
The Dolichopodidae are a large cosmopolitan dipteran family in the superfamily Empidoidea, commonly known as long-legged flies, with over 8200 described species in about 260 genera worldwide. About 1680 of these species are Palaearctic; however, only about 800 species are Afrotropical (Yang et al., 2006; Grichanov and Brooks, 2017; Grichanov, 2020).

Most dolichopodid adults can be easily recognized by their metallic greenish to bronze color and slender legs. Fewer species are non-metallic and yellowish as some Xanthochlorus Loew, 1857, blackish or brownish as many Micromorphus Mik, 1878 and Medetera Fischer von Waldheim, 1819. They are small- to medium-sized bristly flies, 0.8 to 9.0 mm in length, with either stout or slender bodies, sometimes midge-like (e.g., most Sciapodinae) and always somewhat compressed laterally; head large, almost hemispherical and wider than thorax; wing with vein Rs originating near, or at level of crossvein h; vein CuA + CuP weak, not reaching margin; cell cua absent or short, subequal to cell bm; crossvein r–m located at basal quarter of wing (Pollet and Brooks, 2008; Marshall et al., 2017; Grichanov and Brooks, 2017).

The dolichopodid adults and majority of larvae are predaceous, feeding on soft-bodied invertebrates (Ulrich, 2004). Adults are found in all terrestrial habitats, but many species generally usually prefer warm moist environments or humid areas. Larvae live in mud, moist soil, fallen leaves, moss, rotting algae, sap wounds, under bark, in plant tissues, and on intertidal rocks (Pollet et al., 2004; Grichanov and Brooks, 2017).

Only few old taxonomic studies on the family Dolichopodidae have been carried out in Egypt by the French entomologist Abbé Octave Parent (Parent, 1925a, 1927, 1929). These studies recorded, keyed and described some species in the collection of Efflatoun Bey (EFC) collected from Egypt by Efflatoun Bey and his co-workers. In addition, some more Egyptian species have been described in other various publications as Loew (1856), Becker (1902, 1910, 1923), and Grichanov (2000, 2016).

The most recent comprehensive study on the family was compiled by Steyskal and El-Bialy (1967), as they generalized the Egyptian fauna of Dolichopodidae in one list. They listed all published Egyptian species up to 1966 based on fly specimens deposited in the Egyptian insect collections and literature. This list includes only species names in alphabetical order and does not refer to their suprageneric systematics or other taxonomic and faunistic data. Nevertheless, the list provided a starting point for the present study.

All dolichopodid taxa known to be represented in Egypt are revised in the present study, and 66 species in 21 genera and 8 subfamilies are systematically cataloged (Table 1). The present study is part of a series of studies on the various taxa of the Egyptian Diptera with the aim of cataloging the entire order in Egypt (El-Hawagry, 2018; El-Hawagry and Gilbert, 2019).

Table 1 List of dolichopodid taxa recorded from Egypt


The data for the present study were obtained from flies collected by the author, in addition to flies preserved in the main insect collections in Egypt, namely: the collection of Efflatoun Bey in Cairo University (EFC), the collection of Entomological Society of Egypt (ESEC) and the collection of Plant Protection Research Institute in Dokki, Giza (PPDD). The majority of fly samples preserved in EFC and ESEC have been identified and classified by Abbé Octave Parent in the 1920s. All identifications were rechecked using the original descriptions and some keys as Parent (1925a, 1927, 1929), Grichanov (2013a, 2013b), Grichanov and Negrobov (2014), Dawah et al. (2020). Specimens in ESEC were last examined in 2011; however, the collection is now closed for unknown reasons, and it is believed that the flies preserved there have been abandoned. Much information, including Egyptian records, taxonomy, distributions, and collection data in Egypt, was also obtained from relevant literature as cited in the following sections or/and in the main text.


The present classification and nomenclature basically followed that used in Grichanov (2017, 2020).

World distribution

Species world distributions are taken mainly from Negrobov (1991), Yang et al. (2006), Pollet (2011) and Grichanov (2020).

Egyptian localities and dates of collection

The ecological zones (abbreviated) of each species are listed, followed by a list of the localities where specimens of each species were collected (Fig. 1) and followed by the collection dates between parentheses. The sources of localities and dates of collection are given between square brackets at the end of the section. An example: “CS: Mersa Matrouh (February to May). [Source: museum material in ESEC]”. Coordinates of all Egyptian localities are listed in Table 2.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Map of Egypt showing the ecological zones

Table 2 A gazetteer of dolichopodid localities in Egypt

Localities and collection dates of 13 species are unknown although two of which were described from Egypt; however, they are listed herein as recorded from Egypt just according to world and regional catalogs and lists.


Colored photographs of some species were taken using a Nikon D5300 camera. Not all species are photographed, only the larger ones were photographed for technical reasons.


Subfamily DIAPHORINAE Schiner

Tribe DIAPHORINI Schiner

Genus ASYNDETUS Loew, 1869

Asyndetus Loew, 1869a: 34. Type species: Asyndetus ammophilus Loew, 1869a (by subsequent designation of Coquillett, 1910: 511).

Asyndetus albifacies Parent, 1929

Asyndetus albifacies Parent, 1929: 46. Tl: Egypt (Mt. Halaib).

