1 Introduction

As one of the most critical tasks of unsupervised learning, clustering divides an entire dataset into several groups based on the similarity of the data, and a measure of the similarity between two patterns is essential to most clustering procedures. It is common to use a distance measure for continuous and categorical feature clustering (Chiu et al. 2001). Several distance metrics, including Euclidean (the most frequently used), correlation, direction cosine, Minkowski (Mailagaha Kumbure and Luukka 2022) and block distance (Miljković 2017; Rawat et al. 2011) metric, can be used. In distance-based neural network (NN) clustering, a cluster center is usually represented by a trained neuron and can be called “center of a class” or an agglomeration of the data point (Litinskii and Romanov 2006), and input data can be clustered according to its nearest neuron. How to improve the clustering quality has always been a hot topic. One weakness of distance-based NN clustering is that the data grouped into the same neuron or cluster do not belong to the same class; additionally, the generated cluster number in a distance-based model is sensitive to the NN’s neuron number. It is well known that one of the most challenging problems in data clustering is determining the number of clusters automatically. From the view of representation learning, if network B can represent the data samples better than network A, we say that B has a “better representation ability” than A. Neurons that can adequately represent specific input patterns are occasionally lacking, and this is a recurring problem in distance neural network clustering; we call it the “lack of representation ability problem.” Based on Thrun (2021), biased clustering occurs due to the difference between given cluster structures and the reproduced structures. For instance, the self-organizing map (SOM), commonly well known as the Kohonen network (Kohonen 1982), is a powerful unsupervised, competitive learning method for the visualization and analysis of high-dimensional data. It is a single-layer network, and the units are distributed along m-dimensional grids (most applications use two-dimensional rectangular grids). As a hard clustering algorithm (Jain et al. 1999), it allocates each input data point to a single neuron. SOM can preserve the topological structure of data and group training data based on the distance between data and neurons. In technical contexts, SOM is utilized in the fashion of neighborhood preserving vector quantizers and projects data from the input space to a position in some output space (the map’s weight matrix).

However, the algorithm is derived from heuristic ideas rather than statistical principles (Bishop et al. 1996), leading to several significant limitations. First, the cluster number is restricted by the number of neurons. Each neuron represents a cluster centroid; frequently, not all data belong to the same class, and there are always some data that have class labels that are different than the labels of the majority of the data in each cluster. SOM lacks extra neurons to represent these data due to a predefined neuron number. Second, due to the unclear clustering boundaries of nodes in SOM, the clustering results are inconsistent each time due to the influence of the initial value of neurons and the data input order (Deng and Mei 2009). After training, the trained weight matrix of neurons only represents part of the input samples; we call these data “represented data.” There will always be some part of the sample data that is weakly represented by the node matrix; we denote this part of data as “unrepresented data.” We can manually adjust the number of neurons and train the model again. However, because it is a new round of training, the previous “unrepresented data” are changed to new “unrepresented data”.

This paper presents a new method to solve the above problem. Without modifying the traditional SOM algorithm to solve the “lack of representation ability problem,” we aim to find new neurons that can adequately represent “unrepresented data.” Different from the typical definition, where a neuron is just a vector in the data space, we extended the concept of a neuron to be a representative neuron as follows: each neuron unit \(N_i = (w_i, M_i)\), has two properties: First, it contains a synaptic weight vector w = [\(n_{i_0}, n_{i_1}, \ldots ,n_{i_{m-1}}\)], which has the same dimensionality as an input data ([\(i_0, i_1, \ldots , i_{m-1}\)]) and represents the location of the neuron in the data space. The second property is the training data samples it can represent, called its members M. Each w of a neuron unit, which is in an m-dimensional space, will change during training based on the input dataset. After training, a weight matrix \(W_0\) (the combination of each neuron’s w) represents the entire dataset (the combination of each neuron’s M) in an m-dimensional data space. However, for traditional SOM, \(W_0\)’s representation ability is not perfect. We try to find the solution by splitting training data with the help of external validation and finding the “unrepresented data,” which will be used for extra training with the SOM algorithm. We obtain a new topology representation by combining the newly generated weight matrices with the initial one. The newly combined weight matrix has better clustering quality. In summary, our method’s main task is splitting the training samples to discover “missing” neurons whose members can be perfectly represented without modifying the original network’s algorithmic structure and internal operations, which is delineated in the latter part of the paper.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Related studies on SOM are described in Sect. 2. Section 3 describes SOM, the proposed TDSM, and its algorithm. Section 4 presents several main experiments based on real datasets and validates the TDSM. Finally, we conclude the paper in Sect. 5.

