The note of Jiang and colleagues is concerned with the following problem.

3-PARTITION: Given 3m+1 positive integer numbers x1, …, x3m and B such that ∑j=13mx j =mB and B/4< x j < B/2 for j=1, …, 3m, is there a partition of the set A={1, …, 3m} into m disjoint subsets A l such that for l=1, …, m?

The main result of the authors is Theorem 1 stating that 3-PARTITION is NP-hard in the strong sense even if Bkm, where k⩾2 is a given integer. This result is incorrect. In the proof, Jiang and colleagues use a series of transformations of 3-PARTITION, each time obtaining a new problem by resetting B:=kB and x j :=kx j , j=1, …, 3m. In the first new problem, B and x j are multiples of k; in the second new problem, they are multiples of k2 and so on. Each new problem is a special case of 3-PARTITION. It remains NP-hard in the strong sense until B and x j are multiples of kc, where c is a given positive integer. However, passing from a problem with B and x j being multiples of kc to a problem with B and x j being multiples of km cannot be done by using multiplier k, and their proof fails. This passage needs multiplier km−c, but then the reduction is not pseudopolynomial.

Furthermore, if the logic of the authors is correct, then 𝒫=𝒩𝒫. Indeed, substituting k and m by m and 3m, respectively, does not change the logic of the proof of Theorem 1. Then the statement of this theorem would be ‘3-PARTITION is NP-hard in the strong sense even if Bm3m’. However, 3-PARTITION can be solved in O(m3m) time by full enumeration. This means that the strongly NP-hard problem is solvable in O(B) time, which is pseudopolynomial, and 𝒫=𝒩𝒫.