Publisher Correction to: BMC Public Health 23, 2281 (2023)

Due to an error in the publication [1] process reference 6 was split into 2 separate references: 6 and 7. This caused all citations to be incorrect from 7 onwards. The incorrect references 6 & 7 are listed below along with the correct reference 6. The original article has been updated to correct these errors. The publisher apologizes to the authors & readers for the inconvenience caused by this.


6. Bundesgesundheitsministeriums. Coronavirus-Pandemie: Was geschah wann?

7. Chronik aller Entwicklungen im Kampf gegen COVID-19 (Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2) und der dazugehörigen Maßnahmen des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums 2022 [Available from:


6. Bundesgesundheitsministeriums. Coronavirus-Pandemie: Was geschah wann? Chronik aller Entwicklungen im Kampf gegen COVID-19 (Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2) und der dazugehörigen Maßnahmen des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums 2022 [Available from: