1 Introduction

Psychometric evaluations of psychological tests focus on reliability and validity. Reliability can be conceptualized in multiple ways, for example, as an assessment of the internal consistency of a test measured by Cronbach’s alpha, inter-rater reliability, and test-retest reliability. All conceptualizations attempt to measure the extent to which a test is free from error. Validity also has many facets, one being predictive validity, which is conceptualized as the degree to which a test predicts a criterion of interest. Reliability and predictive validity are connected, that is, less reliable tests predict worse (Spearman 1904). In classical test theory (CTT), the observed test scores, X, are assumed to be comprised of true scores (T) and random measurement error (E) (Lord and Novick 1968), that is, \(X = T + E\). The error is assumed to be independent of the true score. The reliability of the test score (\(\rho\)) is then defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \rho = \frac{\sigma ^2_T}{\sigma ^2_X} = \frac{\sigma ^2_T}{\sigma ^2_T + \sigma ^2_E} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\sigma ^2_T\) denotes the variance of the true scores, \(\sigma ^2_X\) that of the observed scores, and \(\sigma ^2_E\) the variance of the error. In practice \(\rho\) needs to be estimated, for example with Cronbach’s alpha, the greatest lower bound, or the test-retest correlation (Evers et al. 2010b). We denote the estimated reliability of test X by \(r_{XX}\). The usual way to assess predictive validity is by the (squared) correlation coefficient between the test score and the criterion. The observed correlation is influenced by the reliability of both the test score as well as the criterion score. Spearman (1904) defined the correction for attenuation as a way to assess the true predictive validity, correcting for the measurement error in both the test and criterion score, that is,

$$\begin{aligned} r_{XY} = \frac{r^*_{XY}}{\sqrt{r_{XX}r_{YY}}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(r_{XY}\) is the estimated true predictive validity, \(r^*_{XY}\) is the observed correlation (i.e., observed predictive validity) and \(r_{XX}\) and \(r_{YY}\) denote the estimated reliabilities of X and Y, respectively. When the criterion is free from error (i.e., \(r_{YY} = 1\)), the predictive validity decreases at the rate of the reliability index (\(\sqrt{r_{XX}}\)) of the test (Lord and Novick 1968).

The situation becomes more complicated when a new test is developed and the goal is to assess the predictive validity of this new test over and above the usual test. We will use the terminology baseline test for the existing test and target test for the test of interest. We would like to assess the incremental predictive validity (IV, Sechrest 1963; Schmidt and Hunter 1998; Westfall and Yarkoni 2016) of the target test. A typical example is the evaluation of a student entrance test to higher education. Niessen et al. (2016) studied the incremental predictive validity of a selection test for the bachelor program in psychology. The main question is whether this test has incremental predictive validity over and above the high-school grade point average. The criterion is the academic achievement of a student, operationalized as the grade point average in the first year of the bachelor program. Both the test score as well as the grade point average are not 100% reliable.

For the assessment of incremental predictive validity, researchers typically use hierarchical multiple regression (Hunsley and Meyer 2003), which starts by fitting two regression models:

$$\begin{aligned} \text {Model 1}&: Y = b_0 + b_1 X_1 + \epsilon , \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \text {Model 2}&: Y = b_0 + b_1 X_1 + b_2 X_2 + \epsilon , \end{aligned}$$

where \(X_1\) refers to the baseline test (i.e, high-school GPA in the example above), and \(X_2\) refers to the test to be validated, the target test. For both models, an assessment of goodness of fit, such as the explained variance or mean squared error can be calculated. Incremental predictive validity is achieved if Model 2 significantly increases the model fit compared to Model 1. When \(X_1\) and \(X_2\) are uncorrelated, the incremental predictive validity can be shown to decrease with respect to its reliability. However, if the tests are correlated and contain measurement error, the direction, and size of the attenuation in the regression parameters, and therefore the goodness of fit, becomes unclear (Carroll et al. 2006). More advanced models are needed to correct for the attenuation, such as the SIMEX procedure (details below; Cook and Stefanski 1994).

Recently, several papers (Breiman 2001; Shmueli 2010; Yarkoni and Westfall 2017) distinguished between explanatory and predictive modeling and motivated a greater emphasis on predictive modeling. Yarkoni and Westfall (2017) argued that predictive modeling might help psychological research in dealing with the replicability crisis, because non-replicable findings are the result of overfitting. A key ingredient of predictive modeling is the evaluation of statistical models in a new sample of observations, so-called out-of-sample evaluation. More specifically, the parameters of the statistical model, such as those in Eq. (4), are estimated in one sample of observations. Then fixing those parameters gives a prediction rule, for example when \({\hat{b}}_0 = 0.3\), \({\hat{b}}_1 = 0.1\), and \({\hat{b}}_2 = 0.5\), the prediction rule becomes

$$\begin{aligned} {\hat{Y}} = 0.3 + 0.1 X_1 + 0.5 X_2. \end{aligned}$$

Determining this prediction rule is equivalent to finding an explicit equation to combine the predictors. Meehl (1954) argued that finding a prediction rule can best be done by applying statistical techniques (see also Grove et al. 2000). Observed values of \(X_1\) and \(X_2\) from a different sample can be inserted in this rule to obtain predicted criterion scores. The predicted criterion scores can be compared to the observed criterion score using a (squared) correlation or the mean squared error. Out-of-sample evaluation protects against overfitting.

Within the context of a psychometric analysis of the reliability and validity of a psychological test, this predictive framework seems to be valuable for the evaluation of predictive and incremental predictive validity. It is however, unknown how reliability influences (incremental) predictive validity when we evaluate it out-of-sample and how incremental predictive validity differs between different statistical techniques. This paper fills that gap, by first showing how incremental predictive validity can be assessed out-of-sample, and then investigating what the influence is of reliability of both the baseline test (\(X_1\)) and the target test (\(X_2\)) on the incremental predictive validity. We further assess what happens with the out-of-sample incremental predictive validity when a correction model, such as SIMEX, is applied and we contrast that with penalized regression models targeted at optimizing out-of-sample predictions such as ridge regression (for details see next section; Hoerl and Kennard 1970; Darlington 1978). SIMEX and ridge regression do not use the ordinary least squares (OLS) criterion to estimate the regression weights but another manner, leading to other estimates and thus a different prediction rule, and consequently leading to another assessment of incremental predictive validity. It is worthy of note that the difference between these three methods is on the incremental predictive validity, which is based on the difference in predictive performance between models 1 and 2, which is unknown within the context of predictive modeling. This is because typically when an estimation method is proposed or compared (such as ridge vs OLS), the focus is on comparing the method’s predictive performance of one model and not on the difference between two models.

This paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we describe the theory of out-of-sample assessment of prediction rules and we discuss the three estimation methods for estimating prediction rules. We continue with a section which contains preliminary analytical results. What follows is a section that describes a simulation study investigating the effects of within or out-of-sample assessment of incremental predictive validity in relation to the reliability of the baseline and target test, the sample size, the correlation of the two tests and the overall effect size. Furthermore, we investigate the three estimators of the prediction rules. Afterward, we discuss an empirical application, where the incremental predictive validity is assessed for three student selection tests. We end this paper with a discussion.

2 Out-of-sample assessment of incremental predictive validity

Out-of-sample predictive performance rests on the trade-off between bias and variance. Simply stated, the more complex a statistical model is (i.e., the more parameters it includes), the better it will fit the data (less bias), but the more variable its predictions will be (more variance). On the other hand, a simpler model will fit worse (more bias), but its predictions will be less variable (less variance). In a formal sense, when we fit a statistical model to a sample of data and investigate its predictive performance, the expected prediction error decomposes into (squared) bias and variance of the fitted model (Hastie et al. 2009; Yarkoni and Westfall 2017; Chapman et al. 2016; McNeish 2015). In our context, Model 2 including the new test under investigation has more variance but less bias than Model 1 because Model 2 has more predictors, hence more parameters to estimate.

Trading off bias and variance is ideally done by estimating a statistical model in one sample and evaluating the predictive performance in another independent sample. However, usually we only have a single sample available. An exception is in statistical Monte Carlo simulation studies, where generating independent test or validation sets from the same (or a different) population is easily done. In practical data analysis, where we only have a single sample available, cross-validation is used (Mosier 1951; Stone 1974; Browne 2000; De Rooij and Weeda 2020). In so-called K-fold cross-validation, we partition the data set into K independent parts and iteratively use each part as the validation or test set and the other \(K - 1\) as training or calibration set.

A standard way of assessing incremental predictive validity is by judging the change in explained variance, \(\Delta R^2\). Explained variance has a one-to-one relationship to the squared error when we assess in-sample. Out-of-sample, however, this link is broken and \(R^2\) is not a good measure for predictive performance. De Rooij and Weeda (2020) give the following example. Model 1 might predict \({\hat{Y}} = \{1, 2, 3, 4, 5\}\) , whereas Model 2 might predict \({\hat{Y}} = \{7, 8, 9, 10, 11\}\), when the actual observations in the validation set are \(Y = \{6, 7, 8, 9, 10\}\). It is clear that for both sets of predictions, the correlation with the observed outcome equals 1, although the predictions from Model 2 are much better than those of Model 1 (see Appendix A for a simulated example which shows this result). Furthermore, Van Loon et al. (2020) show that out-of-sample \(R^2\) equals 1 for a statistical model only having an intercept and evaluated with K-fold cross-validation when K equals the sample size, that is, predictive performance would be optimal according to this measure and no psychological test could improve the predictive performance.

A better measure of predictive performance is given by the mean squared error of prediction, that is

$$\begin{aligned} \textrm{MSEP} = \frac{1}{N_\textrm{v}} \sum (Y - {\hat{Y}})^2, \end{aligned}$$

where the sum is over the \(N_\textrm{v}\) observations in the validation set. For the two sets of predictions in the previous paragraph, the MSEP is 25 for the first model and 1 for the second. For incremental predictive validity, we use the change in MSEP

$$\begin{aligned} \Delta \textrm{MSEP} = \textrm{MSEP}_{1} - \textrm{MSEP}_{2} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\textrm{MSEP}_{1}\) is a measure of prediction error with only the baseline test and \(\textrm{MSEP}_{2}\) that of the model including our target test. In contrast to in-sample evaluation, the measure of incremental predictive validity can become negative indicating that predictions become worse when including the new test. Positive \(\Delta \textrm{MSEP}\) indicates incremental predictive validity.

In the training set, we need to estimate the coefficients for Model 1 and 2 (Eqs. 3 and 4). In the training set of size N, we have observed values for Y, \(X_1\) and \(X_2\). The observed values will be denoted by \(y_i\), \(x_{i1}\), and \(x_{i2}\) for \(i = 1, \ldots , N\). The estimated coefficients become part of the prediction rule, therefore, the way of estimation determines the prediction rule, the MSEP, and the \(\Delta \textrm{MSEP}\). Three different estimators will be investigated.

The first method of estimation is ordinary least squares (OLS). For Model 2 (i.e., Eq. 4), the estimates are obtained by minimizing the usual least squares function

$$\begin{aligned} L_\textrm{ols}(b_0, b_1, b_2) = \sum ^{N}_{i = i} (y_i - b_0 - x_{i1}b_1 - x_{i2}b_2)^2. \end{aligned}$$

A similar loss function is used when estimating the regression weights for model 1 (i.e., Eq. 3).

The second method of estimation is ridge regression, where the squared regression weights are penalized (Hoerl and Kennard 1970; Darlington 1978). By penalizing the regression weights, bias is increased but variance is reduced. For Model 2 (i.e., Eq. 4), the estimates are obtained by minimizing

$$\begin{aligned} L_\textrm{ridge}(b_0, b_1, b_2) = \sum ^{N}_{i = i} (y_i - b_0 - x_{i1}b_1 - x_{i2}b_2)^2 + \gamma (b_1^2 + b_2^2), \end{aligned}$$

where \(\gamma\) is a tuning parameter, giving more or less weight to the penalty. The optimal value of \(\gamma\) is often found by cross-validation, that is, a sequence of values is determined and for each value K-fold cross-validation is performed. The value that leads to the lowest prediction error is chosen as the optimal value. There are also other penalized least squares methods, such as lasso (Tibshirani 1996) and elastic-net (Zou and Hastie 2005), but these are more oriented toward variable selection as these penalties tend to shrink regression weights to zero. The ridge penalty often leads to better predictive performance, without selecting variables.

The third method of estimation is SIMEX (Cook and Stefanski 1994). The goal of this method is to obtain estimated coefficients from supposedly error-free predictors. In contrast to the first two methods, the SIMEX method does not use a loss function to be minimized. Instead, the method is composed of the following steps:

  1. 1.

    In the first step, B additional data sets are generated for every value \(\lambda _1, \lambda _2 \in \{0.5, 1, 1.5, 2\}\) with increasing levels of measurement error. Therefore, draw a vector \(E_j \sim N(0, \sigma ^2_{E_j})\) and compute \(Z_j(\lambda _j) = X_j + \lambda _j E_j = T_j + E_j + \lambda E_j\) for both predictors (\(j = 1, 2\)). The variance of these inflated measurement errors of \(Z_j(\lambda _j)\) equals \((1+\lambda _j^2)\sigma ^2_{E_j}\).