Distribution: AF: Egypt [as "Gebel Elba"], Saudi Arabia [as "south-western part"]. PA: Egypt, Israel.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Cleopatra, Ikingi Mariout (May to July); GE: Bir Abrag, Halaib (January). [Sources: original description (Parent, 1929) and museum material in EFC]

Lectotype designation: a male syntype in EFC is designated in the present study as lectotype, it is labeled as: M. Halaib, 21.1.1929 (leg. Efflatoun), it is in a good condition. Paralectotypes: 1 male and 2 females, same data; 1 female, Halaib, Red Sea Coast, 15.3 to end April 1928 (leg. H.C.E & M.T.). All paralectotypes are in a good condition.

Asyndetus albifrons Parent, 1929 (Fig. 2)

Asyndetus albifrons Parent, 1929: 45. Tl: Egypt (Bir Abrag "= Bir Abraq, near Shalateen City").

Distribution: AF: Egypt [as "Gebel Elba"], Saudi Arabia [as "south-western part"]. PA: Iraq.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: GE: Bir Abrag, W. Kansisrob (January to March). [Sources: original description (Parent, 1929) and museum material in EFC]

Lectotype designation: a male syntype in EFC is designated in the present study as lectotype, it is labeled as: Bir Abrag, South Eastern Desert, 3.3.28 (leg. Efflatoun), it is in a good condition. Paralectotypes: 2 males and 3 females, same data, they are in a good condition.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Asyndetus albifrons Parent male habitus, dorsal

Asyndetus chaetifemoratus Parent, 1925

Asyndetus chaetifemoratus Parent, 1925a: 162. Tl: Egypt (Baharia Oasis).

Distribution: PA: Egypt, Israel.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: WD: Baharia Oasis (April). [Source: original description (Parent, 1925a)]

Asyndetus connexus (Becker, 1902)

Meringopherusa connexa Becker, 1902: 57. Tl: Egypt (Alexandria, Cairo, Suez and Fayoum (Siala and Qaroun Lake [as " Birket el-Karun"])).

Distribution: PA: Austria, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Libya, ?Romania, Spain, Turkey.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Alexandria, Cleopatra (March to July); ED: Ismailia, Suez, W. Abu-Hosoyeh (March to May and October); FY: Siala, Qaroun Lake (March to September); LND: Al-Hager, Cairo, Faraskure (March to September); SN: W. El-Lega, W. Gedeirat, W. Itlah, W. Moweleh, W. Shallalah (May to September); WD: Siwa Oasis (June). [Sources: original description (Becker, 1902), Parent (1925a, b), Collin (1949), collected material and museum material in EFC and ESEC]

Asyndetus dubius Parent, 1925

Asyndetus dubius Parent, 1925a: 166. Tl: Egypt (Fayoum: Siala).

Distribution: PA: Egypt.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: FY: Siala (April); SN: W. Gragnyia, W. Itlah (July and August). [Sources: original description (Parent, 1925a) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]

Note: Only one specimen preserved in EFC with same locality and date of collection of type as given in the original description; however, it is without a red type label.

Asyndetus separatus (Becker, 1902)

Meringopherusa separata Becker, 1902: 56. Tl: Egypt (Alexandria and Fayoum).

Distribution: PA: Algeria, Austria, Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Libya, Spain, Tunisia, ?Tajikistan.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Alexandria, Cleopatra, Dekhela, Mariout (throughout the year); FY: Lake Qaroun (November to May); LND: Faraskure (September); WD: Siwa Oasis (September). [Sources: original description (Becker, 1902), Parent (1925a), Collin (1949), and museum material in EFC and ESEC]

Asyndetus transversalis (Becker, 1907)

Meringopherusa transversalis Becker, 1907: 110. Tl: Algeria (Biskra).

Distribution: PA: Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, ?Israel, Tunisia, Malta.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Ikingi Mariout, Mirsa Matrouh (May). [Source: museum material in EFC]

Genus CHRYSOTUS Meigen, 1824

Chrysotus Meigen, 1824: 40. Type species: Dolichopus neglectus Wiedemann, 1817 (by subsequent designation of Froriep, 1826: 134).

Chrysotus albibarbus Loew, 1857

Chrysotus albibarbus Loew, 1857: 50. Tl: Turkey [as "Kleinasien"].

Distribution: PA: Algeria, Canary Is. (Spain), Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Russia, Spain, Turkey.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Alexandria, Nuzha (March to July). [Source: museum material in ESEC]

Chrysotus alpicola Strobl, 1893

Chrysotus alpicola Strobl, 1893: 144. Tl: Austria (Kalbling, Natterriegel).

Distribution: PA: Algeria, Austria, Canary Is. (Spain), Egypt, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: Unknown. [Source: Grichanov (2020)]

Chrysotus suavis Loew, 1857

Chrysotus suavis Loew, 1857: 49. Tl: Germany (Coln), Austria (Neusiedler See).

Distribution: AF: Egypt [as "Gebel Elba"], Saudi Arabia [as "south-western part"]. PA: Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canary Is. (Spain), N China, Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Middle Asia, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, ?Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, former Yugoslavia.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Cleopatra, El-Mandara, Mariout (March to August); ED: Cairo-Suez Road (October); GE: Bir Abrag (February); LND: Giza, Mazghouna (April). [Sources: Parent (1925a) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]

Genus TRIGONOCERA Becker, 1902

Trigonocera Becker, 1902: 57. Type species: Trigonocera rivosa Becker, 1903 (by monotypy).

Trigonocera rivosa Becker, 1902

Trigonocera rivosa Becker, 1902: 58. Tl: Egypt (Nile River from Luxor to Alexandria).

