11217 publications

  1. Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications
  2. Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications. Volume I
  3. Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications. Volume II
  4. Hyperbolic Systems of Balance Laws
  5. Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws
  6. Hyperbolic Systems with Analytic Coefficients
  7. Hyperbolic Triangle Centers
  8. Hyperbolic and Kinetic Models for Self-organised Biological Aggregations
  9. Hyperbolicity
  10. Hyperbolicity of Projective Hypersurfaces
  11. Hyperbranched Polydendrons
  12. Hyperbranched Polymers for Biomedical Applications
  13. Hypercalcemia
  14. Hypercalcemia of Malignancy
  15. Hypercholesterolemia, Hypocholesterolemia, Hypertriglyceridemia, in Vivo Kinetics
  16. Hypercomplex Analysis
  17. Hypercomplex Analysis and Applications
  18. Hypercomplex Analysis: New Perspectives and Applications
  19. Hypercomputation
  20. Hyperconnectivity
  21. Hyperconnectivity and Digital Reality
  22. Hypercube Algorithms
  23. Hyperdemocracy
  24. Hyperedge Replacement: Grammars and Languages
  25. Hyperelasticity Primer
  26. Hyperelasticity Primer
  27. Hyperfine Interactions (C)
  28. Hyperfine Interactions of Radioactive Nuclei
  29. Hyperfine Structure in 4d- and 5d-Shell Atoms
  30. Hyperfinite Dirichlet Forms and Stochastic Processes
  31. Hyperfunctions and Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces
  32. Hyperfunctions and Pseudo-Differential Equations
  33. Hyperfunctions and Theoretical Physics
  34. Hypergeometric Functions and Their Applications
  35. Hypergeometric Functions, My Love
  36. Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials and Their q-Analogues
  37. Hypergeometric Summation
  38. Hyperglycemia, Diabetes, and Vascular Disease
  39. Hypergraph Computation
  40. Hypergraph Seminar
  41. Hypergraph Theory
  42. Hypergraph Theory in Wireless Communication Networks
  43. Hypergroups
  44. Hyperhidrosis
  45. Hyperhidrosis
  46. Hyperinflation and Stabilization in Postsocialist Economies
  47. Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe
  48. Hyperinnovation
  49. Hyperintensionality and Normativity
  50. Hyperion — terra incognita
  51. Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders
  52. Hyperlipidemia Management for Primary Care
  53. Hyperlipidemia in Primary Care
  54. Hyperlipoproteinämie
  55. Hypermedia
  56. Hypermedia Courseware: Structures of Communication and Intelligent Help
  57. Hypermedia Design
  58. Hypermedia Genes
  59. Hypermedia Systems and Applications
  60. Hypermedia-Anwendungsentwicklung
  61. Hypermedia: Openness, Structural Awareness, and Adaptivity
  62. Hypermobility in Medical Practice
  63. Hypermobility of Joints
  64. Hypermobility of Joints
  65. Hypermobility of Joints
  66. Hypermobility of Joints
  67. Hypernumbers and Extrafunctions
  68. Hyperobject Reading, Scale Variance, and American Fiction in the Anthropocene
  69. Hyperordered Structures in Materials
  70. Hyperparameter Optimization in Machine Learning
  71. Hyperparameter Tuning for Machine and Deep Learning with R
  72. Hyperparathyreoidismus
  73. Hyperparathyroidism
  74. Hyperplane Arrangements
  75. Hyperplasia Follicularis Nodosa Lienis beim Hunde
  76. Hyperpolarization Methods in NMR Spectroscopy
  77. Hyperprolaktinämie — Prolaktinome
  78. Hyperrealität und Transhumanismus
  79. Hyperrésolutions cubiques et descente cohomologique
  80. Hypersaline Ecosystems
  81. Hypersaline Environments
  82. Hyperschallbahn
  83. Hypersonic Curved Compression Inlet and Its Inverse Design
  84. Hypersonic Flows for Reentry Problems
  85. Hypersonics
  86. Hyperspectral Data Compression
  87. Hyperspectral Image Analysis
  88. Hyperspectral Image Fusion
  89. Hyperspectral Image Processing
  90. Hyperspectral Imaging
  91. Hyperspectral Imaging Technology in Food and Agriculture
  92. Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Nearshore Water Quality
  93. Hyperspherical Harmonics
  94. Hyperspherical Harmonics Expansion Techniques
  95. Hyperspherical Harmonics and Generalized Sturmians
  96. Hypertensie en 24-uurs bloeddrukmeting
  97. Hypertension
  98. Hypertension
  99. Hypertension Medicine
  100. Hypertension and 24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
  101. Hypertension and Brain Damage