  2. 2.

    In the second step, regression weights are estimated using OLS for each generated data set with Y as criterion and \(Z_1(\lambda _1)\) and \(Z_2(\lambda _2)\) as predictor variables. As the \(\lambda\)’s increase, the predictors become less reliable, and the estimates would become increasingly biased. This relationship between the \(\lambda\)’s and the biases of the parameter estimates is the basis for extrapolation.

  3. 3.

    In the third step, for each value of \(\lambda _1\) and \(\lambda _2\), the regression estimates are averaged over the B solutions.

  4. 4.

    A function (e.g., linear, quadratic, or non-linear) is fitted to the averaged estimates against the \(\lambda\)s.

  5. 5.

    Using this estimated function, an extrapolation is performed to the case of no measurement error (\(\lambda _1 = \lambda _2 = -1)\), which is our SIMEX estimate of the regression weights (\(b_0, b_1\), and \(b_2\)).

3 Preliminary analytical results

For simple situations, we can expect an ordering of \(\textrm{MSEP}_j\) between ridge, OLS, and SIMEX by demonstrating the order of the mean squared error (MSE) of the estimated coefficients. This demonstration is shown for Model 1 and Model 2 separately.

Consider Model 1 where the baseline test is the only predictor. Let b denote the true regression parameter that exist in the population and estimator \({\hat{b}}_{(s)} = s{\hat{b}}\), where s is a positive constant and \({\hat{b}}\) is the OLS estimator, which is unbiased. We can write \(\text {MSE}[{\hat{b}}_{(s)}]\) as

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \text {MSE}[{\hat{b}}_{(s)}]&=\text {E}[({\hat{b}}_{(s)}-b)^2]\\&=\text {E}[(s{\hat{b}}-b)^2]\\&=\text {E}[(s{\hat{b}} - sb + sb-b)^2]\\&=\text {E}[(s{\hat{b}} - sb)^2 + 2(s{\hat{b}} - sb)(sb - b) + (sb - b)^2]\\&=\text {E}[(s{\hat{b}} - sb)^2] + \text {E}[2(s{\hat{b}} - sb)(sb - b)] + (sb - b)^2\\&=\text {E}[(s{\hat{b}} - sb)^2] + 2s\text {E}[({\hat{b}} - b)](sb - b) + (sb - b)^2. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Since \({\hat{b}}\) is the OLS estimator, as a result, \(E[({\hat{b}} - b)]=0\). In addition, we can simplify \((sb - b)^2=b^2(s-1)^2\). Thus, \(\text {MSE}[{\hat{b}}_{(s)}]\) can be written as

$$\begin{aligned} \text {MSE}[{\hat{b}}_{(s)}]=s^2\text {E}[({\hat{b}} - b)^2] + b^2(s-1)^2. \end{aligned}$$

Denote \(\text {E}[({\hat{b}} - b)^2]=\text {var}({\hat{b}})\). \(\text {MSE}[{\hat{b}}_{(s)}]\) is minimal when

$$\begin{aligned} s=\frac{b^2}{\text {var}({\hat{b}})+b^2}, \end{aligned}$$

which is a value smaller than 1. Thus, the optimal s is not when \(s=1\), which would make \({\hat{b}}_{(s)}\) equal to \({\hat{b}}\), but somewhere between 0 and 1. With \(0<s<1\), \({\hat{b}}\) is shrunken toward zero, which is analogous to how regression weights are treated in ridge regression. This result has been previously shown by Darlington (1978). In addition, Van Houwelingen and Le Cessie (1990) showed that the same value of s also minimizes the mean squared error of prediction.

Suppose that the baseline test contains measurement error. A sensible remedy would be to correct for \({\hat{b}}\) because it is not an unbiased estimate of b. A correction for \({\hat{b}}\) using SIMEX is equivalent to setting s to the inverse of the reliability of the baseline test (\(s=1/\rho _1\)) (Carroll et al. 2006; Cook and Stefanski 1994). Since the reliability of a baseline test containing error is \(\rho _1 \in (0,1)\), then \(s>1\), which means that \({\hat{b}}_{(s>1)}> {\hat{b}}\). For \(s>1\), \(\text {MSE}[{\hat{b}}_{(s=1)}] <\text {MSE}[{\hat{b}}_{(s>1)}]\). Therefore, we can assume an ordering of \(\text {MSE}[{\hat{b}}_{(0<s<1)}]< \text {MSE}[{\hat{b}}] < \text {MSE}[{\hat{b}}_{(s>1)}]\) (ridge, OLS, SIMEX, respectively).Footnote 1

For Model 2, where both baseline test and target test are predictors, an order for the \(\text {MSE}\) of the three estimators can be shown when the tests are uncorrelated. Let \(\textbf{X}\) be an orthonormal matrix containing scores on a baseline and a target test and \(\textbf{y}\) be a vector containing scores on an outcome variable. Let \(\textbf{b}\) be a vector of the true regression coefficients \(b_1\) and \(b_2\). In matrix notation, the OLS estimator of \(\textbf{b}\) is

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{\textbf{b}} = (\textbf{X}^\top \textbf{X})^{-1} \textbf{X}^\top \textbf{y}. \end{aligned}$$

For an estimator of a parameter, its MSE can be decomposed to its variance and squared bias. Thus, \(\text {MSE}[\hat{\textbf{b}}]\) can be defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \text {MSE}[\hat{\textbf{b}}]= \text {var}(\hat{\textbf{b}}) + (\text {bias}( \hat{\textbf{b}}))^2. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(\hat{\textbf{b}}\) is an unbiased estimator of \(\textbf{b}\), \(\text {MSE}[\hat{\textbf{b}}]\) reduces to its variance. The variance can be defined as \(\text {var}(\hat{\textbf{b}})=\sigma ^2\text {tr}((\textbf{X}^\top \textbf{X})^{-1})\) (Hoerl and Kennard 1970), where \(\sigma ^2\) is the variance of the residuals. Thus, \(\text {MSE}[\hat{\textbf{b}}]\) for orthonormal \(\textbf{X}\) is \(2\sigma ^2\).

