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The multimodality cell segmentation challenge: toward universal solutions

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Cell segmentation is a critical step for quantitative single-cell analysis in microscopy images. Existing cell segmentation methods are often tailored to specific modalities or require manual interventions to specify hyper-parameters in different experimental settings. Here, we present a multimodality cell segmentation benchmark, comprising more than 1,500 labeled images derived from more than 50 diverse biological experiments. The top participants developed a Transformer-based deep-learning algorithm that not only exceeds existing methods but can also be applied to diverse microscopy images across imaging platforms and tissue types without manual parameter adjustments. This benchmark and the improved algorithm offer promising avenues for more accurate and versatile cell analysis in microscopy imaging.

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Fig. 1: Overview of the challenge task and pipeline.
Fig. 2: Dataset overview.
Fig. 3: Evaluation results of 28 algorithms on the holdout testing set.
Fig. 4: Quantitative and qualitative comparison between the top three algorithms and SOTA generalist cell segmentation algorithms: KIT-GE (top solution in the segmentation benchmark of the CTC), Cellpose, Omnipose and their variants under different training strategies.

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Data availability

The dataset is available on the challenge website at It is also available on Zenodo at (ref. 64). Source data are provided with this paper.

Code availability

The top ten teams have made their code publicly available at They are also available on Zenodo at


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This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (RGPIN-2020-06189 and DGECR-2020-00294) and CIFAR AI Chair programs. This research was enabled, in part, by computing resources provided by the Digital Research Alliance of Canada. We thank P. Byrne, M. Kost-Alimova, S. Singh and A.E. Carpenter for contributing U2OS and adipocyte images. We thank A.J. Radtke and R. Germain for contributing adenoid and tonsil whole-slide fluorescent images. We thank S. Banerjee for providing multiple myeloma plasma cell annotations in stained brightfield images. The platelet DIC images collected by C. Kempster and A. Pollitt were supported by the British Heart Foundation/NC3Rs (NC/S001441/1) grant. A.G. thanks the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India for the SERB-POWER fellowship (grant no. SPF/2021/000209) and the Infosys Centre for AI, IIIT-Delhi for the financial support to run this challenge. M.L., V.G., M.S. and S.J.R. were supported by SNSF grants CRSK-3_190526 and 310030_204938 awarded to S.J.R. E.U. and T.D. received funding from Priority Program 2041 (SPP 2041) ‘Computational Connectomics’ of the German Research Foundation and the Helmholtz Association’s Initiative and Networking Fund through the Helmholtz International BigBrain Analytics and Learning Laboratory under the Helmholtz International Laboratory grant agreement InterLabs-0015. The authors gratefully acknowledge the computing time granted through JARA on the supercomputer JURECA at Forschungszentrum Jülich. We also thank the grand-challenge platform for hosting the competition.

Author information

Authors and Affiliations



J.M. conceived and designed the analysis, collected and cleaned the data, contributed analysis tools, managed challenge registration and evaluation, performed the analysis, wrote the initial manuscript and revised the manuscript; R.X. conceived and designed the analysis, managed challenge registration and evaluation and revised the manuscript. S.A., C.G., A.G., R.G., S.G. and Y.Z. conceived and designed the analysis, cleaned data, contributed labeled images, managed challenge registration and evaluation, performed the analysis and revised the manuscript. G.L., J.K., W.L., H.L., E.U. and T.D. participated in the challenge, developed the top-three algorithms and made the code publicly available. J.G.A., Y.W., L.H. and X.Y. cleaned data, contributed labeled images and managed challenge registration and evaluation. M.L., V.G., M.S., S.J.R., C.K., A.P., L.E., T.M. J.M.M. and J.-N.E., contributed new labeled data in the competition. W.L., Z.L., X.C. and B.B. participated in the challenge, developed algorithms and made the code publicly available. N.F.G., D.V.V., E.W., B.A.C. and O.B. contributed public or unlabeled data to the competition. T.C. managed the challenge registration and evaluation. G.D.B. and B.W. conceived and designed the analysis and wrote and revised the manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Bo Wang.

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Competing interests

S.G. is employed by Nanjing Anke Medical Technology Co. J.M.M. and J.-N.E. are co-owners of Cancilico. D.V.V. is a co-founder and chief scientist of Barrier Biosciences and holds equity in the company. O.B. declares the following competing financial interests: consultancy fees from Novartis, Sanofi and Amgen, outside the submitted work; research grants from Pfizer and Gilead Sciences, outside the submitted work; and stock ownership (Hematoscope) outside the submitted work. All other authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Methods thanks Yi Wang and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Primary Handling Editor: Rita Strack, in collaboration with the Nature Methods team.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Example segmentation results for four microscopy image modalities.

Brightfield (the 1st-2nd rows), fluorescent (the 3rd-4th rows), phase-contrast (the 5th-6th rows), and DIC images (the 7th-8th) rows. Cellpose-pretrain: Cellpose pretrained model (‘cyto2’). Cellpose-scratch: Cellpose model trained from scratch on the challenge dataset. Omnipose-pretrain: Omnipose pretrained model (‘cyto2’). Omnipose-scratch: Omnipose model trained from scratch on the challenge dataset.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Example segmentation results for the post-challenge testing images.

Cellpose-pretrain: Cellpose pretrained model (‘cyto2’). Cellpose-scratch: Cellpose model trained from scratch on the challenge dataset. Cellpose-finetune: Cellpose fine-tuned model on the challenge dataset. Omnipose-pretrain: Omnipose pretrained model (‘cyto2’). Omnipose-scratch: Omnipose model trained from scratch on the challenge dataset. Omnipose-finetune: Omnipose fine-tuned model on the challenge dataset.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Statistics of image size.

a, Distribution of image size across training (labeled (n=1000 independent images) and unlabeled (n=1725 independent images)), tuning (n=101 independent images), and testing sets (n=422 independent images). b, Distribution of image width and height across training (labeled (n=1000 independent images) and unlabeled (n=1725 independent images)), tuning (n=101 independent images), and testing sets (n=422 independent images).

Source data

Supplementary information

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Source Data Fig. 2c

Statistical Source Data. Source Data Fig. 2d Statistical Source Data. Source Data Fig. 2f Statistical Source Data. Source Data Fig. 2g Statistical Source Data. Source Data Fig. 3a Statistical Source Data. Source Data Fig. 3b Statistical Source Data. Source Data Fig. 3c,d Statistical Source Data. Source Data Fig. 3e Statistical Source Data. Source Data Fig. 3f Statistical Source Data. Source Data Fig. 4a Statistical Source Data. Source Data Fig. 4b Statistical Source Data. Source Data Fig. 4c Statistical Source Data. Source Data Fig. 4d Statistical Source Data. Source Data Fig. 4e Statistical Source Data. Source Data Fig. 4g Statistical Source Data. Source Data Extended Data Fig. 3a Statistical Source Data. Source Data Extended Data Fig. 3b Statistical Source Data.

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Ma, J., Xie, R., Ayyadhury, S. et al. The multimodality cell segmentation challenge: toward universal solutions. Nat Methods (2024).

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