Correction to: Eur Radiol Exp (2019) 3:45

After publication of this article [1], it is noticed it contained some errors in the Methods section.

‘N*m3’ should be corrected to ‘N*m’ in the below three sentences and the correct version of the sentences are below:

  1. 1)

    Substantiated by measuring the isometric peak torque in Newton per metre (in N*m), the MVIC was produced in knee extension at 60° and knee flexion at 35°, which are the joint angles with the ideal muscular strength-length relationship to anticipate the real MVIC [31–34].

  2. 2)

    MVIC of each direction of movement (extension/flexion) was collected three times with 3 min of recovery in between, and the best value of muscle flexion and extension maximum isometric torque (in N*m) was respectively taken for data analysis [2, 22].

  3. 3)

    The measured absolute extension and flexion MVICs (in N*m) were adjusted for the individual BMI to obtain a relative MVIC (relMVIC, in N*m3/kg) for the left and right thigh muscles.

The original article has been corrected. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.