The ridge estimator \(\mathbf {{\hat{b}}}_{(\kappa )}\) (Hoerl and Kennard 1970) is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{\textbf{b}}_{(\kappa )} = (\textbf{X}^\top \textbf{X} + \kappa \textbf{I})^{-1} \textbf{X}^\top \textbf{y}. \end{aligned}$$

In the case of orthonormal matrix \(\textbf{X}\), van Wieringen (2021) showed that the ridge estimator reduces to

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \hat{\textbf{b}}_{(\kappa )}&=(\textbf{X}^\top \textbf{X} + \kappa \textbf{I})^{-1} \textbf{X}^\top \textbf{y}\\&=(\textbf{I} + \kappa \textbf{I})^{-1} \textbf{X}^\top \textbf{y}\\&=(1 + \kappa )^{-1} \textbf{I} \textbf{X}^\top \textbf{y}\\&=(1 + \kappa )^{-1} (\textbf{X}^\top \textbf{X})^{-1}\textbf{X}^\top \textbf{y}\\&=(1 + \kappa )^{-1} \hat{\textbf{b}}. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

It is clear that the ridge estimator shrinks the OLS estimator by \((1 + \kappa )^{-1}\). If we take the expectation on both sides, the ridge estimator is shown to be biased.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \text {E}[\hat{\textbf{b}}_{(\kappa )}]=\text {E}[(1 + \kappa )^{-1} \hat{\textbf{b}}]&=(1 + \kappa )^{-1} \text {E}[\hat{\textbf{b}}]\\&=(1 + \kappa )^{-1}\textbf{b}. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

In the case of orthonormal \(\textbf{X}\), the mean squared error of the ridge estimator is

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \text {MSE}[\hat{\textbf{b}}_{(\kappa )}]&=\text {E}[(\hat{\textbf{b}}_{(\kappa )}-\text {E}[\hat{\textbf{b}}_{(\kappa )}])^2] + (\text {E}[\hat{\textbf{b}}_{(\kappa )}]-\textbf{b})^2\\&=\text {E}[((1+\kappa )^{-1}\hat{\textbf{b}}- (1+\kappa )^{-1}\textbf{b})^2] + ((1+\kappa )^{-1}\textbf{b}-\textbf{b})^2 \\&=(1+\kappa )^{-2}\text {E}[(\hat{\textbf{b}}-\textbf{b})^2] + \textbf{b}\textbf{b}^\top ((1+\kappa )^{-1}-1)^2\\&=(1+\kappa )^{-2}\sigma ^2\text {tr}((\textbf{X}^\top \textbf{X})^{-1}) + \textbf{b}\textbf{b}^\top ((1+\kappa )^{-1}-1)^2, \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

and because \(\textbf{X}^\top \textbf{X}=\textbf{I}\), \(\text {MSE}[\hat{\textbf{b}}_{(\kappa )}]\) becomes

$$\begin{aligned} \text {MSE}[\hat{\textbf{b}}_{(\kappa )}]= (1+\kappa )^{-2}2\sigma ^2 + \textbf{b}\textbf{b}^\top ((1+\kappa )^{-1}-1)^2, \end{aligned}$$

which is minimal when

$$\begin{aligned} \kappa =\frac{2\sigma ^2}{\textbf{b}\textbf{b}^\top }. \end{aligned}$$

MSE reaches its minimum not when \(\kappa =0\) (\(\hat{\textbf{b}}_{(\kappa )}=\hat{\textbf{b}}\)) but when \(\kappa >0\) (\(\hat{\textbf{b}}_{(\kappa )}<\hat{\textbf{b}}\)). Therefore, for Model 2, it is clear that \(\text {MSE}[\hat{\textbf{b}}_{(\kappa >0)}]< \text {MSE}[\hat{\textbf{b}}]\). In the case where \(\textbf{X}\) contains measurement error, which means a correction is warranted, the correction done in SIMEX will increase \(\hat{\textbf{b}}\) because \(\textbf{X}\) remains uncorrelated. To increase \(\hat{\textbf{b}}\), \(\kappa\) must be between \(-1\) and 0. When \(-1<\kappa <0\), using (18), it should be clear that \(\text {MSE}[\hat{\textbf{b}}]<\text {MSE}[\hat{\textbf{b}}_{(-1<\kappa <0)}]\). Therefore, we can assume the particular ordering of the MSE when baseline and target tests are not correlated is \(\text {MSE}[\hat{\textbf{b}}_{(\kappa >0)}]<\text {MSE}[\hat{\textbf{b}}]<\text {MSE}[\hat{\textbf{b}}_{(-1<\kappa <0)}]\) (ridge, OLS, and SIMEX respectively). The expected ordering becomes challenging to prove analytically when baseline and target tests are correlated. When tests are correlated, the constant \(\kappa\) will depend on their correlation and the true regression coefficients of each test in the model (Darlington 1968). Moreover, if the tests contain measurement error, the reliability of both tests will also play a role (Carroll et al. 2006).

Above, we showed analytical derivations for Model 1 and Model 2. We showed that the mean squared error will be smaller for the ridge estimator compared to the OLS estimator, and that in turn the mean squared error of the OLS estimator will be smaller than the SIMEX estimator. This is true for both Model 1 and Model 2 (see Eqs. 11 and 19). Incremental predictive validity is, however, defined as the difference between the mean squared errors of prediction of Model 1 and Model 2. That is, we are interested in the change in the mean squared error of prediction between models 1 and 2, when both are estimated by ridge, OLS, or SIMEX. For this difference, no analytical results are available for the different estimators. Therefore, we resort to Monte Carlo Simulations.

4 Simulation study

In the simulation study, we considered two test scores, one for the baseline test and one for the target test. The simulation study was divided into two parts. In Part I, we focused on two questions. the first question is: what is the effect of using within or out-of-sample assessment of incremental predictive validity? The second question is: what are the effects of the reliabilities of the baseline and target test on incremental predictive validity for the within sample and the out-of-sample approach and is this effect different for the two approaches? For both questions, we took sample size into account and the collinearity between the true tests scores, the overall predictability of the criterion (\(R^2\)), and the ratio of the effect of the baseline and target test. In this first part, we only compared results from prediction rules estimated with ordinary least squares.

In Part II, we focused on the assessment of incremental predictive validity from an out-of-sample perspective. Here, we compared out-of-sample incremental predictive validity of prediction rules estimated by OLS, SIMEX, and ridge. We were interested in whether the differences in out-of-sample incremental predictive validity across estimation methods depended on sample size, the collinearity between the true tests scores, the predictability of the criterion (\(R^2\)), and the ratio of the effect of the two tests.

