1 Introduction

In a world where the demand for seafood continues to rise as seafood protein is a high-quality protein and thus, aquaculture has emerged as a vital player in meeting this ever-growing need [1]. However, the sustainability of this industry is under constant scrutiny, primarily due to its heavy reliance on traditional fish meals and fish oil as aquafeed ingredients [2, 3]. In addition, in the past decade, there have been looming supply and market pricing challenges related to fish meal [4]. Hence, as global fish stocks are dwindling and the ecological footprint of the aquaculture industry is expanding, alternative environmentally friendly sources of fish feed are urgently needed. One such source that has garnered increasing attention is lupin (Lupinus spp), a leguminous plant known for its protein content and potential as a sustainable feed ingredient. Given their comparatively favorable composition and widespread availability, plants of the genus Lupinus appear to be an intriguing substitute for soybeans. Because of its outstanding nutritional content (crude protein–33 to 43 g, crude lipid–6 to 11 g, and ash content–2.9 to 4.6) and palatability, it serves as a potential replacement for fish meal (FM), which was formerly the most widely used protein source for aquaculture [5].

The 2022 FAO report indicates that the capture rates of fish and seafood have stagnated, and the majority of crucial fishing grounds have already realized their full production potential [6]. Consequently, other alternatives for fish meal substitution, such as the biofloc technique [7], feather and bone meal from poultry, and distillery products, such as DDGS (distiller grain soluble) alternatives, do provide alternatives. Still, there are always increasing concerns about their judicious use as a replacement or ingredient in feed [8]. Different plant source alternatives, such as wheat [9,10,11], corn [12], rapeseed [13, 14], barley [15, 16], and micro- or macroalgae meal [17,18,19], provide an array of plant-based ingredients for aquaculture. In addition, beetle meals (black soldier fly, Hermetia ilucens), offer promising and novel alternatives as replacement ingredients. Tenebrio molitor (beetle meal), an insect meal, as a potential substitute for fish meal (FM) was emphasized by [15] but meta-analysis studies revealed that inclusion levels range between 20 and 30% provided maximum growth and decreased growth was observed at inclusion levels greater than 50% [19,20,21]. These findings was further supported by a meta-analysis [20]. This was primarily due to the chitin which has a crystalline nature reduces the ingredient utilization in the aquafeed industry [21]. In addition, deficit quantities of essential fatty acids (n-3 fatty acids) in full-fat insect meals also hampered the growth of European seabass (D. labrax) was reported by [22].

The use of purified ingredients such as casein and gelatin (in combination) is also a promising candidate replacement ingredient, although it needs to be supplemented with indispensable amino acids [23,24,25,26,27]. SBM, popularly known as a soybean meal, is used extensively as an FM replacement. It is favored over its peer ingredients because of its high protein content and nutritionally balanced amino acid profile [28]. However, serious environmental issues have been raised due to its non-eco-friendly methods of cultivation, such as deforestation, and the growth of a single crop without crop rotation leads to a decrease in soil fertility and quality. Additionally, SB is largely utilized for human consumption as opposed to animal husbandry [29]. A World Bank report by [30] demonstrated that there was an increase in the cost of soybeans due to their utility in both human and livestock production. Although plant-based ingredients are attractive in terms of their protein content and favorable amino acid constitution, the presence of natural toxicants [31], viz., antinutritional factors such as protease inhibitors (trypsin, chymotrypsin), fiber, phytate or phytic acid, phytosterols, hemagglutinins, saponin, oligosaccharides, phytoestrogens, tannins, and gossypol [32,33,34], hinders nutrient utilization and hence their application as feed ingredients in aquaculture.

2 A delve into the realm of lupin

Lupin (Lupinus spp.) a member of the Fabaceae family, is a species-rich (more than 300 species) family of legumes that thrives in a myriad of climatic setups, such as those spanning from subarctic to semidesert to subtropical regions, showcasing a varied climatic range and adaptations [28]. Lupins were commonly called lupini and were recognized as a bluebonnet [35] plant that closely resembles soy in terms of its protein composition. Only four of the genera in this genus—white lupin (L. albus, WHL), narrow-leaf lupin (L. angustifolius, NLL), yellow lupin (L. luteus, YEL), and pearl lupin (L. mutabilis)—are grown as ornamental plants [36]. Wide application of lupin were infested primary into food industry attributed to their properties. Food formulation requires ingredients with high emulsion and foam-forming capabilities, and lupin protein isolates provide these qualities. Lupin flour has been differentiated into its fiber for further processing and utilization [37]. Enthusiasm for lupin production is on the rise, driven by its diverse applications in enhancing a wide array of goods, ranging from baker’s confectionaries such as pastries, breads, and chips to dairy replacements. Lupin, recognized for its exceptional protein content, serves not only as a therapeutic substance but also as a valuable green agricultural waste (manure). Additionally, owing to its high alkaloid levels, it acts as a natural producer of insecticides. This expanding interest in lupin production has been substantiated by various studies [38,39,40,41,42] that further contributed to the versatility of lupin, with enriched lupin being incorporated into various items of high dietary value. Notable examples include lupin-enriched pasta [43], tofu [44], muffins [45], tempe [46], biscuits [47], and noodles [48]. The term “lupin” extends beyond its applications to denote a classic Mediterranean culinary component utilized in the production of lupin flour and flakes, often referred to as lupini beans. Integral to a healthy ecosystem, lupin is a multifaceted resource that significantly contributes to both agriculture and nutrition. Thus, lupin is a widely used legume for application.

2.1 An overview of the nutritional profile of Lupin

Lupins are categorized as non-starchy grain legumes and are an excellent source of food ingredients because they contain high levels of indispensable amino acids, vital dietary minerals, protein (approximately 40%), and dietary fiber (approximately 28%). Furthermore, it additionally features lower levels of fat (approximately 6%) [49]. Lupin seeds can serve as a viable source of alimentary polysaccharides, specifically cellulose, contributing to the formulation of dietary meals with high nutritional standards. When animal proteins are not utilized, the high-protein fraction (25–40% [50]) can be a primary food ingredient. Therefore, lupin, which has a high protein content, can act as a primary food ingredient. Lupin, however, has advantages over soybean as a feed ingredient since it has greater dietary fiber levels (pertaining to 28%) than soya bean (about to 19%) [51].

2.2 Lupin in-par with its contemporary aquafeed ingredients

The aquafeed industry relied heavily on fish meal as the major ingredient as they are highly nutritive, and widely accepted by fish hence it was known as a highly palatable aquafeed ingredient [4]. It was easily procurable for the industry until a decline in marine production due to overfishing which subsequently led to excessive exploitation of the resource [52]. Thus, the search for cheap, alternative, and locally available ingredients evolved [53]. This led to the application of a spectrum of feed ingredients as fish meal substituents. In this search, a novel plant-based substitute for fish meal was lupin. Table 1 depicts the proximate composition of different lupin seeds, processed lupin, conventional feed ingredients such as fish meal, soybean meal and novel protein ingredients from insects like black solider fly meal and Tenebrio molitor. When comparing the proximate composition of the various aquafeed ingredients and lupin, fish meal is placed first followed by the black solider and mealworm, following these is lupin, which stands as the third in the list, although the conventional feed ingredient may possess high crude protein, their application in the feed may is a matter of production feasibility. In terms of the crude lipid content, the mealworm is ranked first followed by black soldier fly larvae and lupin. Since ingredients with high crude lipid may pose a challenge during processing and storage of the ingredient, hence lupin which stands as the third best ingredient in terms of crude lipid may be a suitable candidate lipid source of the ingredient. In terms of ash and mineral content, the processed lupin stands first followed by other conventional feed. Thus, it can be proposed the use of lupin is highly economical, has longer storage, and easily available and cultivable ingredient compared to other conventional feed ingredients. The proximate composition of lupin and other conventional feed ingredients are showed in Table 1.

Table 1 Comparison between proximate composition of raw lupin, processed lupin and conventional ingredients

The fatty acid and amino acid profile of lupin versus conventional feed ingredients is depicted in Table 2, lupin ranks high in terms of myristic acid, and linoleic acid. When compared to linolenic acid, mealworm followed by lupin stands second on the list. Lupin, hence is rich in essential fatty acids viz the linolenic and linoleic, a special attention to linoleic acid content. The amino acid profile of conventional ingredients versus lupin is depicted in Table 2. Inferring from the Table 2, alanine amino acid content is high in lupin followed by conventional feed ingredients. When comparing the arginine content in lupin and conventional feed ingredients, lupin has the highest arginine content. In addition, phenylalanine and tyrosine content in lupin was observed to be high when compared to other conventional feed ingredients. Aspartic acid and serine content was observed to be high in lupin when compared to others. With this, it can be inferred that the amino acid profile of lupin is remarkable and can easily be substituted for conventional feed ingredients.

Table 2 Nutritional composition of Lupin verses conventional feed ingredients (in dry matter basis) (Reference: [58])

3 The scenario of the global lupin market

The lupin market is predominantly situated in the Asia–Pacific region, with a strong focus on Australia, and is projected to expand further in North America and Europe. A noteworthy agricultural achievement was recorded in 2017 when 930,717 hectares of cultivable land across the globe yielded approximately 1610,969 tonnes of lupin, as reported by A. Cattaneo in the FAO 2018 reports. According to these findings, the lupin market's valuation reached USD 333.00 million in 2022, and projections suggest a growth to USD 426.33 million by 2030 maintaining a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.69% from 2023 to 2030 [61] as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Predicted Global Lupin Seed production [52]

3.1 Major niches in the market for lupin seeds

A significant element in the market's expansion in the food and beverage sector is the rising demand for lupin. The bean of lupin is also a rich source of fiber, protein, and potent vitamins, which contributes to its popularity for consumers who are concerned about their health. The growing demand for vegan goods and growing knowledge of dairy alternatives to meet dietary needs are major factors propelling the growth of the Lupin market.

The global production trends of lupin [62] (refer Fig. 2) gradually increased throughout the past decades. The maximum production in the year 2021, was around 2.57 billion kg with Australia alone providing 865.62 million kg followed by Poland at 222.139 million kg. From the year 2012–2022, there is an increasing production trend of about 51.47%, displaying growing production to satisfy the demand created. Figure 3 shows the top 10 global producers of lupin [63]. From the above graph, it's apparent that Australia contributes around 58.65% to global lupin production. Ranking second in the list is Poland contributing about 21.70%. Other countries provide a significant contribution to the global production. Lupin industry’s leading players are the prominent companies that were scrutinized and identified as key stakeholders within the industry. These include Blooming Foods, Lupina, Frank Food Products, Soja Austria, Lupins for Life, Coorow Seeds Golden West Foods Pty. Ltd., and Barentz International. Terrena, and Ugaoo.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Global production trend of lupin

Fig. 3
figure 3

Top 10 producers of lupin

3.2 Market segmentation

Market segmentation is the division of the market of a product in terms of consumer preferences. The global lupin market is driven by the application, production type, and regional requirements of lupin seeds. These factors generate “demand” for the product and act as accelerators for the global cultivation and production of lupin. In Fig. 4, the factors involved in the creation of the “demand” for the lupin seeds are listed below [61].

Fig. 4
figure 4

Market segmentation of Lupin

4 Classification of lupin

Lupins, based on the alkaloid content were classified as sweet and bitter lupin. Sweet lupin contains lower levels of alkaloids. But whereas bitter lupin contains higher levels of alkaloid content [64]. The following section describes in detail the sweet and bitter lupins. Hence, for this reason, sweet lupin is preferentially cultivated. Cultivation of the low-alkaloid Australian sweet lupin in Western Australia yields the majority of the world’s lupin seed, a crucial nitrogen-fixing rotation crop that supports sustainable grain production. Australian lupin seeds, which are traditionally utilized for livestock feed, are now gaining attention for their potential in human food applications, with recent research exploring the utilization of lupin seed fractions, including flour protein concentrates/isolates and dietary fiber [65]. In addition, Barlock lupin, gunyidi lupin, jenabillup lupin, leeman lupin, luxor lupin, and made up lupin are also trade names for lupin [66]. Pulse Australia’s guidelines for receiving and exporting albus lupins state that the allowable limit for bitter contaminants is set at 2 seeds/200 g. Given the typical size of albus seeds at 0.35 g each, this translates to a bitter seed frequency threshold of 1 in 285 seeds, or 0.35%.

4.1 Sweet lupin

Lupin types that generate very little or no alkaloids, fats, or ANF are referred to as sweet lupin. As a consequence, they possess greater quantities of protein than legumes such as soybeans. The commonly referred sweet lupins include Lupinus angustifolius, Lupinus albus, and Lupinus luteus. The gene responsible for the sweet taste of lupin is the “pauper” gene [62]. Moreover, to prevent the production of bitter varieties, crossing-over techniques are well utilized (by outcrossing between two sweet varieties), and the production of distinct sweetness genes is crucial for preserving this consistency. Blue lupin, also known as Lupinus angustifolius and characterized by its narrow leaves, is widely cultivated in Australia, Germany, and Poland, maintaining a high level of popularity in these regions.

4.1.1 Use of sweet lupin

Livestock feed: Lupin is utilized for its specialized nutritional profile in animal feeds. Livestock such as cattle, sheep, poultry, and aquaculture. Blue, white, and yellow lupins, three Mediterranean lupin varieties, are commonly farmed for use as animal and bird feed [28].

Food industry: Sweet lupin is used as a value-added food ingredient in the food industry. They are added to different cuisines, such as tofu, vegan natured sausages, flour and flakes. Wheat is partially replaced with lupin flour in the food processing industry to add flavor and a rich, creamy texture to the flour.

4.2 Bitter lupin

The bitter lupin is commonly referred to as the “lupini bean”, which accounts for the high amounts of bitter-tasting alkaloids that are present in both the vegetative material and the seeds of wild varieties of the broadleaf lupin Lupinus albus and pearl lupin (Lupinus mutabilis), which are cultivated in South America. It is customary that these large and bitter seeds are cultivated in nations such as Italy and in immigrant communities to employ them in this market sector, as people here prefer bitterness. Consequently, Australia has developed a tiny amount of lupini beans. The “lupine” regions typically have more rainfall and colder climates, including Tasmania, northeastern Victoria (near Benalla and Myrtleford), and the extreme lower southeastern region of South Australia, where large seed sizes and high yields are easily attainable. When the relatively infrequent presence of bitter seeds contaminates the sweet lupin harvest, there is a risk that the total alkaloid content in the bulk crop may exceed the Food Standard limit of 200 mg/kg for lupin alkaloids. Bitter seeds possess an alkaloid content ranging from 1.5% to 2.2%, equivalent to 15,000 to 22,000 mg per kilogram, which is ten thousand times greater than that found in sweet seeds.

4.2.1 Permeation of bitterness in lupin

It is well known that sweet or bitter varieties are influenced by genetics. Honeybees act as pollen carriers between sweet and bitter varieties; if they are cultivated in close proximity, this will pave the way for breeding between (outcross-breeding) varieties. This leads to the introduction of the genes responsible for bitterness in the sweet variety. It is also known that the bitter variety produces healthier and larger seeds than does the sweet variety, especially under adverse conditions. To guarantee the purity of future harvests, tests were conducted to verify that the certified seeds were free of bitterness. These certified seeds were subjected to a rigorous assessment spanning multiple generations using an ultraviolet (UV) lamp to confirm the absence of any bitter impurities. Certification is achieved after ensuring compliance with acceptable limits, and this certification is completed before the seeds are distributed.

5 Nutritional composition

The most frequently consumed component of the lupin plant is its seed, which is renowned for its substantial protein and dietary fiber content and minimal levels of antinutritional elements, such as phytates, protease inhibitors, and lectins. This lupin seed, a highly advantageous constituent for both human and animal consumption, can be rendered even more beneficial through the removal of alkaloids by debittering or the development of sweeteners through selective breeding, as emphasized by [67]. Reports indicate that the grain legume Lupinus angustifolius, commonly known as "sweet lupin," is predominantly cultivated in Western Australia and is characterized by its trace alkaloid content and low levels of fat and antinutritional components, as documented by [68].

5.1 Protein

Lupin is utilized for its protein content (30–40%). White lupin, which is also called “sweet lupin”, has various protein classifications. The major classes are the albumin family and globulin family. They are present at a ratio of 1:9 [69]. Pioneering research performed on the [70] separation of two fractions via electrophoresis of cellulose acetate on their constituent fractions. According to their mobility in the electrophoresis, they were termed the alpha (α), beta (β) and gamma (γ) bands. Table 3 shows the different protein fractions, functionalities, structures, and monomer information. The protein from lupin bean, which belongs to the legume family, is a source of amino acids that contain sulfur, specifically Met (methionine) and Cys (cysteine). Additionally, it shows comparatively lower levels of valine (Val) and tryptophan (T) while being rich in lysine. Lupine protein is characterized by elevated levels of glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and arginine [71].

Table 3 Different types of lupin protein, its location, function, quantity present, structure and monomer range [72]

The lupin seed, which can be deduced from the above, is rich in protein and is primarily used in animal nutrition since its protein profile is similar to that of eggs, with a match of 95% [83]. Compared to blue and yellow lupin seeds, lupin white seeds exhibit a greater essential amino acid index (EAAI) and protein efficiency ratio (PER), as determined by the availability of lysine and tyrosine [84]. The biological functions of important protein fractions are discussed below. γ-conglutin, due to its interaction with insulin receptors, aids in reducing glucose levels in the blood, thus acting as a hypoglycemic substance [85]. They also help to lower the serum levels of triglycerides and cholesterol [86].