2 Related Studies

Because this research is based on SOM, this section first describes the SOM algorithm. There are two core concepts in SOM: competitive learning and adjusting the local synaptic plasticity of the neurons in learning (Kohonen and Honkela 2007). These two facets empower SOM to evolve a robust self-organization map (Bauer and Villmann 1997). When input data go through the network, the output of the clustering function is an index of the trained weight matrix (\(W_0\)), which represents the index of the cluster it belongs to; for example, if a function \(F(i,W_0)\) takes a data point i as input and the neuron representation \(W_0\) outputs the index of the winner neuron in \(W_0\), the index is denoted by x (\(x \in [0, n-1]\), where n is the total number of neurons). When the function is applied to the whole dataset, it is \(F(I,W_0)\), and the output is \([x_0,x_1,...x_i]\) (i is the number of neurons minus 1, and I is the input dataset).

Fig. 1
figure 1

In the self-organization process of SOM, given input data, the winner directly moves to the position of the input data, (a) is the original map; (b) is the map after training, and the red and blue points represent the training samples; and (c) is the map after using the neighborhood function

SOM defines the similarity based on the distance and usually applies a complete learning algorithm, where “winner-takes-all” circuits play a central role in competitive learning networks (Kaski and Kohonen 1994). The network is initialized with a weight matrix \(W_{initial}\) in a simple SOM algorithm. Suppose that the input data is an m-dimensional vector; then, \(W_{initial}\) is an \(N*m\) matrix, and N is the number of neurons. Each element’s initial value in \(W_{initial}\) is randomized and drawn from a Gaussian distribution. The winning neuron is the input data’s best match unit (BMU), representing the neuron with the minimum distance from the input data. To show the basic principle, SOM establishes a simple model: by utilizing the discriminant function \(F(I, W_0)\) to compare the distances among the input data and each unit in the network with the formula shown in Eq. 1:

$$\begin{aligned} d_{ij} = \parallel I_i - N_j\parallel _2, \end{aligned}$$

where \(d_{ij}\) is the Euclidean distance between input vector \(I_i\) and one neuron vector \(N_j\) in a weight matrix W. SOM can find the winning unit, whose position is replaced by the input data so that BMU is the perfect representation of the input data. Other non-winning neurons remain static or move toward the winner neuron. Figure 1 (a) shows two input data points and an initial SOM network. Figure 1 (b) shows that after one comparison, the adjusted topology represents the training data (blue and red points), and the output is \(F(I_1, W_{initial}) = 0\) and \(F(I_2, W_{initial}) = 8\). In the figure, \(I_1\) is represented by the red point and is assigned to Cluster 0, and \(I_2\) is represented by the blue point and is assigned to Cluster 8.

The second important part of SOM is its neighborhood function, derived from the bionics concept of synaptic plasticity (Kohonen and Honkela 2007). Like a chemical effect, the winner neuron also impacts the nodes nearby, which represent the neighborhood. Based on the description of El Atik et al. (2021), neighborhood systems are used to approximate graphs as finite topological structures. With the help of neighborhood function, neurons in SOM can influence or organize other neurons within the same network, giving the network better stability (Miljković 2017). There is a parameter called the BMU distance, which denotes the range affected by the BMU. If the BMU distance = 1, Fig. 1 (b) is similar to Fig. 1 (c); that is, points 1 and 3 are winner 0’s neighbors, so they will also move toward the input data, but they are not winners, and cannot “take all”; they can only move a certain distance toward the input data. There are many different neighborhood functions; the exponential decay formula derived from sklearn-som 1.1.0 (Smith 2021) is defined like this:

$$\begin{aligned} N(u,v) = e^{-\frac{d_{uv}}{\sigma ^2}}, \end{aligned}$$

where v is the index of neuron node in the network, u is the BMU node, \(d_{uv}\) is the distance between u and v, and \(\sigma \) is an optional parameter for the magnitude of change in each weight; higher values mean more aggressive updates to the weights.