4.1 Data generation and simulation factors

Criterion Y is generated by

$$\begin{aligned} Y = b_1 T_1 + b_2 T_2 + \epsilon , \end{aligned}$$

where true test scores \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) were sampled from a bivariate normal distribution with means \(\mu = \left( {\begin{matrix} 0\\ 0 \end{matrix}} \right)\) and covariances \(\Sigma = \left( {\begin{matrix} 1&{}r_{12} \\ r_{12}&{}1 \end{matrix}} \right)\), and the error term \(\epsilon\) is drawn from a standard normal distribution with a standard deviation of \(\sqrt{1 - R^2}\). We used four conditions of the ratio of the regression coefficients \((b_1:b_2) \in (2:1, 1:1, 1:2, 1:0)\), four conditions of overall effect (\(R^2 \in (0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4)\)) and five degrees of collinearity (\(r_{12} \in (0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9)\)). The first three conditions of \(b_1:b_2\) reflect conditions when there is incremental predictive validity. The last condition of \(b_1:b_2\) represents a situation where there is no incremental predictive validity in the population. Appendix B gives the exact calculations of the regression coefficients given overall effect and degree of collinearity.

In practice, instead of observing the true test scores, we observe scores that contain random measurement error. The observed test scores were generated by adding random normally distributed error to the true scores with mean 0 and variance

$$\begin{aligned} \sigma _{E_j}^2 = \frac{1-\rho _j}{\rho _j}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\rho _j\) is the reliability of test j, defined as in Eq. (1). We vary the reliabilities of both the baseline and target test. Reliabilities 0.6 to 0.9 represent the different cut-off values of standard criteria of acceptability (Evers et al. 2010a). Reliabilities of 0.5 and 1 reflect extreme cases of reliability.

Calibration data were generated with sample sizes of 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000. These conditions reflect typical sample sizes that may be found in validation studies of various psychological tests. Validation data were generated using the same model, but with a sample size of 10,000. A large number of the validation sample provides the true error of the prediction rule (Varma and Simon 2006). Furthermore, having a uniform size for the validation sample enables a fair comparison of the predictive accuracies between prediction rules. Table 1 gives a summary of the design factors for our simulation study. In each of the 14,400 conditions, we generated 500 calibration and validation sets.

Table 1 Summary of simulation design factors

4.2 Outcome measure of incremental predictive validity

For each generated calibration data set, we fitted the two regression models defined in (3) and (4) using all three estimators (OLS, ridge, and SIMEX), resulting in two prediction rules for each estimation method.

In Part I of the simulation studies, we only investigated the estimated prediction rules from OLS. To compare the within-sample assessment of IV with the out-of-sample assessment, we used either the calibration data set (again) as the validation data set or the validation data set. Inserting the values of the test scores in these prediction rules gives predicted criterion scores. For both models, we can compute the MSEP and their difference. When the calibration set is used as validation set, the MSEPs are equal to the usual MSEs and they are prone to overfitting. When the validation data set is used, the assessment should be protected against overfitting.

In Part II, where we only assess IV out-of-sample, we also take the SIMEX and ridge rules into account. Our interest lies in the difference between these three prediction rule estimators on the IV and possible interactions with other design factors.

To evaluate our simulation results, we performed two mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests using SPSS version 27 (IBM corp 2020). The outcome variable in these mixed-ANOVA’s is the \(\Delta \textrm{MSEP}\). To inspect the size of the effects in the mixed-ANOVA, we used the partial \(\eta ^2\). We used the guidelines of Cohen et al. (2013), that is \(\eta ^2 = 0.01\) denotes a small effect, \(\eta ^2 = 0.06\) a medium effect, and \(\eta ^2 = 0.14\) a large effect.

The simulation was done using R version 4.2.1 (R Core Team 2022). To implement the SIMEX method, we used the simex package (Lederer et al. 2017) and for the ridge method, the parcor package (Kraemer et al. 2009) was used. In the SIMEX implementation, we used the default options of the main function to run the algorithm: quadratic extrapolation function, 100 bootstrap samples, and a predetermined set of \(\lambda\) values as previously mentioned. In the ridge method implementation, we used a tenfold cross-validation process to choose the optimal shrinkage parameter (\(\gamma\)) from a predetermined set of values of this parameter provided in the function.

4.3 Simulation results

4.3.1 Part I: effect of within or out-of-sample assessment of IV

To investigate the effect of using a within or out-of-sample assessment of IV and the effect of reliabilities on IV for each approach, a mixed-ANOVA analysis was performed with the assessment approach (i.e., within or out-of-sample) as the within-subjects factor and the data design factors as between-subjects factors. We included all main effects till three-way interactions. Mauchly’s test of sphericity was violated in this analysis. Therefore, all the significance tests are based on the Greenhouse–Geisser correction. The assumptions of normality of the residuals of the ANOVA were assessed by checking the raw skewness values of the residuals in each of the 14,400 conditions. We found that the majority of the skewness were between \(-2\) and 2 which is considered as not severely skewed (Kim 2013; Kline 2015; Hair Jr et al. 2021). Therefore, we proceeded with using the results from this mixed-ANOVA. However, because there were some conditions that fell outside of the range, we also performed robust ANOVAs on the effects that we interpret to ensure that the significance tests were not affected.

In the regular mixed-ANOVA, we found a significant main effect of the approach to analyze IV with a large effect size \(F(17{,}\;199{,}737) = 469{,}590.395\), \(p < 0.001\), \(\eta ^2 = 0.061\). This effect was found to only depend on the size of the calibration sample with a medium to large effect \(F(4{,}\;7{,}199{,}737) = 103{,}035.608\), \(p < 0.001\), \(\eta ^2 = 0.054\). The interaction effect between approach and other design factors (\(\rho _1\), \(\rho _2\), \(b_1:b_2\), \(r_{12}\), and \(R^2\)) had effect sizes below 0.01, and therefore not considered influential. Note that the main effect of IV approach and the interaction effect between IV approach and calibration sample size were also significant in the robust ANOVAs (see Table 5 in Appendix C).

Figure 1 shows aggregated results of IV for the within or out-of-sample approach against \(N_\textrm{cal}\) collapsed over all other factors. As seen in Fig. 1, there is a discrepancy between the within- and out-of-sample assessment, that is, IV is larger when assessed within sample, a sign of overfitting. This difference diminishes as the size of the calibration sample increases.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Incremental predictive validity (\(\Delta \textrm{MSEP}\)) against \(N_\textrm{cal}\) defined using the within-sample assessment (bold line) and the out-of-sample assessment (dotted line)

Effects of reliabilities on IV for both approaches As the difference in IV between approaches only depended on \(N_\textrm{cal}\), we conclude that the effects of the reliabilities (\(\rho _1\) and \(\rho _2\)) were the same for both approaches. Therefore, we further inspected the between-subjects effects of the reliabilities. In general, all design factors (except the size of the calibration sample) were found to have significant and large between-subjects main effects on IV (see Table 2). For an overview of the effects, we listed the between-subjects effects that were medium to large in Table 2. Note that these effects were also found to be significant in the robust ANOVAs (see Table 5 in Appendix C). As can be seen in Table 2, the size of the calibration sample did not appear, which suggests that its between-subjects effects were not influential because their effect sizes were below .01. The factors that were influential were \(b_1:b_2\), \(r_{12}\), \(R^2\), and the reliabilities of the tests (\(\rho _1\) and \(\rho _2\)). In the following, we focus the interpretation on medium to large two-way interaction effects on IV that involve the reliabilities of the tests.