Distribution: AF: Botswana, Cape Verde Is., Egypt [as "Gebel Elba"], Namibia, Senegal, Zambia. OR: Taiwan, Thailand. PA: Egypt, Israel.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Alexandria, Cleopatra (?); GE: Halaib (March); LND: throughout (October to March); UN: throughout (November to March). [Sources: original description (Becker, 1902), Parent (1925a), collected material and museum material in EFC and ESEC]

Subfamily DOLICHOPODINAE Latreille


Genus DOLICHOPUS Latreille, 1796

Dolichopus Latreille, 1796: 159. Type species: Musca ungulata Linnaeus, 1758 (by subsequent designation of Latreille, 1810: 443).

Dolichopus callosus Becker, 1902

Dolichopus callosus Becker, 1902: 65. Tl: Egypt (Suez).

Distribution: PA: Israel, Egypt, Kyrgyzstan.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Cleopatra (?); ED: Suez, W. Hoff (March). [Sources: original description (Becker, 1902), Parent (1925a) and museum material in ESEC]

Dolichopus campestris Meigen, 1824

Dolichopus campestris Meigen, 1824: 78. Tl: not given.

Distribution: PA: Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, ?Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, ?former Yugoslavia.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: Unknown. [Sources: Grichanov (2007a, 2020)]

Dolichopus diadema Haliday, 1832

Dolichopus diadema Haliday, 1832: 361. Tl: Ireland (Holywood).

Distribution: PA: Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UK, Ukraine.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Mersa Matrouh (February). [Source: museum material in ESEC]

Dolichopus efflatouni (Parent, 1925)

Hygroceleuthus efflatouni Parent, 1925a: 176. Tl: Egypt (Baharia Oasis).

Distribution: PA: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Egypt.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Mex (June); WD: Baharia Oasis (April). [Sources: original description (Parent, 1925a) and museum material in ESEC]

Dolichopus flavocrinitus Becker, 1902

Dolichopus flavocrinitus Becker, 1902: 65. Tl: Egypt (Assiout, Alexandria [as "Alexandrien"] and Fayoum).

Distribution: AF: Senegal. PA: Egypt, Turkmenistan.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Alexandria (?), ED: W. Hoff (April); FY: ? (?); LND: Kerdassa (?); UN: Assiout (December). [Sources: original description (Becker, 1902) and Parent (1925a)]

Dolichopus griseipennis Stannius, 1831

Dolichopus griseipennis Stannius, 1831: 49. Tl: France (Lyon).

Distribution: PA: Algeria, ?Armenia, Azerbaijan, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece incl. Crete, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, N Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, ?Macedonia, Middle Asia, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain incl. Balearic Is., Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, UK, former Yugoslavia.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: Unknown. [Sources: Grichanov (2017, 2020)]

Genus HERCOSTOMUS Loew, 1857

Hercostomus Loew, 1857: 9. Type species: Sybistroma longiventris Loew, 1857 (by original designation).

Hercostomus pilifer (Loew, 1859)

Gymnopternus pilifer Loew, 1859: 5. Tl: France, Spain ("Pyrenäen").

Distribution: PA: Algeria, Belgium, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Spain.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: Unknown. [Sources: Yang et al. (2006) and Grichanov (2020)]

Genus SYBISTROMA Meigen, 1824

Sybistroma Meigen, 1824: 71. Type species: Dolichopus discipes Germar, 1817 (designation by Westwood, 1840: 135).

Sybistroma nodicornis Meigen, 1824

Sybistroma nodicornis Meigen, 1824: 72. Tl: not given.

Distribution: PA: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey, ?former Yugoslavia.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: Unknown. [Sources: Negrobov (1991), Yang et al. (2006), and Grichanov (2007a, 2017, 2020)]

Sybistroma sinaiensis (Grichanov, 2000)

Ludovicius sinaiensis Grichanov, 2000: 272. Tl: Egypt (Sinai: Wadi Hibran).

Distribution: PA: Egypt, Israel.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: SN: Al-Tour, W. El-Arbaein, W. Hibran. [Source: original description (Grichanov, 2000)]


Genus TACHYTRECHUS Haliday, 1851

Tachytrechus Haliday, 1851: 173. Type species: Ammobates notatus Stannius, 1831 (by subsequent designation of Rondani, 1856: 143).

Tachytrechus notatus (Stannius, 1831)

Ammobates notatus Stannius, 1831: 269. Tl: Germany (Hamburg).

Distribution: AF: Egypt [as "Gebel Elba"] (first record), Saudi Arabia [as "south-western part"]. PA: Abkhazia, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece incl. Crete, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Israel, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania; Russia, Slovakia, Spain incl. Canary Is., Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine: Crimea, former Yugoslavia.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: GE: Bir Abrag (January). [Source: museum material in EFC]

Note: This species is recorded herein from Egypt for the first time. It is diagnosed and can be differentiated from other Tachytrechus species by the following characters: Fore tarsus of male slightly thickened; cerci black, usually oval; femora blackish at base; scape mostly yellow; pedicel black; M1+2 straight or nearly so; fore and hind femora metallic green to black in the basal half (Dawah et al., 2020).

Tachytrechus planitarsis Becker, 1907

Tachytrechus planitarsis Becker, 1907: 106. Tl: Algeria (Biskra).

Distribution: AF: Egypt [as "Gebel Elba"], Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia [as "south-western part"]. PA: Algeria, Canary Is. (Spain), Egypt, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Turkmenistan.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Mariout (April); ED: W. Gendali, W. Rishrash, W. Um-Elek (June and December); GE: W. Abrag, W. Edeib (January to April); LND: Abu-Rawash, Kerdassa (December and January); SN: Dahab (February); WD: Siwa Oasis (August). [Sources: Parent (1929), Collin (1949), Grichanov (2007b) and museum material in EFC, ESEC and PPDD]

Tachytrechus tessellatus (Macquart, 1842) (Fig. 3)

Dolichopus tessellatus Macquart, 1842: 185. Tl: Senegal.