Based on the winner-take-all concept and the local neighborhood function, SOM updates \(W_{initial}\) in each training iteration with the following formula:

$$\begin{aligned} W_{i+1} = W_i + N(u,v) \times l \times (i-W_i). \end{aligned}$$

In Eq. 3, i is the current iteration index, and N(uv) is the neighbor function, l means the learning rate which shows the step size for updating the SOM weights, and i is an input data vector. The learning rate and neighborhood radius decrease with each iteration toward zero to guarantee convergence and stability (Lobo 2009). With a certain iteration, after training, \(W_{initial}\) is updated to \(W_0\). It is worth noting that spatial locations of the neurons (\(W_0\)) in the SOM lattice are topologically related to the features of the input space, which provide a good approximation to the input samples (Miljković 2017). After training, the updated weight matrix \(W_0\) represents the training samples and can be used to predict cluster labels for the test data.

To the best of our knowledge, on the premise of not changing the quality of the training data, e.g., noisy data-set removal, subspace selection, and projected clustering (Bassani and Araujo 2014; Bassani and Araújo 2012; Braga and Bassani 2018), most researchers focus on improving the neural network structure itself to obtain better clustering results. Nevertheless, they seldom start from a data viewpoint and find a way to eliminate the “unrepresented data” in each cluster. Specifically, there are two ways to optimize the network structure: predefining a new structure externally and adaptively adjusting the structure internally during the training phase.

For the external method, as noted in Lampinen and Oja (1992), multiple-layer SOM clusters match the desired classes better than direct SOM clusters. Cascaded SOM (Hua and Mo 2020) utilizes ensemble learning to obtain a more robust network structure by training the same samples multiple times and obtaining multiple weight vector matrices, which are used as the input for further layer SOM training; then a final decision is generated by learning the responses of different clusters.

For internal optimization, unlike the traditional SOM algorithm, a modified SOFM (Ghosh et al. 2009) abandons the competitive learning process to decide which neuron to update. Instead, it calculates the dot product of input and weight vectors of the output neuron; when the dot production reaches a predefined threshold t, the neurons are allowed to be adjusted based on the traditional SOM neighbor function. As a result, different inputs are given to different output neurons, and weight updating is performed based on the considered threshold. Rating-weighted SOM (Park 2022) updates the formula for choosing the best match unit in the network by adding a bias function of the relevance scores generated from the training set. To address online learning environments, a dynamic self-organizing map (DSOM) (Rougier and Boniface 2011) can be used to remove the time dependency by replacing the initial learning rate and neighbor function, which reflects two main ideas: first, if a neuron is close enough to the data, then it can represent the data, and other neurons do not need to learn. Second, if no neuron is close enough to the data, any neuron learns the data according to its own distance. The growing hierarchical self-organizing map (GHSOM) (Rauber et al. 2002) introduces the concept of quantization error (QE), which represents the sum of the distances between each cluster center and the data. It assumes that a better-trained map has a lower QE value or mean quantization error (MQE). To decrease the value of MQE of the whole network, the GHSOM first finds a neuron called an “error unit” with the maximum QE value. Then, a row or a column of neurons is inserted between the error unit and its most dissimilar neighbor neuron (the neuron that is farthest from the error unit). GHSOM continues the above process until all the data are in one cluster or the whole network MQE, and each neuron’s MQE is below a threshold. Furthermore, an adaptive moving self-organizing map (AMSOM) algorithm (Spanakis and Weiss 2016) creates a more flexible structure to dynamically alter the topological position of the neurons by not just adding neurons but removing redundant neurons or adding other neurons; consequently, it can adjust the connections between neurons to enhance the topological properties of the network.

There are also some methods that combine different SOM architectures; for example, a hybrid approach was developed by fusing the concepts of SOM and GSOM for solving the tweet-summarization task. SOM helps in reducing the dataset size in terms of the number of tweets, while, GSOM helps in generating the summary.