Table 2 Between subjects effects table on IV (averaged over approaches) using prediction rules from OLS

Figure 2 shows several multi-panel line plots in which we display aggregated results of IV for each approach against the reliability of the target test (\(\rho _2\)) and against the reliability of the baseline test (\(\rho _1\)). The panels in each plot represent one other design factor. Notice that for all plots the two lines representing the within and out-of-sample approaches to assess IV are parallel, showing the main effect of the approach to assess IV.

The reliability of the target test is shown to have a positive relationship with its IV, such that the IV increased as the test became more reliable (Fig. 2a, b). It can also be seen that this effect became stronger as the predictability of the criterion (\(R^2\)) increased (see Fig. 2a). In Fig. 2b, the effect of the reliability of the target test (\(\rho _2\)) on IV weakened as the ratio between \(b_1\) and \(b_2\) increased. For the condition where there is no IV (\(b_1:b_2 = 1:0\)), within-sample IV was always positive, whereas out-of-sample IV was negative for very weak reliability (0.5 and 0.6) but could be slightly positive when tests had high reliability (\(\rho _2 > 0.7\)).

The effect of the reliability of the baseline test on the IV of the target test was dependent on the predictability of the criterion (Fig. 2c) and collinearity between the true scores of the tests (Fig. 2d). Figure 2c shows the relationship between IV and the reliability of the baseline test (\(\rho _1\)) aggregated on the predictability of the criterion. We see that as the reliability of the baseline test becomes higher the IV of the target test decreased. In addition, this effect became stronger as the criterion was increasingly predictable. In Fig. 2d, we can see that as the true test scores became highly correlated, the effect of the reliability of the baseline test (\(\rho _1\)) became stronger. With higher reliability, the IV of the target test decreased, more so when collinearity increased.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Incremental predictive validity as function of the reliability. In the upper row, incremental predictive validity against the reliability of the target test (\(\rho _2\)) as a function of (a) the effect size of the full model (\(R^2\)) and (b) the ratio of the two effect sizes( \(b_1:b_2\)). In the lower row, incremental predictive validity against the reliability of the baseline test (\(\rho _1\)) as a function of (c) the effect size the full model (\(R^2\)) and (d) the collinearity between the two tests (\(r_{12}\)). The two lines represent IV assessed within sample (bold line) and out-of-sample (dotted line)

4.3.2 Part II: effect of estimation methods on out-of-sample assessment of IV

The second goal of the simulation study is to compare the out-of-sample assessment of IV for the different estimators of the prediction rule. Before we discuss this comparison, we show how the estimates in the prediction rules differ between the three methods.

Figure 3 shows aggregated results of the coefficients of Model 2 across 500 repetitions for the condition when the true regression coefficients were equal, the size of calibration sample was moderate (\(N_\textrm{cal} = 200\)), the effect of the full model was medium (\(R^2 = 0.2\)), and with low collinearity in the true test scores (\(r_{12} = 0.1\)). Figure 3a shows the effect of the reliability of the target test (\(\rho _2\)) on the estimates when the baseline test is fully reliable (\(\rho _1 = 1\)), whereas Fig. 3b shows the effect of the reliability of the baseline test (\(\rho _1\)) when the target test if fully reliable (\(\rho _2 = 1\)).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Mean estimated coefficients of Model 2 (i.e., \({\hat{b}}_0\), \({\hat{b}}_1\), and \({\hat{b}}_2\)) against (a) the reliability of the target test (\(\rho _2\); with \(\rho _1 = 1\)) and (b) the reliability of the baseline test (\(\rho _1\); with \(\rho _2 = 1\)) as a function of three estimation methods (dotted = OLS, dashed = SIMEX, and bold = ridge), for the condition when \(R^2 = 0.2\), \(N_\textrm{cal} = 200\), \(b_1:b_2 = 1:1\), and \(r_{12} = 0.1\). Red lines represent true values of the coefficients in the population

As shown in Fig. 3a, the estimated intercepts were not affected by the reliability of the target test and they were close to the true values. The reliability of the target test influences its corresponding coefficient \({\hat{b}}_2\), such that, as reliability increased, the estimated coefficients approximate the true values. Estimates of the SIMEX method were on average closer to the true values compared to ridge and OLS estimates. Estimates \({\hat{b}}_1\) and \({\hat{b}}_2\) from the ridge method were always smaller than the estimates from OLS (and SIMEX), indicating the shrinkage effect on the coefficients.

In Fig. 3b, it is shown that the reliability of the baseline test only influenced the \(b_1\) estimates. When \(\rho _1 < 0.9\), estimated \({\hat{b}}_1\) from the SIMEX correction were on average smaller than its true value. Estimates of \({\hat{b}}_2\) were on average very close to the true value and were not affected by the reliability of the baseline test. In this figure, we can also see that the ridge estimates of \({\hat{b}}_1\) and \({\hat{b}}_2\) were consistently smaller than the estimates from OLS and SIMEX.

To compare out-of-sample IV between the three methods, a mixed ANOVA analysis was performed to investigate the effect of varying estimation methods on IV. In the analysis, methods (Methods) are the within-subjects factor with out-of-sample IV as the dependent variable. The analysis included main effects of all the factors until three-way interactions between Methods and two data design factors. Mauchly’s test of sphericity was violated in this analysis, therefore the significance of the effects was tested based on the Greenhouse–Geisser correction. The assumption of the normality of the residuals of the ANOVA was assessed by checking the skewness of the residuals for each outcome in each of the 14,400 conditions. We found that most of the conditions were within the range \(-2\) and 2, which is considered not severely skewed (Kim 2013; Kline 2015; Hair Jr et al. 2021). Thus, we proceeded with using the results from this mixed-ANOVA. However, as there were conditions that fell outside of the acceptable range of skewness, we performed several robust ANOVAs to check whether this affected the results of the significance tests.