Tachytrechus salinarius Becker, 1902: 63. Tl: Egypt (Alexandria and Port Said).

Distribution: AF: Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde Is., DR Congo, Ethiopia, Gambia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Seychelles, Socotra (Yemen), S. Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania. AU: New Caledonia. OR: India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan. PA: Egypt, Israel.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Alexandria, Burg, Cleopatra, Dekhela, Mariout, Mex, Port Said (November to July); ED: Abu-Sueir, Ghoubbet El-Bous, Ismailia, Serapium, W. Gendali, W. Gharaba, W. Hoff, W. Um-Elek (April to November); LND: Abu-Rawash, Ezbet El-Nakhl, Kerdassa, Mansouriah (April to June); SN: Al-Tour, Nabq, W. Gharandal, W. Gedeirat, W. Moweileh (May to August). [Sources: Parent (1925a), Grichanov (2007b) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]

Fig. 3
figure 3

Tachytrechus tessellatus (Macquart) male habitus, dorsal

Genus ARGYROCHLAMYS Lamb, 1922

Argyrochlamys Lamb, 1922: 391. Type species: Argyrochlamys impudicus Lamb, 1922 (by original designation).

Halaiba Parent, 1929: 56. Type species: Halaiba cavicola Parent, 1929 (by monotypy).

Argyrochlamys cavicola (Parent, 1929) (Fig. 4)

Halaiba cavicola Parent, 1929: 57. Tl: Egypt (Mersa Halaib).

Distribution: AF: Djibouti, Egypt [as "Gebel Elba"], Oman, ?Sudan.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: GE: Halaib (January to May). [Source: original description (Parent, 1929)]

Lectotype designation: a male syntype in EFC is designated in the present study as lectotype, it is labeled as: M. Halaib [in the burrows of Ocypoda aegyptiaca], 21.1.1929 (leg. Efflatoun), it is in a good condition. Paralectotypes: 2 males and 2 females, same data, they are in a good condition.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Argyrochlamys cavicola (Parent) female habitus, dorsal



Genus APHROSYLUS Haliday, 1851

Aphrosylus Haliday, 1851: 220. Type species: Aphrosylus raptor Haliday, 1851 (by subsequent designation of Coquillett, 1910: 508).

Aphrosylus parcearmatus Parent, 1925

Aphrosylus parcearmatus Parent, 1925a: 180. Tl: Egypt (Abou-Kir).

Distribution: PA: Egypt, Israel, Turkey.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Abou-Kir (July and August); ED: Mallah (August); SN: W. El-Lega (September). [Sources: original description (Parent, 1925a) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]

Lectotype designation: a male syntype in a good condition in EFC is designated in the present study as lectotype, it is labeled as: Abou Kir, 9.7.1922 (leg. Efflatoun). Paralectotypes: 1 female, same data; and 1 female labeled as: Abou Kir, 26.8.1928 (leg. Tewfik). Paralectotypes are in a fairly good condition.


Genus HYDROPHORUS Fallén, 1823

Hydrophorus Fallén, 1823: 2. Type species: Hydrophorus nebulosus Fallén, 1823, by subsequent designation of ICZN, opinion 1314, 1985.

Hydrophorus nilicola Parent, 1927

Hydrophorus nilicola Parent, 1927: 66. Tl: Egypt (Abu-Rawash).

Distribution: PA: Egypt, Iraq.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Ramleh (June); LND: Abu-Rawash (February). [Sources: original description (Parent, 1927) and museum material in ESEC].

Hydrophorus praecox (Lehmann, 1822) (Fig. 5)

Dolichopus praecox Lehmann, 1822: 42. Tl: Germany (Hamburg).

Hydrophorus breviventris Becker, 1902: 60. Tl: Egypt (Cairo, Suez and Fayoum).

Distribution: AF: Angola, Botswana, Cape Verdi Is., Ethiopia, Gambia, Kenya, Mauritania, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Rodriguez, Senegal, Seychelles, S. Africa, S. Arabia, St. Helena, Tanzania. AU: Australia, French Polynesia, New Zealand. NEO: Chile. OR: China, India. PA: Abkhazia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iraq, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal (Azores), Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, Ukraine.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Ramleh (July to September); ED: Ogret El-Sheikh, Suez, W. Digla, W. Rishrash, W. Um-Gerfan, W. Zohleiga (October to April); FY: Tamiya (November to March and June); LND: Abu-Rawash, Cairo, El-Katta, Helwan, Kafr Hakim, Kerdassa, Mansouriah (September to April); SN: Nueiba, Serabit el-Khadim, W. El-Arbaein (April, August and September); WD: Siwa Oasis (May and September). [Sources: original description of H. breviventris (Becker, 1902), Parent (1925a, b), Collin (1949), Grichanov (2007b), museum material in EFC, ESEC and PPDD and collected material]

Fig. 5
figure 5

Hydrophorus praecox (Lehmann) female habitus, dorsal

Hydrophorus rufinasutus Parent, 1925

Hydrophorus rufinasutus Parent, 1925a: 169. Tl: Egypt (Abu-Rawash).

Distribution: PA: Czech, Egypt.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: LND: Abu-Rawash, Kirdassa (June to November). [Sources: original description (Parent, 1925a) and museum material in ESEC]

Note: Types of this species are destroyed in EFEC.

