11218 publications

  1. Hardware Verification with SystemVerilog
  2. Hardware and Software Architectures for Fault Tolerance
  3. Hardware and Software Projects Troubleshooting
  4. Hardware and Software Support for Virtualization
  5. Hardware and Software, Verification and Testing
  6. Hardware and Software, Verification and Testing
  7. Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing
  8. Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing
  9. Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing
  10. Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing
  11. Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing
  12. Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing
  13. Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing
  14. Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing
  15. Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing
  16. Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing
  17. Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing
  18. Hardware for Soft Computing and Soft Computing for Hardware
  19. Hardware-Aware Probabilistic Machine Learning Models
  20. Hardware-Software Co-Design of Embedded Systems
  21. Hardware-Software Co-Synthesis of Distributed Embedded Systems
  22. Hardware-dependent Software
  23. Hardware/Software Architectures for Low-Power Embedded Multimedia Systems
  24. Hardware/Software Co-Design
  25. Hardware/Software Co-Design and Co-Verification
  26. Hardware/Software Co-Design and Optimization for Cyberphysical Integration in Digital Microfluidic Biochips
  27. Hardware/Software Co-Design: Principles and Practice
  28. Hardware/Software Co-design for Heterogeneous Multi-core Platforms
  29. Hardwired: How Our Instincts to Be Healthy are Making Us Sick
  30. Hardwiring Sustainability into Financial Mathematics
  31. Hardy Classes on Infinitely Connected Riemann Surfaces
  32. Hardy Classes on Riemann Surfaces
  33. Hardy Inequalities on Homogeneous Groups
  34. Hardy Operators, Function Spaces and Embeddings
  35. Hardy Spaces on Ahlfors-Regular Quasi Metric Spaces
  36. Hardy Spaces on the Euclidean Space
  37. Hardy Type Inequalities on Time Scales
  38. Hardy and His Readers
  39. Hardy and the Erotic
  40. Hardy and the Sister Arts
  41. Hardy the Physician
  42. Hardy the Writer
  43. Hardy’s Geography
  44. Hardy’s Influence on the Modern Novel
  45. Hardy’s Lyrics
  46. Hardy’s Poetry, 1860–1928
  47. Hardy’s Use of Allusion
  48. Harlem Supers
  49. Harley Hahn's Emacs Field Guide
  50. Harmful Cyanobacteria
  51. Harmful Traditional Practices
  52. Harming Future Persons
  53. Harmonic Analysis
  54. Harmonic Analysis
  55. Harmonic Analysis
  56. Harmonic Analysis
  57. Harmonic Analysis
  58. Harmonic Analysis
  59. Harmonic Analysis
  60. Harmonic Analysis Iraklion 1978
  61. Harmonic Analysis and Applications
  62. Harmonic Analysis and Applications
  63. Harmonic Analysis and Boundary Value Problems in the Complex Domain
  64. Harmonic Analysis and Discrete Potential Theory
  65. Harmonic Analysis and Group Representation
  66. Harmonic Analysis and Hypergroups
  67. Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
  68. Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
  69. Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
  70. Harmonic Analysis and Rational Approximation
  71. Harmonic Analysis and Representations of Semisimple Lie Groups
  72. Harmonic Analysis in China
  73. Harmonic Analysis in Hypercomplex Systems
  74. Harmonic Analysis in Operator Algebras and its Applications to Index Theory and Topological Solid State Systems
  75. Harmonic Analysis of Mean Periodic Functions on Symmetric Spaces and the Heisenberg Group
  76. Harmonic Analysis of Operators on Hilbert Space
  77. Harmonic Analysis of Spherical Functions on Real Reductive Groups
  78. Harmonic Analysis on Compact Solvmanifolds
  79. Harmonic Analysis on Exponential Solvable Lie Groups
  80. Harmonic Analysis on Real Reductive Groups
  81. Harmonic Analysis on Reductive Groups
  82. Harmonic Analysis on Reductive p-adic Groups
  83. Harmonic Analysis on Semi-Simple Lie Groups I
  84. Harmonic Analysis on Semi-Simple Lie Groups II
  85. Harmonic Analysis on Semigroups
  86. Harmonic Analysis on Spaces of Homogeneous Type
  87. Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces and Applications I
  88. Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces and Applications II
  89. Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces—Euclidean Space, the Sphere, and the Poincaré Upper Half-Plane
  90. Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces—Higher Rank Spaces, Positive Definite Matrix Space and Generalizations
  91. Harmonic Analysis on Totally Disconnected Sets
  92. Harmonic Analysis on the Heisenberg Group
  93. Harmonic Analysis on the Real Line
  94. Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Applications
  95. Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Banach Spaces, and Operator Theory (Volume 2)
  96. Harmonic Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Complex Analysis, Banach Spaces, and Operator Theory (Volume 1)