In the mixed-ANOVA, we found a significant main effect of Methods on IV \(F(1.04{,}\;7{,}489{,}711.875) = 233{,}724.04\), \(p < 0.001\), \(\eta ^2 = 0.031\). Additionally, we found that the effect of Methods moderately depended on the size of the calibration sample \(F(4.161, 7{,}489{,}711.875) = 105{,}253.12\), \(p < 0.001\), \(\eta ^2 = 0.055\). The interaction between Methods and the reliability of the target test was small to medium \(F(5.201, 7{,}489{,}711.875) = 71{,}839.617\), \(p < 0.001\), \(\eta ^2 = 0.048\). In addition, the reliability of the baseline test was found to have a small effect on how the methods effect IV \(F(5.201,7{,}489{,}711.875) = 23{,}987.41\), \(p < 0.001\), \(\eta ^2 = 0.016\). The above effects were also tested using robust ANOVAs (see Table 6 in Appendix C) and were found to be significant.

As seen from the results, most design factors influenced the effect of Methods on IV; however, collinearity between the tests (\(r_{12}\)) and predictability of the criterion (\(R^2\)) had negligible impact, as the effect sizes of their interaction effects with Methods were below 0.01. Next we interpret the interaction effects between Methods and design factors with effect sizes above 0.01.

Figure 4 shows the interaction effects between Methods and \(N_\textrm{cal}\), \(\rho _2\), and \(\rho _1\), averaged over 500 replications and collapsed over the other design factors. We see larger differences in IV between estimation methods when the calibration sample was small (Fig. 4a) small reliability of the target test (Fig. 4b) and high reliability of the baseline test (Fig. 4c). Overall, the results show, although not substantial, ridge slightly enhanced the IV of the target test, and using the SIMEX lowered IV compared to OLS in most cases.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Incremental predictive validity (\(\Delta \textrm{MSEP}\)) against (a) calibration sample size (\(N_\textrm{cal}\)), (b) against reliability of the target test (\(\rho _2\)), and (c)against reliability of the baseline test (\(\rho _1\)) as a function of the Methods (dotted = OLS, dashed = SIMEX, and bold = ridge)

5 Empirical illustration

In this section, we illustrate how to evaluate out-of-sample incremental predictive validity in practice and compare it to the classical approach. We use data from Niessen et al. (2016), who studied the predictive validities of three psychological tests in predicting higher education performance for the psychology bachelor program at a Dutch University. These tests were created to select students.

The first test, called PSYCHOLOGY, is a trial studying test that mimics an exam for a course in the first year of the bachelor’s program. The other two tests were specific skills test for English and Mathematics (further denoted as ENGLISH and MATH). Our analysis focuses on investigating the incremental predictive validity of these tests in predicting academic performance over and above high school grades. Academic performance is quantified as the grade point average at the end of the first year (FYGPA) with scores running from one to ten. This criterion was calculated using the average of all the course grades taken in the first year and was reported to have a reliability of 0.89 in a follow-up study (Niessen et al. 2018).

The baseline test, High School GPA (HSGPA), was computed by the authors by averaging reported course grades from high school (Niessen et al. 2016). In a follow-up study, also including this cohort, HSGPA was reported to have a reliability of 0.73 based on calculated intraclass correlations (Niessen et al. 2018). The trial studying test (PSYCHOLOGY) consisted of 40 items with scores running from 0 to 40. This target test was reported to have a reliability of 0.81 based on Cronbach’s alpha (Niessen et al. 2016). The scores for ENGLSH and MATH run from 0 to 20 and 0 to 30, respectively. The reliability of ENGLISH is 0.70 and of MATH 0.76 (Niessen et al. 2016).

In this reanalysis, we used a sub-sample (\(n = 200\)) of this data set based on one cohort which comprises students that completed the highest Dutch secondary level of education before entering university. We excluded one erroneous observationFootnote 2 from this sub-sample. In our data set, HSGPA is positively correlated with each of the three new tests, correlation with PSYCHOLOGY equals 0.45 (p < 0.001), with ENGLISH 0.30 (p < 0.001), and with MATH 0.36 (p < 0.001).

To assess incremental predictive validity for, say, the PSYCHOLOGY test, two statistical models need to be compared:

$$\begin{aligned} \text {Model 1}&: \textrm{FYGPA} = b_0 + b_1 \textrm{HSGPA} + \epsilon , \\ \text {Model 2}&: \textrm{FYGPA} = b_0 + b_1 \textrm{HSGPA} + b_2 \textrm{PSYCHOLOGY} + \epsilon . \end{aligned}$$

In the classical, within-sample approach, we fit these two models and examine the change in MSE, \(\Delta R^2\), and its F-statistic with corresponding p-value to assess the incremental predictive validity. A residuals check for both models that were estimated using OLS was done and showed no severe violations of assumptions.

In the out-of-sample approach, we only considered prediction rules estimated using OLS and the ridge, as the simulations showed that the SIMEX method works poorly to assess incremental predictive validity. Because we only have a single sample, K-fold cross-validation is needed. To estimate the MSEP of both models, a tenfold cross-validation process was employed for the OLS method and a nested tenfold cross-validation for the ridge method. Nested cross-validation is suggested for methods that require choosing a penalty parameter (Varma and Simon 2006) as in our case for ridge regression. In every cycle of the 10-fold cross-validation, we trained the model on 9 parts and validate on 1. During the training, we need to find the optimal penalty parameter, which needs cross-validation again. So, in the training set, consisting of 9 parts of the data, we used tenfold cross-validation to obtain an optimal penalty parameter. Then the regression model with this optimal penalty parameter was fitted again on 9 parts. Based on the estimated parameters, a prediction rule was created and used for predicting criterion scores in the left out validation part. The final estimate of the prediction error is the average prediction errors of all folds.

Both cross-validation processes were repeated 100 times as recommended by Harrell (2015) and De Rooij and Weeda (2020). For every round of cross-validation, IV was estimated by subtracting the average squared prediction error of Model 2 from Model 1 (as in Eq. 6). The 100 repetitions provided 100 measures of incremental predictive validity for each estimation method. As in De Rooij and Weeda (2020), we use boxplots to visualize incremental predictive validity.

5.1 Results

Let us start with the classical, within-sample approach of assessing incremental predictive validity. For each of the three new tests, we fitted two models. The first model only has HSGPA as predictor, the second has HSGPA and the new test as predictors. Table 3 shows the change in MSE, the change in \(R^2\), the incremental F-test (each with df = (1, 197)), and its associated p-value. The table shows that there is incremental predictive validity for PSYCHOLOGY. For MATH, the p-value is 0.07, showing it is close to significant, whereas for ENGLISH there is no evidence of incremental predictive validity.