Hydrophorus viridis (Meigen, 1824)

Medeterus viridis Meigen, 1824: 60. Tl: Austria.

Distribution: PA: Algeria, Afghanistan, Bulgaria, former Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Morocco, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Tajikistan, Tunisia, UK, Uzbekistan, former Yugoslavia.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: ED: W. Hoff (June). [Sources: Steyskal and El-Bialy (1967) and Museum material in ESEC]


Genus PARALLELONEURUM Becker, 1902

Paralleloneurum Becker, 1902: 51. Type species: Paralleloneurum cilifemoratum Becker, 1902 (by monotypy).

Paralleloneurum cilifemoratum Becker, 1902

Paralleloneurum cilifemoratum Becker, 1902: 52. Tl: Egypt (Alexandria and Fayoum).

Distribution: OR: India, Pakistan, Taiwan. PA: Egypt.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Alexandria (March and November); FY: ? (March and November). [Source: original description (Becker, 1902)]

Genus THINOPHILUS Wahlberg, 1844

Thinophilus Wahlberg, 1844: 37. Type species: Rhaphium flavipalpe Zetterstedt, 1843 (by monotypy).

Thinophilus achilleus Mik, 1900

Thinophilus achilleus Mik, 1900: 79. Tl: Italy (Sardinia).

Distribution: PA: Algeria, Egypt, Italy, Spain, Tunisia.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Abu-Kir, Alexandria (July); ED: W. Garawi (April); SN: W. El-Lega (September). [Sources: Parent (1925a, b) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]

Thinophilus argyropalpis Becker, 1910

Thinophilus argyropalpis Becker, 1910: 139. Tl: Egypt (Port Said).

Distribution: PA: Algeria, Egypt; Iraq, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Port Said (April). [Source: original description (Becker, 1910)]

Thinophilus atritarsis Parent, 1929

Thinophilus atritarsis Parent, 1929: 53. Tl: Egypt (South Eastern Desert: Bir Abrag).

Distribution: AF: Egypt [as "Gebel Elba"].

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: GE: Bir Abrag (March). [Sources: original description (Parent, 1929) and museum material in EFC]

Lectotype designation: a female syntype in a good condition in EFC is designated in the present study as lectotype, it is labeled as: Bir Abrag (South Eastern Desert), 3.3.1928 (leg. Efflatoun). Paralecotype: 1 female, same data, it is in a good condition.

Thinophilus flavipalpis (Zetterstedt, 1843)

Rhaphium flavipalpis Zetterstedt, 1843: 472. Tl: Sweden (Gotland: Bursviken).

Distribution: OR: China. PA: Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, N China, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Turkey, UK, Ukraine.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Cleopatra, Mex (June); ED: Ogret El-Sheikh, Serapium, W. Rishrash, W. Um-Elek (March, April and October); SN: W. El-Arbaein (April). [Sources: Parent (1925a, b), museum material in EFC and collected material]

Thinophilus indigenus Becker, 1902

Thinophilus indigenus Becker, 1902: 48. Tl: Egypt (Cairo, Assiout, Luxor, Assuan, Fayoum, and Suez).

Distribution: AF: Angola, Benin, Cape Verde Is., DR Congo, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Madagascar, Namibia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia [as "south-western part"], Seychelles, S. Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Yemen. OR: China, India, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines. PA: Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Mongolia, Turkey.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Burg, Cleopatra, Mariout (April to July); FY: ? (December to March); LND: Cairo (December to March); UN: Assiout, Asswan, Luxor (December to March). [Sources: original description (Becker, 1902), Parent (1925a, b) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]

Thinophilus maculatus Parent, 1929 (Fig. 6)

Thinophilus maculatus Parent, 1929: 50. Tl: Egypt (South Eastern Desert: Bir Abrag).

Distribution: AF: Egypt [as "Gebel Elba"], Gabon, Namibia.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: GE: Bir Abrag (January to March). [Sources: original description (Parent, 1929) and museum material in EFC]

Lectotype designation: a male syntype in a good condition in EFC is designated in the present study as lectotype, it is labeled as: Bir Abrag (South Eastern Desert), 3.3.1928 (leg. Efflatoun). Paralectotypes: 1 male and 2 females, same data, they are in a good condition.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Thinophilus maculatus Parent female habitus, dorsal

Thinophilus modestus Becker, 1902

Thinophilus modestus Becker, 1902: 50. Tl: Egypt (Fayoum: Qaroun Lake [as "Natron-See Birket el-Karun"]).

Distribution: PA: Austria, Egypt.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: FY: Qaroun Lake (March). [Source: original description (Becker, 1902)]

Thinophilus promotus Becker, 1910

Thinophilus promotus Becker, 1910: 138. Tl: S. Yemen.

Distribution: AF: Yemen, Djibouti, Egypt [as "Gebel Elba"].

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: GE: Halaib (May). [Sources: Steyskal and El-Bialy (1967) and museum material in EFC]

Thinophilus quadrimaculatus Becker, 1902 (Fig. 7)

Thinophilus quadrimaculatus Becker, 1902: 49. Tl: Egypt (Cairo).

Distribution: AF: ?DR Congo. PA: Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Tajikistan, Tunisia.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Cleopatra, Mariout (May to July); ED: W. Garawi, W. Um-Elek (April); LND: Cairo (March); WD: Siwa Oasis (September). [Sources: original description (Becker, 1902), Parent (1925a, b), Collin (1949), and museum Material in EFC]

Thinophilus spinulosus Parent, 1929 (Fig. 8)

Thinophilus spinulosus Parent, 1929: 48. Tl: Egypt (Halaib: Red Sea Coast).