Although the data in the networks above become more similar to their cluster centroid or the neuron topological structures become more similar to the patterns, there is no evidence to prove that the “unrepresented data” is sufficiently reduced and misclassification still exists in the clustered training data.

3 Proposed method

In brief, our method extends the concept of neurons in SOM; that is, each neuron has a pair of properties: location w (the internal property) and members M (the external property), which denote the training data the neuron represents. A neuron’s extent (the external property) can be changed or evolved if we apply it in a supervised environment. After the change or evolution, each neuron will have a perfect representation ability to its members. We call such neurons perfect representative neurons.

We have to use validation measures to evaluate the performance of the clustering algorithm. There are two types of validation methods: internal and external validation (Sripada and Rao 2011). As external validation measures, the purity, normalized mutual information (NMI), and adjusted rand index (ARI) measures are used extensively to validate the accuracy of a clustering technique. Better clustering models will have a higher score. In a group of clustered data, if we can reduce the incorrectly clustered data (“unrepresented data”), then we can obtain a higher cluster validation score. SOM is an unsupervised clustering method, and we use external validation to distinguish the “represented data” and “unrepresented data” in a generated cluster. Once we can find extra neurons representing the “unrepresented data”, the new combined neuron map’s clustering quality will be improved significantly.

3.1 TDSM

The proposed method is based on the theory that the weight matrix W represents the data samples in n-dimensional space (n is the number of neurons in the network). Let \(I_u\) denote the “unrepresented data,” and \(I_r\) is the “represented data” (correctly clustered data, where data with the same class label are grouped based on the distance with cluster centroids), \(I = I_u \cup I_r\), where I is the training data. \(F(I_r,W)\) returns the predicted cluster labels \(L_p\) of \(I_r\), \((L_p = [{x_1,x_2,\ldots , x_j}]\), j denotes the sample number in \(I_r\)) and the cluster quality or precision indicators (purity, NMI,ARI) all equal 1. After eliminating the “unrepresented data,” \(W_0\), which initially represents the whole data samples but not perfectly, now perfectly represents the \(I_r\) in the feature space. Property 1 (location w ) of each neuron in \(W_0\) remains the same, but property 2 (the members in each neuron) is changed. If we can find \(W_1\) that represents the “unrepresented data” \(I_u\), then the conjunction of \(W_0\) and \(W_1\) will theoretically perform better in representing I than \(W_0\) does, as shown in Fig. 2. The new \(W'\) matrix is denoted as (Equation: 4 ):

$$\begin{aligned} W' = \begin{bmatrix} W_0 \\ W_1 \\ \end{bmatrix}. \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 2
figure 2

Ideally, for the training data, BMU of \(I_r\) should come from \(W_0\) and BMU of \(I_u\) should come from \(W_1\); \(I_r\) uses \(F(I_r,W_0)\) to obtain the cluster, and \(I_u\) uses \(F(I_u,W_1)\)

Fig. 3
figure 3

Combination of \(W_0\) and \(W_1\) in a 3D space. Screenshot images are from (Tyler, 2006)

A 3D illustration of the combination is shown in Fig. 3. To obatin \(W_1\), we use the same neural network model to train the “unrepresented data.” The generated weight matrix W is denoted by \(W_1\). Theoretically, \(P(W_1,I_u,L_{t^u}) \ge P(W_0,I_u,L_{t^u})\), (\(L_{t^u}\) is the ground-truth class label for \(I_u\)); as \(W_1\) is generated by training \(I_u\) exclusively, it should have better representation ability than \(W_0\) (\(W_0\) is the perfect representation of \(I_r\) and the incorrect representation of \(I_u\)). Furthermore, we can apply the same data splitting rules on \(I_u\) to find \(I_u\)’s “represented data” and “unrepresented data.” In the extreme case, eventually, there will be no “unrepresented data” in the final splitting stage, e.g., Fig. 4, and the whole training data can be split into a multiple-layer structure. Each layer is a part of the training data, and the training data can be perfectly represented by an exclusive SOM network.