5.2 Lipids

The seed seeds of lupine contain a significant quantity of oil, despite the plant not being classified as an oilseed. White or sweet lupine has a fat level of 2–3 g per 100 g [87, 88]. Nevertheless, lupine seeds exhibit a conspicuously low-fat composition; therefore, L. albus has emerged as a potentially valuable reservoir of advantageous vegetable fat sources. The oil obtained from unprocessed seeds predominantly comprises unsaturated fatty acids, accompanied by a minimal quantity of saturated fatty acid [89]. Alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3, 18:3) is the major unsaturated fatty acid, followed by oleic (omega-9, 18:1) and linoleic (omega-6.18:2) acids. L. albus in particular has a high linolenic acid content [71, 90,91,92]. Maintaining elevated levels of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and restricting the intake of saturated fatty acids (SFAs) in the diet is believed to contribute to optimal health. Specifically, the ratio of ω-6 to ω-3 fatty acids plays a crucial role in mitigating risk and preventing cardiac and other metabolic diseases. Among lupine seeds, the PUFA to SFA ratio ranges from 1.3 to 2.9:1 [93].

5.3 Carbohydrate

Unlike many other vegetables, lupine seeds contain minimal amounts of starch, making them a unique and nutritionally intriguing source of carbohydrates [94]. The small quantity of starch present can be categorized as resistant starch, which means that it undergoes slow digestion, leading to the steady flow of glucose into the blood [90]. Consequently, the predominant carbohydrates in fully developed lupine seeds are oligosaccharides and non-starchy polysaccharides, primarily originating from the cellular composition of the seed walls. Sucrose and indigestible galactosidase from the raffinose family are among the oligosaccharides present within cotyledons. The sugars found in polysaccharides constitute a significant portion of the cytosol-enclosing cell wall. Because of their polysaccharide content, lupins are excellent sources of dietary fiber. Compared with many other plants, white lupine possesses the greatest proportion of dietary fiber (40%) within its kernel. It additionally possesses a minimal GI (glycemic index) compared to any grain that is consistently consumed [95, 96]. Following the debittering procedure, 89% of the dietary fiber in L. albus is insoluble fiber. Cellulose accounts for the bulk of insoluble dietary fiber (79%). Hemicellulose and lignin constitute 14% and 7%, respectively, of the total [97, 98].

5.3.1 Lupin kernel

The Lupin kernel is a part of the lupin seed which is removed during the dehulling process. After dehulling, the seed is sent for further processing and this kernel ends up as a by-product of the dehulling of lupin seeds. Lupin kernel fiber (LKF) is a product that has a neutral gustatory flavor, a velvety feel, and potent oil- and water-binding capabilities. As a key byproduct of protein isolates produced from lupin, it is often dried to produce pure fiber food elements, which has favorable impacts on medical investigations on indices for metabolic ailments such as cardiovascular disease, overweight (obesity), and diabetes 2. It is considered a “prebiotic (probiotic substrate) fiber component” because it enhances the chemical setting in the colon and the balance of gastrointestinal microorganisms [65].

They are composed of fibers that are soluble and insoluble in nature. The soluble portion and a greater variety of polysaccharide classes, such as cellulose, non-starch non-cellulosic glucans, and pectin compounds, are present in greater amounts in the lupin kernel fiber, while lignin is absent [99]. The description of lupin kernel cell wall fiber reveals a composition comprising galactans with 1,4-linkages forming long chains and extensively branched arabinans connected through 1,5-linkages, with these arabinans being linked to the rhamnose units found within the central rhamnogalacturonan backbone [100]. The primary constituents of dietary fiber within the kernels consist predominantly of Raffinose family oligosaccharides, namely, verbascose, stachyose, and raffinose, in addition to non-starch polysaccharides. In mesophyll cells, this fiber assumes a thicker wall structure. Its composition comprises specific monosaccharides, including xylose (2.6%), glucose (7.6%), arabinose (11.5%), uronic acids (8.1%), and galactose (67.6%) [101, 102].

In an investigation [97], aimed at determining carbohydrate levels in the raffinose family during the developmental stages of different legumes. In this study, he showed that the quantity of the α-galactoside family, which is composed of the raffinose family, increased with maturation, and there was a negative correlation between maturation (days after flowering, DAF) and the presence of substances such as glucose, sucrose, fructose, galactose and myo-inositol. In lupin, the onset of this phenomenon occurred 45 DAF, and the maximum content of raffinose family carbohydrates was notably 10.4% in lupin compared to that in other legumes, such as peas and faba beans, whose contents were 3.8% and 4.5%, respectively. Soluble fibers, in contrast to insoluble fibers, are thought to have more advantageous metabolic effects. Their viscosity, for instance, can assist in controlling the level of glucose in the blood by overseeing the breakdown and uptake of nutrients [103]. Conversely, their capacity to ferment can (a) promote the maintenance of a balanced gut microbiota; and (b) produce an array of metabolically beneficial fermentation byproducts, such as short-chain fatty acids, which not only contribute to the regulation of cholesterol but also act as a conducive substrate for the cultivation of optimal and healthy colon cells [104, 105]. In contrast, the lupin hull (seed coat) is composed of low quantities of protein, lipids, micronutrients and phytochemicals. These fibers are primarily composed of nonstarch polysaccharides, which constitute approximately 96.5%, are primarily composed of cellulose and minor quantities of lignin, and are classified as insoluble fibers [106]. Soluble fibers constitute approximately 3.5% of the total fiber content. Thus, lupin showcases a promising alternative for conventional feed ingredients.