  97. Harmonic Analysis, Signal Processing, and Complexity
  98. Harmonic Balance for Nonlinear Vibration Problems
  99. Harmonic Function Theory
  100. Harmonic Function Theory
  101. Harmonic Functions and Potentials on Finite or Infinite Networks
  102. Harmonic Functions on Groups and Fourier Algebras
  103. Harmonic Innovation
  104. Harmonic Mappings and Minimal Immersions
  105. Harmonic Maps
  106. Harmonic Maps Between Surfaces (with a Special Chapter on Conformal Mappings)
  107. Harmonic Maps and Integrable Systems
  108. Harmonic Maps of Manifolds with Boundary
  109. Harmonic Quasiconformal Mappings and Hyperbolic Type Metrics
  110. Harmonic and Applied Analysis
  111. Harmonic and Applied Analysis
  112. Harmonic and Complex Analysis and its Applications
  113. Harmonic and Complex Analysis in Several Variables
  114. Harmonic and Geometric Analysis
  115. Harmonics in Offshore Wind Power Plants
  116. Harmonies of Disorder
  117. Harmonisation in the EEC
  118. Harmonisation of EU Competition Law Enforcement
  119. Harmonisation of Testing Practice for High Temperature Materials
  120. Harmonische Räume und ihre Potentialtheorie
  121. Harmonisierte Bestandsrechnung
  122. Harmonisierung demographischer und sozio-ökonomischer Variablen
  123. Harmonisierung der Rechnungslegung bei langfristiger Auftragsfertigung
  124. Harmonisierung des europäischen Bilanzrechts
  125. Harmonisierung des externen und internen Rechnungswesens
  126. Harmonisierung des externen und internen Rechnungswesens
  127. Harmonising Demographic and Socio-Economic Variables for Cross-National Comparative Survey Research
  128. Harmonism as an Alternative
  129. Harmonization and Development of Resources and Tools for Italian Natural Language Processing within the PARLI Project
  130. Harmonization of Seismic Hazard in Vrancea Zone
  131. Harmony Search Algorithm
  132. Harmony Search Algorithm
  133. Harmony Search Algorithms for Structural Design Optimization
  134. Harmony Search and Nature Inspired Optimization Algorithms
  135. Harmony and Paradox
  136. Harmony versus Conflict in Asian Business
  137. Harmony: A Psychoacoustical Approach
  138. Harn- und Geschlechtsapparat
  139. Harn- und Geschlechtsapparat
  140. Harn- und Geschlechtsapparat
  141. Harn- und Geschlechtsapparat
  142. Harnack Inequalities and Nonlinear Operators
  143. Harnack Inequalities for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
  144. Harnack's Inequality for Degenerate and Singular Parabolic Equations
  145. Harnanalytisches Praktikum
  146. Harnanalytisches Praktikum
  147. Harnblasentumoren
  148. Harnessing Big Data in Food Safety
  149. Harnessing Biological Complexity
  150. Harnessing Materials for X-ray Based Cancer Therapy and Imaging
  151. Harnessing Microbial Potential for Multifarious Applications
  152. Harnessing Performance Variability in Embedded and High-performance Many/Multi-core Platforms
  153. Harnessing Place Branding through Cultural Entrepreneurship
  154. Harnessing Solar Heat
  155. Harnessing Solar Power
  156. Harnessing Urban Innovation to Unlock the Sustainable Development Goals
  157. Harnessing VLSI System Design with EDA Tools
  158. Harnessing and Guiding Social Capital for Rural Development
  159. Harnessing the Potential of Digital Post-Millennials in the Future Workplace
  160. Harnessing the Power of Analytics
  161. Harnessing the Power of the Criminal Corpse
  162. Harnorgane Männliche Geschlechtsorgane
  163. Harnorgane Männliche Geschlechtsorgane
  164. Harnorgane Männliche Geschlechtsorgane
  165. Harnorgane Männliche Geschlechtsorgane
  166. Harnstoffsynthese und Harnstoffzyklusenzyme in der Rattenleber bei akuter und chronischer Urämie
  167. Harnsäurestoffwechsel
  168. Harnwege und Sexualstörungen — Blut — Bewegungsorgane — Drüsen mit Innerer Sekretion, Stoffwechsel- und Konstitutionskrankheiten — Erkrankungen aus Äusseren Physikalischen Ursachen
  169. Harnwegsinfektionen
  170. Harold Bloom’s Shakespeare
  171. Harold Garfinkel: Parsons' Primer
  172. Harold Laski
  173. Harold Laski: Problems of Democracy, the Sovereign State, and International Society
  174. Harold Macmillan Aspects of a Political Life
  175. Harold Macmillan and Britain’s World Role
  176. Harold Macmillan and the Berlin Wall Crisis, 1958–62
  177. Harold Monro
  178. Harold Pinter
  179. Harold Pinter
  180. Harold Pinter
  181. Harpsichord and Lute Music in 17th-Century France
  182. Harrod and his Trade Cycle Group
  183. Harry Hopkins
  184. Harry Potter
  185. Harsh Environment and Plant Resilience
  186. Hart Crane and the Modernist Epic: Canon and Genre Formation in Crane, Pound, Eliot, and Williams
  187. Hart Crane’s Queer Modernist Aesthetic
  188. Hart on Responsibility
  189. Hartlegierungen und Hartverbundwerkstoffe
  190. Hartley Coleridge
  191. Hartlöten mit Silberloten
  192. Hartmann von Aue
  193. Hartmann von Aue
  194. Hartmann von Aue
  195. Hartmann von Aue
  196. Hartmetall im Bergbau
  197. Hartmetalle
  198. Hartmetalle in der Werkstatt
  199. Hartmetalle in der Werkstatt
  200. Hartmut Elsenhans and a Critique of Capitalism