Fig. 4
figure 4

(a) is a process of continuously splitting the “unrepresented data” until there is no “unrepresented data,” e.g. \(I_{u(n-1)} = I_{rn}\). In Figure (b), I is the combination of all the “represented data” and \(W'\) is a combination of all the “represented data”’s representation, which is an ideal representation of I; the arrow denotes the “represented by” relationship, and the braces in Figure (a) denote the “split” operation

Fig. 5
figure 5

Flow chart of the TDSM

Fig. 6
figure 6

Example of the TDSM with one split. A, B, and C, denote the ground-truth class labels, and N denotes the cluster centroids

Ideally, after validating the test data, we should obtain the following result: \(P(W',I_{train},L_{train})\ge P(W_0,I_{train},L_{train})\) and \(P(W',I_{train},L_{train}) = 1\), (function P denotes the cluster performance indicator (purity, NMI,ARI) score, \(I_{train}\) denotes the training data, and \(L_{train}\) is the ground-truth class labels in training data); when the training data have sufficient ability to represent the feature space, in test data validation, we should also obtain \(P(W',I_{test},L_{test}) \ge P(W_0,I_{test},L_{test})\) (\(I_{test}\) denotes the test data, and \(L_{test}\) is the ground-truth class labels in the test data). Figure 5 illustrates the process of the proposed method, and Fig. 6 is an example of the proposed approach; the external validation operation is the operation that finds “unrepresented data” with the help of a class label in training data.

After each split, the number of neurons in the network doubles. Consequently, the cluster number increases to \((m+1)*N\) (m denotes the split time, and N denotes the number of initial clusters). Namely, after splitting, the original network is divided into \(m+1\) subnetworks; Each subnetwork has N neurons and can perfectly represent part of the training samples; however, not all the neurons have data to represent, and they are called “empty neurons” or “dead neurons” in Ghaseminezhad and Karami (2011). Finally, for given test data, we need to determine which sub-network should be used for its representation. To achieve this goal, we find the test data’s nearest neighbor in the training vectors and use the sub-network that the nearest neighbor belonged to as the input weight matrix to predict the test data’s cluster in SOM.

3.2 Algorithm

To find the “unrepresented data” in each iteration, one of the most important processes is to obtain the mapping of predicted cluster labels and ground-truth class labels; the operation is represented by \(M(L_{t_i}, L_{p_i})\), e.g., Algorithm 2. In the above algorithm, \(l_i \in [0,n-1]\), where n denotes the number of clusters that the subnetwork can generate, and \(l_i\) begins at 0. As each W is trained independently, the mapping of each W should be calculated separately, as shown in Fig. 7. Algorithm 1 shows the whole process of the TDSM. As long as the combined weight matrix \(W'\) is generated, given a test data, the first step is to find its nearest training data, which is a traditional nearest neighbor problem (Andoni 2009). As one of the fastest algorithms for the nearest neighbor query, the K-d tree (Chen et al.2019)algorithm is applied to solve the above problem. Finally, given a sample (\(i_{test}\)) from test data, we detect its nearest training data \(i_{nearest}\) and the W can represent \(i_{nearest}\); then, \(i_{test}\) is predicted with the W.

Fig. 7
figure 7

When input data pass through different sub-networks, the output should use diffident clustering mapping functions

The notations used in the algorithm are listed as follows:

  1. (a)

    \(L_{p_i}\) is the set of predicted cluster labels for CurrentTrainData

  2. (b)

    \(L_{t_i}\) is the set of ground-truth class labels for each element in CurrentTrainData, Mapping(\(W_i\)) is the class label and cluster label in \(W_i\)

  3. (c)

    \(G_i\) is a predicted cluster (the data that a neuron can represent)

  4. (d)

    \(L_{t_{G_i}}\) is the set of ground-truth class labels for each element in \(G_i\)

  5. (e)

    \(I_{e_i}\) is the unrepresented data for each split

  6. (f)

    \(I_{r_i}\) is the represented data for each split

  7. (g)

    i is the predicted cluster index in each W

figure a
figure b

4 Experiment

To validate our theory, the competitor model we use is the traditional SOM algorithm. The TDSM trains the training data by the original SOM algorithm; we suppose that other conditions or parameters, such as the initial neuron number and domain knowledge utilization, are all the same. The number of features that are used in the calculation remains the same. Nine datasets obtained from the UCI machine learning repository (Dua and Graff, 2017) are used in our experiments, as described in Table 1. Data preprocessing includes dropping useless or meaningless attributes, transferring features from string to float form, and choosing the class label among the features. The last three columns in Table 1 show the preprocessing for each dataset. For the datasets that do not provide test data, we resample 30% of the total training data as test data.

