11883 publications

  1. Financial Cryptography and Data Security
  2. Financial Cryptography and Data Security
  3. Financial Cryptography and Data Security
  4. Financial Cryptography and Data Security. FC 2021 International Workshops
  5. Financial Cryptography and Data Security. FC 2022 International Workshops
  6. Financial Cryptography and Data Security. FC 2023 International Workshops
  7. Financial Cybersecurity Risk Management
  8. Financial Cycles
  9. Financial Data Analytics
  10. Financial Data Resampling for Machine Learning Based Trading
  11. Financial Decision Aid Using Multiple Criteria
  12. Financial Decision Making Using Computational Intelligence
  13. Financial Deepening and Post-Crisis Development in Emerging Markets
  14. Financial Deregulation
  15. Financial Derivatives Modeling
  16. Financial Determinants of High-Growth Companies
  17. Financial Development and Economic Growth
  18. Financial Development, Institutions, Growth and Poverty Reduction
  19. Financial Developments in National and International Markets
  20. Financial Dimensions of Marketing
  21. Financial Dimensions of Marketing
  22. Financial Dimensions of Marketing Decisions
  23. Financial Distress and Corporate Turnaround
  24. Financial Distress, Corporate Restructuring and Firm Survival
  25. Financial Dollarization
  26. Financial Econometrics Modeling: Derivatives Pricing, Hedge Funds and Term Structure Models
  27. Financial Econometrics Modeling: Market Microstructure, Factor Models and Financial Risk Measures
  28. Financial Econometrics and Empirical Market Microstructure
  29. Financial Econometrics, Mathematics and Statistics
  30. Financial Econometrics: Bayesian Analysis, Quantum Uncertainty, and Related Topics
  31. Financial Economics
  32. Financial Economics
  33. Financial Ecosystem and Strategy in the Digital Era
  34. Financial Education in U.S. State Colleges and Universities
  35. Financial Engineering
  36. Financial Engineering
  37. Financial Engineering
  38. Financial Engineering durch Finanzinnovationen
  39. Financial Engineering und Informationstechnologie
  40. Financial Engineering with Copulas Explained
  41. Financial Engineering, E-commerce and Supply Chain
  42. Financial Enterprise in South Africa since 1950
  43. Financial Environment and Business Development
  44. Financial Ethics
  45. Financial Exclusion
  46. Financial Exposure
  47. Financial Fairplay im Profifußball
  48. Financial Fragility, Debt and Economic Reforms
  49. Financial Freedom
  50. Financial Futures Markets
  51. Financial Futures im Jahresabschluß deutscher Kreditinstitute
  52. Financial Globalization
  53. Financial Globalization and Democracy in Emerging Markets
  54. Financial Globalization in the Emerging Balkans
  55. Financial Identity Theft
  56. Financial Inclusion Schemes in India
  57. Financial Inclusion and Digital Transformation Regulatory Practices in Selected SADC Countries
  58. Financial Inclusion and Livelihood Transformation
  59. Financial Inclusion and Poverty Alleviation
  60. Financial Inclusion and the Role of Banking System
  61. Financial Inclusion in Asia
  62. Financial Inclusion in China
  63. Financial Inclusion in Circular Economy
  64. Financial Inclusion in Emerging Markets
  65. Financial Inclusion of the Marginalised
  66. Financial Inclusion, Technology and Virtual Banking
  67. Financial Innovation and Engineering in Islamic Finance
  68. Financial Innovation and Resilience
  69. Financial Innovation and Value Creation
  70. Financial Innovations and Monetary Reform
  71. Financial Innovations and the Welfare of Nations
  72. Financial Innovations in International Debt Management
  73. Financial Instability
  74. Financial Instability and the International Debt Problem
  75. Financial Institutions and Markets
  76. Financial Institutions and Markets
  77. Financial Institutions and Markets
  78. Financial Institutions and Markets in Southeast Asia
  79. Financial Institutions and Markets in the Far East
  80. Financial Institutions and Markets in the South Pacific
  81. Financial Institutions and Markets in the Southwest Pacific
  82. Financial Institutions and Social Transformations
  83. Financial Institutions in Europe under New Competitive Conditions
  84. Financial Institutions in the Global Financial Crisis
  85. Financial Instruments and Cash Waqf
  86. Financial Integration
  87. Financial Integration in Europe
  88. Financial Interdependence, Digitalization and Technological Rivalries
  89. Financial Intermediation and Deregulation
  90. Financial Intermediation in Europe
  91. Financial Intermediation in the 21st Century
  92. Financial Lexicon
  93. Financial Liberalisation
  94. Financial Liberalization
  95. Financial Liberalization and Economic Performance in Emerging Countries
  96. Financial Liberalization and the Asian Crisis