5.4 Antinutritional factors associated with Lupin

Substances that are identified as antinutritional agents are compounds present in food or feed that impede the optimal utilization of nutrients, affecting processes such as intake, digestion, and absorption. [107]. Compounds that are heat labile and heat stable are the two principal kinds of antinutritional factors. During heat processing, antinutritional substances such as proteinase inhibitors, lectins, and saponins are deactivated or removed [108]. The group of substances that are resistant to heat includes phytic acid, polyphenols (tannin, the most typical carbohydrate), oligosaccharides of the raffinose family and quinolizidine family alkaloids. In contrast, lupine species that possess substantially fewer lectins and trypsin inhibitors than other legumes, including kidney bean, cowpea and soybean [109]. The principal antinutritional components of sweet lupine are related to polyphenols, phytic acid, and Raffinose Family Oligosaccharides (RFOs); hence, the goal of plant biologists is to develop a sweet lupin that is free of alkaloids and can be eaten instantly by animals or humans after soaking in flowing water and then quickly transformed into food that is rich in protein [84]. The antinutritional constituents phytic acid, oligosaccharides, lectins, alkaloids, and saponins are frequently detected in very low or barely detectable amounts in white lupine seeds as shown in Fig. 5. Table 4 shows the composition of different ANFs present in the lupin, their location, their effects due to consuming ANFs, permissible limits, the processing technique applied for deactivating the ANFs and their applications. The limitation in the application of quinolizidine in various fields and its consumption by humans is its antinutritional properties, i.e., alkaloids coming under the quinolizidine group [110,111,112]. The elimination of these chemicals can be accomplished either by adopting genotypes with low concentrations of these substances or by using various processes, such as selection extraction, heating, soaking, fermentation, or germination [97, 113,114,115].

Fig. 5
figure 5

Major Anti nutritional factors present in Lupin. (Drawn using PubChem)

Table 4 Anti-nutritional factors associated with lupin and the permissible level of these anti-nutrients in Animals

6 Methods of protein extraction from lupin and their effects on bioavailability

The physicochemical and structural properties of proteins, as well as their ability to alter their domain structures in response to environmental changes, are strongly associated with their lucrative properties, which are essential to the manufacturing of food [127, 128]. Environment-related variables can be categorized into two distinct categories: those that interact with food components such as ions, water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and flavorings and those that are specific to the surrounding environment and include parameters such as temperature, pH, and ionic strength [129]. Throughout the steps of extraction, which follow application, and processing, several factors can directly impact these properties. The proper application of isolation methods and the maintenance of adequate storage conditions are essential for the preservation and improvement of these functional qualities. Due to the presence of quinolizidine alkaloid (QA), some lupin cultivars are poisonous. Considering that these compounds are secondary metabolites, their concentration varies depending on the species being cultivated, the cultivar, the days in culture, and the culture location [130].

6.1 Extraction process

The three primary processes, (1) utilizing water for extraction; (2) natural breakdown through biological processes; and (3) utilizing chemicals for extraction, are comprised of recognized debittering procedures. Based on the above, commercially formed techniques for concentration of the protein isolate are given by [131], The following three techniques can be employed for separating substances: (i) micellization, which is accomplished by salt-induced extraction and consequent dilutive precipitation; (ii) use of acid for extraction process; and (iii) initial alkaline extraction procedure, which is followed by either isoelectric coagulation or ultrafiltration. Diverse extraction processes and the corresponding protein isolate yields were documented by [131, 132]. As an alternative method for isolating lupin protein for use in dairy-related industries, [133] used the enzymatic hydrolysis of carbohydrates to isolate lupin protein.