Table 1 Dataset description (Class label is not included in the Attribute no.) and data preprocessing

4.1 Clustering performance external validation

We evaluate the clustering results with three commonly used evaluation metrics: purity, NMI, and ARI. Purity is used extensively to test the accuracy of a clustering technique; see Eq. 5 (Jiang and Chung 2012). Better clustering models will have higher purity scores.

$$\begin{aligned} Purity(W,C,D) =\frac{1}{N}\sum _{k}\max _{j}(n_k\cap c_j), \end{aligned}$$

where D is the training data samples, N is the sum of the samples in D, \(W = {N_1,N_2, \ldots ,N_m}\) denotes the set of clusters, \(C = {c_1,c_2,\ldots , c_j}\) is the set of classes (obtained from the ground-truth class labels in the training data), \(n_k\) is cluster k, and \(c_j\) is class j.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Majority class in three clusters: \(x: 3, \circ : 4, \Box : 3.\) The purity value is \((3+4+3)/(4+7+6) \approx 0.588\)

Based on the equation above, if we can reduce the incorrectly clustered data (unrepresented data) \((\circ \) in Cluster1, \(\Box \) and x in Cluster2, and \(\circ \) and x in Cluster3 ), then we can obtain a higher purity value. Nevertheless, one problem is that when the number of clusters is large, it is easy to obtain a high purity score; an extreme case is that purity is one if each data point is assigned a cluster. Thus, purity cannot be used to evaluate the clustering quality of two algorithms if the number of clusters in each algorithm is different (Forest et al. 2021). In the TDSM, the original network with n clusters will be enlarged to an \((m+1)\times n\) cluster network after m splits. To use purity as an indicator, we compare the TDSM with another SOM that has \((m+1)\times n\) neurons.

NMI is a variant of a common measure in information theory called mutual information (MI), which means the “amount of information” one can extract from a random variable regarding a second one, denoted by I(AB) and its formulation is in Eq. 7 (Amelio and Pizzuti 2015). NMI depends on the mutual information I(AB) and the entropy of the ground-truth label set and the predicted clustered set; see Eq. 6, (\(NMI(A,B) \in [0,1]\), 0 denotes no mutual information and 1 denotes a perfect correlation). A higher NMI score indicates better clustering results.

$$\begin{aligned} NMI(A,B) =\frac{2I(A,B)}{(H(A) + H(B))}, \end{aligned}$$

where I(AB) is the mutual information of two jointly random variables, A and B, (A is the ground-truth class labels and B is the predicted labels), and H(A) and H(B) are the entropy values of A and B, respectively, which can be regarded as the probabilities that certain information exits; see Eq. 8 (Kvålseth 2017).

$$\begin{aligned} I(A,B) = \sum _{k}\sum _{j}P(A_k\cap B_j) \log \frac{P(A_k \cap B_j)}{P(A_k)P(B_j)}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(P(A_k)\) and \(P(B_j)\) are the marginal distributions of \(A_k\) and \(B_j\), respectively, and \(P(A_k \cap B_j)\) is the joint distribution of \(A_k\) and \(B_j\), where \(A_k \in A\) and \(B_j \in B\).

$$\begin{aligned} H(A) = -\sum _{k}P(A_k)\log P(A_k). \end{aligned}$$

ARI is another standard clustering external validation indicator. By calculating the number of sample pairs assigned to the same or different clusters in the ground-truth labels and predicted cluster labels, ARI can evaluate the validity of the clustering algorithm. It ranges from \(-\)1.0 to 1.0. Random labels have an ARI close to 0.0. 1.0 stands for a perfect match. According to Park and Jun (2009), ARI is defined in Eq. 9:

$$\begin{aligned} ARI = \frac{2(ad-bc)}{(a+b)(b+d)+(a+c)(c+d))}, \end{aligned}$$

where a is the number of pairs of objects that are placed in the same class in A and in the same cluster in B, b is the number of pairs in the same class in A but not in the same cluster in B, c is the number of pairs in the same cluster in A but not in the same class in B, and d is the number of pairs in different classes in A and different clusters in B.