  97. Financial Liberalization in Developing Countries
  98. Financial Literacy
  99. Financial Literacy Education
  100. Financial Literacy Education
  101. Financial Literacy and Money Script
  102. Financial Literacy and the Limits of Financial Decision-Making
  103. Financial Management
  104. Financial Management
  105. Financial Management
  106. Financial Management Practices
  107. Financial Management and Corporate Governance from the Feminist Ethics of Care Perspective
  108. Financial Management of Family Businesses
  109. Financial Management of Life Insurance Companies
  110. Financial Market Bubbles and Crashes
  111. Financial Market Bubbles and Crashes, Second Edition
  112. Financial Market Drift
  113. Financial Market Dynamics after COVID 19
  114. Financial Market Imperfections and Corporate Decisions
  115. Financial Market Integration and Growth
  116. Financial Market Regulation
  117. Financial Markets (Dis)Integration in a Post-Brexit EU
  118. Financial Markets Efficiency and Economic Behaviour
  119. Financial Markets Evolution
  120. Financial Markets Regulation
  121. Financial Markets Theory
  122. Financial Markets Theory
  123. Financial Markets and Economic Performance
  124. Financial Markets and Organizational Technologies
  125. Financial Markets in Continuous Time
  126. Financial Markets in Perspective
  127. Financial Markets, SME Financing and Emerging Economies
  128. Financial Math for Business and Economics
  129. Financial Mathematics
  130. Financial Mathematics
  131. Financial Mathematics, Derivatives and Structured Products
  132. Financial Mathematics, Derivatives and Structured Products
  133. Financial Microeconometrics
  134. Financial Modeling
  135. Financial Modeling
  136. Financial Modeling Under Non-Gaussian Distributions
  137. Financial Modeling for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
  138. Financial Modeling, Actuarial Valuation and Solvency in Insurance
  139. Financial Modelling
  140. Financial Modelling
  141. Financial Modelling with Forward-looking Information
  142. Financial Models and Simulation
  143. Financial Models in Production
  144. Financial Models of Insurance Solvency
  145. Financial Modernization and Regulation
  146. Financial Networks
  147. Financial Numeracy in Mathematics Education
  148. Financial Participation of Employees in the EU-27
  149. Financial Performance Measures and Value Creation: the State of the Art
  150. Financial Planning
  151. Financial Planning and Counseling Scales
  152. Financial Pricing Models in Continuous Time and Kalman Filtering
  153. Financial Privacy
  154. Financial Ratios for Executives
  155. Financial Reform in Central and Eastern Europe
  156. Financial Reform in Developing Countries
  157. Financial Reforms in Modern China
  158. Financial Regulation after the Global Recession
  159. Financial Regulation and Bank Performance
  160. Financial Regulation and Liberation
  161. Financial Regulation in the EU
  162. Financial Reporting
  163. Financial Risk Management
  164. Financial Risk Management and Climate Change Risk
  165. Financial Risk Management and Modeling
  166. Financial Risk Management for Cryptocurrencies
  167. Financial Risk Management for Islamic Banking and Finance
  168. Financial Risk Management with Bayesian Estimation of GARCH Models
  169. Financial Risk and Derivatives
  170. Financial Risk in Insurance
  171. Financial Risk: Theory, Evidence and Implications
  172. Financial Sector Development in African Countries
  173. Financial Sector Development in Ghana
  174. Financial Securities
  175. Financial Security in China
  176. Financial Services Today
  177. Financial Services in Wales 1991
  178. Financial Services in the Twenty-First Century
  179. Financial Services, Globalization and Domestic Policy Change
  180. Financial Software Engineering
  181. Financial Speculation and Fictitious Profits
  182. Financial Stability Policy in the Euro Zone
  183. Financial Stability in a Changing Environment
  184. Financial Stability in the Aftermath of the ‘Great Recession’
  185. Financial Statements
  186. Financial Statements
  187. Financial Statements-Based Bank Risk Aggregation
  188. Financial Steering
  189. Financial Strategies and Public Policies
  190. Financial Strategies for Distressed Companies
  191. Financial Strategies for the Manager
  192. Financial Strategies in Competitive Markets
  193. Financial Structure and Stability
  194. Financial Structure in Small Business
  195. Financial Structures and Monetary Policies in Southeast Asia
  196. Financial Structures and Regulation: A Comparison of Crises in the UK, USA and Italy
  197. Financial Supervision in the 21st Century
  198. Financial Supply Chain
  199. Financial Sustainability in Public Administration
  200. Financial Sustainability in US Higher Education