Distribution: AF: Egypt [as "Gebel Elba"], ?Sudan, Nigeria, Somalia.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: GE: Halaib (March to May); SN: Nabq, Nueiba, Ras Burka (Nueiba) (March and September). [Sources: original description (Parent, 1929), Grichanov (2007b) and museum material in EFC]

Lectotype designation: a male syntype in a good condition in EFC is designated in the present study as lectotype, it is labeled as: Halaib (Red Sea Coast), 15.3. to end April.1928 (leg. Efflatoun). Paralectotypes: 3 females, same data, they are in good condition.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Thinophilus quadrimaculatus Becker female habitus, lateral

Fig. 8
figure 8

Thinophilus spinulosus Parent female habitus, dorsal

Thinophilus tinctus Parent, 1929

Thinophilus tinctus Parent, 1929: 51. Tl: Egypt (South Eastern Desert: Bir Abrag).

Distribution: AF: Egypt [as "Gebel Elba"], ?Sudan, ?Madagascar, DR Congo.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: GE: Bir Abrag (January to March). [Sources: original description (Parent, 1929) and museum material in EFC]

Lectotype designation: a female syntype in a good condition in EFC is designated in the present study as lectotype, it is labeled as: Bir Abrag (S. Eastern Desert), 3.3.1928 (leg. Efflatoun). Paralecotype: 1 female, same data, it is in a good condition.

Subfamily MEDETERINAE Lioy


Genus CYRTURELLA Collin, 1952

Cyrturella Collin, 1952: 142 (nom. nov. for Cyrtura Parent). Type species: Micromorphus albosetosus Strobl (by automatic designation).

Cyrturella nigrosetosa Grichanov, 2016

Cyrturella nigrosetosa Grichanov, 2016: 171. Tl: Egypt (Sinai: Ein Qsaib).

Distribution: PA: Egypt.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: SN: Ein Qsaib (March). [Source: original description (Grichanov, 2016)]

Genus MEDETERA Fischer von Waldheim, 1819

Medetera Fischer von Waldheim, 1819: 7. Type species: Medetera carnivora Fischer von Waldheim, 1819 [= Medetera diadema (Linnaeus)] (by monotypy).

Medetera albescens (Parent, 1925)

Oligochaetus albescens Parent, 1925a: 154. Tl: Egypt (Mariout).

Distribution: PA: Egypt.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Mariout (April); ED: W. Hoff (August); LND: Mansouriah (June to August). [Sources: original description (Parent, 1925a) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]

Note: Only one female specimen is preserved in EFC. It is collected by Efflatoun Bey in 1922 from Mariout, the type locality, and it may be one of two types designated in the original description; however, no labels with the specimen to indicate this.

Medetera albisetosa (Parent, 1925)

Oligochaetus albisetosus Parent, 1925a: 158. Tl: Egypt (Cairo-Suez Road [as "5e Tour, Route de Suez"]).

Distribution: PA: Egypt.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: ED: Cairo-Suez Road (July); LND: Mansouriah (September). [Sources: original description (Parent, 1925a) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]

Note: Only one male specimen is preserved in EFC. It is collected by Efflatoun Bey in 30.7.1922 from 5th Tour-Suez, the same data of types in the original description, and it may be a type; however, no labels with the specimen to indicate this.

Medetera araneipes Parent, 1929

Medetera araneipes Parent, 1929: 43. Tl: Egypt (Wadi Edeib).

Distribution: AF: Egypt [as "Gebel Elba"], ?Sudan.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Ikingi Mariout (May); GE: W. Edeib (January); WD: Siwa Oasis (February). [Sources: original description (Parent, 1929) and museum material in EFC]

Note: This specimen is described from one male specimen. This type is preserved in EFC with a red label, it is in a good condition.

Medetera diadema (Linnaeus, 1767)

Musca diadema Linnaeus, 1767: 982. Tl: Europe.

Medetera ehrenbergi Becker, 1923: 11. Tl: Egypt.

Distribution: PA: Abkhazia, Algeria, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Golan Heights, Italy, Kazakhstan, "Middle Asia", Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, UK, Ukraine. NE: USA (Washington, California, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Rhode Island).

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: Mirsa Matrouh (February). [Sources: original description of M. ehrenbergi (Becker, 1923) and Museum material in ESEC]

Medetera flavipes Meigen, 1824

Medetera flavipes Meigen, 1824: 61 [as “Medeterus"]. Tl: not given (? Europe).

Distribution: PA: Algeria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Croatia, Czech, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Iran, Israel, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Spain incl. Canary Is., Syria including Golan Heights, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, former Yugoslavia.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: Unknown. [Sources: Steyskal and El-Bialy (1967), Grichanov (2007a), Grichanov (2017) and Grichanov (2020)]

Medetera lutescens (Parent, 1925)

Oligochaetus albescens lutescens Parent, 1925a: 154. Tl: Egypt (Ramleh).

Distribution: PA: Egypt.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Ramleh (September). [Source: original description (Parent, 1925a)]

Medetera media Parent, 1925

Medetera media Parent, 1925b: 186. Tl: Tunisia.

Distribution: PA: Egypt, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tunisia, Turkmenistan.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: Unknown. [Sources: Negrobov (1991), Yang et al. (2006), and Grichanov (2007a, 2017, 2020)]

Medetera pallipes (Zetterstedt, 1843)

Hydrophorus pallipes Zetterstedt, 1843: 453. Tl: Sweden and Denmark.