Table 3 Assessment of incremental predictive validity for each of the three tests

For the out-of-sample approach, the incremental predictive validity of the three tests was estimated by the ridge method and OLS. The results are shown in Fig. 5. For these three tests, the estimation method does not make a large difference. For the PSYCHOLOGY test, the average incremental predictive validity (rounded to the third decimal) equals \(\Delta \textrm{MSEP} = 0.051\), for ENGLISH \(\Delta \textrm{MSEP} = -0.001\), and for MATH \(\Delta \textrm{MSEP} = 0.004\). The boxplots show that there is some variability around these averages. For PSYCHOLOGY, in every of the 100 repetitions of the repeated cross validation \(\Delta \textrm{MSEP}\) is positive for both estimation methods. For ENGLISH, only 33 (or 35) of the repetitions lead to incremental predictive validity using least squares (ridge), and for MATH in 89 out of the 100 repetitions we found incremental predictive validity. Also from the boxplots we can tell that for both ENGLISH and MATH there is no real incremental predictive validity, where for ENGLISH the box includes zero, for MATH the whiskers include zero.

For PSYCHOLOGY on the other hand, it seems there is incremental predictive validity. However, before jumping to final conclusions we need to see how much better the predictions really become. The root mean squared error of prediction is an easier method to interpret, as it is on the same scale as the original measurements. The average RMSEP for Model 1 equals 0.8358 and for Model 2 0.8048. That means that by including the PSYCHOLOGY test, the individual predictions for the First Year Mean Grade become on average 0.031 better. As grades for courses often use only a single decimal, one might wonder whether this difference is worth the trouble.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Incremental predictive validity (\(\Delta \textrm{MSEP}\)) for (a) PSYCHOLOGY, (b) ENGLISH, and (c) MATH. Each as a function of Estimation methods (least squares and ridge)

6 Discussion

The main interest of incremental predictive validity research is to see whether adding a new test increases the accuracy of predictions of a given criterion. Usually researchers evaluate the incremental predictive value within the sample, that is, they use the same sample to estimate the prediction models and to evaluate the outcome. Such a procedure might be prone to overfitting. Therefore, out-of-sample evaluation of incremental predictive validity might be better.

In this paper, we investigated such an out-of-sample assessment of incremental predictive validity. First, we performed a simulation study to compare the within-sample approach to the out-of-sample approach to assess incremental predictive validity. In this simulation study, we also investigated the relationships between the reliabilities of the baseline and target test on incremental predictive validity for both approaches. Finally, we compared the out-of-sample assessment of incremental predictive validity using three different estimation methods and showed how to implement the out-of-sample approach to assess incremental predictive validity in practice.

Overall, the results of the simulation study showed that there was a difference between using the within- and out-of-sample approach to assess incremental predictive validity. The within-sample assessment overestimated the out-of-sample assessment for small sample sizes. In smaller samples, out-of-sample predictions from models 1 and 2 have more bias (more error) than those from larger samples. Therefore, the IV of the target test is smaller than what it could have been when estimated with a larger sample. With larger samples, the out-of-sample predictions are assumed to be more accurate. Thus, the IV of the target test is estimated to be larger than that of smaller samples.

We also found that the reliabilities of the baseline test and the target test affected the incremental predictive validity of the target test. However, these effects did not differ between the within- and out-of-sample approaches. This is actually good news, because all our knowledge on the relationship between reliability and predictive or incremental predictive validity is based on within sample reasoning. This knowledge is now also applicable for out-of-sample assessment of incremental predictive validity. We suspect that only sampling error played a role in the difference between in- and out-of-sample approaches of IV as the reliabilities of the baseline and the target test were equal in both calibration and validation samples.

The simulation study also showed that out-of-sample incremental predictive validity depends on how we estimate the prediction rule. In most cases, using the SIMEX method for estimating the prediction rules leads to a poor assessment of incremental predictive validity compared to OLS, especially when the test(s) had weak reliabilities. This is partly in line with Carroll et al. (2006) who already suggested using the original rules estimated from the error-prone tests. A plausible reason is that the test scores used for predicting in new samples are error-prone. Therefore, if the estimated regression weights are corrected for measurement error, there is a mismatch between the estimated coefficients with the test scores in the new sample, which can lead to more error in the predictions. In addition, the SIMEX method requires additional parameters to estimate: reliability of the tests and an extrapolation function, which adds more variance that may lead to more prediction error. Note that in the simulation study, reliability of the tests were known and therefore not estimated (in practice they are estimated), but even then SIMEX performed worst for the majority of cases.

Furthermore, the simulation results showed that the ridge method slightly enhanced incremental predictive validity compared to the OLS and SIMEX in small samples. In other words, the results showed that the way the weights of the prediction rule are estimated does matter. This finding is in contrast with the suggestion in Wainer (1976) to standardize predictors and use unit weights, but in line with Sackett et al. (2017) who showed that unit weighting in combination with standardization is not recommended for estimating incremental predictive validity.

In large samples, the assessed incremental predictive validity was the same for ridge and OLS rules. A plausible explanation for this finding may lie in the ratio between sample size (N) and the number of predictors (P). Although using biased estimates in prediction rules has been noted to be beneficial in multiple regression (Darlington 1978), as N/P increases, the penalty parameter \(\gamma\) may approach zero. As a consequence, the rules obtained from the ridge method become equivalent to the rules from OLS (McNeish 2015). This is also a plausible explanation for finding equal estimates of the incremental predictive validity using the OLS and ridge method in the application example.

In the application example, we showed how to assess incremental predictive validity using the out-of-sample approach. Therefore, we tested the incremental predictive validity of three new student selection tests. In a classical approach, one showed incremental predictive validity, for another test (ENGLISH), there was no evidence of incremental predictive validity, and for the third test (MATH), there is small evidence of incremental predictive validity (i.e., a marginally significant effect). In the out-of-sample approach, only the PSYCHOLOGY test showed incremental predictive validity. However, if we were to use this test, the predictions of academic achievement would only be 0.031 points better. Conceptually, by finding the decrease in prediction error alone one could confirm the decision to utilize the test for selection in addition to high-school grades. This does not imply that we should refrain from assessing other factors that might contribute to test utility (Hunsley and Meyer 2003). The decision to include the trial studying test in the selection procedure requires a balancing act across a variety of factors. For example, the institute should rate the improvement of 0.031 points in the prediction of academic achievement against the labor costs of test maintenance, incurred cost of administering the test, and the effort of the applicants or test takers.

In short, we argued that incremental predictive validity should also be assessed from an out-of-sample perspective. Such a perspective protects against overfitting and provides more detail in what we actually gain (0.031 points versus 6% extra explained variance). Especially for smaller samples, the out-of-sample approach seems valuable. Furthermore, we investigated the link between the reliability of the baseline and the target test to incremental predictive validity and found that this link is the same irrespective of the within- or out-of-sample approach to assess incremental predictive validity.