Different from purity, both NMI and ARI can be used to validate the clustering performance among models with varying numbers of clusters.

4.2 Elbow method

To validate the strengths of the TDSM compared to SOM, we first need to determine the best neuron number K for SOM. The elbow method in the K-means clustering algorithm is used as a reference; inertia is the sum of the squared distance of samples to their closest cluster center. The inertia formula is shown in Eq. 10, and this number should be as small as possible:

$$\begin{aligned} Inertia = \sum _{k=1}^{n}\sum _{x_i \in S_k} \parallel x_i - C_k\parallel , \end{aligned}$$

where k is the number of clusters, \(\parallel x_i - C_k \parallel \) is a Euclidean norm between each data point \(x_i\) and \(C_k\) (the centroid of each cluster), and \(S_k\) denotes data in the kth cluster (Worasutr et al. 2022).

However, similar to purity, there is an extreme example: when K equals the number of samples, the inertia value is 0. Our goal is to cluster the data into the optimal number of clusters, and the inertia value decreases as the number of clusters increases, so we need to manually select K while considering the trade-off between the inertia value and the number of clusters. People usually use the elbow method and choose the elbow point in the inertia graph.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Inertia graphic with a smooth function

The elbow method does not always yield the “obvious” K value. When the inertia line fluctuates dramatically, it is difficult to find the elbow point. In this case, a smooth line function with a parameter called “SmoothWeight” is used to determine the elbow point; see Fig. 9. Equation 11 shows the formula for calculating the smooth value:

$$\begin{aligned} S_m = D_0 * S_w + (1 - S_w ) * D_i, \end{aligned}$$

where \(S_m\) is the smoothed value, \(D_0\) is initialized as the first data sample in the inertia plot, \(S_w\) is the “SmoothWeight,” and \(D_i\) is newly given data sample in the plot. After each iteration, \(D_0\) is replaced by \(S_m\).

Furthermore, the inertia plot can sometimes be very smooth and shows no distinct K value. As an alternative, the silhouette coefficient (Aranganayagi and Thangavel 2007) is used to measure how similar an object is to its cluster compared to other clusters. The mathematical description of the silhouette coefficient is shown in Eq. 12 (Iqbal et al. 2021):

$$\begin{aligned} S_i = \frac{b_i - a_i}{max(b_i,a_i)}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(S_i\) is the silhouette score of data i, \(a_i\) is the mean distance of i to all other data points in the next-nearest cluster data, and \(a_i\) denotes the mean distance of i to all other data points in the cluster i.

\(S_i \in [-1,1]\), where a high value indicates that the data is well matched to their own cluster and poorly matched to neighboring clusters. Given a range of K values, we choose a number that generates a higher silhouette score as the optimal cluster number.

4.3 Overfitting problem

The objective of clustering is not to find the best partition of the given sample but the actual partition in the underlying space (Bubeck and Von Luxburg 2007). A machine learning model overfits the training data if the trained model is more accurate on the training data; but less accurate on the test data (Prieditis and Sapp 2013). In our hypothesis, \(W'\) can perfectly represent given samples, as presented in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 with the purity, NMI, and ARI scores all equal to 1 on the training data. This result can be achieved on all the experimental datasets. We cannot ignore the overfitting problem in our model. Combined with Fig. 10, we can see that as the split number increases, the “unrepresented data” proportion decreases to zero; simultaneously, the purity score of the training data inversely increases to 1, which means that the representation ability with \(W'\) increases. Nonetheless, a nontrivial outcome is that the purity score on test data reaches its maxima when the split number is not at its peak. In theory, with a decrease in the unrepresented data percentage, the quantity of data represented by the newly generated weight matrix will be smaller, which explains why the line gradually becomes horizontal at the end. Additionally, the chance that these data are outliers or noise increases as the spit number increases; for instance, when splitting the training data 1 time, we can find the majority of unrepresented data (the green line named “error data percentage” in Fig. 10). However, we can split the training data more times until there are no unrepresented data; apparently, with an increase in the split number, we can only find a very small part of unrepresented data in each split, and these data can be regarded as noise or outliers, which affect the performance of the algorithm and results in misplaced cluster centers (Askari 2021). From this point of view, similar to the idea of “neighborhood rough sets in outlier removal” (NeROR) method (Sewwandi et al. n.d.), which uses granule mining techniques (Liu et al. 2012; Sewwandi et al. 2021) to identify 100% pure clusters of data to detect outliers, the TDSM can also be used to detect outliers. Consequently, we could resort to properly reducing the split number to obtain a better result on the test data and to prevent overfitting caused by excessively splitting the training data.

