Correction: Egypt Liver J 14, 19 (2024)

Following publication of the original article [1], the following corrections have been made to this published article.

1. Corrections to the names of the first and fifth authors.

“Ashraf Abbass” has been corrected to “Ashraf Abbass Basuni”.

“Mohammed” of Mohamed Abdel‑Samiee has been corrected to “Mohamed”.

2. Rectification of the reference section (Incorrect placement of the publication year): The following reference entries have been amended to move the year of publication at the of authors’ names instead of appearing in the middle of the authors’ names.

[7] Fitian AI, DR Nelson, C Liu, Y Xu, M Araratand R Cabrera (2014) Integrated metabolomic profiling of hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatitis C cirrhosis through GC/MS and UPLC/MS-MS. Liver Int 34(9):1428–1444

[9] Koppenol WH, PL Boundsand, CV Dang (2011) Otto Warburg’s contributions to current concepts of cancer metabolism. Nat Rev Cancer 11(5):325–337

[10] Longo N, M Frigeniand M Pasquali (2016) Carnitine transport and fatty acid oxidation. Biochim Biophys Acta 1863(10):2422–2435

[11] Ganti S, Taylor SL, Kim K, Hoppel CL, Guo L, Yang J, RH Weiss (2012) Urinary acylcarnitines are altered in human kidney cancer. Int J Cancer 130(12):2791–800

[15] Violante S, L Ijlst, H Te Brinke, I Tavares de Almeida, RJ Wanders, FV Venturaand SM Houten (2013) Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 and carnitine/acylcarnitine translocase are involved in the mitochondrial synthesis and export of acylcarnitines. FASEB J 27(5):2039–2044.

[17] Ni J, L Xu, W Li, C Zhengand L Wu (2019) Targeted metabolomics for serum amino acids and acylcarnitines in patients with lung cancer. Exp Ther Med 18(1):188–198

[18] Sun C, F Wang, Y Zhang, J Yuand X Wang (2020) Mass spectrometry imaging-based metabolomics to visualize the spatially resolved reprogramming of carnitine metabolism in breast cancer. Theranostics 10(16):7070–7082

[20] Pugh RN, IM Murray-Lyon, JL Dawson, MC Pietroniand R Williams (1973) Transection of the oesophagus for bleeding oesophageal varices. Br J Surg 60(8):646–649

[21] Smith A, K Baumgartnerand C Bositis (2019) Cirrhosis: diagnosis and management. Am Fam Physician 100(12):759–770

[23] de Freitas LBR, L Longo, D Santos, I Grivicichand MR Alvares-da-Silva (2019) Hepatocellular carcinoma staging systems: Hong Kong liver cancer vs Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer in a Western population. World J Hepatol 11(9):678–688

[29] Miyaaki H, H Kobayashi, S Miuma, M Fukusima, R Sasaki, M Haraguchiand K Nakao (2020) Blood carnitine profiling on tandem mass spectrometry in liver cirrhotic patients. BMC Gastroenterol 20(1):41

[30] Shibahara J, S Ando, Y Sakamoto, N Kokudoand M Fukayama (2014) Hepatocellular carcinoma with steatohepatitic features: a clinicopathological study of Japanese patients. Histopathology 64(7):951–962

[34] Zhang Y, N Ding, Y Cao, Z Zhuand P Gao (2018) Differential diagnosis between hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis by serum amino acids and acylcarnitines. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 11(3):1763–1769

3. Adjustment to Table 1: The 7th column labeled “M ± SD” has been moved two spaces to the left next to the 4th column Med (IQR).

Old version of Table 1:

Table 1 Clinical and laboratory characteristics of the studied groups

New/corrected version of Table 1:

Table 1 Clinical and laboratory characteristics of the studied groups

The original article [1] has been corrected.