Distribution: PA: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey, UK, Ukraine.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: SN: W. Shag (Sinai Mountains) (July). [Source: Grichanov (2007b, 2020)]

Medetera pavlovskii Negrobov, 1974

Medetera pavlovskii Negrobov, 1974 [in: Negrobov and Stackelberg (1971–77)]: 328. Tl: Iran (Shachrud).

Distribution: PA: Egypt, Iran.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: SN: W. Tlah (July). [Sources: Grichanov (2007a, 2007b, 2020)]

Medetera truncorum Meigen, 1824

Medetera truncorum Meigen, 1824: 67. Tl: Germany (Hamburg).

Distribution: NE: British Columbia, Oregon, Wyoming. PA: Algeria, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Czech, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal incl. Azores, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, former Yugoslavia.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: SN: W. Tlah (September). [Sources: Grichanov (2007a, 2007b, 2017, 2020)]

Tribe THRYPTICINI Negrobov

Genus THRYPTICUS Gerstäcker, 1864

Thrypticus Gerstäcker, 1864: 43. Type species: Thrypticus smaragdinus Gerstaecker, 1864 (by monotypy).

Thrypticus bellus Loew, 1869

Thrypticus bellus Loew, 1869b: 303 [as "Thripticus"]. Tl: England (Kew).

Distribution: AF: DR Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia, Senegal, S. Africa, St. Helena, Tanzania. PA: Abkhazia, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Golan Heights, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, Ukraine.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: LND: Mazghouna, Shubra (April); SN: W. El-Rabba (April). [Sources: Parent (1925a, b) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]

Subfamily PELOROPEODINAE Robinson

Genus MICROMORPHUS Mik, 1878

Micromorphus Mik, 1878: 6. Type species: Hydrophorus albipes Zetterstedt, 1843 (by original designation).

Micromorphus aereus (Vaillant, 1953)

Cachonopus aereus Vaillant, 1953: 10. Tl: Algeria ("Tassili du n'Ajjer").

Distribution: PA: Algeria, Egypt, Israel.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: SN: W. Hebran (April). [Sources: Grichanov (2007a, 2007b, 2017), Dawah et al., 2020]

Micromorphus albipes (Zetterstedt, 1843)

Hydrophorus albipes Zetterstedt, 1843: 454. Tl: Sweden (Ostrogoths, Larketorp).

Distribution: AF: Saudi Arabia [as "south-western part"]. AU: New Zealand. NE: Mexico, USA (Maryland, S. Carolina, Florida). NEO: Costa Rica, Dominica, Mexico, Panama. OR: Nepal. PA: Algeria, Austria, Azores, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Czech, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, West Bank (Palestine), former Yugoslavia.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: WD: Siwa Oasis (May). [Sources: Collin (1949), Steyskal and El-Bialy (1967), Grichanov (2007a, 2017, 2020), and Dawah et al. (2020)]

Subfamily SCIAPODINAE Becker


Genus SCIAPUS Zeller, 1842

Sciapus Zeller, 1842: 831 (nom. nov. for Psilopus Meigen, 1824). Type species: Dolichopus platypterus Fabricius, 1805 (by automatic designation).

Sciapus adumbratus (Becker, 1902) (Fig. 9)

Psilopus adumbratus Becker, 1902: 62. Tl: Egypt (Cairo, Assiout, Alexandria and Siala ["Wuste bei Siala"]).

Distribution: AF: Egypt [as "Gebel Elba"], Oman, United Arab Emirates. PA: Egypt, Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkmenistan.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Alexandria (November to March); FY: Siala (November to March); GE: ? (April); LND: Abu-Rawash, Burqash, Cairo, Ezbet El-Nakhl, Helwan, Kafr Hakim, Kerdassa, Mansouriah, Meadi, Shubra (throughout the year); UN: Assiout (November to March). [Sources: original description (Becker, 1902), Parent (1925a, b), museum material in EFC and ESEC and collected material]

Fig. 9
figure 9

Sciapus adumbratus (Becker) female habitus, lateral

Sciapus contristans (Wiedemann, 1817)

Dolichopus contristans Wiedemann, 1817: 72. Tl: Germany (Holstein).

Psilopus loewi Becker, 1902: 62. Tl: Egypt.

Distribution: PA: Austria, ?Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech, Egypt, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, ?Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, ?Russia, Slovakia, Spain, UK, ?Ukraine.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: Unknown. [Sources: Becker (1902), Negrobov, (1991), Yang et al. (2006), and Grichanov (2007a, 2017, 2020)]

Sciapus glaucescens (Loew, 1856)

Psilopus glaucescens Loew, 1856: 47. Tl: Egypt.

Distribution: PA: Abkhazia, Bulgaria, Canary Is. (Spain), Croatia, Egypt, France, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Portugal (Madeira, Azores), Russia (Crimea), Turkey.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: Unknown. [Localities and dates of collection are not given in the original description, Loew (1856)]

Sciapus vicinus Parent, 1925

Sciapus vicinus Parent, 1925a: 172. Tl: Egypt (Sinai: Rafah).

Distribution: PA: Algeria, Egypt.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: ED: Ismailia (September); LND: Abu-Rawash, Aga (April and September); SN: Rafah, W. Gharandal (April). [Sources: original description (Parent, 1925a), Grichanov (2007b) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]

Subfamily SYMPYCNINAE Aldrich


Lamprochromus Mik, 1878: 7. Type species: Chrysotus elegans Meigen, 1830 [= Lamprochromus bifasciatus (Macquart, 1827)] (by original designation).