Novel techniques are being developed since the application of thermal treatments poses challenges for preserving the nutritional value, quality, and functional attributes of food nutrients. In light of this, the use of novel ultrasound (US), i.e., low-power ultrasonication in the high-frequency range (100 kHz to 1 MHz) operating at less than 1 W per square centimeter (W cm−2) for the assessment of the physicochemical characteristics of food and high-power ultrasound in the frequency spectrum of 20 to 100 kilo-Hertz, was applied to change the properties of the food [134]. Table 5 shows the extraction processes for [130, 135]. Thus, the extracted protein isolates can be used as an aquafeed feed supplement [5]

Table 5 Different protein extraction from Lupin and their conditions

7 In vitro fermentation of lupin seeds

According to a study on fermentation, the reduction of macromolecular proteins and ANFs to free amino acids, low-molecular-weight proteins, or peptides is primarily linked to increased nutrient quality and accessibility (bioavailability) [136]. In the context of the above, another experiment was performed in vitro fermentation of Broad beans (Vicia faba) vs. lupin seeds (Lupinus albus). According to their research, broad beans had a slightly reduced quantity of short-chain fatty acids (T-SCFAs) at 78.41 mM, but lupin seeds had a greater quantity at 81.52 mM. These findings suggest a more dynamic and improved regulation of the metabolomic functional output and gut microbiota [137]. In an experimental study using solid-state fermentation of lupin vs wheat and quinoa using Lactobacillus reuteri K777 and Lb. plantarum K779 strains for 72 h to enhance the health-related properties of lupin flour [138]. In continuation of the above study, another experimental design was made to study the cytotoxicity of flours of lupin, wheat and quinoa. The abovementioned study reports that fermented lupin flour has five times more cytotoxic activity than wheat and quinoa fermented flour against Caco-2, which is a short form of colon cancer cells [139]. An experiment to observe the effects of fermentation by Candida utilisK. lactis, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the alkaloid content. The results of the study revealed an increase in protein (crude protein) content after fermentation and a decrease in NSP (primarily contributed by the oligosaccharide family of raffinose), phytate and alkaloid content (ANFs). Superior results were obtained when Candida utilis was used [140]. To study the effect of solid-state fermentation of lupin flour and use of filamentous fungi, such as Aspergillus sojae and Aspergillus ficuum was performed [141]. The changes in the physical, chemical and functional properties of lupin-based flour were observed. They help decrease the phytic acid content and enzyme protein digestion under in vitro conditions, thus facilitating easy digestion of the bolus.

8 Lupin seed digestibility

The lupin seed digestibility in fish is generally high [142]. Table 6 depicts few works on lupin seed digestibility in fish. From this, it can be inferred that the increased nutrient digestibility especially of protein and energy was high in rainbow trout when fed with lupin seed [142,143,144]. In addition, this was supported in porcine as well.

Table 6 Lupin seed digestibility in fish

9 Impact of lupin on the fish health and growth

9.1 Growth performance and feed utilization

Lupin’s introduction to the aquafeeds paved the way for potentially feasible and an available ingredient. The impact of lupin on the growth and health of fish was studied intensively. A comprehensively reviewed study by Szczepanski and colleagues [5] detailed the lupin’s potential as an alternate fish feed ingredient. The study tabulated the lupin as a feed aquafeed ingredient for various fishes. In fishes like salmon and trout, it was found that lupin protein digestibility (85.2%) was higher when compared to that of the full-fat soybean meal (79.5%) [145, 146]. However, as a plant source of ingredients, they lack the methionine and lysine essential amino acids, thus reduced growth was observed in higher inclusion (40%) [147, 148]. In addition, the presence of non-starch polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, and anti-nutritional factors as discussed in Sect. 5.4 and Tables 4 and 6, contribute to the decrease in growth in salmonids. Hence, an inclusion of 25% lupin replacement with fish meal was found to improve the growth and feed acceptability [149] of rainbow trout. Similarly, in Atlantic salmons, a partial replacement of lupin by 20 to 40% inclusion was deduced [150].

In fishes like carps (Cyprinids), for common carp, it was found to be 12.5% partial replacement of soybean meal with lupin seed meal was found to provide better weight gain and feed efficiency ratio [151, 152]. Similarly in black carp, a partial replacement of soybean meal with lupin seed meal by 30% improved weight gain and feed efficiency ratio [153]. In blackhead seabream (Acanthopagrus schlegelii), a partial replacement of soybean meal with lupin seed meal with 30% favored growth [154]. In seabass, a dietary lupin seed meal inclusion at 40–50% with proper seed processing techniques improves the growth [155, 156]. In tilapia, dietary lupin seed can be up to 50% can be incorporated to produce high growth [157]. Turbot (Psetta maxima), an inclusion of 50% dietary lupin was found to improve growth [136]. In cobia (Rachycentron canadum), a dietary lupin inclusion of 10.5% provided growth as that of a fish meal [137]. In shellfishes like Penaeus monodon (black tiger shrimp), lupin seed meal can replace up to 40–50% of soybean meal [138]. For the Litopenaeus vannamei (white leg shrimp), 100 g per kg (10%) inclusion provided better growth when compared to 20or 30% inclusion [139].