  102. Hypertension and Cardiac Organ Damage
  103. Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease
  104. Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease in Asia
  105. Hypertension and Comorbidities
  106. Hypertension and Heart Failure
  107. Hypertension and Heart Failure
  108. Hypertension and Hormone Mechanisms
  109. Hypertension and Metabolic Cardiovascular Risk Factors
  110. Hypertension and Organ Damage
  111. Hypertension and Renal Organ Damage
  112. Hypertension and Stroke
  113. Hypertension and Stroke
  114. Hypertension and the Brain as an End-Organ Target
  115. Hypertension and the Heart
  116. Hypertension in Children and Adolescents
  117. Hypertension in High Risk African Americans
  118. Hypertension in Kidney Disease
  119. Hypertension in Postmenopausal Women
  120. Hypertension in the Dog and Cat
  121. Hypertension in the Elderly
  122. Hypertension in the Elderly
  123. Hypertension, Fluid-Electrolytes, and Tubulopathies in Pediatric Nephrology
  124. Hypertension: Mechanisms and Management
  125. Hypertension: from basic research to clinical practice
  126. Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease: Pathophysiology and Treatment
  127. Hypertensive Heart Disease
  128. Hypertext
  129. Hypertext / Hypermedia ’91
  130. Hypertext und Hypermedia
  131. Hypertext und Hypermedia 1992
  132. Hypertext und Multimedia
  133. Hyperthermia
  134. Hyperthermia and Cancer
  135. Hyperthermia and the Therapy of Malignant Tumors
  136. Hyperthermia in Cancer Treatment: A Primer
  137. Hyperthermic Oncology from Bench to Bedside
  138. Hypertonie
  139. Hypertonie und Herz
  140. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
  141. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
  142. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
  143. Hypertrophic Ecosystems
  144. Hypertrophic Reservoirs for Wastewater Storage and Reuse
  145. Hyperurikämie und Gicht — Beziehungen zu anderen Stoffwechselstörungen
  146. Hyperurikämie, Gicht und andere Störungen des Purinhaushalts
  147. Hypervalent Iodine Chemistry
  148. Hypervalent Iodine Chemistry
  149. Hypervelocity Launchers
  150. Hypervirial Theorems
  151. Hypnic Headache
  152. Hypnose beim Kinder-Zahnarzt
  153. Hypnose in Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Medizin
  154. Hypnose in Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Medizin
  155. Hypnose in Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Medizin
  156. Hypnose in Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Medizin
  157. Hypnose wirkt!
  158. Hypnosis
  159. Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine
  160. Hypnosis at its Bicentennial
  161. Hypnosis in Academia
  162. Hypnosis in Anesthesiology
  163. Hypnosystemische Perspektiven im Change Management
  164. Hypnosystemische Perspektiven im Change Management
  165. Hypnotismus und Medizin
  166. Hypnotismus und Suggestion
  167. Hypochondrie
  168. Hypocretins
  169. Hypocrisy in American Political Attitudes
  170. Hypoelliptic Estimates and Spectral Theory for Fokker-Planck Operators and Witten Laplacians
  171. Hypoelliptic Laplacian and Bott–Chern Cohomology
  172. Hypoellipticity and Eigenvalue Asymptotics
  173. Hypofractionated and Stereotactic Radiation Therapy
  174. Hypogene Karst Regions and Caves of the World
  175. Hypolipidemic Agents
  176. Hyponatremia
  177. Hyponormal Quantization of Planar Domains
  178. Hypoparathyroidism
  179. Hypoparathyroidism
  180. Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
  181. Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
  182. Hypospadias Surgery
  183. Hypospadias Surgery
  184. Hypospadias and Genital Development
  185. Hypospadiology
  186. Hypospadiology
  187. Hypotensive Peptides
  188. Hypotensive Syndromes in Geriatric Patients
  189. Hypothalamic Control of Lactation
  190. Hypothalamic Peptide Hormones and Pituitary Regulation
  191. Hypothalamic-Pituitary Diseases
  192. Hypothalamic-Pituitary Diseases
  193. Hypothalamus and Endocrine Functions
  194. Hypothekenrecht und Notverordnungen
  195. Hypothermia and Cerebral Ischemia
  196. Hypothermia for Acute Brain Damage
  197. Hypothermia in Neurosurgery
  198. Hypothesen Testen
  199. Hypotheses and Perspectives in the History and Philosophy of Science
  200. Hypothesis Generation and Interpretation