital in the Knowledge Economy
  185. Social Capital, Civic Engagement and Democratization in Kurdistan
  186. Social Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility, Economic Behaviour and Performance
  187. Social Capital, Political Participation and Migration in Europe
  188. Social Capital, Resilience and Adaptation on Small Islands
  189. Social Care and Social Exclusion
  190. Social Care in the Community
  191. Social Casework Methodology: A Skills Handbook for the Caribbean Human Services Worker
  192. Social Cash Transfer in Turkey
  193. Social Censure and Critical Criminology
  194. Social Change and Creative Activism in the 21st Century
  195. Social Change and Education in Greece
  196. Social Change and Educational Problems in Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong
  197. Social Change and Intersectional Activism
  198. Social Change and National Consciousness in Twentieth-Century Ukraine
  199. Social Change and Personality
  200. Social Change and Psychosocial Adaptation in the Pacific Islands