9.2 Immune response

Maintaining the health of the fish in a culture environment is considered to be one of the central goals besides growth in aquaculture. Fish health could be compromised due to the presence of stressors in the culture environment. To alleviate these, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, ant-bacterial, etc. are provided. Antioxidants play an important role in maintaining the levels of reactive species such as the reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen species [140]. Anti-bacterial compounds help fishes against invading pathogens. An investigation on the antioxidant properties of lupin seeds [158] was conducted. Tests for estimating antioxidant properties, such as Oxidograph and Rancimat, revealed the presence of alpha, beta and gamma varieties of tocopherol compounds in the lupin seeds, and long-term storage and high irradiation treatments decreased the tocopherol content of the lupin seeds. Radiation treatment was performed to estimate the chemical composition of the constituents, such as tannins, fatty acids (FAs), proteins and fats. The antioxidants found in lupin function as potent ACE inhibitors and impede lipid oxidation and atherosclerosis, according to studies by [141, 158,159,160]. The antioxidant effects of three lupin species, Lupinus albus (white), Lupinus angustifolius (narrow leaf), and Lupinus luteus (yellow), were described in detail by [38]. Polyphenolic compounds primarily occur in the peripheral parts or the external regions of the seed [40]. Table 7 shows the composition of the antioxidant compounds and their biological activities. The antibacterial properties of lupin have been investigated by [40]. The test of the seeds revealed the antibacterial effects of Lupin seeds due to the presence of polyphenols, which are independent of nature (free polyphenols) and alkaloids. Hence, the relatively high total phenolic content corresponds to the antibacterial activity of the lupin.

Table 7 The composition of antioxidant compounds and their biological activity associated with Lupin [38]

10 Challenges and prospects of lupin

Though lupin promises to be a potential alternative to conventional feed ingredients, the presence of antinutritional factors may impact negatively fish growth and nutrient digestibility. Hence, suitable processing methods need to be employed to decrease the anti-nutritional factors. Occupational exposure to lupin allergens can result from the manufacturing, transportation, processing, or handling of lupin products, including finished goods. Compared with consumers, employees in industries utilizing lupins may encounter a broader spectrum and increased levels of exposure. In agricultural and food research, potential contact through ingestion and skin exposure may occur during tasks such as grinding, processing, and baking of lupin products. Such interactions are also feasible in diverse occupational settings, as emphasized by [53]. Individuals susceptible to exposure may develop occupational sensitization and allergies that manifest as conditions such as asthma, as indicated by research findings [161]. Additionally, severe reactions, including anaphylaxis, have been documented in the literature [162,163,164]. To systematically monitor and analyze issues related to occupational lung conditions linked to lupin exposure, various databases, such as Surveillance of Work‐related and Occupational Respiratory Disease (SWORDS), Surveillance of Shiyang, Surveillance of Australian Workplace-Based Respiratory Events (SABRE), the Swedish Register of Reported Occupational Disease (SRROD), and Asmapro, actively collect data from these registries [165, 166].

Lupin has the potential to become a high-value protein source in various sectors, including food, pharmaceuticals, and feed production. Incorporating lupin as a feed ingredient offers a strategic avenue to broaden the spectrum of available protein sources, reducing the reliance on conventional aquafeed ingredients with reduced entanglements of environmental issues. Limitations in the application of lupin may be due to its anti-nutritional factors, processing, and bioavailability. Nonetheless, overcoming the above challenges can be done with proper processing of lupin, and practicing safety measures help in alleviate the problem. Hence, the future implications of unlocking the potential of lupin as a sustainable aquafeed ingredient are promising.

11 Conclusion

Lupin, an environmentally friendly feed ingredient for fish plays a significant role in addressing critical challenges in aquaculture. Lupin offers a wealth of nutritional benefits, including high protein content and favorable amino acid profiles, making it an attractive candidate for enhancing the growth and health of farmed fish. Moreover, its ecological advantages, such as nitrogen fixation and reduced greenhouse gas emissions, demonstrate its potential to support the sustainability of aquaculture systems. This review emphasizes the need for continued research and development to unlock Lupin's full potential in aquaculture and strive for a more sustainable and healthier future. Overall, lupin has proven to be a promising solution in the pursuit of a more sustainable and nourished world.