Correction: BMC Public Health 19, 1607 (2019)

In the original publication [1] the authors omitted to state the contribution of author Chulani Herath. The Author Contributions section should read:

  • YG and ZXL conceived and designed the study. YDY, CW, JXL, TTY, SH, HBX, and YYC participated in the acquisition of data. YG analyzed the data. HJ, LQL, and PQF gave advice on methodology. YG wrote the draft of the paper. CH contributed to revising the paper. All authors contributed to writing, reviewing or revising the paper and read and approved the final manuscript. ZXL is the guarantors of this work and has full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for its integrity and the accuracy of the data analysis. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.