Fig. 10
figure 10

The trend of the purity score and unrepresented data percentage based on an increase in the training data split number; the plot is generated from the Crowdsourced Mapping dataset with a neuron number of 12

Table 2 T test results for all datasets, with the assumption that \(\text {test}\_\text {score}\_\text {W0} <\text {test}\_\text {score}\_\text {W}'\)
Fig. 11
figure 11

The experimental results for each dataset (part 1); the purity graph have a lower density than the NMI and ARI graphics because we compute the purity score with the same cluster number in SOM and the TDSM, and there are few data samples

Fig. 12
figure 12

The experimental results for each dataset (part 2)

Table 3 SOM and the TDSM external validation result comparison, where “SmoothWeight” denotes the parameter in inertia graph smooth function, “ClusterNumRange” indicates the range of K to determine the optimal cluster number, “BestClusterNum” is the K value generated by the elbow method, “Percentage” means the increased level from SOM to the TDSM, “TDSMSplitNum” means the final split number of the TDSM, and “TDSMClusterNum” is the cluster number generated by the TDSM

4.4 Experimental results

We use the optimal cluster number K to train the model on the experimental datasets and compare the external validation results with those of the TDSM algorithm. Table 3 shows that the TDSM outperforms SOM on the listed datasets, where SOM uses the optimal cluster number. However, the TDSM uses an excessively large split number, not the optimal one. Nonetheless, the clustering quality is improved in terms of NMI (7.70%\(-\)133.3%) and ARI (9.62%\(-\)1011.11% ). The TDSM significantly increases the clustering quality from that of the original SOM algorithm and can be applied to most datasets.

A T test is used to check whether the TDSM clustering quality is better than that of the original SOM algorithm. To obtain sufficient samples for the T test, a parameter called “ScopeNum” is applied as the upper limit of the neurons used in each test. For instance, if ScopeNum is 30, then the maximum number of neurons is the class_number \(\times \) 30 (the class_number denotes the class number in the training data). The initial neuron number (minimum cluster number) is the same as the chosen ground-truth class number in each dataset. For some training sets, the test result is not stable; to make it more durable, a parameter called “Unstable RepeateNum” is added, and it represents how many times the test should be repeated. The T test result is shown in Table 2; apart from the NMI score on the Crowdsourced Mapping dataset, whose P-value (describes the probability of obtaining a sample statistic) is not less than 5% (significance level), all other results demonstrate that the TDSM outweighs SOM, the bold number shows that the assumption of the T test is true and not likely to happen strictly by chance.

5 Conclusion

This paper introduced a data-driven multiple-layer supervised clustering method called the training data splitting method (TDSM), to reduce the data samples that cannot be correctly clustered in each training step and to discover a new network structure (composed of perfect representative neurons) to represent those data. The critical point of the proposed method is to distinguish “unrepresented data” (data that are grouped into error clusters with given neurons) and “represented data” (data for which the current trained network can perfectly represent the data) in the training samples using external validation. When “unrepresented data” are removed from the clustered group data, the rest of the data can be perfectly represented by the initial neurons. By iteratively training the “unrepresented data” using the same neural network model, for every iteration, a weight matrix that represents part of the “unrepresented data” is generated until no “unrepresented data” exists. The experimental results show that the proposed model can significantly improve the clustering performance of the original SOM network in terms of purity, NMI, and ARI.

Moreover, future research could include exploring the two limitations of this supervised clustering method: 1) the training data must have a class label used for external validation to find the “unrepresented data.”, and 2) there is room to optimize the algorithm’s efficiency.