Lamprochromus speciosus (Loew, 1871)

Sympycnus speciosus Loew, 1871: 58. Tl: Sarawschanthal (= Tajikistan).

Distribution: PA: Bulgaria, Canary Is. (Spain), Egypt, France, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Romania, Russia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: Unknown. [Sources: Yang et al. (2006), Grichanov (2007a), and Grichanov (2017, 2020)]

Genus SYNTORMON Loew, 1857

Syntormon Loew, 1857: 35. Type species: Rhaphium metathesis Loew, 1850 (by subsequent designation of Coquillett, 1910: 611)

Syntormon denticulatus (Zetterstedt, 1843)

Rhaphium denticulatum Zetterstedt, 1843: 478. Tl: Sweden (Scania).

Distribution: PA: Abkhazia, Afghanistan, Armenia; Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canary Is. (Spain), Czech, Denmark, Egypt; Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Romania; Russia, Slovakia, ?Slovenia, Sweden, Tunisia, Tajikistan, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, West Bank (Palestine).

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: Unknown. [Source: Steyskal and El-Bialy (1967)]

Syntormon pallipes (Fabricius, 1794)

Musca pallipes Fabricius, 1794: 340. Tl: Germany.

Distribution: AF: St. Helena, Saudi Arabia [as "south-western part"], Tanzania, Yemen. PA: Abkhazia, Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece (incl. Crete), Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal (incl. Madeira, Azores), Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: CS: Mariout (April); LND: Kafr El-Dems (August); SN: Qusaimah, W. El-Arbaein, W. Firan, W. Tala (April to July). [Source: Grichanov (2007b) and Museum material in ESEC]

Syntormon pseudospicatus Strobl, 1899

Syntormon pseudospicatus Strobl, 1899: 126. Tl: Spain (Algeciras).

Syntormon uncitarsis Becker, 1902: 53. Tl: Egypt (Fayoum [as "El Faiym"]).

Distribution: PA: Afghanistan, Belgium, Egypt, England, Greece, Hungary, Iraq, Italy, Middle Asia, Portugal, Spain.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: FY: Fayoum (March). [Source: original description (Becker, 1902)]

Syntormon triangulipes Becker, 1902

Syntormon triangulipes Becker, 1902: 54. Tl: Egypt (Fayoum: Siala [as "Al Fayüm, in der Wüste bei Siala").

Distribution: PA: Azerbaijan, Egypt, France, Russia, Spain, Tajikistan.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: FY: Siala (March). [Source: original description (Becker, 1902)]

Genus TEUCHOPHORUS Loew, 1857

Teuchophorus Loew, 1857: 44. Type species: Dolichopus spinigerellus Zetterstedt, 1843 (by subsequent designation of Coquillett, 1910: 613.

Teuchophorus spinigerellus (Zetterstedt, 1843)

Dolichopus spinigerellus Zetterstedt, 1843: 604. Tl: Sweden and Denmark.

Distribution: PA: Abkhazia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: Unknown. [Source: Steyskal and El-Bialy (1967)]


Genus XANTHOCHLORUS Loew, 1857

Xanthochlorus Loew, 1857: 42. Type species: Leptopus ornata Haliday, 1832 (by subsequent designation of Coquillett, 1910: 620).

Xanthochlorus ornatus (Haliday, 1832)

Leptopus ornatus Haliday, 1832: 358. Tl: England (Darent Wood).

Distribution: PA: Austria, Belgium, Canary Is. (Spain), Czech, Denmark, Egypt, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, ?Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, former Yugoslavia.

Egyptian localities and dates of collection: Unknown. [Sources: Negrobov (1991), Yang et al. (2006), and Grichanov (2007a, 2020)]


Due to its location within the Great Desert Belt, Egypt has warm weather with nearly no rainfall (El-Hawagry and Gilbert 2014). Ecologists recognize eight ecological zones in Egypt: Coastal Strip, Sinai, Lower Nile Valley and Delta, Upper Nile Valley, Western Desert, Fayoum, Eastern Desert and Gebel Elba (Soliman et al. 2022) (Fig. 1). These zones are more closely affiliated to the Palearctic Region, with the exception of Gebel Elba, the Egypt's southeasterly triangle, which is more closely affiliated to the Afrotropical Region (El-Hawagry and Gilbert 2014; El-Hawagry et al. 2018).

Parent (1929) described many dolichopodid species from Halaib region which belongs to Gebel Elba. However, many catalogs and taxonomic studies inaccurately listed the type localities of these species as belonging to Sudan. Despite being disputed with Sudan, Gebel Elba triangle is a part of Egypt and politically controlled by it at present.

Specimens from only five species have been collected throughout the present study, namely: Asyndetus connexus (Becker, 1902); Trigonocera rivosa Becker, 1902; Hydrophorus praecox (Lehmann, 1822); Thinophilus flavipalpis (Zetterstedt, 1843) and Sciapus adumbratus (Becker, 1902). Also, 13 species are not represented by any specimens in the Egyptian insect collections and I couldn’t collect or check any specimens of them, however, I listed these species in the present study as recorded from Egypt just according to world and regional catalogs and lists. Therefore, collecting efforts for these flies is still desperately needed.


Sixty-six species in 21 genera and 8 subfamilies are treated in the present study as recorded from Egypt. One of these species, Tachytrechus notatus (Stannius, 1831), is recorded herein for the first time.